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2008-08-18 8:26 PM

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Subject: Give it to me straight

Looking for advice.....motivation...smacking around.....whatever you want to call it - give it to me straight.

I have run several 5K's - one Xterra sprint tri - and my training has been VERY spotty over the last 2 years I have had any interest in tri's. I toyed with the idea of doing an olympic and would love to someday finish a half IM - I always had the excuse that those longer distances weren't close enough - lame I know but...anyway. A couple months ago I found out about a new race right in my backyard - an OLY and a half IM together! My motivation prayers had been answered! I registered immediately & began a training program provided by BT. I had a really good month of training, for me anyway. But alas - as always seems to happen - or I let happen - life has gotten in the way of training. I have spent alot of family time lately - both immediate and out of town family - here and there and have once again let life short change my training - I have done NOTHING training wise in over a month now. I have been somewhat active - softball, jetski, waterski....just no specific training. Now summer has come & gone along with family get togethers as all the kids have gone back to school and I have found agian (I think) some motivation to start training agian.

So the dilemma - I have 9 weeks until race day. I want so bad to do this race. I feel certain I can suffer thru the bike & the run - though I had hoped to do more than finish - but I am not sure about the swim......not sure about the whole race to be honest. I don't want a sufferfest - I do want to do an OLY and I wanted this inaugural race in my backyard to be the first - it is mostly flat & I think would be a good first.

So there it is - anybody care to give me their 2 cents - encouragement or discouragement?

2008-08-18 8:48 PM
in reply to: #1612035

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Subject: RE: Give it to me straight
Train your butt off, and give it your all on race day! If you train and can complete all the distances on their own, no doubt you'll be able to finish. Just use your shorter time period as more motivation to get it done!
2008-08-18 9:36 PM
in reply to: #1612035

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Extreme Veteran
Zephyrhills, FL
Subject: RE: Give it to me straight
well, for one, you already registered, so unless you enjoy throwing money out the window, theres one great reason to get off your butt and get thing i find helpful when i run into motivation problems is to have my plan written down either on paper or online so i have something to look at...if i skip a workout, having my plan stare me in the face helps me when faced with the situation again
2008-08-18 9:50 PM
in reply to: #1612035

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Subject: RE: Give it to me straight

Plenty of time.  In fact, the shorter the time frame the better in my opinion.  I like to put myself in situations where if I train, there is no doubt I'll be able to finish, but if I slack, I'm completely screwed.  Nothing like a little healthy fear.  Figure out a realistic plan, type it up, put it on the fridge, and do it.  You won't regret it and you know it.

2008-08-18 10:00 PM
in reply to: #1612035

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: Give it to me straight

MO...train well but don't over train, taper a little and then on race day keep your HR low on the swim, don't let it get out of control on the bike and you'll have a good run and a great race.

Good Luck and Have Fun!

2008-08-18 10:08 PM
in reply to: #1612035

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: Give it to me straight

OK, you want the straight truth? You sound like many people that have big dreams, but who don't want to put forth the effort required for those dreams to become reality. You've got 9 weeks to prepare. That's plenty of time if you are committed to doing the necessary training. If you're just going to put a half-azzed effort into it, the best you can hope for is to suffer through and just finish. It's up to you.

Since you've done no recent training to speak of, it's difficult to provide advice on what you should do other than to take one of the BT plans and stick to it. If the swim is your main concern perhaps you should spend more time on that. However, at this point any training at all is more than what you've been doing, so it's all good.

Looking at your log, you have set high goals for swim/bike/run this year. Then instead of focusing on achieving these goals, you do stuff like softball, jetski, etc. which are fun but do nothing for your goals.

You don't have to suffer through any part of the race if you get busy. Now go have fun!

2008-08-18 10:20 PM
in reply to: #1612035

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Chandler, Arizona
Subject: RE: Give it to me straight

From your log:

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack
of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.
Vince Lombard

You've got a good amount of time to train but you're gonna have to get after it. It's often said that it takes 28 days to form a habit. You've got the time but you've got to ask yourself if you really want it. Get the plan from BT and start training TOMORROW. I don't know what you're capable of but if you make the most of the next 9 weeks you'll be able to do better then just finishing but you're going to have to make it a priority.

Best of luck, you can do this! 

2008-08-18 11:56 PM
in reply to: #1612035

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Give it to me straight

You want to do it? Then take action, and remember, all you have to do is whatever is on the plate for that day. Think 9 weeks if you want--it's a relatively short period of time--but you can finish well if you focus on what you need to do TODAY. And it is totally doable.

The BT plans are great; pick one where you can REASONABLY do the prescribed workouts at the 9-week-prior mark. There is also a plan I used last year:

The bike ramps up very quickly, though, so make sure to take those miles steady and easy.

2008-08-18 11:59 PM
in reply to: #1612035

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Subject: RE: Give it to me straight

Sure, you can do it.  It's going to hurt, but to be honest, I've never done an Oly that didn't hurt   They're supposed to hurt.

So go for it

2008-08-19 12:01 AM
in reply to: #1612035

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Chenequa WI
Subject: RE: Give it to me straight

Yea, what they said Laughing

Seriously, though, one of the best things you can do for yourself and your confidence is to get some swim lessons, learn and practice the drills, and ramp up to 1000 meters of OWS.  I suggest this because you already think you can handle the bike and the run, so let's get some confidence in that swim.

2008-08-19 6:16 AM
in reply to: #1612616

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Extreme Veteran
Westlake, OH
Subject: RE: Give it to me straight
ChrisM - 2008-08-19 12:59 AM

Sure, you can do it.  It's going to hurt, but to be honest, I've never done an Oly that didn't hurt   They're supposed to hurt.

So go for it

x2.  Don't all tris hurt?  All mine have so far!

to the OP.  get in the water now.  Swim your arse off (4x ~ 5x a week) would be good.  I think 1500M is the worse part of the race.  Of course, I'm a craptastic swimmer.....

2008-08-19 6:22 AM
in reply to: #1612035

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Subject: RE: Give it to me straight

It can be done, you just have to do the work. No more excuses.

The only way I've found to train around family obligations is "early to bed, early to rise." Get your @$$ out of bed 2 hrs. before everyone else. If that means getting up at 4 a.m., so be it. It sucks at first but you adapt. Plus you can always rely on us folks here for motivation.

Good luck and train hard.

2008-08-19 6:56 AM
in reply to: #1612035

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Subject: RE: Give it to me straight

Alright - thanks guys/gals for the input. Not exactly what I expected but definitely what I wanted to hear - I can still do this! I used to get up around 5 (to work - not train) and even after I quit working that job continued to get up early - but over the past couple of years - it has gotten harder & harder to get my !@# outta bed. Now I am usually pushin that snooze button until the last possible second. I know that it is just a habit - one I'd like to break. I do love my runs at night though.....guess it doesn't matter - as long as I do it - right?

You guys have me pretty pumped up today - it was nice to get up to your encouragements. I think I have found some focus.

I feel good......nanananana......I knew that I would.......nanananana......So good.......Hey - HEYY!!!

Thanks guys/gals.

2008-08-19 7:04 AM
in reply to: #1612035

New user
North Austin
Subject: RE: Give it to me straight
Its going to be painful but that will make it more memorable.  If you slack during the next 9 weeks you won't feel as proud of your efforts on race day. 
2008-08-19 7:19 AM
in reply to: #1612035

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Preferably on my bike somewhere
Subject: RE: Give it to me straight
I don't have much different to add - basically I'm just piling on.

You achieve what you WANT to achieve. You can accomplish ANYTHING you set out to do and are committed to, if you are willing to make the sacrifices. But do everyone a favor and be honest with yourself. What are your priorities? If jet skiing, time with the fam/friends, etc., are things you can't say no to in order to train, then your priority is not finishing the oly. You may WANT to, but it's not a priority. That's not a criticism of you or your lifestyle. It's a fact. Figure out what your priorities are and plan accordingly. And plan to catch h-e-double-hockey-stick from your friends when you continue to say no to their entreaties to go do fun group activities.

Or, give them h-e-double-hockey-stick for not joining you for a good run, ride or swim.
2008-08-19 7:27 AM
in reply to: #1612035

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Give it to me straight
Sure you can do an Oly with 9 weeks training. As others have said, it will probable hurt a little. As far as training (or not training) during the past month I suggest some creative thinking.

Since you were already out on a jet-ski, why not have someone drop you off a half mile out for OWS training. They follow you in, you get credit for training and it takes a total of 25 minutes out of your schedule. This can be easier than drive to the pool, change, swim, change, drive back home and 75 minutes later you have a workout. Going to softball, run to the field or have someone drop you off a couple of miles away.

I find that the more I incorporate training into other activities the easier it becomes to maintain fitness or race readiness. It becomes fun rather than some chore.

2008-08-19 7:27 AM
in reply to: #1612817

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Subject: RE: Give it to me straight

D.Z. - 2008-08-19 8:19 AM

You achieve what you WANT to achieve. You can accomplish ANYTHING you set out to do and are committed to, if you are willing to make the sacrifices.

I love these 2 sentences.  It's really just that simple.  I speak these very words to women everyday.  Couldn't agree more with you, D.Z.


2008-08-19 7:30 AM
in reply to: #1612035

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Subject: RE: Give it to me straight
You're gonna hurt.  Be aware.
2008-08-19 10:17 AM
in reply to: #1612035

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Subject: RE: Give it to me straight

Time to HTFU and start getting up EARLY dude! If you get up early enough, you're still going to be running at NIGHT. I find the pre-dawn some of the most rewarding sessions...cause you know very few other people are out there doing it...except for the maniacs on this site of course.

Look at it this way, you only have to gruel for 9 weeks instead of the 12-16 on most of these plans. Do it, don't overdo it. Swim 3-5 days/wk, but ease the distance if your shoulder starts acting up (like mine does). If you have to break from one activity to to heal, focus on the others for a few days but you need to be out there 6 days/wk doing one or 2 of the three. IMHO...

2008-08-19 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1612838

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Nampa, Idaho
Subject: RE: Give it to me straight
9 weeks? You can do it. It may not be terribly fun, but tri's are only fun when you're done anyhow!
2008-08-19 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1612035

Subject: RE: Give it to me straight

I see that everyone is telling you that you can do it, which is true, but you need to have a plan and stick to it.  No excuses!  All this cheerleading will stick with you for only so long, and then its up to you to actually do the work.  As a runner, I see many people get pumped up to run a marathon and not follow through on the training.  Its like they start dreaming about the glory and don't realize the work they need to do and sacrifices they need to make. 

 I think the most important thing to focus on is the swim -- can you swim that distance?   Next is the bike -- get some long rides in every week.  In my opinion, the run should be lower on the priority list because you can always stop and walk if needed.  You definitely need to work on being able to do the distance for each of these legs.

 That said, good luck and hope you keep us posted on the training!

2008-08-21 8:49 AM
in reply to: #1612035

Extreme Veteran
West Windsor, NJ
Subject: RE: Give it to me straight
Just remember: Whether you think you can or whether you think you can' are right.

Get a plan. Get out there. And give it all you have got. Good luck.

And oh yea..if it doesnt hurt? if it isnt a "sufferfest" didnt go nearly hard enough. We dont do these things for the relaxation aspects.
2008-08-21 10:38 AM
in reply to: #1612035

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Subject: RE: Give it to me straight
I would say the most important thing is to realise that the toughest part is not going to be the race. The race is the reward.

The toughest part is the training. That, to me is the sufferfest. You, like me, are lucky in that you have only a very short training window so you have a very short time that you are going to have to work hard, but work hard you must. Now is the time to HTFU.

Personally I do not "race" but whatever, even if you decide to "race" it will only be 2 hours of suffering and a couple of days of recovery. That is nothing compared to the constant training and soreness and nagging doubts you will have to live with for 9 weeks.

Devote yourself to it for 9 weeks, make the sacrifices, you won't regret it.
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