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2009-04-12 4:19 PM

No excuses!
Subject: Shermbelle's Group Closed
Shermbelle/ Michael

Married with a 3yr old and  a 3 month old

This will be my third year of tris with my main focus being  Ironman Louisville. I come from a purely running background.
Other races will be a couple of olympics, HIM, and a handful of running races.

Goals for this year- get consistent with my training and work it all in with all the other commitments of my life. Finally get back into good shape after slacking the last couple of years with having the kids and taking time off.

Weightloss will continue to be  an important part of my training. Need to keep shedding those extra lbs to achieve my goals.

Why I would be a good mentor???
I love encouraging and motivating people to accomplish goals and reach new heights in their athletic endevours. Seeing someone do something that they thought was impossible or setting a  PR is very cool to be part of.

Sign up if you want to be part of an active group that will be hitting our goals this summer.

Edited by Shermbelle 2009-04-20 6:56 PM

2009-04-17 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2079613

New user

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Hi Shermbelle/ Michael

My name is Bryan and I'm interested in joining your mentor group. Here's a little about myself to get started:

I'm married with 2 boys, a 3.5 yr old and  a 1 yr old.

I also come from a purely running background, I've done about 4 half marathons and several shorter local races. I'm not real fast but not real slow. I'm brand new to triathlons as well as this site.

My primary goal right now is my first triathlon, a sprint, that is on June 6. So it's right around the corner. Once I complete that one, I'm sure I'll pick another sprint or maybe an Olympic to train for and go from there.

Goals for this year- pretty similar to yours: get consistent with my training and work it all in with all the other commitments of my life. Figure out how to fit-in multi-sport training. Become a triathlete and have fun doing it.

Why I would be a good student???
I am the definition of a beginner triathlete...I'm not even sure what questions to ask at this point, but I'm sure there will be many in the near future.

As I said, I'm new to this site but I'll start checking in here regularly and I'll also start logging my training here.

Looking forward to learning!

2009-04-17 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2079613

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
I'd love in your group, if you'll have me. I am sure you will kick my patooty when I need it, and I need it. (No surprise to you, I'm sure.)

enders_shadow/ Kristen

Married w/ a 7 year old and a 4 year old (both girlie girls - ugh)

This is my 3rd year of tris, and I also come from a run background. Year one was pool sprints with one miserable short OWS tri. Year two was pool sprints, one decent OWS tri, and an attempted OWS oly that got shortened to a long duathlon because of a stupid hurricane. This season I'm doing a marathon (TOMORROW OMG) and then an OWS oly in mid-May and then my schedule's still up in the air to see how much my life sucks after tomorrow.

My goals for this season are to get skinnier, get stronger on the swim, get fearless on the bike, and get faster on the run. As far as specific goals, the only one I have right now is that I am contemplating doing a re-run of my fall half-mary (2:05 and change) to see if I can go sub-2 with some targeted training (and a few pounds lighter). I'd also like to see 135 pounds and after my mary weekend I'm going to try the paleo route for a while to see if it shakes things up for me. I'll probably have some other goals once I get through this weekend.

So, if I'm not too much of a troublemaker, I'd love to be part of your group. I want to rock my goals!

Edited by enders_shadow 2009-04-17 2:46 PM
2009-04-18 4:35 AM
in reply to: #2079613

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Bryan and Kristen you are both in and welcome
2009-04-18 8:42 AM
in reply to: #2079613

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
I would love to be in your mentor group, I can do a write up later ...but basically this is my first year of Tri's after I finished my college eligibility and my "A" race is the Longhorn 70.3 in October
2009-04-19 7:16 AM
in reply to: #2093649

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
LSU25 - 2009-04-18 9:42 AM I would love to be in your mentor group, I can do a write up later ...but basically this is my first year of Tri's after I finished my college eligibility and my "A" race is the Longhorn 70.3 in October

You are in!

2009-04-19 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2079613

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Okey dokey - first marathon is in the books, but it sucked. I think you might be mentoring a rehabb-er for this summer. Yikes!

Here is the RR if you're interested...
2009-04-19 10:01 AM
in reply to: #2079613

New user

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
hi everyone, i would love to join your group...
i have done some sprints and will done my 1st oly dis in may..

im married with 2 girls, 6 and4. i weigh 160 and im 5'6. i am tring to lose some weight bt it doesnt seem to be coming offff

i have noticed more muscle mass, so im hopeing in time it will come off..

my oly race is may 9 , the iron girl in vegas.. wish me luck...

2009-04-19 12:12 PM
in reply to: #2079613

New user

Niagara Region
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Hi There:

I'm hoping to join this group...this is my first year attempting at any triathlon and my goal is to complete the 70.3 Musselman Tri in Geneva, NY July 9th, 2009....a quick jump into it, being that I've never done the sport before, but I have done several half marathons, one full marathon, swam competitively in high school (but that was 12 years ago!), was a lifeguard/swim instructor, and rowed on a varsity rowing team for University.

I've started a 14 week program last week for this upcoming race and my goal is just to finish the distance without keeling over.  I just bought my first road bike and it's going to be ready for me on Tuesday!!!  Very excited as I've only rode a Norco mountain bike that's about 15 years old!!!  So i'm sure I will appreciate the change.

I really know nothing about tri's except what I read in the book "The Woman Triathlete" and from some conversations with co-workers, who participate in tri's.

Thanks for your time!
2009-04-19 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2079613

New user

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Hello. My name is Don and I would like to join the fun and be part of your group. I am not a youngster but have always been physically active with sports as tennis, weight training, and just general working out. Unfortunately, I have also been active at the dinner table and so have about 30 lbs to loose.

I started a strong program of biking last year and started the same in running this spring. The good news, two sixteen year old daughters who no longer need a taxi for their after school activities, miles of running, biking trails next to my home for training, and lots of energy and commitment. Downside, lots of travel for my job so most biking and swim training will need to be on the weekend.

If you will accept me, I look forward to joining your group and having a great time.
2009-04-19 10:14 PM
in reply to: #2095093

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
enders_shadow - 2009-04-19 10:35 AM Okey dokey - first marathon is in the books, but it sucked. I think you might be mentoring a rehabb-er for this summer. Yikes! Here is the RR if you're interested...

Great job on the race Kristen, look how far you have come!!!

2009-04-19 10:15 PM
in reply to: #2079613

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Jill, Crystal and Don you three are in. Welcome to the group.
2009-04-19 11:25 PM
in reply to: #2079613

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Shermbelle/ Michael
I would love to join your group if you will have me. I am 38 and married with 3 kids (8,5,and 2). I am constantly struggling with the guilt of long training runs, and am anticipating more guilt with long training rides this summer.   I am also planning a few 10 day trips this summer which will present challenges for swimming and biking and will need some ideas and motivation.  

This is my first season of Tri's and second season running.  I ran 3 5ks and a 10k last year and am running the 5/3 Riverbank 25k in 3 weeks.  I have my A race Tri in Chicago on 8/30 (OLY) and one other on July 12th at Interlochen (Sprint).  I may try to do the GR Marathon in October if the Riverbank goes well. I was a Division 3 FB player in college, and a long run was less than a mile, so the fact that I am doing 15 mile training runs and loving it is new territory for me.  My swim training is going great and I find that I like it as much as running, but the bike is another story.  I cannot get motivated on the Trainer, so I am excited for warmer weather and the ability to get out on the road.

Good luck in the final weeks before the RB run.  Maybe I will see you there.


2009-04-20 8:59 AM
in reply to: #2079613

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
I would like to join this group.
I am 43 years old married with two teenage sons.

I have done a few running races but this will be my first year of Triathlon, looking to do 3 sprints .
For the next month or so my focus is on dropping a few pounds and getting my swim stoke together.

I am thinking that a training group will help keep me honest in my training Innocent Right now i love to plan everything out then just do what ever i feel like when i get out on the road.
2009-04-20 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2079613

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hi Shermbelle, I'd like to join this group.

I trained triathlon for 2 years in Brazil and participated in only one sprint distance competition. I would have done more but I got married and moved to London. I have been living here for the past year and although I kept exercizing as often as I can, I have been swimming 2x week (2k), doing spinning classes sometimes and in winter I literally stopped running. I just can't run on a treadmill and I just didn't feel like running outdoors at all. It's all very frustrating.

The big challenge for me is not the training itself because I love to exercise and I love training triathlon. The big challenge for me is to cope with the weather and the idea that I will have to swim in a very cold river! And also, in Sao Paulo I could train the cycling very close to where I lived and now, the closest option is Richmond park and I will only be able to go there on the weekends.

I want to participate in the London Triathlon on the 2nd August but individual enrolments are sold out. I'm trying to enrol through a charity. 




2009-04-20 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2079613

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Lets GO!

I am 33 and have been blessed with a wonderful wife and "perfect" kid.

I played baseball in college and also was a personal trainer/fitness manager for 24hourfitness.

I started wanting to Tri last year, but shoulder injury and ike stoped my momentum for a fall challenge.  I was laid off in Decemebr and recently started the WANT to again.  I ran the Austin half mary in Febuary and enjoyed every mintue training with my wife.  I have been running and just started to get on my bike again.  I am waiting for the weather to warm the neighbor hood pool up so I can get back in the water.  I live a few blocks from lake Conroe so OWS will not be a problem once I get swimming again.  I also look forward to getting many miles on the bike around the area where we live.

My major goal this year is to do Iron Star in November.  I will do a sprint or 2 this summer if I think we can afford it. 

I could use some advice on nutrition for long rides and the extra motivation one needs when times get tough. 

I will be a PE teacher come the fall so I have everyday untill the end of August to train like no other.  Now lets GO!

2009-04-20 10:43 AM
in reply to: #2079613

New user

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Hi Shermbelle/Michael

My name is Kevin married wit 2 girls 2y and 6m old.

Triathlon was some thing i all was wanted 2 do. This is my year 2 do it I'm on 16 wk plan for sprints tri. My goal are to have fun, train hard, loss weight.

I would like to be in your mentor group.
2009-04-20 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2079613

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Oceanside, California
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
My name is Eric.
I am 37 married with a 2yo boy and 4 month old girl.

I swam and rowed as a young one.
Then I got into cheerleading and then MMA.

I got married, worked long hours, entered and finished a Ed.D. program.
Then realized, instead of being the athlete from my memory, I am now out of shape.

I entered and did the UCLA Tri in March 09 - sorely under-prepared, but I finished.

My prep for that put me from high 240's to 237 on race day.
I also got 2 clicks in on my belt.

My biggest challenges are...
1 - Having a spouse who lives an unhealthy lifestyle, and being a better influence on her than she is a bad influence on me.
2 - Time management to train.
3 - Old-injury management (bad back, knee surgery, hernia surgery, etc)

Edited by eabeam 2009-04-20 11:07 AM
2009-04-20 12:24 PM
in reply to: #2079613


Kansas City
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Hi Shermbelle et al!

I'd like to join your group!

I'm Mark. I'm 25 and married with no children.

This is my second attempt at triathlon this year. Last year, I committed to the goal of my first triathlon but chickened out at the last minute and completed the duathlon instead - sadly. I finished another 2 duathlons the next month. Shortly after I was hamstringed (literaly) with an injury that limited my activity to swimming for the rest of the season.

Just recently my dad underwent major heart revascularization. I have had a history of health problems in my past and established a goal to lose substantial weight. Triathlon is the extreme avenue on which I have created my foundation. To date I've lost 60 pounds (from 295) and expect to continue on that path.

I expect to be more consistent with my cross-training (I tend to get in a rut when I see improvements in one sport), lose additional weight, inspire my Dad in cardiac recovery to take charge of his health and promote the sport of triathlon in Kansas City.

This year my race goals this year are:
a) Complete my first sprint triathlon by June
b) Compete in two additional sprints through August.
c) Complete first half marathon in October
c) Complete an olympic tri before year-end

Long term goal:
a) Complete half IM before year-end 2010
b) Complete full IM before year-end 2011

2009-04-20 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2079613

New user

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Married with a 5yr and 7yr old

I have always wanted to do a Triathalon but have always found some excuse or lack of motivation to actually do one yet.  I would like to start with running and build some endurance, running is my weak spot right now.  I currently travel a lot with my job so I end up having to do treadmil work (which I hate) but I am willing to do it to achieve my goals.

Goals for this year- Obtain a consistant workout plan.  There is a half marathon in October that I would like to run in.  This gives me plenty of time to get my running down and something for me to set as a goal.  I would then like to focus on a sprint tri next year (maybe several)

Weightloss - I want to lose about 55lbs and I think I need to work on that before I try anything to outragous.  I have done a little running but nothing beyond 4 miles in distance.

The one thing I lack in encouragement to keep me going.  I work best when I have a schedule in front of me so I can check off workouts as I go.

I hope I can join this group.  I am starting my running tonight after work  - not sure what plan I will use as of yet so any suggestions would be great.  I am thinking I should work up to a 10K distance first then tackle the half marathon distance that I want to do in Oct.


Scott C.
2009-04-20 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2079613

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Extreme Veteran
Louisville, KY
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
If its still open, I would like to be a part of your group.

Name: Michelle (Louisville, KY), 39 (hitting the big 40 in October)

Single and have a 12 year old at home

My story:  Got into cycling and running several years ago.  Volunteered at IMKY and was overwhemingly inspired.  Decided to throw in some swimming and give it a "tri".  Completed my first one in April (1/2 mile swim, 19 bike, 4 mile run).  I finished, and that was my goal, but didn't do as well as I wanted, or know that I could. 

My goals: Get my running to an actual run...and less of a jog, and To do several more sprints this summer....get better and faster at each one and...mayyyyybbeee, if I can get my running going, and OLY late in the year.  My ultimate dream.... IM (here in my hometown would be fabulous).

Weightloss:  Dropped over 25 lbs in the last year and would like to drop about 20 more.

What would make me a good mentee?  I need goals to keep me consistant in working out...I love to be motivated, and although I have never logged a workout on here, I PROMISE to start


2009-04-20 2:19 PM
in reply to: #2079613


Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hey!  I'm really interested in becomign part of your group. 

I'm a mom of 2 and I"m working from home.  My boys (4 and 2) keep me busy and I'm also a Doula and I work helping others delivery their own babies and care for them. 

I am working towards my first "give it a triathlon".  I would like to complete it in August.  I'm having issues finding clothing to fit my plus size body for now.  Hopefully that will change

Maybe you can send me a message and let me know if I'm in. If not I'll find someone else.  I'm looking forward to a great summer!


2009-04-20 6:57 PM
in reply to: #2079613

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
everyone is in, I will get a list together later tonight, welcome
2009-04-20 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2079613

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
OK - my goals are shifting a bit - I managed to transfer my Oly registration from a May race to a September race. WHOO WHOO! So here comes a summer of rehab and strengthening, with new goals of a rocking Oly and then a sub 2:00 half in November.
2009-04-20 10:36 PM
in reply to: #2079613

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
So...I have a Garmin 205.  Is there a way to get my mile splits out of it once I finish a long run?  I have yet to load the software that came with it.  Do I just have to do my splits manually? Seems like a lot to remember.  I am hopelessly technophobic.  Help.
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