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2008-12-17 12:40 AM

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Subject: Newbz winter training group is FULL!!!!!
TO the new guys/Girls, i am reopening this to get a few more people in here, take the intro info and post on the last page, look forward to getting 2-5 new people in here!

NAME: Newbz/ David

STORY: I came to triathlon just 3 years ago after rowing all through highschool and then on my own for two years in a single during college. That was going very well and i had my sights set on the US U23 team until a back injury sidlined me, and i started looking for something else i could beat myself up with. My girlfriend sudgested triathlon, and i jumped in head first. That first season i raced a lot, 12 times in all, including a half ironman as my third tri! (the term under trained comes to mind, ha ha). I won my last race of the season, and was hooked for good. I set about that winter to learn a bit more about distance training and took what i knew from rowing and applied it to my training.

FAMILY STATUS: A wonderful girlfriend, Christiana (she is lurking on here somewhere, Blackbike21 or 24).

CURRENT TRAINING: I like to keep my training varried and fun, but consistent. Right now i am in a maintnence/build mode and am giving my run/swim a big focus, and just holding the bike easy. At the moment i am training between 9 and 12 hours per week, and will slowly be building that up until after new years when winter training starts up seriously in prep for the season.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I raced a mix bag of races this season from super sprint to Half ironman, and everything in between. I had some great results bespite some serious setbacks from injury and look to improve on that next season. In short, this season was a BLAST!
I also got to meet some of my mentors from the april group at a few races, so it was awesome to get to see their progress on here and then in person.

2009 RACES: I am planning to focus on short course racing this season, mainly sprints, along with sprint and powerman duathlon thrown in to mix it up a bit.
My main goals are a series of sprint tris, and US duathlon nationals in both short and long course with the goal of going to worlds for one or the other distance, and picking up a duathlon pro card.

WEIGHTLOSS: 5 pounds to go by jan 20th.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I am a very outgoing person and love to help others. In addition to my own racing, i am both a triathlon and rowing coach. I coach a womens highschool rowing team in central ohio and am having a blast doing so. the group of girls i am working with makes it a joy to do. As well as the rowing, i coach triathlon to individuals.
Between my own racing, training, and coaching, i feel that i have a lot to share with those newer to the sport. I enjoy seeing the people i am working with grown in this sport. I'm still young (only 22!) and have as much to learn from you guys as i can hopefully pass on. REgardless of age, experiance level, or reasons for training and racing, i would love to hear what you guys have to say and get to know you over the next few months, and hopefully we can all work together towards making the next few months of winter a fun and productive time for everyone!


Edited by newbz 2009-01-12 9:50 PM

2008-12-17 10:29 AM
in reply to: #1858045

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!

Hey David,

Can I be in your mentor group??? I just got back from NC and had to see if I could get in your group. Do we need to post a profile thingy??Have a great day.


2008-12-17 1:21 PM
in reply to: #1858648

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!
are you sure you can put up with me for another few months;-)
yes i would love to have you around! i would like to see profiles at least for the people i dont know, if you would like to post though its up to you.

2008-12-21 3:07 PM
in reply to: #1858045


Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!
Watsup man!! let me be in your group! I'm a student at the Ohio state University. I ran cross country and track in high school and helped my dad run large portions of an ultra marathon about a year ago, but I kinda fell off the wagon when I started college. once i get going with something, I'll really get into it. I'm really excited to try out this new hobby and would apprecitate any advice you could give me regarding how to get started. my goal is to run a half triathalon by may or june. let me know what you think.
2008-12-21 6:19 PM
in reply to: #1858045

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Pasadena, TX
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!


I think I'd like to be in your mentor group. I have wanted to do triathlons for several years, but have always known I needed to get back in shape 1st. I am 25, ran cross country in high school, I was never the fastest, but I had fallen off of fitness ever since. In the last two months I have been eating clean and weight training about four times a week, with about as much cardio, mostly intervals/HIIT though. My approach has kinda been that of a bodybuilder cutting cycle. I am leaner than ever, I have lost 15 lbs and I'm pretty sure it's been almost all fat. My strength has really increased and I'm in pretty good cardiovascular shape (for me lately). My appearance is not what I want it to be yet (chasing the elusive six pack), and I had planned on waiting until I had my physique dialed in before training for a tri, but I've been lurking on here for a few days and decided I'd like to give it a go. I am a little apprehensive that I won't be able to keep up my weight training, but I would be willing to sacrifice a little I am in lose fat/maintain muscle mode anyhow. I am not a very strong swimmer. I was a lifeguard for two years in HS so I am comfortable in the water, though I have never swam competitively, I can't even do the butterfly. Still need to buy a bike too, which will almost certainly be a used entry level aluminum road bike <$1000. Anyhow I look forward to hearing your thoughts. My name is David btw lol  ...Thanks

2008-12-21 6:55 PM
in reply to: #1865992

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!
Would love to have you both in here!

did you check out the OSU tri in early may? its held right at the rpac there there and is an awesome race. last year was the first time for it, had a few hundred people and should be larger this season. if you get into the training in a smart way there is no reason why a half would not work outare you going to be here over the summer as well or just during the school year? if you are here over thesummer i would say start training, and race a few shorter races before deciding on the half, as HFP (the main local race company) puts on a ton of races all summer long and have two half IM races in aug and sep. if the weather ever gets any better i could meet up to run or something sometime if you are interested, i live just north of columbus and am coaching at Upper arlington high school so i am over near campus every day.

David-as far as the lifting goes, my thoughts are that it wont make you a faster triathlete (and in extreams will slow you down), if its something you enjoy keep up with it. lighter is always going to be faster as far as this type of sport is concerned, but as long as you are not putting on arnold like muscle its really not going to be an issue. personly i lift 2-3x a week over the winter and cut it out once the season rolls around as by that point i really dont have the time nor the ability to add in anymore workouts.

Have you started looking at bikes yet? if you are looking in the 1k range i would say look used if you dont mind something pre owned, you will get a much nicer bike for the price and often will not even be able to tell its used. what part of the country are you in? i might be able to sudgest some places to look.

mastershake59 - 2008-12-21 3:07 PM

Watsup man!! let me be in your group! I'm a student at the Ohio state University. I ran cross country and track in high school and helped my dad run large portions of an ultra marathon about a year ago, but I kinda fell off the wagon when I started college. once i get going with something, I'll really get into it. I'm really excited to try out this new hobby and would apprecitate any advice you could give me regarding how to get started. my goal is to run a half triathalon by may or june. let me know what you think.

2008-12-21 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1866309

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!
just some thoughts-

For those of you new to the board, feel free to post as often as you like, i am on here WAY too much and check this 2-3 times a day.

in regards to training, nutrition, equip, whatever, feel free to ask away. if i cant help, i'll do my best to direct you in the right direction.

i've seen a few of the other groups having people ask if they can join based on their level of experince, i would love to see a mix of people, guys and girls, all levels join. i think that the more types of people we get in here the more we can all help each other and the more ideas we have to offer.

thanks and look forward to hearing from you guys.
2008-12-21 7:59 PM
in reply to: #1858045

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!


I would like to join your group.

Name:  Gojogo/Kelly

Story:  Last summer I read about a tri that was happening in my home town.  Something just made me say I want to do that.  I will turn 40 in August and I can't think of a better present to give myself than to be in great physical condition.  I have always been an athlete of all sorts.  I played basketball and ran track in high school and have worked out on my own ever since.  I have mixed it up with running, water skiing, aerobics, biking, resistance training, etc.  My family also took up snowboarding 3 years ago.

Family Status:  Married for 15 years and have a 10 year old son and 8 year old daughter.

Current Training:  I am running 2-4 times a week and trying to swim 2 times a week.  I am also doing some light weight work and core repitions.  I have asked Santa for a trainer so I can start biking again.  I am in a tri-clinic swim class.  It has really helped with tecnique I plan to join the class for another 6 week session after the holidays.  I'm working out without a plan right now and would love some advice on how to workout more effectively.

Weight loss:  I weghed around 145 in August.  I was on them a couple days ago and was down to 139.  I would like to lose another 10-12 pounds.  I'm 5'3".

Goal:  My goal for this year is to enter my home town tri at the Olympic level in July.  I will probably try an indoor race in Feburary and maybe a Sprint sometime this spring to better understand what it feels like to race.

Thanks and Happy Holidays



2008-12-21 9:33 PM
in reply to: #1858045

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Pasadena, TX
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!
Cool man, appreciate any help you can give. I live around Houston, TX and could use some direction in buying a bike honestly, never been much of a biker and am pretty much clueless. I know that fit is the most important aspect I was planning on dropping by a local bike shop and figuring out what size to look at, and then maybe flip through the classified section of a cycling magazine maybe? No idea what brands are reputable, etc. Running I've got a pretty good handle on, just need to get faster, though I could probably use some help in incorporating all three (for now, two) types of training together ...seems like a challenge. Right now I swim in the gym just for cardio on leg days, and honestly it's pretty weak. I do 50 yd (I think the pool is in yd's) intervals with short breaks, maybe some 100's thrown in, all for about 20 min, and usually end up with about 600 yds total in 20 min. My freestyle is pretty crappy I can feel my legs hanging down and don't seem to be able to do much about it. I'm not sure if I should take a breath between every stroke, but I think my body twists way to much ...I have pretty bad form I think. I am pretty interested in getting a program going fairly soon and shifting my focus to tri training. I work rotating shifts for a fire dept so it will have to be kinda flexible. I am also hoping to do the MS 150 in April, a little over 150 mile bike ride from Houston to Austin over two days. Like I said never been much of a biker, so this may be a little beyond my skill level but I will have a bike by mid Jan and will be training consistently, may have to just get through it on will power? Too ambitious? Thanks,
2008-12-21 10:10 PM
in reply to: #1866547

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!

On the bike front, unless you are dead sure you want to simply do triathlons with it i would look at a road and not a tri bike. the diff between the two in simple terms are two main areas, 1: the handlebar setup is going to be very diff, the road bike will have traditional drop bars (the curved ones that hook down), and a tri bike will have a flat handlebar (called a base bar) with aerobars on it.
a tri bikei s good for triathlons, but not really anything else. as you are talking about the MS ride, that is another reason to stick with a road bike.

the 2nd main diff is going to be in the frame geometry, the tri bike is going to rotate you forward a lot more than the road bike, and will use your quads more (saving the hamstring/glutes for the run).
you can always put aerobars on a road bike later, but if you have any interest in group rides, bike races, are newer to cycling, etc the road bike makes more sense.

any of the bigger brands are going to be good quality (anything a real bike shop that caters to racing will have is going to be solid).
brands that i can recomend from personal experince are: felt, giant, cervelo, trek, speacalized.
head into the shop and figure out what sizes to look at (this will vary a bit from brand to brand), i would highly recomend having them do a fit (for a road bike it is not going to be quiet as much time as a tri fit would be, but they will take a bunch of diff messurements, and then based on how you are built they will recomend which brands/frames will fit you best). if you cant afford/dont want to at least go in and talk with a store to get an idea of what to look for, and then we'll/you will have a much better idea of what you need to look for.

online is going to be the best bet for used, but as the 09 models roll in a lot of older stuff is going on sale, so keep that in mind.

as far as swimming goes if you can get a bit of help with your stroke now, swim lessons, a friend that swims at the pool, high school swimmer, etc. one or two times now will go a long way down the road.

Edited by newbz 2008-12-21 10:28 PM
2008-12-21 10:35 PM
in reply to: #1866414

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!

first, welcome.

those look like some good goals and a smart approach so far.

Never done an indoor tri personally but you are smart in looking to do a few races before you olympic. knowing what is coming takes a lot of the guessing out of things.

i'll start adding people and checking out their logs so i have a better idea of what you guys are up to (for the newer ones on here, log workouts as you do them, it really is an amazing tool to have on here and can pay off in many ways later on), but what has your running looked like over the past few months/in the past?
any recent racing (past year)?

knowing that will help a bit in giving ideas of how to go about structuring workouts a bit.

2008-12-21 11:03 PM
in reply to: #1858045

New user

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!

What's up David,

 I was first introduced to the tri world in 2005 when I stumbled upon the Ironman World Championship airing on NBC. The incredible stories and accomplishments of those individuals really inspired me, however the idea of doing a tri was seemingly impossible and unattainable. 

 Two years later I found myself wanting to get back in shape, although I have always been in decent shape, and began a lot of weight/strength training. For those who have ever picked up a dumbbell, the excitement only goes so far. After a year or so of getting back into shape I have decided that the tri world is one that I hope can keep me focused, satisfy my competitive personality, and really give me something to work for and be proud of.

 That being said, I hate swimming. The biking and running thing I have got down. I have been biking and running for about seven months now, but I just can't seem to get over my fear of the water. My breathing is bad and I just have little motivation to go to the pool on a consistent basis.

 I am 20 years old, a student a Marquette University, and will begin a intermediate/advanced sprint tri training program in January. I am doing a indoor tri January 25th, then plan to do my first sprint tri in mid May. From there I plan to do a few more sprints and then do a Olympic towards the end on July/early August.

 As a young athlete and completely inexperienced triathlete, I feel like you and the members of this group will have some good insights and advice. Kelly, I noticed that you will be racing an indoor tri too and I look forward to hearing how it goes. I also can relate to the feet dragging in the pool situation, and hopefully can get that fixed come January 25th (date of the indoor tri).

 I look forward to any advice you might have, and thanks for helping me out

2008-12-21 11:26 PM
in reply to: #1866727

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!
patrick great to have you here.

i too hated swimming with a passion, but getting in there consistently helped a ton and i now actually enjoy it, but just like with running i had to be doing it often and for a bit of time before i got to like it.

this is not directed just to you, but sinse it looks like this group is almost all fairly new to BT and triathlons, a few things to all of you that should help out.

log your workouts. i said this once, but more in depth, it will help you out a TON.

not so much in the day to day, but more so when things go wrong down the road, or things are not working (you get hurt, tired, race slower/faster than expected, have a great season etc. the reason for this is you can look back and say "this is what worked, this is where things went wrong" and you'll know what to repeat, and what to avoid.

build your workouts up, rushing into things is the fastest way to get hurt. in most of your bike and run training, doing more is almost always better than going harder (within reason), the shortest tri is still around an hour long race.

on the swimming front, for those of you without swimming backgrounds, get some help now, before bad habits are ingrained (from experince they are very very hard to unlearn). this can come from anyone that really knows how to swim, you dont need to go enrol in a swim class (although if you have this option its a GREAT idea.

2008-12-22 6:46 AM
in reply to: #1858045

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!

Good morning David and group,

I guess I'd better do an intro. as I don't know most of you.
My real name is Chris and I am female and 47. Married with 2 Grand-girls. My Hubby and I run a small remodeling company. He is a retired firefighter. I'm a retired Plumber....not too retired as it is still part of my job.

Tris: This will be my 4th yr and I tend to do the longer stuff but not an IM yet. My major race this year as for the past 3 is the American TTT torture fest. I also have a couple of HIM's and a Marathonon my schedule this year
Training: I love, love, love the bike and not so much with the swim and run. I train mostly alone but sometime with Jungle Jenn (also on BT) and luckily for me David lives not too far away so I get to see him at races. Where I might mention he is usually finished and all rested by the time my slow self gets there.LOL
I have been in Davids group before and he is really great and helpful with any questions and really knows his stuff. Well off to do something in the cold. Everyone have a great day and stay warm and safe.


2008-12-22 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1858045

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Urbandale, IA
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!

NAME: jdwright56 / John
STORY: My story is long and twisted.  As a Marine, I was injured and through that injury, my pancreas stopped working, causing me to become diabetic.  I was an awful diabetic, as I don't respond to most medications the way that "normal" people do (Pain killers rarely work on me) and I went through a long spell of Diabetic Invincibility Syndrome (you don't realize what your actions are doing to your body).  The result was near blindness (which surgeons fixed) and End Stage Renal Disease.  I was told by the doctors that I could be put on the transplant list, but to be perfectly honest, the wait was about three years (I could not use a living donor becuase I also needed a pancreas transplant to keep it from happening again) and there was "no way you are going to make it that long, a year, maybe a year and a half".  I was put on the list in November of 2003.  I received a kidney and pancreas from a 16 year old girl that was in a car accident on her way to homecoming on October 17th, 2006.  At the time I got the transplant, I was very sick, almost so much that they were not going to do the surgery.  I could not walk up a flight of stairs without pulling myself up with the handrail.  I was on 7 different blood pressure medications.  I took 18 medicines a day.  My Mom and Dad came to see me in May of 2006 and, after the surgery, my Dad told me that he thought that it was the last time that he would see me alive.  My wife says that I was just too stubborn to die, but I know that I was kept alive for a reason.  I have a job to do, and I won't be allowed to leave the earth until it is done. 

I decided that it was my responsibility to start a foundation that made people aware of the need for more organ donors.  Currently, there are more than 100,000 people on the waiting list.  Before the day is over, 18 of those people will die and 19 will be added to the list.  We are losing the fight.  I hate to lose.  Through this, Triathlons for Transplants was born.  I do triathlons to raise awareness to what a simple answer of yes at the Driver's License station can do for someone.  When people see me complete a triathlon and then hear that I am a transplant recipient, it really reinforces what a life changing event that it is.
FAMILY STATUS: I am married to Stephanie and have two step-daughters; Maddisen (15) and Payten (14).  Maddisen lives with her Father and Payten lives with us.  Don't ask - it's complicated. 
CURRENT TRAINING: Right now, I am not training at all, unfortunately.  I had surgery on December 3rd to clean out an infection that antibiotics were not helping (I have a low immune system due to the anti-rejection medication).  I was told that I cannot lift anything over 10 pounds until 2009.  I was originally told that I could not run or bike until 6 weeks after surgery, but I am going to try and get that amended at my Dr's appointment on 12/30.  I can start swimming after 12/30 when all of the staples and stitches are removed.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Mulletman Sprint, Souixperman Sprint, Withdrew from Hy-Vee Oly (initial onset of infection problem), U.S. Transplant Games (12th in 400 Yd Free, 8th in 20 K road Race, 22nd in 5k Run, Bronze medal in 5K Cycling Time Trial, Silver medal AG in Virtual Triathlon),  Doathlon for Life (5k, 20k, 5k Du), several 5ks and I was certified as a USAT Official.
2009 RACES:  My A race is the World Transplant Games in Gold Coast, Australia, which I am currently raising money to compete in now (it is almost $5000 for all of the fees, room and board, travel and what not) at the end of August.  I will also do Hy-Vee Olympic and The Dam to Dam Half Mary, but other than that, my schedule is still up in the air until I find out when I can get training again from the doc.

WEIGHTLOSS: Weightloss is not an issue for me.  I am about 10 pounds over racing weight right now, because I have been mostly sedentary since mid-November when the doc made me stop.  Those will come off easily when I start to train again and I will actually have to start to eat more so that I do not get too thin.  Don't hate me, I've always been this way. 
WHAT is important to you next few months: I have the bike under control.  I need to continue to get better at running.  At the start of last year, I was running 16 Minute miles.  In my last race this year, I ran 11:30/Mile.  I would like to trim another 3 minutes.  This is not a question of endurance capabilities, aerobically speaking.  My heart rate never even gets close to high while running.  It is a leg strength issue.  After even a year, my legs still are not strong enough to turn over and run that fast for any length of time.  My legs have to continue to get stronger.  I am impatient about it.  I also need to get a grip on the swim.  I am not good at it.  I can swim for a  long time, but my technique is awful.  I have tried to find a coach - no luck.  I cannot join the masters group, because the sessions and my work schedule do not mesh.  I tried TI and it did not work for me.  I have to get better at this as well.  Once I get healthy, I need to fast track back into fitness and I am definitely going to do a run every day for 30 days program. 

2008-12-22 10:22 AM
in reply to: #1858045

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!
Hey NewBiz I have spoke with you before about some training and what not. I am still struggling on some nutrition. I can seem to cut any more weight.... I am training about 10-12 hours a week. biking running and weight training.....   ANy advise?

2008-12-22 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1858045

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New user

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!


If still available, I would like to join your training group! I am currently a 20yo, Junior, Biology/Pre-Med Student at FSU in Florida! I have been running for about 7 years now, and swimming for two. I recently got a bike and don't know where to start! I was in triathlon training mode for most of this semester starting in the summer, until I broke my collar bone in mid-October. I am back in action and ready to start training again, but since I've lost so much time, I definitely need a jumpstart for a triathlon in April! 

 I'm not really sure where to start on this thing (website), but I hope you still have room and just let me know where to start!



2008-12-22 11:47 AM
in reply to: #1867298

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!
glad to hve both of you.

I hope very much that the recovery and surgery both go well.

k-read, on the weight loss front it sounds like it might be time to sit down and figure out what you are actually eating in a multi-day period (record everything that you eat for 2-4 days, dont change it). and then look at what type of exersice you are getting. at 10-12 hours per week, it is more than likely a food intake issue.

2008-12-22 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1858045

Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!
I have sat down and recorded what I am eating and I am under my daily calorie intake by like 500-700 cal.... I dont get it....
2008-12-22 1:40 PM
in reply to: #1867614

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!

without knowing the entire picture, here is what i would say/have to think on this.

first, make sure you are using a good scale (something at the gym, newer home one, etc).
try and weigh yourself in the morning if you can before you eat, drink, etc. as this will give you the best idea of actual weight (your weight can jump around a TON during the day, i can go up and down 2-4 pounds simply from normal eating/training).

once ou have a weight to work from, it will take a 400-500 calorie deficeit per day to loose around 1-2 pounds per week for most people. it can be faster than this, but that is a good place to start. as you get closer to the weight you want/lower weight this will get harder.

if you are indeed that much under then you will slowly start to lose weight. it wont come off all at once, but if you want it to stay off, then slowly is the way to do it. spreading out your meals will help in keeping your body going, eat the same amount but in more meals through the day.

2008-12-22 1:45 PM
in reply to: #1867493

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Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!
amy, yep we do still have some room. i think we can still take another one or two people before i shouldclose this.

sorry to hear about the injury but its still the middle of the winter in most places, plently of time to get back into it. (well, i guess not too much of a winter for you).

on the running and cycling fronts, getting back into it slowly is the best way to build up from here and not get injured, way too many people start back into running and get hurt by trying to do too much/run to far per run. running more often, for a shorter period of time is the safest way to build that up, right now i am trying to get in 30 min per day rather than going further.

let me know if you have specifc questions and i'll see what i can do.

TO the group: as i get to know you guys a bit more some of the questrions you may have will become easier to answer as i start to see patterns, hear more about you. if you have questions, or ideas, throw them out there for the group, chances are if i cant help, someone else in here can.

2008-12-22 3:03 PM
in reply to: #1858045

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!

Hey David, sign me up again.  Every Mentor group should have at least one non-swimming duathlete I always say.


2008-12-22 4:06 PM
in reply to: #1858045

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!

Hello Thomas, Glad to see you back. Still avoiding the wet stuff.? LOL If I ran as well as you do I'd not swim either. Have good night


2008-12-22 5:13 PM
in reply to: #1858045

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!

Hi David!  This looks like a great group.  Sign me up please if you have room.

Name: disturbed275 / Neal

Story: I was a pretty athletic person in high school (football, baseball, wrestling) but really let myself go in college.  Finally, a few years after graduating, I decided that enough was enough and took up running to lose the weight.  I ended up dropping 50 lbs and fell in love with running at the same time.  In 2007 I dabbled with a couple of 10K's and then, after learning that a coworker of mine did triathlons, I decided to try one myself.  2008 was my first season and I ended up enjoying it so much that I did 6 tris, including a HIM.

Family Status: 27 and single

Current Training: I currently train about 8-10 hours a week.  Right now I'm mainly focused on biking and swimming.  Swimming is by far my weakest link, but I've been getting some coaching there and that has really helped.

This year's races: This was a year of firsts for me.  I did my first 20K (Dam to Dam), first tri (Hy-Vee), first HIM (Pigman), and first marathon (Des Moines).  I also ran an assortment of other 5ks, 10ks, sprints and olys.  My tri season ended with an Oly that I managed to place in my age group despite an incident on the bike in which my body was introduced to the pavement.

2009 races: I think my race schedule will be quite similar to last year.  Big races will be the Hy-Vee and Pigman again.  I'm also looking into doing a second HIM, but I'm not sure when or where.  I think I may need to leave the state for that.

Weight Loss: Well, I'm up 10 lbs from my race weight so I need to lose that again.  Oh, and I guess another 5 wouldn't hurt.

Goals: The main goal in 2009 is to be competitive in my age group with every race that I do.  This means getting faster in all areas.  I think I the biggest gains can be made with my swim.  The coaching I'm getting right now is helping, but I'll be lucky if I end up a middle of the pack swimmer.  Another goal is staying injury free.  I battled a foot injury during my marathon training which left me woefully unprepared.

2008-12-22 5:55 PM
in reply to: #1866650

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz winter training group is OPEN!


I haven't raced since high school.  I ran mostly sprints 200, 400, 800 and the 2 mile relay.  I have logged everything that I have been doing lately.  I have run about 3- to 5 miles 3 times a week on and off for the past 5 years.   I look forward to being a part of the group.


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