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2009-05-14 3:49 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet? - FULL

NAME: konichiwa  / Tim (32yrs old, soon to be 33)

STORY: Without getting into boring details, I've always been ative and played sports my whole life.  Lots of basketball growing up.  I ran X-country in HS but wasn't great compared to the serious runners on other teams.  I had an interest in tris as early as the mid 90s but never wanted to more than relay.  I did my first tri in 2004 and have been hooked since.  I'll race any distance, but find myself best at the olympic distance thus far.

Now I use triathlon as a great tool to stay in shape and have fun.  I met my fiance through triathlons so we are great for each other and understand why the other enjoys the sport so much. 

FAMILY STATUS: Engaged to gymnutt03.  Wedding is in Sept.

CURRENT TRAINING: I train using a periodization approach.  I map out most of my season (at least up until my largest race) at the beginning of the year and then I work backwards to determine when training needs to start.  My weekly hours range from 10-18.  Right now I am training 12-15hrs/week.  I recently got a PowerTap so all of my cycling this year has been power-based training.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: So far this year I have ran two 10 mile runs.  At the last one, I set a personal best of 1:10:14.

2009 RACES:  May - Black Bear sprint (PA), June - Philadelphia Olympic Tri (PA),  July - Musselman Half


WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I sit in front of a computer most of the day and always have BT open.  Seriously though, I am a tri geek.  I have read and continue to read about how to train, how to avoid injuries, how to setup your position on your bike, etc.  If there is one word of advice I could give to the newbies out there is to come up with a plan and stick with it.  Consistency is important.  I've slowly improved over the last 5yrs and feel I have a wealth of knowledge to help our new triathlete friends get off to a quick start.


Edited by konichiwa 2009-06-06 10:37 PM

2009-05-14 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?


Roll call.  Please let us know where you are from as well as a little bit about yourself and why you are doing tris.


Home: King of Prussia, PA (just outside Philadelphia)

Me: Look up at the first post for more details or ask me a question.

Why I tri: I love the competition.  I have a close group of friends, although geographically dispursed, who all tri.  I love the training.

Just so you all know, my fiance, gymnutt03, is going to be helping me out with the group too.  I'll get her to introduce herself shortly.

I'll be away for a portion of the weekend, but I'll be checking in on Sunday evening at the latest.

Train smart, train hard.


2009-05-14 5:10 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Hey Tim!  Thanks for starting up this group!!!

My name is Keri, I will be 40 on 5/20.  I live in Houston Texas, married to Ken and Mama of 5 kids, my boys are 14 & 16, girls are almost 7, 5 and 2.  I homeschool the girls and have a web based embroidery business.

STORY:  Ummmm I don't really have one.  I didn't play sports until high school and wasn't any good at them though I always enjoyed exercise/fitness.  I became a NASM certified personal trainer in 1997 and trained for 6 years until it was too hard to train with one in the sling and one in the belly   I joined a run club in February in an effort to shed some left over baby fluff.  In March one of the gals in my run club mentioned a super sprint tri and the bug was planted.  I swam my first lap mid March and barely made it 25 yards.  Last Sunday I did my first SSTri on Mother's Day with my whole family cheering me on!  It was 200 yards, 8 mile bike, 2 mile run - A nice way to start. 

CURRENT TRAINING:  This is where I really need help.  I swim, bike, run and lift but I don't use a particular plan other than trying not to drown, trying not to fall and trying to go faster.  I should probably develop some kind of plan.

RACES:  May 30 - Race for the Pennant 5K, June 28 Y-Freedom Tri pool swim 300/12/3, August 9 Bridgeland 300/14/3.28, MAYBE September 6 Summertime Blues Tri 500/15/3 and Try Andy's Tri 300/10/3.  As you can see they are all sprints.  I'd like to see how these go before thinking of an Oly.

WEIGHTLOSS - 5-7 pounds would be good - I am going on a cruise in July and would like to look HOT Wink

Is that everything?  If not feel free to ask, I am an open book.



Edited by KeriKadi 2009-05-15 1:52 PM
2009-05-14 10:08 PM
in reply to: #2151699

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Hey Keri, nice to meet you!  I think I can help you get some sort of plan together.  I am leaving tomorrow for the wknd, but we'll catch up early next week.


2009-05-15 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Bumping to say have a nice weekend!
I have my first long bike ride - 25 miles tomorrow, wish me luck Smile
2009-05-17 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2151526

Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Hi Tim

This is Tim. and I was wondering if you accept duathletes as well.  The pool I was swimming at is closed until August and have just finished my first duathlon today.  I will do duathlons for the rest of this year while starting to swim as soon as I can.

I am 36yo, married, have one daughter and am going to school to be a Neuromuscular Massage Therapist.  I usually train between 4 and 7 hours a week depending on the amount of tests I have in a particular week. 

I have not logged my workouts for a long time and will start tomorrow after I get the time from the race today.




2009-05-17 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2156311

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Tim, bummer about the pool but we'll be glad to have you in the group.  Looking fwd to checking out your workouts.  Where you located?


2009-05-17 9:11 PM
in reply to: #2156599

Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Thanks for having me in your group.  I live in Cincinnati Ohio.

2009-05-17 9:29 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Welcome Tim Smile
Can I say how wonderful it is to have someone other than me posting???  LOL

This morning my 14 year old and I drove about 45 minutes south to cheer on some of my buds at the Silverlake Tri (one of them is a member here).  It was cool to watch a tri, I wish I had watched one befor my first which was just last weekend, I think I would have been less freaked out.  My son is catching the tri bug and is considering a sprint tri close to our house in August - THAT would be cool, a tri with one of my kids!

It was gorgeous in Houston today (shocking 74 degrees in May) so my husband and I went on a nice 5K.  We paced together for the first half which made me faster and him slower which we both need and then he took off.  It was my best 5K ever!  If you check my logs that not saying a whole lot but it is nice to see improvement.  It's amazing how much better you feel when it's 10-15 degrees cooler.

Tomorrow I plan to get in the pool early, my husband is on MULA this week so I can go before childcare opens and then take a spin class a little later.  Looking forward to this week.
2009-05-17 11:39 PM
in reply to: #2151526


Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Hey Tim..  Would love to join the group if possible.

My name is Bryan and I live in Oklahoma City.  I am 38 and married with 3 kids.  7 and 2 year old girls and a 5 year old boy.

I am new to triathlons and plan on doing my first in August.  I have cycled for 6 or 7 years and have started running in the past year.  I have always loved to swim so it sounded good to move into triathlons.

I just ran my first half marathon in April.  Currently I am weight training on Mon, Wed and Fri and will start my running plan back up tomorrow of 4-5 days a week.  My wife is changing her YMCA membership tomorrow to add the rest of the family so I have access to the pool.

In the past 15 months I have lost 30 pounds and would like to lose another 10 in the next few months.

I hope that give you an idea of what I am about.  Thanks for the group and I look forward to hearing from you.


Edited by Cubacheski 2009-05-17 11:41 PM
2009-05-18 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2156896

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Bryan, welcome to the group!  Congrats on the weight loss.  That is most impressive!!  Not sure how much running you've been doing recently (I haven't looked at your logs yet), but be careful about jumping too fast into the running if you haven't been running a lot lately. 


2009-05-18 1:27 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Hi Tim.
Glad to join your group.  To answer a few things about me:

Name: Joe Gillis
Story: About 18 months ago decided to try and lose some weight.  Put that Father's Day gift of exercise bike to use.  Starting losing weight and decided to try a running race last srping; hadn't run much since high school.  Did OK on the 5k - recognized someone from my town who I knew ran, so figured to try and shadow him to have him set my pace.  He was surprised to see me behind him throughout and to nearly the end.  He asked me if I thought I could run a 7 mile race for a Charity with a team he was putting together.  So, I then found myself last summer running Falmouth Road Race with 14,000 other runners.
Then decided to try and take this to another level, and do a Tri.  Which, to most including my wife, seemed strange since I did not swim.  Joined the YMCA, took some group lessons, and here I am in spring 2009, about 40 pounds lighter than 18 months ago.
Just yesterday, completed my first Sprint Tri.
Family: Married 18 years to Linda, daughter Kerrin 15 and sone Matthew 10.  Took the swimming lessons in a class with Kerrin - which was kind of neat.  Run races with Matthew - and he wants to try a Duathlon with me in the fall.
Current Training: about 6-7 hours each week.  Some more intense, some more relaxed.  I try to walk 2-3 miles everyday.  Know I need to find more time to get to the pool and work on swimming.
Races: Running races 5k to 10-miles.  One Tri completed 5/17.
Planned: Falmouth Road Race.  Considering Half Marathon in fall.
Weightloss: While like to think lose more weight, no longer a priority.  In fact, while training over past couple months I lost another size in pants but added five pounds.  I attribute this to muscle - or at least like to think/hope that way.

Anything else... please ask.
I already know Keri from conversations on regular Forum Board.  And look forward to exchanging ideas, thoughts and encouragement here.

2009-05-18 7:42 PM
in reply to: #2151526


Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Thanks for the post Tim..  In regards to running..  I trained and ran a half marathon on April 26th so I an good on the running part.  I dont have anything on my logs since I just joined up last night.  I weight train on Mon, Wed and Fri so I worked out today and Tues and Thurs will be my swim days and run about 4 to 5 days per week.  Thanks again.
2009-05-19 7:58 AM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Hey guys!  Everybody manage to survive Monday?  Yesterday was pretty good for me, I swam early in the morning, came home for a few hours and then hit the gym for an awesome spin class.  Today it's run club at 9:00, I am working on increasing my speed, which is necessary!  It is a rare cool day in Houson so I am looking forward to my outdoors trail run.
If anybody has suggestions on me moving faster I would love to hear them!

Anybody else on FB?  You can find my e-mail in my profile if you are interested.
2009-05-19 7:59 AM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
I guess it's time to change my siggy huh?
2009-05-19 8:17 AM
in reply to: #2160122

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

My Monday wasn't too bad.  It's always a bit better when you have plans for the upcoming wknd.  My fiance and I are meeting another couple in Gettysburg, PA for sort of a mini training camp weekend.  From Sat-Mon I hope to get in two rides, two runs and possible one swim. 

I'm not on FB.  I think I am one of the last holdouts in the world.  I'll prob get there sooner or later as I work in technology and we have clients who reference it...I should get on to get a firsthand understanding of it.  That and Twitter.  I'll likely join twitter first.

Regards to running faster, I think running groups are awesome.  They get you out there and they keep you motivated.  I'm not sure how much running experience you have, but if you are relatively new, I would shoot for consistency.  For example, maybe you run 4x/week and have been averaging 15mpw (mile per week).  You may do something like;

week1: 15mi

week2: 16.5mi

Week3: 18mi

Week4: 10mi (cutback)

Two key points;  Follow the 10% rule (or close to it).  10% rules states you should only increase you weekly mileage by 10% per week.  Same goes for for you longest run.  Second, I always like giving myself a cutback week every so often.  It gets tricky as training, and training plans, are just as much art as they are science. 

2009-05-19 10:58 AM
in reply to: #2151526

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: RE: my Monday
I did an easy 4 mile (3.9 technically) run Monday night with my son.  I knew I'd be still tired from Sunday, but wanted to try some exercise.
Just over 36 minutes, but probably pushed too hard early as calf muscles were screaming at me within a few hundred yards.  Had to stop a couple times to massage the muscles.

Now today, really sore.  Perhaps would've been better to take day rest aster my Tri.

I freelance my planing - in other words, no real plans.  Try to do something at least everyday.  Do others here work from a set plan?
2009-05-19 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Tim - I have a question for you regarding running.  In your opinion should I be focussing on speed or miles?  I haven't changed my mileage much in the last few weeks.  Right now my goal is to do sprints and a couple of 5K here and there.  My LOFTY thought would be a 10K in the late fall/early winter when tri season is coming to a close.  I have been working on making each mile faster.  Today I ran 1 mile, then took a 3 minute break and walked, ran 1 mile, walked a few minutes and ran another mile.

I get bored running and I start daydreaming and running things through my head and I slow down until I remind myself to GO faster!  Music really helps me which I know is somewhat controversial but when I run without music I am CRAZY slow as I just get bored out of my mind.

I love my run club but our last session is this Thursday and then I am on my own.  It is hard to find people in Houston to run during the summer months and with all my kids I can't just bolt out of the house at 6:00 in the morning and leave them in the house alone (my husband leaves before 5).  Childcare at my Y doesn't start until 8:00.  I talked with another gal today, she runs a bit faster than I do and I am trying to convince her to keep meeting with me so I have a pace buddy and somebody to hold me accountable.

Right now I am running 3 days a week, pool swimming 3 days a week, spinning 1-2 days a week and I go on one long bike ride (25 miles) on Saturday mornings and I want to try to get OWS in Sunday mornings.

My next sprint tri is June 28.
2009-05-19 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2151526

Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
My Monday was used for rest after my du from Sunday.  I worked on my abs for about 15 minutes, and rested the rest of the day.  I did a light upper body workout this morning and will be going on a 45 minute bike ride this afternoon, followed by a visit to a bike store to get a new bike seat.  Trying to ride side saddle during a race does not do much for your time. 

2009-05-19 2:04 PM
in reply to: #2161012

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: Keri and fun with run
Hi Keri -

Running is a combination of speed and distance work.  However, that said, if you know a distance you want to reach I would recommend going for distance.  Looked like you were 10+ mins/mile.  If you slowed down to say 11 or even 12 mins/mile, do you think you could do 2 consecutive miles?  Three?
After that, then I would begin mixing in some speed work.

On music, I listen to music whenever possible and safe.  I have specific playlists for exercising - music that I like to run to.  Races, yea I miss the music sometimes, but try to get into the spirit of the race and enjoy more of the people and activity surrounding the race.  When training, often you are alone; while in a race, often there are competitors and crowds to provide 'interaction' and/or 'distraction'.

If at all possible, run with someone.  It helps to also break up the time.  I run with a few different people who are slower than I.  For me, it allows me more run time and to work on form and pace.  For example, shorter races I plan for a 7:40/mile pace, but with my son I run closer to 9:15.  But, that 9:15 is a pace I would run longer distance at - so it does help me to set a good consistent pace.  I am slowly working to train my body into dialing into a pace.  Perhaps you can convince your friend of this and the benefits to her of running with you?

Trade running tips for swimming tips anytime!  ha ha Laughing

Edited by joeyg 2009-05-19 2:08 PM
2009-05-19 2:41 PM
in reply to: #2161012

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

keri -

Joey had great advice about running....slow down a bit and focus on running a bit longer.  Slowly build up that endurance.  The name "sprint" triathlon is kinda misleading...even though its shorter than other tris its still a 1-2hr adventure depending on one's ability.  These is a far cry from a 200M running sprints you see at the Olympics.

Since you were able to run 5k in your last sprint, I think you should have no issues running 10k later this year.  Just slowly increase your long run each week....even if its 0.5mi / wk, you'll get there is plenty of time.


2009-05-19 3:15 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Hi all!

As Tim mentioned, I'll be helping out with his mentor forum. There isn't much that Tim and I do apart
The following is a little bit about me:

NAME: gymnutt03 / Laura (27 years old; race age = 28)

STORY: Athletics have always been a big part of my life. From the time I was old enough to play organized sports, my parents had me signed up and trying everything under the sun. We always had the option to pass the following year if we didn't enjoy it, but I mostly played whatever I could. Stuck with tennis, basketball, and softball through high school and played tennis my freshman year of college (before finding out that I preferred drinking to traveling to away matches). Watching the freshman 15, then 20 creep on, I decided to pick up running my senior year of college. I dropped 40-50 pounds in under 1 year. I stuck with running until 2005, when my boss propositioned me into signing up for a tri that he was doing. The rest is history. I've competed at all distances and find myself most competitive at the Half-Ironman distance and most enjoying longer races. As Tim mentioned, we met through the sport, and he is also my coach. I'm a bit stubborn and sometimes choose quantity over quality, but he is helping me learn that it's not the hours you put in, but what you put in to those hours.

FAMILY STATUS: Engaged to konichiwa: our wedding is Labor Day weekend!

CURRENT TRAINING: I train how Tim tells me to train As with his training plan, mine is built using a periodization approach. We are currently in our build phase, with weekly totals approaching 16 hours. Typically, my week contains the following:
3 swims (2500-3500 m each)
4 bikes (one shorter ride, two medium rides, and a long ride over the weekend)
4 runs (one recovery run, two medium runs with one being speedwork, and a long run over the weekend)

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I ran the Broad Street Run (10 miler) in 1:20:40

2009 RACES:  May - Black Bear sprint (PA), June - Philadelphia Olympic Tri (PA),  July - Musselman Half, August - Wilkes Barre tri (PA), Patriot's tri (PA)


WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I have loads of experience in how to not train! Before seriously getting into the sport of tris, I was set on running every day and never taking a rest day or recovery week. This led to some terrible knee problems from overuse injuries. I'm learning how to train smarter and listen to my body. Additionally, I've been a competitive age grouper for the past 4 years. Although I may not do as much research as Tim, I feel as if I've learned alot through trial and error and have a lot of advice to share.



2009-05-19 3:33 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Frederick Maryland
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
got room for another?????!!  would love to join a mentor group but they're always closed!  let me know.
2009-05-19 8:45 PM
in reply to: #2161560

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Just give us a little bio and you are in!  Welcome!

2009-05-19 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2151526


Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Hey group.  Just checking in..  I had a horrible training day today.  Went out for a run a few minutes ago and the knee was hurting from the start.  I stopped after 1 mile and ran it at 8:08.  Going to ice the knee and maybe start walking for a week or so to get it where it needs to be.

A little background on the knee for you...  I tore my meniscus back in April of 2008.  Surgery in May 2008 and then did not do much for a few months.  Started training for a half marathon and ran the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon - Half Marathon April 26th of this year and the knee hurt during the whole race.  I was really slow from the pain so I sat off of it for a week.  Been weight training for a few weeks now and it is really feeling better but tonight it was really hurting.  Any thoughts on how to get it where it needs to be.


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