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2008-08-18 12:24 PM

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Folsom, CA (Sacramento Area)
Subject: Alcatraz anyone? need advice
Anyone else doing this event this weekend?

I am very comfortable in the water and with swimming in any type of water but my concerns are the cold water and the wet suit (never used one before); Any advice or tips that you can offer would be appreciated.

2008-08-18 12:35 PM
in reply to: #1610809

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Mountain View, CA
Subject: RE: Alcatraz anyone? need advice
I don't have any specific tips for the Alcatraz event, but I do recommend that you practice swimming in your wetsuit at least once this week before the race. If you can get over to the coast to practice in the ocean, all the better.

The cold water isn't too bad. I've done a few races in the Santa Cruz area, and it's cold, but with a wetsuit you should be fine.
2008-08-18 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1610809

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Subject: RE: Alcatraz anyone? need advice

Get in the water with that wetsuit as soon as you can.   If you can't get to open water before the race, at least spend some time in the pool  with it on. Particularly pay attention to where you'll need to put on (more) body glide (neck, arms, shoulders).

If they provide a pre-race talk, listen to what the current will be like and what to sight for in the swim.

 I didn't think the bay was too cold, but I always use a neoprene hood in addition to the swim cap. Put some anti-fog in your goggles. Don't stop and keep swimming (remember the current in the bay is always moving). And have fun!


2008-08-18 4:00 PM
in reply to: #1610809

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Folsom, CA (Sacramento Area)
Subject: RE: Alcatraz anyone? need advice
Thank you All!
I am picking up the wetsuit tomorrow and going to try to get in the lake on wednesday. Also, If I get to San Francisco early enough I might try to get in the bay water for a few minutes
2008-08-18 6:32 PM
in reply to: #1610809

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: Alcatraz anyone? need advice

Do a practice swim in Aquatic Park if you can.  I swam there this weekend.  Temps are about as warm as it gets in the bay, which is still cold for most people, but not hand/feet/face numbing like it can be.  Earplugs also help to keep you from getting dizzy from the cold.  neoprene cap helps too for sure.

Like  Joel said, listen to them at the pre-race talk since they'll tell you exactly what to aim at (based on the currents).

Swimming from Alcatraz is a very cool experience.  Have fun!

2008-08-18 6:42 PM
in reply to: #1610809

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Subject: RE: Alcatraz anyone? need advice

Ditto to the above, get in the water at least once with your wetsuit.....


- hold your goggles on your face when jumping in.  someone here lost theirs once and ended up doing it without them

- be prepared for a bit of a shock jumping in, it'll pass quickly

- ditto re: listen to instructions. 

-As you get closer to the shore the current, whichever way it's going, will get stronger, don't be surprised by that

- take a minute halfway through and look back at alcatraz, and if it's clear the golden gate off to the west.  cool experience

2008-08-19 3:41 PM
in reply to: #1610809

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Subject: RE: Alcatraz anyone? need advice
Make sure to go to the information meeting. They will give you details about where to spot as you are swimming. With the currents, if you miss the swim exit, you can be in a bunch of hurt.

Ditto on Aquatic Park.
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