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2009-08-26 3:24 PM

New user
Subject: long run
Having come from a running background, i have been fine on my long runs but this last 12months everytime i go out for longer than 1hr i get a back stomach, i will say no more. I have tried eating not eating drinkin and not drinking before my long runs but nothing ever chnages. even tried different times of day. So has anyone got any ideas? Oh i do ironman events.

2009-08-26 3:40 PM
in reply to: #2372450

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: long run
A back stomach? HUH?

Look, you might need to be a bit more specific. Come on... we have had threads w/polls about how many times people take a dump each day.... I think we handle a few more details. Thanks.

2009-08-26 4:45 PM
in reply to: #2372450

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Marin County, California
Subject: RE: long run

What, exactly, is a back stomach?
2009-08-26 4:48 PM
in reply to: #2372450

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: long run
Sounds like you are just a little queasy.
2009-08-26 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2372450

New user
Subject: RE: long run
I have every 5-10 mins because of Diarrhea not very good when trying to run.
2009-08-26 8:32 PM
in reply to: #2372450

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Subject: RE: long run
only when you run?  no other days?

is that how you picked your screen name? 

2009-08-27 6:26 AM
in reply to: #2372902

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: long run
queasy - 2009-08-26 8:33 PM

I have every 5-10 mins because of Diarrhea not very good when trying to run.

Does it help if you get it out of your system right before you start your run? Or, can you?

Reason being.....I have to factor in extra time (30-45 minutes) for early morning workouts (especially long run) for my morning call. If not, I get about an hour into a run and it hits.
2009-08-27 7:09 AM
in reply to: #2372450

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Subject: RE: long run
sounds to me like something is off with your nutrition.  What's giving you the runs when you run isn't coming from prerun fuel, it's coming from what you ate the day/night before...
2009-08-27 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2373411

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Buffalo Grove, IL
Subject: RE: long run
I had some issues like that for a while and finally figured out it was a lack of electrolytes. I started taking enduralytes before and during my run. For me, they worked like a charm. Not saying that'll work for you but for me that was a life saver.
2009-08-27 6:27 PM
in reply to: #2372450

New user
Subject: RE: long run
thanks, i ahve kept a pre run diary re food and have tried not eating to having biscuits the night before but still the same. will try the electrolites.
The QUEASY name comes from my dog. Day we got her she was sick over the car several times on the way home, so we called her queasy. So i am named after a dog, me and indiana jones have something in common. That and my wife thinks we are both good looking and my little boy always makes me be han solo when we play star wars!
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » long run Rss Feed