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2009-04-08 12:52 PM

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Edited by JeepFleeb 2009-04-16 9:32 AM

2009-04-08 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2071361

Urbandale, IA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
Hey Aaron.  This is my second season of Tri's and I am looking to get faster and fitter for longer races.  Here is my bio.

NAME: jdwright56 / John / JD / J-dub (to Trixie)

As a 21 year old Marine, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.  18 years later, in November of 2003, due to much avoidance of the issue and not paying attention to my disease, I was diagnosed with end-stage renal disease.  I was immediately placed on the waiting list for a kidney and pancreas transplant and was told that there was no way that I would make it the three years that it would take for my name to come up.  In October of 2006, after being officially "dead" twice, I received my transplant.  In the summer of 2007, I had some friends that had decided to participate in the innaugural Hy-Vee Triathlon in my hometown.  We went to watch and I was amazed by the effort of the AG's and I was stunned by the efforts of the pro's, especially in the women's race where Laura Bennett came from behind to win and the women in second and third collapsed after the finish trying to hold her off.  One of my friends leaned over and said to me - This is the kind of stuff a guy like you was meant to do.  Too bad you didn't know about it until now when you can't do it anymore.  Well, that kind of stuck in my craw.  I have always been a fighter and I don't ever like to think that I can be beaten by anyone but myself. 
I was also, at the time, trying to figure out a way to give back for the gift that I have received that saved my life.  I decided shortly thereafter - in October of 2007 - that I would form Triathlons for Transplants - a charitable organization that raised awareness to the need for organ donation.  It has grown to more than I could ever imagine and with the attention that we now get - I have rededicated myself to new feats that I hadn;t considered before.
FAMILY STATUS: Married, with two step-children (14 & 15 Year old girls

I use BT training programs and advice from BT coaches and gurus - as well as local coaches.

 I did four sprints and a duathlon in 2009.  I also did several 5ks and became a USAT official.

2009 RACES:
- Drake Relays on the Roads 8K
- C.A.R.E. 10k for Organ Donation Awareness
- The Vanesa Thomas 5K for Organ Donation
- Dam to Dam 20k
- Pigman Sprint
- Quad Cities Tri (officiating)
- Hy-Vee Olympic Triathlon
- Cornman Sprint Tri
- Iowa Games Sprint Tri
- Big Creek Olympic Tri
- World Transplant Games - 5k Cycling Time Trial, 20K Road Race
- Pergrine Charities Olympic Tri

Not an issue.  I would like to get more developed, muscularly, as I went through a lot of muscle atrophy in the three years that I was on dialysis.

I am looking for someone that can help me advance to the next stage in triathlon.  I can do the distances, but I want to get faster.  As far as team development goes, we are now starting to get inquiries from sponsors, but I feel we have to be at least MOP to end of FOP to keep getting that attention.  I need to advance to that level. 

2009-04-09 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2071361

Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN

Hi Aaron.  I'm beginning my second season of tri's as well.

Name:  Timmeh!/Tim

Story:  I had a wakeup call two years ago.  I was overweight (245lbs) and had high cholesterol and high blood pressure.  I started walking, then running, and worked myself up to a half marathon that fall.  Once winter set in that year I started doing laps at the pool.  My wife talked me into trying her spin class with her as well.  I really liked training in all three disciplines as I didn't get burned out just doing the same thing all of the time.  Last summer was my first tri season.  I ended the summer at 179lbs and 8.5%BF.  Cholesterol was normal, but blood pressure still a tad high (bad genes the Dr's tell me).

Family status:  I'm 44, Married, and have two kids (9 & 6)

Current training:  Just started the BT 1/2IM 20 week training program.  Main goal for this season is a HIM in August.

Last Years Races:  3 sprint tri's, a half marathon, the bike leg of a HIM as part of a team, and various 5k and 8k's

2009 Races:  the three sprints I did last year, HIM in august, two oly's, and potentially a full marathon in October.

Weightloss:  I had a little trouble keeping the weight off over the winter this year.  I gained about 12 lbs and am currently working my way back to "fighting weight" 

Goals:  Looking to make the jump to Oly and HIM distances this year.  Also would like to get faster in the sprint races as well.  I would also like to tackle a marathon this fall if I'm not too burned out by then.  I also need to get more strict nutritionally, so as to not have any setbacks like this winter.

2009-04-15 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2071361

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2009-04-15 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2071361

Urbandale, IA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
OK Aaron - first question.  Beware that I am an awful runner.

So, the first 5 minutes or so of any run are like torture to me.  It takes about that long for my heart and lungs to catch up to my pace and then, I am good to go.  I have seen two schools of thought on this.  The first would be start slowly and then, gradually increase to your goal pace. 
The second would be to go out at your planned pace - hurt through the first ffive and then, once you are settled - evaluate the pace for the day and feeling that you have. 
This problem generally rears its head on race day - especially for a run only.  If it is a 5K - by the ttime 5 minutes passes - I have run 1/6th of the race.  It seems like running slower for that much of the race and then settling into my pace is ggiving away time.  On the other hand, when I tough it out and just run the planned pace 9:00 or 9:30, then I don;t really feel "comfortable" - it feels like a struggle for the entire time. 
It is a 5K - so I feel like I should feel like I am running hard in a race - but I am not sure which I prefer.  Should I lay out a course and to a few each way and compare times and what not to decide what is best for me?  Does it depend on the course?
2009-04-15 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2071361

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2009-04-15 2:10 PM
in reply to: #2071361

The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
I just spent 10 minutes working on my bio when my browser crashed! Let me try this again -
Hi Aaron, I’m Erin and if you still have room I’d love to join your mentor group.

Name: Erin

Story: A swimmer and self-professed gym rat, I couldn’t run a minute, nevermind a mile. In 2006, I signed up for a turkey trot and walked it. I was so inspired by all the cool runners, I vowed to be one of them next year. I tried running that evening, less then a block later I was sitting on the side of the road unable to breathe. With the holidays looming, I waited until January to start the couch to 5K plan. It took me forever, but in May of 2007 I ran 3 miles. I was so proud of myself I came home and announced to my husband that I was going to do a triathlon. He wasn’t too sure about this idea, after all I’d have to run more then 3 miles AFTER swimming and biking. That and the fact that I didn’t even own a bike made him question my sanity

  • By January, just one year after starting a learn to run plan, I had finished my first triathlon and was toe-ing the line of my first marathon. I had never thought a marathon would ever be in my future, nevermind be so much fun! I’ve been hooked on triathlons since buying my first bike in July of 2007.

    Family status: I'm 29, married and have 4 fuzzy children – 2 cats and 2 dogs. No human kids

    Current training: Base building, no formal plan. I have a sprint May 2nd and then I start a 20 week plan

    Last Years Races: ? sprint tri's, a quarter iron, half iron and a marathon

    2009 Races: 2 sprints, a half ironman and a marathon

    Weightloss: I would love to drop 5-8 pounds but I really must drop body fat. I’m small, but my body fat is high and I'm currently a few pounds up from my ideal weight.

    Goals: Speed and nutrition. I’d love to not just beat my current HIM time, I’d like to slaughter it. I’d like to break the 6 hour mark, and if it is possible, hit 5.5. I’m not sure it’s possible at my current speeds though, I have to play with that and really zero in my training and nutrition.

    Edited by erin116 2009-04-15 2:13 PM
    2009-04-15 2:35 PM
    in reply to: #2071361

    Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
    Aaron, I would love to be a part of your group. My main goal is LONGHORN HIM Austin in October. Not sure if it is too early to join a mentor group for that race. Just let me know. This is my first time training on my own so I would love to be acountable to anyone other than myself and look forward to any advice you can give. I have listed a little bit of info below.


    NAME: sympatric / Patrick

    STORY: This is my third season participating in Triathlons. I stared with TNT and just couldn't get enough of the sport. It is just more fun than should be legal! I have set a goal of my first HIM LONGHORN Austin in October.

    FAMILY STATUS: Married

    CURRENT TRAINING: I am in the last 3 weeks of the BT Sprint program. Then I have a month until my HIM training program starts. I am training for my first HIM Longhorn in Austin in October.

    LAST YEAR'S RACES: CapTexTri Oly, Rivercities Sprint, Texasman Sprint, Stonebridge Oly (not necessarily in that order)

    2009 RACES: (still working on this, but here is the outline)
    McKinney Kiwanis Sprint
    Metroplex Sprint Tri
    Playtri Fest Olympic
    Old College Tri
    Stonebridge Oly

    WEIGHTLOSS: It would be nice to have 6 pack, but i really like pizza.

    2009-04-15 3:03 PM
    in reply to: #2086490

    Urbandale, IA
    Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
    JeepFleeb - 2009-04-15 1:14 PM When you go out for a run (training) do you warm up at all?  Or do you just walk out your door and go straight to your goal pace?

    I usually gt on my bike and spin for 5 to 10 minutes on the trainer in the garage.  Sometimes wehen I run after I swim, I just change and go to the track and start running.
    2009-04-15 3:21 PM
    in reply to: #2071361

    Rowlett, TX
    Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
    How about another Texan to the list?

    NAME: Newtons1st / Todd

    I had always been an athletic person and played many sports. Baseaball was my biggest and play in various amatuer leagues until I was 28. I started to slowly add weight from eating bad and inactivity. I started 2008 at 235 and started to get back into shap. I had a friend that had done a tri and I got interested and being the competitive person I am decided I wanted to do one. Gave me something to trian for.

     Married to the perfect woman Kristy with 14 yo Step Son, 12 yo Twin Boys and a 1 yo little girl

    I signed up to do a a DU and started trianing about 6 months ago. I am recovering from a 6 month lingering calf issue that had really put a hamper on my running. Swim 2x week and looking to add in some open water. Bike 3x week, most on trainer since weekends are really only time to get outside.


    2009 RACES:
    - Texas Motor Speedway Du 02-22-09
    - Play Tri Sprint 7-05-09
    - Toyota U.S. Open Triathlon Olympic 11-10-09

    205 now. Want to be less than 190 by July and low 180s by Nov.

    2009-04-15 3:48 PM
    in reply to: #2071361

    Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
    Hi I would love to join the group . I will post bio tonight. I just got in from ride and I need to get back into the mom mode

    2009-04-15 4:06 PM
    in reply to: #2071361

    Quad Cities
    Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
    If you've still got room, I'd like to join

    NAME: Matt

    STORY: Started doing tri's a couple of years ago and have progressively added longer distances. I'm pretty much a MOP'er and am fine with that.


    CURRENT TRAINING: Trying to get ready for Kansas. This will be my first attempt at going the 70.3 distance so hopefully I survive

    - Quad Cities Sprint Tri
    - Crossroads Sprint Tri
    - Accenture Oly Tri

    2009 RACES:
    - Galena Sprint
    - Ironman 70.3 Kansas

    I'll probably add a couple more, but I'm focusing on the half first

    WEIGHTLOSS: I'm really not looking to lose weight. If I lost a couple pounds that fine, but it's not a goal of mine

    Edited by merickson73 2009-04-15 4:11 PM
    2009-04-15 5:28 PM
    in reply to: #2071361

    Almost Canada, WA
    Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN

    If there's room, I'd like to join...

    NAME: Happychick/Michelle

    I was NEVER active as a kid/teenager but after joining and being in the Army for 10 years I learned to love exercise ~ especially running.  I always say running is my "happy place."  After having my baby girl 14 months ago I was determined to get back in shape but wanted to take it slow as I was breastfeeding and wanted to make sure the weight stayed off.  In October I kind of hit a wall and decided to make the committment to something I've been wanting to do for a long time ~ a triathlon.  I joined BT and signed up for the Hono Sprint Tri so that there was no backing out.
    I've kind of hit a slump in the last month as I was travelling back and forth to Cleveland (I currently live in Hawaii) to be with family as my Mom was really ill then passed away.  I'm desperately trying to get back into the groove of things but I'm trying to find that same drive that I had a month ago and am hoping a mentor group will help.

     Married for 13 years (in May) with a 14 month old baby girl 

    Following BTs Basic 12 week Sprint program

    2009 RACES:
    *Finished 8.12 mile Aloha Run with a 9:20 pace
    *Finished Ft Derussy Biathlon without drowning (first OWS)
    *Honolulu Sprint Tri (or duathlon if the jellys are in)
    *North Shore Triathlon (which will most likely be my first if the Hono Tri is in fact changed to a du)
    *That's just what I have planned until June and my goal is to do some type of race every month

    WEIGHTLOSS: After having my kiddo I was 198lbs and am now down to 144.  My goal is to get to 135 then I'll have to see where to go from there!

    Edited by Happychick 2009-04-15 5:30 PM
    2009-04-15 6:15 PM
    in reply to: #2071361

    Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN

    You seem like you might be getting booked up but I'll give it a shot that you still have room.


    Name: elheffe99 / Jeff

    Story: When my daughter started swimming about 4 years ago I realized how out of shape and unhappy I had become. I played water polo one year in highschool and loved being in the pool. There was a pool at the gym that I never went to and decided I would use it at lunch. After a few weeks I decided I would do a triathlon. I found this website in 2006 and went from there. I did a number of sprints, an Oly and then did the SOMA HIM in October 2007. Two weeks later I was in a car accident and it played havoc with my back and neck for nearly 7 months afterward. Of course during this time the economy and my industry were going into a tail spin. I was laid off and then found another job. My wife started teaching last fall and it's the first time since we've had kids that we've both worked at the same time. Basically I'm trying to get back into a groove to hopefully be able to attempt an IM. I know that it won't happen this year but I'm just trying to juggle the family/work/training schedule. Last year I did one sprint and Oly and definitely didn't feel like I had in the previous years. I'm looking to find my mojo!

    Family Status: Married with two kids (daughter 9 and son 6). My wife currently swim for excercise, my daughter is competitve age group swimmer and my son plays baseball and thinks he's an age group swimmer.

    Current Training: I'm muddling through a bike focused sprint program....

    2009 Races (all are registered as of today):

    Enicinitas Sprint Trithathlon - May

    Camp Pendleton Sprint Triathlon - August

    Orange County International Triathlon - September

    Weightloss: I could probably lose 20 pounds.

    Aaron, I live in So CA and did a couple of rides with Omega before he moved to OR. I also bought some Speedplays off of you last year.

    Let me know if you have room.


    2009-04-15 7:41 PM
    in reply to: #2071361

    Subject: ...
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    2009-04-15 8:00 PM
    in reply to: #2087542

    In the Shadow of the Big House
    Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
    If you've got room for one more, count me in.

    Name:  Scott
    Age: 39 and holding
    Married for 14 years with two great kids, 9 and 3 who train along with me as much as they can.
    First season for Triathlon though I have already done a 5k,8k and 10k race as well as an indoor tri this season
    I'm going to start the 20 week HIM program here in a couple of weeks, right now just trying to get out there and do something everyday.
    2009 Goals: Looking to do a Sprint distance race in May, another 10k in June, a Sprint in July, an Oly in Aug and HIM in Sept.

    2009-04-15 8:02 PM
    in reply to: #2071361

    Denver Area
    Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN

    Aaron I'd like to join your mentor group---training for first HIM in August.  But I will have to add more later as I'm obligated this evening.

    Is it boys only?  Only saw manly mens joing as yet. 

    2009-04-15 8:05 PM
    in reply to: #2087607

    Subject: ...
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    2009-04-15 8:29 PM
    in reply to: #2071361

    somewhere in the northwest
    Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
    Hi Aaron if you have room I would like to join your group let me know and i'll put up bio thanks.
    2009-04-15 8:32 PM
    in reply to: #2087607

    Almost Canada, WA
    Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
    AdaBug - 2009-04-15 4:02 PM

    Aaron I'd like to join your mentor group---training for first HIM in August.  But I will have to add more later as I'm obligated this evening.

    Is it boys only?  Only saw manly mens joing as yet. 

    With a name like Happychick, I'm thinking I'm a girl!
    2009-04-15 10:23 PM
    in reply to: #2087670

    Denver Area
    Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN

    Happychick - 2009-04-15 7:32 PM
    AdaBug - 2009-04-15 4:02 PM

    Aaron I'd like to join your mentor group---training for first HIM in August.  But I will have to add more later as I'm obligated this evening.

    Is it boys only?  Only saw manly mens joing as yet. 

    With a name like Happychick, I'm thinking I'm a girl!


    2009-04-15 10:25 PM
    in reply to: #2071361

    somewhere in the northwest
    Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
    Hi my name is gary i'm 43 married with 2 daughters 21/19 I live in Kalispell Montana but i'm working in Pasco WA.

    I was never a athlete in school but when I was in 7th grade I could run the mile in 5:05 but I never persued it I had  other things to do. So it was'nt until Aug 2007 my DW did a sprint TRI and I thought to my fat self I could do that. At that time I was about 245lbs and could not run more than 3 tenths of a mile without  dropping dead. By Feb 2008 I ran my first 1/2 mary in May I sighned up on BT and used the training plans for a sprint tri in Aug. I finally got my weight below 200 and have maintained it for 9 months. I just did my first marathon on 4/4/09 and have'nt quit smilling since then.
    My current plan is to do Boise 70.3 in June and maybe Trioka HIM in Aug plus a few Olys and sprints that pop up that I can get to.
    I've been working a little with nutrision and have found a few things that work for me, intake while running is still a problem at times but not to bad.
    2009-04-15 10:41 PM
    in reply to: #2087607

    Denver Area
    Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN

    AdaBug - 2009-04-15 7:02 PM

    Aaron I'd like to join your mentor group---training for first HIM in August.  But I will have to add more later as I'm obligated this evening.

    I'm Ada. I've a Sprint (Dec 07) and an Oly (May 08) under mah belt. 

    Currently on a 20 week Plan for HIM mid August, also racing the other 2 in the 5430 Series, Sprint in June & Oly in July.  If any runnnnning races coincide with my training plan I'll pick'em up, but otherwise that's it.  Just looking forward to fun & improvement.  Currently attempting to get diet back under control, as I'm realizing that it absolutely makes a difference with my training.

    In real life, I'm a mommy to Little Girl, three (in two weeks) year old, and wife to The Man.

    2009-04-15 10:48 PM
    in reply to: #2071361

    Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
    Okay here it goes,
    Name :Tania

    Story: I was a crazy runner in the 90's and did many marathons and 5k 10k and halfs . I became pretty crazy and was never really happy with my times. ( how foolish I was in my thirties). I simply lost the joy in running. My family moved overseas and we pretty much traveled Europe in our free time. I pretty much quit any form of exercise. We moved back to the states and I had always said I was going to do a triatholn. Last year I started to run again and I took swim lesson for I couldn't swim a lap. I like the multi sport and mixing up the different workouts. When I race I am very competitive with myself and I am not happy unless I know I gave it my all . MY only regret is that I wished I had started this sport years ago.

    Family Status: Married for 20 years to my HS sweetheart . We have four daughters, 19 ,17 ,5, 3

    Current Training: I took the winter off from running focused on swimming( I suck) and biking. I am slowly trying to get some kind of run base built back up. I really let it slide and I am struggling to get my run fitness back. Biking is fairly new to me. I bought my first bike last year. I am working with a swim coach and really focusing on form.

    Last Years Races: 3 sprints , 4 Du's ,spring Marathon, a few 10k, 2 bike tours

    My Goals For 2009
    to improve in all 3 areas, Oly and work up to longer distance, I would at some point like to do Half but I wouldn't attempt untill I can get to be a better swimmer

    Rochester Du end of April (not really ready for ) but a good trainning day
    May 2 5k Training day
    June 6 Pigman sprint
    June 28 Rochester Triatholn
    July 13 Timberman Mn It will be a A race for it a hometown race and High school rivals.( I will never here the end of it from my hubby if my old track team rivals beat me
    August brewhouse Tri
    fall marathon
    2009-04-15 10:50 PM
    in reply to: #2087610

    Denver Area
    Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN

    JeepFleeb - 2009-04-15 7:05 PM
    AdaBug - 2009-04-15 8:02 PM
    Aaron I'd like to join your mentor group---training for first HIM in August.  But I will have to add more later as I'm obligated this evening.

    Is it boys only?  Only saw manly mens joing as yet. 

    Only cute girls allowed!

    You'll be the third so far.

    make an azz of myself right off the bat<--- CHECK

    aside, to the Texans---> displaced Texans in Colorado here! :D

    to, HappyChick ---> we moved from Maui in '07, you da kine? :D

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