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2005-05-24 7:25 PM

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Washington, DC
Subject: Anti-Smoking Snob?
I suppose the main purpose of this thread is to vent, but if anyone has any advice...

More increasingly smokers have been driving me crazy. It is bad enough that when I venture into bars I have to suffer through a fellow bargoer chain smoking beside me, but I am having a hard time dealing with people smoking on the street (and even some trails!) during my training runs. I can (and have) choosen not to go to bars in order to avoid the effects of second-hand smoke on my lungs. However, I love my road runs and feel as though I should have the ability to enjoy them smoke-free. (Besides, between the summer humidity and pollution from motor vehicles I am already suffering enough.)

Obviously, this would require some sort of legal remedy, which is not likely anytime soon. It's not that I want to control the actions of others, I just don't want to suffer at the hands of someone else's addiction. Am I just an anti-smoking snob? And is there any solution to help me ease my frustration?

(For the record, I live in Washington, DC.)

2005-05-24 7:41 PM
in reply to: #162805

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
As an ex-smoker, I feel the same way when biking or running and getting a whiff of smoke. Can't agree with the bar thing though. I think smoking is to be expected there, but there should be smoking and non-sections that are properly ventilated.

Smoking is bad for your health, no two ways about it, but the car fumes you inhale probably do more to hurt your lungs than any second-hand smoke outside. I took a CO test when I quit smoking and found that I still had quite a high level of CO in my lungs even though it had been weeks later and should have been gone. I had ridden my bike there and the tech explained that it was from the car exhaust.

I say this because I get irritated when people make a huge deal about smoking in public. The media has told us that second-hand smoke is terrible etc etc. Well it is, if you are exposed to it for long periods of time in an enclosed space, but otherwise, when outside, it is no worse than car fumes or someone burning a pile of leaves.

Given a choice between banning smoking from public places and forcing industry to reinstate the emissions standards that the current administration has rolled back with their perversely named "Clear Skies " initiative, I would rather get the corporate polluters (who are also making our fish inedible and our drinking water polluted) and improve everyone's air and water quality rather than worrying about people who are smoking a cigarette on my bike path during their lunch break.

But like I said, I understand the irritation. I hate it too when I am riding past and smell it, and I used to smoke!
2005-05-24 7:43 PM
in reply to: #162805

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
I understand the reason why you would be annoyed, but my vote is anti-smoking snob since what they are doing, smoking, is legal, and they are doing it in a legal place.

The only thing to do is to avoid the places where they are smoking or get enough people to pass a state bill to make it illegal to smoke indoors, like in Ca.
2005-05-24 7:45 PM
in reply to: #162805

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
You're outside...I don't like the smell or anything to do with smoking either..but it's only for a breif moment in passing by.
2005-05-24 8:06 PM
in reply to: #162805

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Washington, DC
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
So, I guess the vote is anti-smoking snob...

I think this all started when I was younger playing soccer and rugby and people would smoke on the sidelines while I was trying to use my lungs most effectively. This might also stem from the fact that I have a lot of environmental allergies. Maybe I am just more sensitive. I too used to smoke, so maybe that could be influencing my repulsion.

I agree that pollution from car exhaust is just as bad, if not worse, for me. I am not going around chastizing people or standing in front of the capital protesting for a law. I am just irritated and hoping that (at the very least) I might find a sympathetic person or two who share my dilemma. Maybe if I am lucky, I might even find someone to provide advice to help me focus more on my run and less on the smoke entering my lungs.

Random fact, a neighborhood in DC did try to ban smoking outdoors on sidewalks. MD recently passed a law that people can no longer smoke in bars and the talk is that DC is considering the same.

(Not to be misunderstood, I do understand that people can legally smoke and that smoking and bars tend to go together.)
2005-05-24 8:08 PM
in reply to: #162805

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Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
Yep anti-smoking snob.

I have had to breathe in smoke along with diesel fumes, gas fumes, car exhaust etcetera on different runs at different times. It comes with the territory. Smoking cigarettes is as legal as eating at Taco Bell or going on a pub crawl.

2005-05-24 8:14 PM
in reply to: #162805

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2005-05-24 8:26 PM
in reply to: #162805

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
I'm an anti-smoking snob too if it makes you feel any better.

Main annoyances occur at sporting events for young children when the parents are smoking or athletic events where people are smoking and I am competing. Smoking outdoors isn't illegal but if you want to be really annoying you can ask them where they are going to put their butt when they are finished. Littering is illegal. Hee. Hee.
2005-05-24 9:06 PM
in reply to: #162805

Westchester County NY
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?

I plead guilty to being an anti-smoking snob.  I hate the smell of it, and I can even smell it if someone in a car in traffic is smoking.  I accept the fact that people will smoke outside in places near where I'm walking or running by.  I can't do a damn thing about it.  I'm sure all the other pollution is worse then the brief exposure I get to someone's smoke outside.

However, I love the no smoking laws in NY.  I'm not into the bar scene, but I do sometimes end out in bar with my teammates after an event.  I love being able to have a beer without smelling like an ashtray when I get home.  That used to make me crazy having the smell of smoke on all my clothes.  I got to the point that I wouldn't wear anything that needed to be dry cleaned.

A friendly tip for anti-smoking snobs........If you're buying a house, do not buy from smokers!  Even 10 years after the last cigarette was smoked in this house, when we were doing renovations you could smell it in the insulation, and the sheetrock.  One room that we had taken fake paneling off the walls you could see the nicotine stains on the paint below the paneling.  Yuck!

Sorry, but I lost my mom to cancer from too many years of smoking.  Okay I'm finished my rant. :-)

2005-05-24 9:07 PM
in reply to: #162835

Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?

Wookiee - 2005-05-24 7:08 PM Smoking cigarettes is as legal as eating at Taco Bell ...

... and nearly as healthy

2005-05-24 10:13 PM
in reply to: #162805

Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
Ha...you'd love me.  I've been known to have a nice post-race smoke   Hell, I've even had a pre-race somke at less serious events like mud runs and such.  You should see some of the looks I get...and then I go out and dust them on the course

2005-05-24 10:56 PM
in reply to: #162897

Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
TH3_FRB - 2005-05-24 8:13 PM

Ha...you'd love me. I've been known to have a nice post-race smoke Hell, I've even had a pre-race somke at less serious events like mud runs and such. You should see some of the looks I get...and then I go out and dust them on the course

Not to hijack the thread, but Joel, are you just doing that for the reaction? Or do you regularly smoke? I have to say if I saw someone smoking a butt after a race I would probably be one of those giving you the "What the F***?" look. As a former smoker and someone who is much slower than you, I must say, I hate you
2005-05-24 11:07 PM
in reply to: #162906

Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
I tend to practice some restraint at races but I do smoke on a fairly regular basis...although I don't consider myself a "smoker".  I may go days or weeks without a smoke and could care less...then I could burn through a pack in a weekend.  I smoke clove butts...not less harmful to your health...about 3x the tar content of regular smokes.  The funny thing is that I can't stand the smell of other people smoking and I absolutely hate smelling like smoke from being out at the bars.  Think of me more as a cigar type that prefers specific cigs.
2005-05-25 6:44 AM
in reply to: #162805

In the Country Virginia
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
Yup a snob...I have no problem with it. I am a former smoker (ok I will still have one every couple weeks if I drink)...trust me that tiny bit of smell you are getting aint gonna kill you. The second hand smoke debate is a joke. Of course if you take a rat and subject him to smoke 24hrs a day for 1/2 his life he is gonna get cancer...duh...
Oh and I know someone else who smoke 1/2 pack a day every single day that I would bet could beat 95% of the people on here in an ironman. I dont know how he does it. He played pr Soccer and now does Irons and marathons at a pretty high level (top 5% of his age group) and smokes 1/2 pack Marlboro lights every day.
2005-05-25 6:59 AM
in reply to: #162805

St. Thomas, ON
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?

I wrote a big message, and then realized I was way to preachy. Here's the short version.

I'm a snob too. I teach my kids to be snobs. Keep your smoke away from me. It stinks

2005-05-25 7:04 AM
in reply to: #162906

Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?

This has nothing to do with the thread, but the pic of your dog is awesome.

sbrnaz - 2005-05-24 11:56 PM
TH3_FRB - 2005-05-24 8:13 PM Ha...you'd love me. I've been known to have a nice post-race smoke Hell, I've even had a pre-race somke at less serious events like mud runs and such. You should see some of the looks I get...and then I go out and dust them on the course
Not to hijack the thread, but Joel, are you just doing that for the reaction? Or do you regularly smoke? I have to say if I saw someone smoking a butt after a race I would probably be one of those giving you the "What the F***?" look. As a former smoker and someone who is much slower than you, I must say, I hate you

2005-05-25 7:17 AM
in reply to: #162805

Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
I'm an anti-smoking snob. I'm glad that its against the law to smoke indoors in public places.
I have no problem if people smoke outside, say the office or gym (weird), as long as they are away from the doors so I'm not forced to walk through their smoke if at all possible.

What I really do hate is the litterbug smokers. Why can't they just pick up their cigarette butts and throw them away? Why must the grass, sidewalk and flower beds be overrun with their cast off butts? You can smoke and pollute your own lungs...thats fine, your choice. But come on, at least don't make nature look like your trash can.

**Just for the record, I abhore all careless littering. I know smokers arn't the only ones that litter. But I had to vent because the perimeter or our office building (which some talented landscaper has worked so hard to beautiful with grass, flowers and landscapping) is outlined in cigarette butts.

Edited by sulis 2005-05-25 7:19 AM
2005-05-25 8:09 AM
in reply to: #162805

St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?

Anti-smoking snob here who's married to a smoker.  How's that for fun? Fortunaltey, he has never considered smoking in our home, so he limits my exposure.  At bars and stuff I put up with it, but I took the opportunity to write my county councilman when St. Louis County was proposing an ordinance. Unfortunately, no matter what legislation there is, smoking will be permitted outside.  However, several of the heart health coalitions I work with have a no-smoking policy on their walking trails, so that is an option, but would be tough to enforce.

2005-05-25 8:59 AM
in reply to: #162805

Elite Veteran
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
Lately on my bike rides I've been passing a guy out on a beach cruiser biking around and having a smoke. From his demeanor, it's clear he thinks he's exercising...and I guess 5mph on a bike is more exercise than sitting on the couch having a smoke. I think it's hysterical...like ordering a double Whopper with extra mayo, onion rings, and a diet coke.

This thread made me think of him. It doesn't bother me much, I'm usually too busy blowing my nose from the crazy bad allergens we've got around here to worry about the tiny volume of cigarette smoke in the air.
2005-05-25 9:02 AM
in reply to: #162805

Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
I quit smoking 4 years ago, and I was a pack a day smoker who could last about an hour in a non-smoking environment (although at the time there were very few of those here in Montreal). These days I feel a great deal healthier, I barely ever even crave a cigarette, and I find second hand smoke very annoying.

I understand the feeling that smokers get when they want to smoke and can't, it's a horrible demanding addiction, and it's very hard to fight it's demands. But at the same time I don't really have any respect for that feeling, becuause I don't respect the addiction (the pain caused by the addiction -- outside of health -- is a reason in and of itself to quit). It's strange, but I get angry when I think about how hard it was for me to quit.

Anyway, I'm a reformed smoking snob who's become an anti-smoking snob, and I'm all for legal remedies against smoking. It's a horrible dirty habit that defies common sense.


2005-05-25 9:03 AM
in reply to: #162805

Extreme Veteran
Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
Where is jdog22 when you need him? I'm sure he would have something smart to say about smoking

Edited by jamesreeves 2005-05-25 9:04 AM

2005-05-25 9:06 AM
in reply to: #162805

Mount Vernon, Iowa
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
It's too easy to put the blame for bad air quality on smokers when the real problem is that as a society we drive high emission vehicles everywhere we go. The impact of vehicle emissions is exponentially higher than the impact of people smoking, and it's everywhere. You can't avoid it. But if we blame smokers, the rest of us are off the hook. WE ARE ALL THE PROBLEM.
2005-05-25 9:07 AM
in reply to: #162805

In the Country Virginia
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
OK so while we are at it...lets outlaw cars, grilling outside, pollen, farting, or anything else that can possibly harm someone or that may annoy someone. I dont get people who want to create laws for anything and everything that annoys them. I can understand it inside..ok fine...but outside...I just dont get it. Hell they cant enforce 90% of the laws we have more...But lets create more to take away more freedoms and liberys away from people...
2005-05-25 9:11 AM
in reply to: #162805

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
The UT Rowing coach/ two time gold medal olympian smoked. She told her teammates on the national team when they beat her she would quit. They never beat her, but she did eventually quit. And why did she quit? I don't know. Maybe because as a coach it sets a bad example for her athletes who might have a hard time living up to her standard and smoking would never help their pursuit.

By the way she is amazing. I saw her racing at an indoor erg race and you could see the erg lift off the ground when she jumped off the footboard. But as much as I respect her I would not appreciate her smoking around me during competition. Her body may be used to it, but mine is not.
2005-05-25 9:13 AM
in reply to: #163065

Mount Vernon, Iowa
Subject: RE: Anti-Smoking Snob?
Baseball1 - 2005-05-25 8:07 AM

OK so while we are at it...lets outlaw cars, grilling outside, pollen, farting, or anything else that can possibly harm someone or that may annoy someone. I dont get people who want to create laws for anything and everything that annoys them. I can understand it inside..ok fine...but outside...I just dont get it. Hell they cant enforce 90% of the laws we have more...But lets create more to take away more freedoms and liberys away from people...

Exactly how does it affect your liberty to drive a low-emission vehicle that doesn't foul the air?
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