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2008-12-16 8:54 PM

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

This is my third season of triathlon.  Brief history:  I am married with two teenage daughters (yikes), have a full time job, husband and 3 cats.  I am very focusd on following training plans--having learned the hard way that the folks who write the plans know a whole lot more about training than I do.  I got into tris by a local event held several years ago.  I thought it was nuts but was also obese at the time.  Started losing the weight and thought I wanted to do one--still thought it was nuts.  Fast forward a few years, I lost 60 lbs.  A coworker did one of the local pool sprint tris and told me about BT.  The rest is history.

2006 my first year doing anything--a 10 K that my goal was to finish without needing mecical attention.

2007--first year in tris.  Did my own thing training wise but took swim lessons. (good thing too, it took 9 months to get me looking like I wasn't flailing in the water).  I did a pool sprint, a long OWS sprint as my second where I also learned a painful lesson about getting used to wet suits and cold water adjustments.  Finished the season with a mini sprint ladies only race.  I was hooked.  In between the first pool sprint and OWS race I bought a road bike cause I also learned that hybrids stink to race in.  Ran another 10 K in the fall for fun.

2008...this has been a big year for me.  My first half marathons (April and Nov), the annual 10K, a one mile river swim to get my fear of long OWS out of the head.  A 5 K for fun, a long sprint (June) with open water, pool sprint in July, the oly turned du in Sept.  I just got a tri bike, so 2009 will be real interseting on the bike plans include the annual 10K, a century ride in May, long sprint OWS in June, OLY in early August and again in Sept.  I may do that 1 mile river swim again too, just for the experience and to see if I have improved any (that's why I do the 10K as a benchmark every year

Weight loss:  In 2004 I was obese at 202 lbs and 5'5".  I haven't gotten any taller   I have gotten down to the mid 130 range.  I would love to drop another 5 lbs but it doesn't budge.  I understand the balance of eating enough to keep from bonking and weight loss.  I focus on clean eating with a background of using South Beach well before I ever got into tris so I do that with the accomodations of more carbs needed to prevent the aforementioned bonk issues.  I understand what a lot of folks questions are in terms of weight issues.  I also have a good concept of a lot of the injury questions with a 27 year career in nursing (15 years in the ER)

Why I would be a good mentor:  I have been a mentee twice now and have learned a lot on this site.  I would like to give back to this community since so many folks here have freely shared knowledge and expetise with me.  It's my nature to support and encourage others in the "inspire me" feaure commenting on workouts (or lack of if indicating) .  What I don't know I'm not afraid to look up or defer to someone who does know.  I would like to co mentor because I realize I have limits in my knowledge base.

2008-12-18 9:18 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Co mentors will help you have two points of view and twice as much support.

NAME: KathyG, Kathy

STORY: I’m a Mom who changed my life from being a couch potato to an Ironman over the course of 5 years. I joined BT the week before my first triathlon back in September 2004 and love the community. My life is completely different now than it was and I love being a good example to my 5 kids instead how I was before.  Plus I feel proud of what I have accomplished and am now an athlete. I dream big and have a long list of fun athletic things I still want to accomplish. 2009 will be my 6th year doing triathlons and I also am involved in bike racing. I started doing cyclocross in 2008 and found it amazingly fun and challenging. I want to explore more types of bike racing from track to long distance ultra endurance bike races 12-24 hour races with the goal if I enjoy it to try to compete in RAAM on a relay. I find through sports I learn a lot about myself. The journey is amazing and the goal is to find joy in everything I do.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to Kevin 22 years, Mom to 5 from 19-10 and I’m 47.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have worked with a coach the last 4 years so my training is designed for me based on my races. I typically s/b/r each 3x a week but sometimes more. I love to ride the most, running I’m still improving and am excited to see what I can do, swimming can be frustrating to me as my technique is poor still after 5 years of training and coaching. I’m working with my 5th swim coach and learning a lot and feel this will be my break through year swimming.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did 26 races this year: Ironman Lake Placid was my A race, I did 6 running races 5Ks and ½ Marys including PBs in both distances, 4 tris, HIM and IM relays as the biker and 11 cyclocross races and time trial.

2009 RACES:  My A race is Ironman Canada August 30th; then cyclocross racing in the fall; I have St. Anthony’s in April, will do a couple sprints and Oly and a HIM before IM.

WEIGHTLOSS: I started losing weight in April 2003 and had lost 97 pounds prior to IMLP but post IM put some pounds on. I joined the no sugar challenge here on BT and hope to lose weight is next year to get to my ideal body weight as a triathlete.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I was a mentor in the original group back in 2006 and enjoyed helping others achieve their dreams. I hope to encourage others to enjoy the triathlon lifestyle, enjoy your journey to whatever goals you have set, and find joy in all that you do. I don’t work and am on line often so am here to answer questions that you have. My hope is you are determined to do your best and be consistent in your training and that “quit and I can’t do it” isn’t part of your thought processes. I started at the BOP and have come in last in a tri, but through consistent work have improved a lot.

I'd love to help folks doing their first longer distance race be it a HIM or IM. It is a big step and one that takes a lot of time, dedication and mental strength. It truly is an amazing journey and so rewarding and life changing.

Edited by KathyG 2008-12-18 9:21 AM
2008-12-18 9:28 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG
okay...I'm gonna co mentor with Kathy G cause she's so awesome!
2008-12-19 10:07 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG
Oh please oh please pick me! What do I do now?
2008-12-19 5:58 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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San Gabriel Valley, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG

I think I have finally found it.  Thanks Queen Zipp (Judi) for persevering with me.  Please let me join your group.  I am not a triathlon newbie, but 4:20 for an olympic distance tri is just a little pitiful, considering that I was about 3:00 at one point. 

Here are my goals for 2009:  1)  100 pushup challenge; 2) I'm starting the No Sugar 12/21/08 - 2/28/09 challenge; 3) I am at 158.2 as of yesterday and want to be at about 140 - but I am at 39% body fat so I think I need to lose about thirty pounds of fat and gain ten of muscle; 4)  two HIMs (as yet unspecified); 5) Surf City Half Marathon (2/1/09)and do it in under three hours (I am already signed up for this);  6) Boney Mountain Xterra Trail Half Marathon (1/10/09 - already signed up for this one too) which will be very hilly and I don't have any time goals; 7)  As many local 10Ks and half marathons as I can find to do; 8) bike to work at least once a week; 8, 9, 10, 11 ....., I have so many goals but they all end up with me being in the best physical shape of my life and having a blast while doing it. 

2008-12-19 6:19 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG

When you have time if you could copy this and add whatever about yourself you want to share it will help everyone get to know you better.

NAME: Your username / first name
STORY:short paragraph of who you are, why you triathlon
FAMILY STATUS: Family situation (single/married/family
CURRENT TRAINING: How you train in general (what race distance in 2008, technical or not)
THIS YEAR'S RACES: Just a little summary of what you have recently done. 
2009 RACES:  If your season is ready, list your races, if not, your training goals.
WEIGHTLOSS: And any weightloss goals that you have (or the weight lost so far as a triathlete). 
WHAT is important to you next few months: A few sentences on what you'd like to learn, work on or what is important to you in the next couple months to your tri training.

2008-12-19 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG
All right!  Leah found us and so has Kendra.  Hmm, I think we've pulled the challenge forum folks in with us Kathy.  I have done challeges with Kendra and we're swimming with Leah this month. 
2008-12-20 2:22 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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San Gabriel Valley, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG

NAME: User name is LeahDD and real name is Leah
STORY: I am a non-athletic 53 year old woman who lost a bunch of weight in 1999 and started out exercising in 2000.  I started out running, then biking for transportation and then started swimming.  Then somehow or another I heard about triathlons and I did my first one in September 2000 (the Los Angeles Triathlon) and have done every LA Tri since.  I have done a variety of other tris, including a HIM in 2003 that nearly killed me because of being grossly undertrained on the bike.  I was probably in peak (for me) fitness in 2000 and 2001 and have let it gradually slide since then.  I want to regain it and be at the best possible fitness level.
FAMILY STATUS: I am not married but I live with a man who is only marginally tolerant of my athletic endeavors.  He regards all of this as selfish (because of the time it takes) and is evidence that I am "self-absorbed."   Otherwise I have a grown son and two wonderful grandchildren (ages 20 months and 4 years) that I adore.  They live in Northern California and I drive up to visit about once a month.
CURRENT TRAINING: I don't follow a particular training program.  I aim to swim twice a week, run 2-3 times per week, start biking again and aim for that twice a week, (with one of those biking to work) aim for yoga twice a week, and strength training twice a week.  I never do all that, but that is always what I am trying to do.  I have just today made a commitment to CrossFit twice a week for ten weeks for the strength training part. 
THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2008 I mostly did road running races.  I did two half marathons (both over 3 hours and would like to get the time down) and the LA Tri in something like 4:20 and would like to get the time down to 3 hours. 
2009 RACES:  For sure:  Boney Mountain Xterra Trail Half Marathon (1/10/09), Surf City Half Marathon (2/1/09), LA Tri (date not set but probably 9/14/09). 

Less specific:  two HIMs, possibly Buffalo Run Half Marathon (2/7/09), possibly Catalina Marathon (3/14/09), and as many of the local triathlons as I can fit in
WEIGHTLOSS: I would like to drop 20 pounds and go from 40% body fat to 25%.  I do attend Weight Watchers and I just joined the No Sugar Challenge (which my fella regards as another of my "idiotic fads".
WHAT is important to you next few months: I want to improve my all-over physical condition first and foremost.  I really want to work on swimming drills or whatever necessary to improve my swimming.  I haven't even been on my bike since the LA Tri and need to start doing that again. 

I have no one to do triathlons or training with and have a sense of loneliness about that.  I am so pleased about finding BT and am really enjoying the support and camaraderie. 


2008-12-21 1:56 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG
I wanna come and play!!! PLEASE?? Will promise to be Pike- like ( Kathy I really will start swimming again! Promise!) and continue to provide obscure references to all things nerd- like!!!!!
2008-12-21 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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acton, Ma
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG

Hi gals, I could use some mentoring....


NAME: Tri_again / real first name - Joanne
STORY: I got into tris as a way to remain motivated to work out -- gotta keep training if there's a race coming up!
FAMILY STATUS: Married - 3 kids 7-15; work full-time and volunteer in community
CURRENT TRAINING: During the season, I aim for 3 SBR a week. My DH isn't very supportive of me doing 2 w/os a day, so this has become a problem. Currently just trying to stay in shape and not lose too much fitness.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did several road races, including a 5-miler at 8:43 pace (which is fast for me). I did three tris last year. Longest races for me thus far have been half-marathons and olys.
2009 RACES:  List not etched in stone, but I'm looking at Webster Lake sprint, one of the Black Fly tris, and Cranberry.
WEIGHTLOSS: I would like to be 12-15 lbs lighter. Waiting till after the holidays to work on this.
WHAT is important to you next few months: Swimming.... and getting a plan together to optimize the little time I have to train.

2008-12-21 3:39 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG

Hi All, I wasn't going to join a mentor group but changed my mind after seeing the co-leaders and fellow mentees.  Can I still join in?

CNAME: KOM / Kathy
STORY: My first tri was 6 or so years ago when the Danskin was still at Devens MAss. I decided to do it to celebrate my 44th bday.  There was something about those double 4s that just bothered me. The following summer I did the Danskin again, this time in Webster and a local sprint tri in Bristol RI. Although I have been on a relay since then I have not done a tri since (that's about 5 years). My training took a hit 4 years ago when I struggled with a significant depression, an unworkable work partnership and the diagnosis and rapid death of my mom from renal cancer. Since then I have gotten my life back and feel well. I have been running more regularly for the past 16 mos and have finally gotten to somewhat longer runs. I still alternate walking & running but can average a 12 min mile pace so I will stick with it for now. I am bothered to be so slow but am trying to get over it. I have been teaching spin classes for the past 4 years, having started as a way to get into the class each week.  I need to do more outside biking.  I have always been a relatively fast breat stroke swimmer but found it bothered my knees so I am trying to learn freestyle.  I had severe tendonitis/bursitis in both shoulders for almost a year from non-swimming related activities and have only gotten back in the pool this fall. I am hoping to make progress there. I joined BT in Sept on the advice of a friend and have loved it.
FAMILY STATUS: Married for almost 30 years. I have a daughter who is a freshman at Univ of VT and another daughter who is a 10th grader. I am not currently working but spent 14+ years practicing Internal Medicine-yes I ditched the lousy partners as part of getting my life back. I am hoping to work part-time soon and have also been doing some lifestyle medicine, wellness coaching stuff which I love. 
CURRENT TRAINING: Running 3 days per week, swimming twice and spin class twice a week. Trying to strength train twice per week.  would love to get back into Yoga if my shoulders hold up.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: None. With a daughter in college and me not working I haven't wanted to spend money on races. 
2009 RACES:  I am hoping to do the Hyannis Half Marathon in February.  This will be my first 1/2. I would also like to do some tris this summer.  Maybe Danskin but I really have my sights on the Cranberry Fest Oly. I would love to consider a HIM someday but probably not this season.
WEIGHTLOSS: I am always watching my weight but never talk about diets. My eldest daughter has anorexia and I put on 10+ lbs since she was hospitalized in Feb 2006. I have just now gotten it all off since she is in college and has others watching over her. I take meds for BP and cholesterol (lousy genes) so I am very nutrition conscious. 
WHAT is important to you next few months: Increasing the training intensity a bit while not getting injured. Balancing work, training & life. I turned 50 this past May so I would like to celebrate with some new exercise adventures.

I enjoy writing so I apologize if this is too long.   Kathy


Edited by KOM 2008-12-21 3:42 PM

2008-12-21 3:54 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG

Welcome aboard to Helen, JoAnne and Kathy! If Helen and I go Star Trek on you please understand out inner nerds need a place to shine and references to the collective and all are part of our inner nerdiness.

I just got back from taking my race bike to the local battlefield where I had a sweet but windy ride.  Lots of positive bike stuff...stayed aero for my climbs and all but the last descent (comes around a steep grade banking hard with an angle and I'm just not comfortable in full aero on that kind of hill).

2008-12-21 3:56 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG
If I did not have my own mentor group...I would recommend this one.  Kathy is an inspiration!
2008-12-21 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG

Room for one more?

NAME: running4beer/Mina

STORY: I'm a 30-something tri-virgin who picked up running a few years back along with some knee issues from bad form that I'm *still* trying to work through. I love running despite barely eeking out 10ks and hitting the road armed with a knee brace and inhaler. Having been a hs swimmer, I decided on a whim to try an open water 1-miler last summer without much training at all. I was so impressed with how much better and more natural a swimmer than a runner I am that it definitely sealed the deal about starting to train for a tri. Missed my chance at the end of 2008, so #1 will be May 2009.

FAMILY STATUS: Live with my gorgeous boyfriend who just started running with me and kicking my butt in road races, and an adorable cat that runs laps around our apartment in Cambridge, MA.

CURRENT TRAINING: Knee issues have made my running spotty, which is the other reason I've been looking to tris- I need to work on other things and not let that be an excuse for not exercising. Recently got a trainer (though currently dealing with some unfortunate bike issues), I've got a good gym and pool near by and am re-discovering exercise videos On Demand and yoga.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did 4 x 10k runs, an equal handful or more 5ks and other road races, and a 1-mile open water swim in 2008.

2009 RACES: Runs: Super Sunday 10k as warm-up for Hyannis 10k in Feb, Tufts 10k and/or Firefighters 10k in Oct. Swims: Wild Fish 2 Mile Swim in August, and would love to do the swim portion of a longer tri relay. Tris: My VERY FIRST sprint tri in May (Max Season Opener), Danskin or Title 9 (want to do an All Women's race) and potentially another sprint or two.

WEIGHTLOSS: YES, PLEASE! I need to shed a minimum of 12lbs (I'm currently 5'5" and 157), hoping to eventually make that 15-20. Since my training has been inconsistent, I believe that if I just get into a groove, it'll start to happen. I overdo it in the beer and wine department, and sometimes over-portion (especially packing away the holiday feasting!), but I don't do junk food and know my diet always gets better when I'm working out regularly.

WHAT is important to you next few months: I need to start off this year with a routine I can stick to and scale up as my stamina increases including taking more advantage of the morning. Aside from a schedule, the other thing I'm missing is strength training, including work necessary to strengthen my knee and ankle stability. It's been so long I need to figure out what the heck to do with the weights!

2008-12-21 4:47 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
Welcome Mina!
2008-12-21 4:47 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG-open

Welcome Helen, Kathy, Mina and Joanne!

I see we have quite a few women from MA too How are all you guys handling the snow and now rain? I was fortunate to be able to run today outside in the snow/ice/slush..and it was fun.

A few things as we get started

1- PLEASE log your training in your blogs.  We will be checking up on you guys  Its hard to offer advice or insight when we're not sure what you are doing.

2- Don't be afraid to ask ?s.  And dont be afraid to offer others in our group advice.. We cant be giving ALL the advice

3- When you get a chance let us know what your goals are for the upcoming season and what your race schedule looks like.  (if you haven't already)

4- Check out each others blogs and inspire each other!!

The more you share, chat, encourage and ask questions the more everyone learns grows and we feel connected.

Silly but fun question?
What is your wish list that is tri related? I'll share mine later but I think 90+% of my wish list was stuff I would use for training.

2008-12-21 5:13 PM
in reply to: #1866017

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG-open


Glad you joined our group!

Run/walking is a great way to train and race. Last year in my 4th year of tri'ing I changed to run/walk as I found it was faster than straight running and the goal is to be as fast as possible. I know plenty of 7minute/mile folks that do run/walk. 

I may do the Hyannis race but probably just the 10K as I don't think I will be trained up for the distance. I love 1/2 Marys..perfect distance to train for and not get injured but challenging. I think it is the distance that agrees well with my body.

One issue women often have is never being content with our bodies and weight. I struggle with it and even when I was at 19% body fat, I felt overweight.

Cranberry is a wonderful race and one of my favorite in the area. I'll be at Ironman Canada so won't be able to do it this year.

If I gather right you live in RI. My swim coach lives there and is offering an swim clinic at reasonable cost in January you might want to consider. I posted about it on the RI board.



KOM - 2008-12-21 4:39 PM

Hi All, I wasn't going to join a mentor group but changed my mind after seeing the co-leaders and fellow mentees.  Can I still join in?

CNAME: KOM / Kathy
STORY: My first tri was 6 or so years ago when the Danskin was still at Devens MAss. I decided to do it to celebrate my 44th bday.  There was something about those double 4s that just bothered me. The following summer I did the Danskin again, this time in Webster and a local sprint tri in Bristol RI. Although I have been on a relay since then I have not done a tri since (that's about 5 years). My training took a hit 4 years ago when I struggled with a significant depression, an unworkable work partnership and the diagnosis and rapid death of my mom from renal cancer. Since then I have gotten my life back and feel well. I have been running more regularly for the past 16 mos and have finally gotten to somewhat longer runs. I still alternate walking & running but can average a 12 min mile pace so I will stick with it for now. I am bothered to be so slow but am trying to get over it. I have been teaching spin classes for the past 4 years, having started as a way to get into the class each week.  I need to do more outside biking.  I have always been a relatively fast breat stroke swimmer but found it bothered my knees so I am trying to learn freestyle.  I had severe tendonitis/bursitis in both shoulders for almost a year from non-swimming related activities and have only gotten back in the pool this fall. I am hoping to make progress there. I joined BT in Sept on the advice of a friend and have loved it.
FAMILY STATUS: Married for almost 30 years. I have a daughter who is a freshman at Univ of VT and another daughter who is a 10th grader. I am not currently working but spent 14+ years practicing Internal Medicine-yes I ditched the lousy partners as part of getting my life back. I am hoping to work part-time soon and have also been doing some lifestyle medicine, wellness coaching stuff which I love. 
CURRENT TRAINING: Running 3 days per week, swimming twice and spin class twice a week. Trying to strength train twice per week.  would love to get back into Yoga if my shoulders hold up.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: None. With a daughter in college and me not working I haven't wanted to spend money on races. 
2009 RACES:  I am hoping to do the Hyannis Half Marathon in February.  This will be my first 1/2. I would also like to do some tris this summer.  Maybe Danskin but I really have my sights on the Cranberry Fest Oly. I would love to consider a HIM someday but probably not this season.
WEIGHTLOSS: I am always watching my weight but never talk about diets. My eldest daughter has anorexia and I put on 10+ lbs since she was hospitalized in Feb 2006. I have just now gotten it all off since she is in college and has others watching over her. I take meds for BP and cholesterol (lousy genes) so I am very nutrition conscious. 
WHAT is important to you next few months: Increasing the training intensity a bit while not getting injured. Balancing work, training & life. I turned 50 this past May so I would like to celebrate with some new exercise adventures.

I enjoy writing so I apologize if this is too long.   Kathy


2008-12-21 5:19 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
Kathy- I saw your post on the RI thread and plan to sign up for the clinic. I mentioned it to a friend at the Y pool yesterday too.  I am excited to get some actual swim coaching.
2008-12-21 5:20 PM
in reply to: #1866118

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG


Welcome and glad you joined our group!

Do you have exercise induced asthma? I saw your mention of inhaler on your runs. When I'm at the end of hard effort of 5 or 10K I can't sneak up on anyone as my breathing is so loud folks often turn and look at what is that strange noise? Do you have similar issues?

Glad to hear swimming comes easy for you. It seems some folks are naturals and some (like me) aren't so much. Were you signed up for one of the couple of tris in September that were canceled this year here in MA? 

Will your trainer help you with setting up strength training program? I like strength training but when times gets tight it is the first to go. I see you like yoga, me too. I really enjoy the Spinnervals DVDs called Flexible Warrior (#3 is my favorite) geared for triathletes. They have short sequences to do after swim, bike or run that help stretch out muscles that you use mostly during the workout and only takes 10-20 minutes.

So you are in for 10K in Hyannis too! Wow lots of us are planning on doing it.

Welcome...this will be a great year for you~ 

2008-12-21 5:23 PM
in reply to: #1866139

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG-open
KathyG - 2008-12-21 5:47 PM

I see we have quite a few women from MA too How are all you guys handling the snow and now rain? I was fortunate to be able to run today outside in the snow/ice/slush..and it was fun.

I have to admit, Kathy, that amongst other things, I was looking for a group that wasn't predominantly Sunny West Coasters or folks in Australia or somewhere where everyone but me was still out running in shorts!

I love running in the snow - got just under 3 miles in just after it started coming down around 1:30 on Friday, but had to cut it short since it was starting to get slippery and I had so much slush on my sunglasses I couldn't see a darn thing! - but often snow or winter temps makes it hard to get motivated or physically hard to do anything outdoors (even take my dreaded mile + walk to the gym), so I wanted to have at least *some* folks around who know what that's like.

2008-12-21 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1866201

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG-open
running4beer - 2008-12-21 6:23 PM
KathyG - 2008-12-21 5:47 PM

I see we have quite a few women from MA too How are all you guys handling the snow and now rain? I was fortunate to be able to run today outside in the snow/ice/slush..and it was fun.

I have to admit, Kathy, that amongst other things, I was looking for a group that wasn't predominantly Sunny West Coasters or folks in Australia or somewhere where everyone but me was still out running in shorts!

I love running in the snow - got just under 3 miles in just after it started coming down around 1:30 on Friday, but had to cut it short since it was starting to get slippery and I had so much slush on my sunglasses I couldn't see a darn thing! - but often snow or winter temps makes it hard to get motivated or physically hard to do anything outdoors (even take my dreaded mile + walk to the gym), so I wanted to have at least *some* folks around who know what that's like.

Yak Trax makes running in the snow/ice easier. I got a pair last year for Christmas and didn't get to use them much next year. They were on sale at Sierra Trading Post earlier this fall.


2008-12-21 5:41 PM
in reply to: #1866199

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG
KathyG - 2008-12-21 6:20 PM

Do you have exercise induced asthma? I saw your mention of inhaler on your runs. When I'm at the end of hard effort of 5 or 10K I can't sneak up on anyone as my breathing is so loud folks often turn and look at what is that strange noise? Do you have similar issues?

Glad to hear swimming comes easy for you. It seems some folks are naturals and some (like me) aren't so much. Were you signed up for one of the couple of tris in September that were canceled this year here in MA?

I used to have childhood asthma, so sometimes when I get a cold it lasts FOREVER, which is what I'm in the middle of right now, unfortunately-- I've had a sinus thing for nearly 5 weeks now (UGH!) that when I sleep or run it completely dries out my throat and makes my lungs unhappy. I think I'm not so bad off when well, but know running or allergies can set me off.

I tried to do one tri in Sept, but it was sold out right before I signed up. I got on a wait list for it, but then it was cancelled due to weather so I was shut out twice! Despite missing out there, I managed to make it to Lowell to run in a 5k PB that day, where it was miraculously dry and warm.

Will your trainer help you with setting up strength training program? I like strength training but when times gets tight it is the first to go. I see you like yoga, me too. I really enjoy the Spinnervals DVDs called Flexible Warrior (#3 is my favorite) geared for triathletes. They have short sequences to do after swim, bike or run that help stretch out muscles that you use mostly during the workout and only takes 10-20 minutes.

Ooh, sorry for the ambiguity... I meant my bicycle fluid trainer (just bought a Kurt Kinetic)- I'd love to actually have a trainer/coach or be part of an in-person training group. There is a Tri class at MIT (where I use the gym) coming up in Feb I was thinking of getting in on, but my work schedule may make that iffy.

That Spinnervals DVD sounds great! I'll have to check that out since I love the yoga since running seems to make me even MORE inflexible than I already am

So you are in for 10K in Hyannis too! Wow lots of us are planning on doing it.

Yes, I'm psyched to meet some of the folks from here - that'll be great!

Thanks for the welcoming - excited to be part of the group!

2008-12-21 5:47 PM
in reply to: #1866214

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG-open
KathyG - 2008-12-21 6:32 PM

Yak Trax makes running in the snow/ice easier. I got a pair last year for Christmas and didn't get to use them much next year. They were on sale at Sierra Trading Post earlier this fall.

I use yaktrax, just haven't broken them out yet. (Now what box did those end up in? hmmm....) Last year around this time when we got that huge dumping of snow, I was in the middle of a Nike+ challenge with a guy from Perth, Australia. While I was running in weather like today or worse, he was sweating it out in 85+ F degree weather. He had never heard of yaktrax, so I had to send him this pic: (somehow all the logos lined up make me laugh) Laughing



2008-12-21 5:57 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
I would love to join your group!
2008-12-21 6:03 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN

Hi Ladies - if you have room I really really really want to be in your group. But I dont want to be taking anyone elses spot. 

Im doing my first sprint distance in 3 years in February so the timing of this couldnt be more perfect. 

Other goals: weight loss and getting on my bike more... 

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