BT Development Mentor Program Archives » TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!) Rss Feed  
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2008-12-16 4:42 PM

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (CLOSED- TRAINING IN PROGRESS!)

NAME: TexasMPGal / Brittany
STORY: I'm a 28 year old Captain in the US Army, but didn't start loving running until my 2nd deployment to Iraq in 2006.  There I began running for stress relief, and I just kept going.  I ran a couple of 10milers, a 10k, and my first 1/2 Marathon in Baghdad, and I began marathon training. While there, a friend tried to talk me into doing triathlons when I got back. I wasn't sure, but with 3-4 months left in the deployment I found BT...and I was hooked.  I was logging, making friends, and learning.  By the time I redeployed to TX in Nov '07 I was already a USAT member, signed up for a couple of triathlons, and within two weeks of being home I owned Juan (my triathlon bike).  I had a pretty intense 2008 season with 19 total races between running, triathlons, and an open water swim.  I found some pretty decent success with several age group placings, and Boston Qualified at the my first marathon in Austin in Feb '08.  I love triathlon and I love BT.  I have met great people all over, several in person, and I totally enjoy the training, and absolutely LOVE the racing.  Some might call me competitive...yeah, they're right. BUT, it's all for fun.  I like to win and place, but if it's only because racing is fun...and I don't always win or place, but I still have fun and that's what matters!!  So, I came in with a decent running background as I had logged so many miles during my 15 months in Iraq.  I swam from, literally before I could walk, throughout high school in recreation leagues.  So, I just really had to learn to bike, and that was a growing process (still is) but it was an enjoyable experience! All that to say, I've become quite a triathlete nut--and while I may "seem" fast--it's not about the speed to me, it's about fitness, health, confidence, and FUN!  
FAMILY STATUS: I'm single with two hilarious dogs, but command an Army unit of 80+ people that are often like children.
CURRENT TRAINING: For 2009 my big goal is Ironman Florida on 7 November (First Ironman).  I am also running the Boston Marathon, and a couple of Olympic and Half-Iron distance triathlons.  I'm sure some 1/2 Marathons will be in there too.  Right now I'm building up for Boston while also increasing cycling endurance and maintaining the swim.
Marathons: 1 (Best: 3:34:00)
1/2 Marathons: 3 (Best: 1:35:00)
5 Milers: 1 (Best: 35:24)
5K: 4 (19:40)
Sprint tris: 3 (Won AG in 1, Overall female in another)
Olympic: 3 (Best: 2:28:49)
Half-Ironman: 2 (Best: 5:09:26)
2009 RACES: 
RunTex 20 Miler (1/11): Maybe *C
Austin 1/2 Marathon (2/15): Registered *B
Lonestar Half-Iron (4/5): Will Register *B
Boston Marahon (4/20): Registered *A
CapTex Oly Tri (Memorial Day): B*
Austin Oly Tri (Labor Day): B*
Redman Half-Iron (9/20): B*
Ironman Florida (11/7): A*
WEIGHTLOSS: I'm always looking to shed a few, and here/post holidays, I would like to see myself get down to between 130-135 for prime racing season.  But, it's more about body composition than weight for me.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I am MOTIVATED! I come from a background where I HATED RUNNING! My life has changed from triathlon and from BT. I have made incredible friends that I interact with in person regularly and have visited for races.  Others I will get to meet this next year. Sure, I've sort of become a Front of the Pack racer, but I remember my roots of hating to run when I was a cadet.  I MUST train and practice to stay good and get better as it's not something I just woke up and was able to do--any natural talent I have must be cultivated through training. I understand balancing work...maybe not family, but definitely an intense job that sometimes has me up in the middle of the night, so I can be an ear for you when those things come up.  I'll have them too!! I was in a mentor group this past year and learned SO much from those I was with, and stay in touch with many of them.  I think I can help you, with some of the knowledge I've learned, with my excitement about the sport, and my ability to explain a little bit the discipline required to see results. 
If you join up with me I promise to attempt to motivate, and I'm sure I will be motivated by you! Let's have a great 2009 season!

Edited by TexasMPGal 2009-01-12 10:05 AM

2008-12-18 9:06 AM
in reply to: #1857347

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)

Brittany, I would like to join your group. I have been on BT for a couple years now, and I always did my best with a group to motivate me.

  Name : Kirk

 Tri Experience : In 2007, I did a few sprints and an Oly. Last year, I fell off the wagon and only did a few 5ks. I have already registered for a HIM in June of 2009 and am training on a program.

Mentoring needs : Running is my weakness, mostly due to my weight. (240 lbs 6'0) I was a college soccer player, but I am also in Law Enforcement and I lifted weights and gained some weight when I had knee and back surgery from a job related car crash. I would love to be in a group where there are all kinds of experience levels where we can all benefit from each other. Had a great experience with my first mentor (TRIOK)!!

So, can I be in???

2008-12-18 9:26 AM
in reply to: #1857347

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)
Kirk, you are in! Welcome! A HIM is definitely a motivating reason in itself to get out there!
2008-12-18 9:48 AM
in reply to: #1857347

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)

Brittany, if you have room....


Story: I have a long story.  Short version is I always wanted to do a triathlon.  I turned 30 a few weeks ago and my goal at the beginning of the year was to complete a tri before I turned 30.  I finished my first in June.  Second in August.  But because of my husband's schedule was unable to race any more.  Hubby is active duty Navy (sorry Brit but GO NAVY!) and stationed on a submarine.  He is out to sea A LOT.  It makes training and racing difficult but I love a challenge so it works out!  I also ran my first half marathon in October. Lots of fun but I was undertrained.  I won't make that mistake next time!

Family Status: Married w/3 kids (7,5,4)

Current Training: half marathon/HIM training beginning this weekend

2009 Races: Hyannis Half Marathon, Providence HIM, misc sprints and an oly thrown in too!

Weightloss:  About a year after I had my third little guy, I realized I needed to lose weight, a lot of weight.  Once I set my mind to do something, there is no stopping me.  I dropped 75 pounds and have kept it off for about 2 years.  I am thinner and in better shape than I was in high school!



2008-12-18 10:06 AM
in reply to: #1857347

New user

Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)
Name: Jim

Story: I was a college football player about 10 years ago and my fitness level has gradually decreased over the years as work and family life began to take more and more of my time. I put on about 30 pound over the last few years and came to the realization that I was really out of shape about 6 months ago. My younger brother who is currently a Division 1 football player challenged me to race with him in 3 Tri's this summer. I have no intention of letting him win the bet and have family bragging rights. I guess that is why I am here.

Family Status: Married
Current Training: run 3 times a week and swim 1 day. I have yet to begin training on the bike as I live in cold and snowy upstate NY.

2009 Races: Pittsford Sprint 6/09, Finger Lakes Olympic9/09, Musselman Olympic 7/09

Weightloss: i have dropped about 10 lbs and am down to 215 since beginning training and my goal would be to get back to my college weight of 195.

Hopefully you still have some room left in your group.
2008-12-18 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1860766

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)
Sweet!! I forgot, I am recently married (#2) and have two boys (7 and 9) that live with me some of the time....Mrs. Gator is awesome, but not a triathlete.

2008-12-18 10:13 AM
in reply to: #1857347

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)

Erica and Jim you are IN! Welcome welcome, I'm so excited!!

Erica-- 75 pounds, wow! That is incredible and awesome, congrats--I'm sure we'll be looking to you for some tips on what works as it sounds like we all might have a little to lose here!   I hesitated for a moment with you since y'all are Navy (just kidding)...actually the best friend that got me into all this is actually a Navy LT.

Jim-- ahh, the family rivalry, that is excellent! I'm trying to entice my younger brothers the same way. One of my brothers is a West Point cadet (I went there too) and we go back and forth on things including the Army PT test--he has me in the run and pushups, but I lay the smack down when it comes to sit ups!

2008-12-18 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1860934

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)
TexasMPGal - 2008-12-18 11:13 AM

Erica and Jim you are IN! Welcome welcome, I'm so excited!!

Erica-- 75 pounds, wow! That is incredible and awesome, congrats--I'm sure we'll be looking to you for some tips on what works as it sounds like we all might have a little to lose here!   I hesitated for a moment with you since y'all are Navy (just kidding)...actually the best friend that got me into all this is actually a Navy LT.

Heh!  My dad is a retired Master Chief (E-9) and hubby is a Chief (E-7).  My FIL was Navy, my BIL was an LT, my grandfather, well, you get the picture.  We come from a long line of squids!  My son already says he wants to drive submarines when he grows up! 

Where all have you been stationed Brittany? 

2008-12-18 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1857347

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Seattle, WA
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)

Name:  Profwrite/ Marie

Story:  I am a 35 year old couch potato who is ready to change my life.  This past summer, I learned to swim and I feel so powerful because of it!  So I am ready to overcome my next fear--the fear of the open water swim.  That's why I want to do a triathlon.  In the past, I have run a 10K and I consider myself a fair cyclist (love indoor spin classes).  But my workouts have always been sporadic and inconsistent.  I go from periods of fitness to periods of laziness and weight gain.  Right now, I try to swim 2 times a week.  But that's it.  It's enough to keep me from getting too lazy, but it's not enough to get me  fit.  This year, I am hoping to do my very first triathlon.  I am thinking of starting with a Try-a-Tri and then doing a Sprint Tri in September. 

Family Status:   Married for 5 years with a 21 month old toddler. 

Mentoring Needs:  I am not athletic at all.  I also have a 1 hour work commute and a child in daycare which makes finding time to work out very difficult.  I also have a husband who works and travels most of the week, so I do 90% of the after-school childcare. Joining this group will keep me committed to my goal by making public my intention!  I hope that everyone will say something to me when I don't log any workouts in my journal.

2009 Races:   Lake Chelan Try-a-Tri (July), Kirkland Sprint Tri (September)

Weightloss:  10 pounds would be ideal.  I'm currently 5'10" and 159 pounds.  I'm not into the superthin look, but I do like to fit into my clothes. Laughing

2008-12-18 11:06 AM
in reply to: #1857347

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)
Marie-- welcome!! Awesome on the learning to swim, I feel so blessed that I got that opportunity as a little bity kid.  So, for those of you that learn to swim as adults, I'm impressed because I know that's not an easy thing to do, so congrats! The open water isn't all that bad really, and the key is confidence in your ability to swim....but we can definitely get you some tips on that! I hear you on the fitting into clothes thing--that's one of my motivators!
2008-12-18 11:15 AM
in reply to: #1861062

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)
ebshot - 2008-12-18 10:57 AM
TexasMPGal - 2008-12-18 11:13 AM

Erica and Jim you are IN! Welcome welcome, I'm so excited!!

Erica-- 75 pounds, wow! That is incredible and awesome, congrats--I'm sure we'll be looking to you for some tips on what works as it sounds like we all might have a little to lose here!   I hesitated for a moment with you since y'all are Navy (just kidding)...actually the best friend that got me into all this is actually a Navy LT.

Heh!  My dad is a retired Master Chief (E-9) and hubby is a Chief (E-7).  My FIL was Navy, my BIL was an LT, my grandfather, well, you get the picture.  We come from a long line of squids!  My son already says he wants to drive submarines when he grows up! 

Where all have you been stationed Brittany? 

Wow, that is quite a squid history!!   I actually don't have hardly any military history in the family.  My Grandpa was in the Navy in WWII, but only had enough time to go to school before it was all over and he was no real influence there. But, now one of my brothers is a West Point cadet and will graduate in 2010, so maybe I starte something!

As for assignments, it's looked like this:
West Point, NY--graduated 2002
Ft. Leonard Wood, MO-- MP Officer Basic Course Aug-Nov '02
Kaiserslautern, Germany-- Platoon leader Dec '02-Feb '04
Baghdad/Fallujah, Iraq-- Platoon leader Feb '04-Feb '05
Kaiserslautern, Germany-- Platoon leader Feb '05-Oct '05
Ft. Leonard Wood, MO-- MP Captain's Career Course Nov '05-June '06
Ft. Hood, TX: Staff June '06 - July '06 (yep, that short)
Baghdad, Iraq: Staff Aug '06 - Nov '07 (the running mania began...15 months is FOREVER)
Ft. Hood, TX: Staff Nov '07-Sept '08; Detachment Commander Sept '08-Present

So...the longest I've spent anywhere, minus college, is my 15 month tour to Iraq.  That will change with the job I'm in now as I command MPs that do specialized law enforcement here on Ft. no deployment in my near future (that I know of)...I am happy about that!  What about you, where has the Navy taken your family?

2008-12-18 11:24 AM
in reply to: #1861110

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)

  What about you, where has the Navy taken your family?


Boo for the sandbox!  Thanks heavens there isn't another deployment anytime soon.  They suck!

Geez, I've been everywhere.  A quick list:

Norfolk, VA

Groton, CT

Balston Spa, NY

Groton,CT (again)

LaMadallina Italy

Groton, CT (yet again)

Kittery, ME

Groton, CT (yup, again)


Honlulu, HI

Groton, CT (seriously, we're back)

I think that is everywhere.  We vacationed in Germany for a week or so.  I'd love to live there.  Beautiful country.  No submarine bases there though!   Our favorite duty station was Hawaii.  Guam was hard.  Bryan was gone 80% of the time we were there and I either had a newborn or was pregnant almost the whole time.  Our youngest was born while B was out to sea there.  Oh well, it happens.  I wouldn't trade the experience for the world, I learned a lot about myself and did things I never thought I would.  BUT, I wouldn't want to do it again either!!  We have at least two more years here in CT before he's up for orders again.  We'll see  if we move or we might try to stay here.  We hate the area but our middle son has special needs and if we can get the school to provide his services, I hate to change school districts.  Lots changes once the kiddos get in school!  

Speaking of school, I have to take our youngest to pre-k.  Catch ya later!

Edited cause I messed up the quotes and couldn't figure out how to fix it!

Edited by ebshot 2008-12-18 11:26 AM
2008-12-18 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1857347

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)

Erica- wow, you have been all over!  I visited some of my Navy friends in Hawaii when they were based there.  They said they felt it was a great family location, but as singles they got a little bit of island is married now and would like to go back, but she wasn't all that happy as a single person once she exhausted the "fun" things to do. 
And wow CT has been popular for you, but I do suppose subs limits some of your locations. 

As we get going with this we'll take a look at the various elements of training and balancing family, life, jobs, etc.  I'll put out some "rules for the group" once we get a few more into the fold.  Don't worry, no crazy rules, just guidelines to help us be successful together.  If you get some time, use the log functions to throw in some short term/long term (as you define them) goals, and maybe race schedule...that way we can all help encourage each other to them and you get to see them often.  Putting them on the "wall" if you will help declare them and get you to them!  I will be updating mine in a bit as well! 

2008-12-18 2:31 PM
in reply to: #1861529

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)


I just finished reading "A Time Of War" about your class at West Point. You all have been through a lot and have my admiration!!! 

I want to hear about how I can lose 75 pounds. What did ya do??


2008-12-18 2:33 PM
in reply to: #1861736

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)
To jdkorgane: I am in Rochester, NY  are you too???
2008-12-18 4:29 PM
in reply to: #1857347

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)


I want to start off by saying thank you for your service to our country.

NAME: TheSloth/ Dave

MY STORY: I'm 37 and a Deputy Sheriff for Greene Co. OH.  My first experience with consistent physical training was at Parris Island, SC when I entered the United States Marine Corps Reserves.  I PT fairly regularly for 6 years during the time I was an MP.  After leaving the reserves, I started the downward slide.  Between the lack of activity at my job(I work primarily in the jail behind a desk), family issues, and poor diet.  I'm in less than desirable shape.  I have lifted weights on and off for the past few years, yielding little results.  After finishing dead last in the run for thw SWAT PT test, I had finally had enough, I needed to get in shape again.  I decided on training for a triathlon to give me a tangible goal for my fitness.

FAMILY STATUS: I have been married to my wonderful wife for 14 years. We have 2 boys who are 11 and 3.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently working out 4-5 days a week, focusing on swimming and running.  The weather hasn't been ideal for cycling lately.

RACES: I have never been in a race.  My PT tests have always been what I considered races. I would like to enter the Ohio State University Sprint in May as my first tri.  Depending on the outcome, I may enter more.

WEIGHTLOSS: Weight loss is not my primary reason for training.  I understand that if I want to be faster, losing weight is a must.

WHY I WOULD LIKE TO BE CONSIDERED FOR YOUR MENTORING GROUP:I can identify with aspects with your life: I was an MP and I hate running, even though I made peace with it to the point I could pass my PFTs.  My weakest area is swimming, an area that you seem to excel, so I could use some pointers.

Thanks for reading my post and good luck with your 2009 season.

 P.S. BTW, OC spray is fun!(saw your video)

Edited by TheSloth 2008-12-18 4:42 PM

2008-12-18 4:37 PM
in reply to: #1857347


Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)

I would like to join your mentoring group and since you are from Texas, that is a big plus because we might be doing some of the same races.Smile I have just joined BT not too long ago and i am excited about meeting new people and learning as much as i can.

TRI EXPERIANCE: I have done 3 sprints, 2 swim meets, 2 half mary's, turkey trot, and the aqua bike at 70.3 longhorn in 2008. In 2009 I am doing my first 70.3 in New Orleans this April and the Bandera Trial run 25k in Jan. I hope to plan more races as the year goes on.

MENTOR NEEDS: I started doing Triathlons in 2005 but quit in 2007 and re-entered in 2008. I burned myself out and gave myself 16 months off with no training to hopefully regain my interest. I hope to learn and improve my bike, swim and run skills because to me this is a lifetime endeaver and I do not want to rush things and get burned out again.

FAMILY: Single, one pet bird, I live in FT. Worth, tx but have family in Dallas, tx

CURRENT TRAINING: Working hard on running and swimming but laid off biking for the last month--but bike riding this week-have my bike trainer finally.

WEIGHT LOSS: 5'5' and 140 pds-could lose a few but not overweight

2009 GOALS: Finish a 70.3 in New Orleans this April and do another one later this year and actually train for it the right way instead of doing it my lazy way and try some trail running and of course do some oly's-

I would really appreciate having a mentor because I am not aroing anyone who does triathlons and it would be nice to have some common interest and be able to learn from other people's experiances.

           Thank you


        Monette Crain--

2008-12-18 4:48 PM
in reply to: #1861736

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)
gator22 - 2008-12-18 3:31 PM


I just finished reading "A Time Of War" about your class at West Point. You all have been through a lot and have my admiration!!! 

I want to hear about how I can lose 75 pounds. What did ya do??


I cut calories and fat WAY down!  I was coming off the couch so I started exercising on the elliptical machine.  I still remember my first day, I barely made it 15 minutes.  Eventually, I worked my way up to about 45-60 minutes a day/5 or 6 days a week.  I was super strict with what I ate and religious about working out.  It took me about 8 months to get the weight off.  When I hit my goal, I went parasailing.  It was wonderful!  When we moved from HI to CT, I put on about 5 pounds.  I started tri training and decided I needed those pounds off.  I buckled down and cut out all processed foods.  I know, it was awful!  It took me a bit to get into the groove but after I went through all the withdrawl's, it was pretty easy!  I ate a ton of fruit and veggies.  Between that and upping my workouts, I lost another 10-15 pounds.  That was this past spring.  I am now maintaining and hope not to gain any more than 5 pounds through the holidays!  Once they are over (thanks goodness it's soon!), I start back on cutting out processed foods and start HIM/half marathon training. 

2008-12-18 5:14 PM
in reply to: #1857347

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)

Dave and Monette- Welcome!! Another MP/Cop and a Texan! Excellent!!
Dave, I can totally relate to the PFT being a wasn't until after I graduated from college and realized HOLY COW, I'm going to be a Platoon Leader---I better step it I got over mental blocks in running by making 6 miles a comfortable distance for me and my PT run times dropped drastically and life has been getting better since!! And no, OC pepper spray is not fun! I will NEVER lose that qual card!!

Monette- Well, we have already done at least one race together, I did the Longhorn 70.3 as my capstone race for this season! So, I absolutely hope to see you at some races this year!  I won't be at NO 70.3 as I'm doing Lonestar Half-Iron in Galveston (good simulation for IMFL with salt water).

Kirk--glad you liked "In a Time of War".  I was actually interviewed several times for it, but I suppose I wasn't as interesting (haha!)...but I know everyone in the book...Todd Bryant was a friend of mine.

Okay, I'm going to leave this open for a little bit longer, maybe one or two more to join the crew, and then we'll get this party started!!

2008-12-18 6:37 PM
in reply to: #1857347

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Seattle, WA
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)

Brittany, I just looked at your training log.  Girl, you are hardcore!! It looks like we have an awesome mentor.Smile


Does everyone plan on keeping nutrition logs? I don't want to lose a ton of weight, but I do need to eat healthier.  Some meal ideas would be helpful.  

2008-12-18 6:49 PM
in reply to: #1862241

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)
Profwrite - 2008-12-18 7:37 PM

Brittany, I just looked at your training log.  Girl, you are hardcore!! It looks like we have an awesome mentor.Smile

x2!  She's awsome.  That is why I jumped at the chance to get in this group.  I've been around BT long enough to know how great Brit is as an athlete and a person as well.  Great values and morals.  That is high on my priority list.  Brittany is good people!

2008-12-18 7:10 PM
in reply to: #1862258

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)
ebshot - 2008-12-18 6:49 PM
Profwrite - 2008-12-18 7:37 PM

Brittany, I just looked at your training log.  Girl, you are hardcore!! It looks like we have an awesome mentor.Smile

x2!  She's awsome.  That is why I jumped at the chance to get in this group.  I've been around BT long enough to know how great Brit is as an athlete and a person as well.  Great values and morals.  That is high on my priority list.  Brittany is good people!

Holy smokes, y'all (<--you're going to get lots of this, I am a Texan) are making me blush on our first day as a group!! Thanks...I seriously just enjoy this sport, and more so the people and friendships I've made in it and the lifestyle change I have due to it (including the friends) so I jumped at the chance to give back!

2008-12-18 9:58 PM
in reply to: #1857347

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Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)

I'll just add in she is awesome, dedicated, fast and has a great attitude.

You guys are going to have a blast!

2008-12-18 11:59 PM
in reply to: #1857347

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Plano, TX
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)
Brittany, I would like to join your group if you are still open.

NAME: wkirbytri / Wes

STORY: I'm a 35 year old Dad and need to get back in shape! I've been involved in sports for as long as I can remember. It's tough to join a sports team with my kid's schedules conflicting too much and I need a motivator to succeed while I train on my own schedule.

FAMILY: Married for 14 yrs, 2 girls (11 & 6) that are involved in multiple sports (basketball, volleyball, soccer, softball and gymnastics). Originally from OK, but find myself living in Plano, TX these days.

CURRENT TRAINING: -- I just imported a Couch to Sprint training plan from BT into my calendar and will see how hard/easy that will be to follow to begin with. I took an adult swimming class last year to learn to swim properly and ready to improve upon what I learned there. I currently ride my bike to work on occasion (8 miles each way), but I'm not fast :-) I haven't done much running in quite awhile!

WEIGHT LOSS: 6'2" and 235 lbs. Would like to drop below 200 before first Sprint Tri.

2009 GOALS: Finish an OLY by year end with a couple of SPRINTS along the way.

I'm an IT guy and on the computer often and feel an online group such as this would be a great way to keep me motivated.


2008-12-19 4:45 AM
in reply to: #1857347


Subject: RE: TexasMPGal's Motivated Mentor Group (Open)

Hi Brittany, I would like to join if you still have room.

Name:  Karen

Story:  I am 29 and not currently very active. I did a 4:03 marathon in 2004 but nothing since. I have only been practicising on a regular mountain bike type bike. I can currently run for around 40 minutes and swim for 30 minutes in a pool.

Goal: 70.3 Ironman China - 19 April '09

Mentoring Needs:  I am lucky enough to not have any work commitments but lose motivation quite easily. I need to find out about all the gear I need - bike and wetsuit especially.

Weightloss:  I have lost 10 pounds in the last 2 months by dieting. I would be looking to be 7 pounds less for the half ironman. I'm currently 5'3" and 119 pounds. 

Thanks for taking the time to consider me!

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