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2009-12-21 12:12 PM

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Mammoth Lakes
Subject: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -FULL
NAME:  Wyldhair / Rochelle Hair
2010 will be my third year as a triathlete and my first year in the elite/professional field.  I was an elite runner 15 years ago, then life hit me square in the face... you know what I am talking about:  full time job, home-ownership, husband, dog, starting a business, providing end of life care for family members.  I started talking about getting fit again in 2007, I even wistfully mentioned how much I missed competing.  But I was 34 years old, it would be too hard to get back to a competitive level after 12 years off...right?  

Over the last few years, I had ran casually for fitness or to take off a few pounds, but running wasn't inspiring me to take it to the next level.  I needed to do something that was a challenge, something that I didn't actually know that I could do.  And for me that was a triathlon.  I was out of shape but not overweight, I could run but not enjoy it, I rode a bike and even did a century ride or two in the past, but it wasn't comfortable. But most importantly, I didn't know how to swim... at all!  Yep sign me up.  For me a triathlon was a challenge that required me to change what I was doing and to redefine what it was that I did.  It required me to be something I wasn't... a swimmer...a cyclist, a triathlete.  

I started to swim, got fit, got swim lessons, got fitter, got more swim lessons, got fast..still learning to swim.   There has been many loss, food poisoning, over training, traveling, blisters, injuries, theft, disappointment, frustration.  But now I have better health, new friends, great connections, a new skill, a new bike, joy, a new reason to want to do triathlons. 

Everyone that does a triathlon is an inspiration, I haven't met one person that is doing it for a normal reason. Young, old, really old, overweight, no longer overweight, cancer, near death experience, no arms, no legs, blind, loss of a loved one, sounded like fun, didn't know if they could.  If you are doing a triathlon you are doing it because you are living and you want to live.  I have a lot of love for this crazy sport and the crazy people who want to do it for what ever crazy reason they came up with.  


I am married to a former national level cyclist.  Bill re-uped his race license and will be racing in the cat 1 and master level races this year.  It is his first year of racing since 1993.

I focus on 1/2 Iron and Olympic distance races but plan to compete in the Iron Distance races in late 2010 or 2011.  I train full time, 10-23 hours a week including weights.  I believe in training by Heart Rate and Power but all that techie stuff isn't really necessary, but it does make training easier and more effective.... kinda like shoes.

I live and train at 8,000' and suffer through 6 months of winter and up to 35 feet of snow a year. -no kidding.

There isn't a normal length pool within 2 hours drive of my house so I swim in a 19 yd pool or a 33 yard natural hot being the word of emphasis here. For swim lessons I drive 2 hours (one direction) each week in the winter.

June Lake Triathlon                Overall Female and Women's course record.
Boulder 5430 Long Course     Overall Amateur Female  4:30
HalfMax USAT LC Nationals     Overall Female Champion  4:28

2010 RACES: tentative schedule 
Toyota Desert Classic
California 70.3
Wildflower Long Course
Hy Vee Olympic
June Lake Triathlon
Boulder 70.3
70.3 World Championships

I've lost 12 pounds and gained 13, for a net of PLUS 1.  I look awesome and hang around 17% body fat.  I struggle everyday with a sugar addition and can not say no to an ice cream cone.  I  believe in a normal balanced diet and I try to grow as much of my own food as possible.

I invite all triathletes of all levels to join my group regardless if you are trying to win the event or finish. I can help with motivation and goal setting.  I have a lot of knowledge in Heart Race Training, Power Training and High Altitude Training.  I can be the most help to people needing help running efficiency and cycling form and equipment.  I can can also answer questions about nutrition, stretching, and injury prevention.  If you are newbie swimmer, I can empathize and give motivation and lend support and suggestions on how I got there and what it was like to make it happen. 

Edited by wyldhair 2009-12-22 12:00 AM

2009-12-21 3:58 PM
in reply to: #2571242

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -OPEN

I'd love to be in another mentor group this year if you'll have me.

NAME:  Sesh/Bill Shearer

Let's see, the first endurance event I completed was the 2007 Mardis Gras Marathon, and it took me 5 hours and 20 minutes.  I had only just been given permission to run again in August of 2006 after major knee surgery, and that's my excuse for being slow then.  I don't really have an excuse anymore   After that, I jumped into sprint tris, not really knowing what I was doing, and ran a few more half marathons.  I got serious about OLY training for 2008 and had a pretty good go at it.  2:42 to a 2:24, actually (swim was only half a mile at this race, though, so not a true OLY). 

Then they had to go and have a 70.3 in New Orleans, and being that I'm only 2.5 hours north and absolutely love that city, my HIM training began.  I actually was a mentor in one of these groups while this was going on, and I think I got more motivation and help from the mentees than I gave to them  Anyway, I had a great 65 miles and sucked it up for 5.3.  I took some time off, got ready for the rest of the season and found out something was messed up in my hip.  Soooo, after a bunch of rest and PT, I started running back in August again.  What is it about August and me coming off injury? So, now I'm training for the MS Blues Half Marathon.  It's actually a legacy race for me, though it's not as impressive as it sounds since this will only be the third year of it's existence. 

My plan after that is to start back into short course tri training.  I've found I get a thrill from the intensity of a sprint or Oly more than the grueling endurance of long course.  There's a lot of good local stuff I can do, so I can be pretty flexible with my schedule, too.  Away we go again I suppose.

Married November 15th, 2008 and spent the first four months of marriage training for a HIM.  God bless my wife for putting up with that right off the bat.  No kids to speak of right now, no pets either.  It's just us two out in the suburbs of Jackson, MS. 


Wrapping up some half mary training right now.  Then I'm gonna start my repetitive weeks.  I guess I need to join another pool sometime.  Good thing the swim is what I do best, and I consider myself lucky that way.  As I mentioned earlier, I'm just gonna be gunning for short local stuff this year.


MS Blues Half Mary 2:20

New Olreans 70.3  6:14

Cellular South Half Mary 2:16 (35 degrees and pouring rain as well)

2010 RACES: tentative schedule 
MS Blues Half Marathon

????  Local stuff mostly

I managed to get to 215 lbs (I'm 5'9") in college.  That's what beer, pizza, and pot can do to you.  I've cut out the pizza (mostly), and the pot (totally).  I kept the beer  Gotta have at least one vice right? 

I float between 165-175 on a normal training schedule.  I raced at just below 160 in April of 2008, and I'd kinda like to get back to that.


Well, that's about it, or at least as much as I can think of while wasting time at work.  I really dig the help and motivation the mentor groups provide, and having been on both sides I couldn't not get in on the fun again. 

2009-12-21 5:35 PM
in reply to: #2571242

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -OPEN
NAME:  karen26.2 / Karen
2010 will also be my third year as a triathlete, however I'm no where near elite or professional.  When I hit my 30's I decided I wanted to take up running as a way to lose weight.  I did my first marathon a year after starting running, and was hooked.  I continued and did another dozen or so marathons before I got tired of constantly being injured from all the pavement pounding.  So I switched to triathlons.  Again I was hooked.

First year I did sprints and an olympic.  Last year I did several sprints, a few olympic, and my first HIM.  Then I got crazy this year as a volunteer at IMKY and have found myself signed up for 2010!!

What I love about triathlons is the cross training and combination of all three sports.  I'm an ok swimmer, not great, but I get the job done.  Biking is my strength, and an area I want to focus on this next year to get better.  Running is my worst, I'm slow, but steady.  I'd like to improve in this area as well.


I am married and have a 19 year old that just started college this year.  Since he's left the house my husband and I focus our attention on our 3 dogs.  They are very spoiled.

I'm currently trying to recover from an injury, that I think started right around the HIM.  Hamstring tendonitis that won't go away.  I've been a little lazy the past couple of months and need to get back on track for the new year and IM training.

2010 RACES: 
a few trail half marathons early in the year
a century or two
ING Half marathon
Chattanooga Olympic


I lost about 20 pounds last year training for the HIM, but with this recent injury and not being able to run much, I'm sad to say I've put on about 10 to 12.  Goal is to lose that and get back down to my weight I was at the HIM.

I'm very interested in learning about how to train using a power meter.  Currently I use HR which is fine, but I also need to learn more about that.  I think you may have a lot of info that would be very helpful.
2009-12-21 6:58 PM
in reply to: #2571242

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Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -OPEN

Hello Ms Wildhair,


If it is not a problem that I don't have a lot of hair left (there are even some friends who call me a baldy), I would love to join your group!!!

Unfortunately I have to finish some boring work stuff, so I will be only able tomorrow to post a kind of resume.

Hope that is fine!


Take care


2009-12-21 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2571242

New user

Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -OPEN

It'd be an honor to be in your group.

NAME:  Vic Kaiser

In 2006, I realized that 15 years of work, stress, raising kids, basically not taking care of myself left met at 375 pounds and basically a couch potato.  It's been a yo-yo couple of years but I'm now down to 275 pounds and 4 weeks away from completing my 2nd marathon in Houston.  I have a lot of dreams and want to one day do an Ironman.  I registered for Lonestar Triathlon in Galveston, TX and will debut in April at the Olympic distance.
Married 1992.  3 kids, boy, girl, boy, ages 16, 14, and 8.


Currently at the end of marathon training in the middle of my peak week.  One 21 miler left, then taper.


Lots of Road Races, all running.

2010 RACES: tentative schedule 
Dallas RNR Half Marathon

Lonestar Triathlon (Olympic)


Lost ~100 pounds, 75 over the past 12 months.

2009-12-21 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2571242

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New user
Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -OPEN
I would love the oppurtinity to be mentored in this group.
NAME:  Wyldhair / Rochelle Hair
2010 will be my third year as a triathlete and my first year in the elite/professional field.  I was an elite runner 15 years ago, then life hit me square in the face... you know what I am talking about:  full time job, home-ownership, husband, dog, starting a business, providing end of life care for family members.  I started talking about getting fit again in 2007, I even wistfully mentioned how much I missed competing.  But I was 34 years old, it would be too hard to get back to a competitive level after 12 years off...right?  

Over the last few years, I had ran casually for fitness or to take off a few pounds, but running wasn't inspiring me to take it to the next level.  I needed to do something that was a challenge, something that I didn't actually know that I could do.  And for me that was a triathlon.  I was out of shape but not overweight, I could run but not enjoy it, I rode a bike and even did a century ride or two in the past, but it wasn't comfortable. But most importantly, I didn't know how to swim... at all!  Yep sign me up.  For me a triathlon was a challenge that required me to change what I was doing and to redefine what it was that I did.  It required me to be something I wasn't... a swimmer...a cyclist, a triathlete.  

I started to swim, got fit, got swim lessons, got fitter, got more swim lessons, got fast..still learning to swim.   There has been many loss, food poisoning, over training, traveling, blisters, injuries, theft, disappointment, frustration.  But now I have better health, new friends, great connections, a new skill, a new bike, joy, a new reason to want to do triathlons. 

Everyone that does a triathlon is an inspiration, I haven't met one person that is doing it for a normal reason. Young, old, really old, overweight, no longer overweight, cancer, near death experience, no arms, no legs, blind, loss of a loved one, sounded like fun, didn't know if they could.  If you are doing a triathlon you are doing it because you are living and you want to live.  I have a lot of love for this crazy sport and the crazy people who want to do it for what ever crazy reason they came up with.  


I am married to a former national level cyclist.  Bill re-uped his race license and will be racing in the cat 1 and master level races this year.  It is his first year of racing since 1993.

I focus on 1/2 Iron and Olympic distance races but plan to compete in the Iron Distance races in late 2010 or 2011.  I train full time, 10-23 hours a week including weights.  I believe in training by Heart Rate and Power but all that techie stuff isn't really necessary, but it does make training easier and more effective.... kinda like shoes.

I live and train at 8,000' and suffer through 6 months of winter and up to 35 feet of snow a year. -no kidding.

There isn't a normal length pool within 2 hours drive of my house so I swim in a 19 yd pool or a 33 yard natural hot being the word of emphasis here. For swim lessons I drive 2 hours (one direction) each week in the winter.

June Lake Triathlon                Overall Female and Women's course record.
Boulder 5430 Long Course     Overall Amateur Female  4:30
HalfMax USAT LC Nationals     Overall Female Champion  4:28

2010 RACES: tentative schedule 
Toyota Desert Classic
California 70.3
Wildflower Long Course
Hy Vee Olympic
June Lake Triathlon
Boulder 70.3
70.3 World Championships

I've lost 12 pounds and gained 13, for a net of PLUS 1.  I look awesome and hang around 17% body fat.  I struggle everyday with a sugar addition and can not say no to an ice cream cone.  I  believe in a normal balanced diet and I try to grow as much of my own food as possible.

NAME:  Andrew / Spyguy
STORY: In November of 2008 my wife and I made the choice to make a concerted effort to take better care of ourselves and set a better example for our kids. We began tracking what foods we were putting into our bodies and worked hard to start living a more active lifestyle. During this journey I started running and found that I loved it. I started running in road races and became addicted. In June I got on a bike and started riding. I had forgotten the freedom one feels when on a bike and fell in love. I raced in my first sprint distance duathlon in august and loved the feeling of accomplishment and could not wait for the chance to improve. Triathlon feels like the next step for me in my journey and I am looking forward to being better, faster and stronger each time out.

Married to my wonderful wife Beth (She is training for her first 5k in the spring) and father to two boys. Aiden 6 and Riley 3.

 I live in Maine so I havnt been on the bike since the cold set in but I am currently runnink 5k days a week and trying to get into the pool at least twice. I could use help getting a good training schedule together.

Portland Seadogs Father's day 5k
Bath 5 mile road race
Kennebunk Fireman sprint Duathlon
Numerous other 5k road races.

2010 RACES: tentative schedule 
Buzzards Bay Sprint Triathlon
Y-Tri Sprint Triathlon
Cranberry festival sprint triathlon
Lobsterman Olympic distance Triathlon

WEIGHTLOSS: Since November of 08 I have lost 125 lbs. Going from 319 lbs to 194 lbs has been a life changing experience and Triathlon is a lifstyle that can help me stay fit and healthy while giving me a great outlet for my competetive nature. I want my life to be one of continual improvement and I am looking forward to what the future holds.

2009-12-21 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2571242

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New user
Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -OPEN
ooooppsss accidently quoted you. sorry lol
2009-12-21 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2571242


Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -OPEN
Your story sounds exactly like mine, except for the whole being a really good athlete previously thing.  That aside, and despite two young children, the proverbial 10-12hr/day job and everything else, I know I want to complete a tri this year.  Like most people I'm overweight (at least 50 pounds in my estimation) but that's not going to stop me.  Would it be possible to join your group, because I know motivation is going to be an issue.
2009-12-21 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2571242

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A van down by the river
Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -OPEN
I would like to join a group, and it looks as though this is the only one available.  Is it still open?
2009-12-21 10:48 PM
in reply to: #2571242

Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -OPEN
I would like to join the group also. Will post my story soon if it is still open. Thanks!
2009-12-21 10:50 PM
in reply to: #2571242

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New user

Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -OPEN
I hope there is still room for one more... I would like to be added to this mentor group.
I am going too begin training for my first tri and could  use all the help i could get.

2009-12-21 11:05 PM
in reply to: #2571242

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New user

Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -OPEN
NAME: RAME Raymond Douglas
   I am going to be 43 this year (2010), and I would like to train for a Triathlon. I have ran 5K and 12K  races over the past 10 years. Right now i am out of shape but working on my weight, although the holidays are tough, and trying to stay around 230-235. that's  down from the 260 i weighed  6months ago.

Married with three boys, my wife and I have run together since we met 5 years ago. we are a fairly active family, recently hiking mission peak in Fremont CA -Elevation 1400ft- and always find time for walks and play time at the park.

I haven't begun training yet, but the last time  I ran was 4 weeks ago. 2 miles.

Emerald nuts 12K across the bay :1h 20m

2010 RACES: tentative schedule
Enerald nuts 12 K across the bay San Francisco
wharf to wharf 6mile Santa Cruz to Capitola

WEIGHTLOSS: currently at 235. I lost 25 lbs on a diet and have kept it off.

2009-12-21 11:25 PM
in reply to: #2571242

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Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -OPEN

Please Mentor Me!!


Married, 2 kids (1 1/2 and 5)

Have done a few triathletes but not very well.  I STRUGGLE with the swim.  Total lack of confidence in my ability!

Only did one this year and it turned into biathlon(?) - St. Anthony's

Initially lost about 35 when I first started training but have gained 10 back.

I am not going to win anything but I would like to do well!

2009-12-22 12:11 AM
in reply to: #2571242

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Mammoth Lakes
Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -FULL
The following users have been added as my friends and should have full access to my Beginner Triathlete blog and training logs.  If for some reason you do not, please let me know so I can correct that.


I urge each of you to insure that you add my profile name (wyldhair) and your fellow Mentor Group Members to your friends list too!

It's late and I just got back from my swim Lesson in Carson City so I don't have much time to talk tonight but I will get this party started tomorrow morning.  In the meantime.... Here are some of the basic instructions from BT on the Mentor Program that you may find useful:

1.      Ask questions!
Throughout this mentor program, ask questions to your mentor's group by 'replying' to his/her thread in the Beginner Triathlete Mentor Program' forum. Everything is in one place and other group members can talk too.

2.      Add your group to your training log
Add your mentor and other group members to your training log for easy access to view their workouts and to leave comments.  You can configure your training log settings and add these people by username to your 'friends' list via your training log control panel.
*You will want to set your log to 'public' for this program so your group can see you.


3.      Log your training
To log your training, just hit that big 'Training Log' button at the top.  Read more about the training log features.
Read more about using the training log, see 'Setting Up Your Log' and 'General Logging'.  More log articles in the 'Training Log Category'
The 'Inspire Me' link is pretty cool and will allow you to leave comments and motivation in other members training log.



Good luck!  Don't be the resolutionist that didn't make it.  Accomplish your goals!

I am really looking forward to getting to know all of you!
2009-12-22 6:26 AM
in reply to: #2571242

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -FULL

And for my first question:

I do most of my riding on the trainer.  I just don't have enough sunlight in the winter months, and general life stuff even forces me inside in the wee hours on the weekends sometimes.  I'll be cranking up the tri training in January, and a lot of days I'll be doing about an hour ride followed by a three mile run.  I'd like to do more than just spin away with the Netflix cranked up during those rides.  You got any drills, intervals, etc. that you do on the trainer?

All the tris I'll be doing have rollers.  And by rollers I mean what anyone outside of Mississippi would call flats.  There won't be a lot of climbing, in fact, there probably won't be any climbing.  Just 18-24.5 miles of holding a gear and ignoring the pain.  Don't know if that info makes a difference.

2009-12-22 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2571242

New user

Westland, Michigan
Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -FULL
I would love to join if the group is still open.

2009-12-22 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2571242

New user

Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -FULL
Started some supplemental cross-training to my marathon training by swimming for the first time in a long time after a short 3 mile run this morning.  Here's how it went:  Well, it pretty much sucked.  Just kidding.  a) I forgot my goggles. b) I forgot my goggles.  I kept running into the rope.  I was like a fish out of water IN the water.

BUT...I had fun.  Did what I loosely refer to as breaststroke.  Did some freestyle with my eyes closed. Did some sidestroke.  300 yards total.  Took me forever.  Swim lessons in my near future I hope.
2009-12-22 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2571242

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Mammoth Lakes
Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -FULL
Wow, I've been reading though everyone's posts this morning and realize that this is going to be a lot of fun for me.  I see a lot of great stories and fun personalities signed up yesterday.  I am honored that you want to do this with me. 

I will be going through each of your posts in the next few days, I have questions and comments for all of you.  But in the meantime, I have goal setting exercise I want you to think about.  A goal actually has many parts and we often don't take the time to set them much less realize what makes up the our own goals.  The who, what, and whys of our own wants.    

Take a few minutes to think about what you want to achieve in the next few months,  when you are going to do it, and most importantly the reason you are doing it.  I want everyone to post back to me at least one goal statement with these 3 things in the goal.  Here is one of mine:

I am going to get a 30 minute swim split at California 70.3 so that I can place in the top 5.

Achieving top 5 and swimming a 30min swim split are both goals of mine but they have a hierarchy.  I only want to swim a 30 minute split because of my true reason...get top 5. This exercise is going to help you decide what is the motivating factor..

To make it easier for you I suggest that you start with " I want to... because....", the time frame usually will naturally insert itself.

Again, I want at least one from everyone, but feel free to state more if you want.
2009-12-22 12:03 PM
in reply to: #2572474

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Mammoth Lakes
Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -FULL
sesh - 2009-12-22 4:26 AM

And for my first question:

I do most of my riding on the trainer.  I just don't have enough sunlight in the winter months, and general life stuff even forces me inside in the wee hours on the weekends sometimes.  I'll be cranking up the tri training in January, and a lot of days I'll be doing about an hour ride followed by a three mile run.  I'd like to do more than just spin away with the Netflix cranked up during those rides.  You got any drills, intervals, etc. that you do on the trainer?

All the tris I'll be doing have rollers.  And by rollers I mean what anyone outside of Mississippi would call flats.  There won't be a lot of climbing, in fact, there probably won't be any climbing.  Just 18-24.5 miles of holding a gear and ignoring the pain.  Don't know if that info makes a difference.


If you can ignore the pain of being on the trainer during the winter, it sounds like you are already equipped to hold the gear and ignore the pain for 18-24 miles.  :)

I'm going to call in the experts (my husband) to answer this question.  He has some of the best trainer workouts and drills out there.   Before I get his input, I just want to make sure that you are on a resistance trainer or on rollers? 

Edited by wyldhair 2009-12-22 12:52 PM
2009-12-22 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2572742

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Mammoth Lakes
Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -FULL
jsbean17 - 2009-12-22 6:53 AM I would love to join if the group is still open.

It's closed but you can be the last one in.    I will add you in my friends group this afternoon. Please be sure to post a bio/story thread so we know who you are. and be sure to add everyone else in the group as your friend too.

Welcome to the group.

2009-12-22 1:50 PM
in reply to: #2573542

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A van down by the river
Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -FULL

NAME:  Dustin
STORY:  I don’t have much of a story, but I have always been somewhat athletic, playing the major sports in high school and intramurals in college.  In 2006, I started lifting weights again and got pretty serious about it in 2007, doing a lot of powerlifting.  I’ve always been a thin guy 6’0 175 roughly.  Got up to 195, and injured my back during a deadlift.  I lost about 17 lbs. and the will to lift heavy ever again.  I started running seriously at the end of 2008, Ran my first marathon in Dingle, Ireland in September ’09 and will run another at Disney on Jan. 10.  I plan to take a couple of weeks off and then start my tri training.  I am pushing toward an eventual ironman.
Happily Single

CURRENT TRAINING:  Currently at the end of marathon training – Taper started yesterday.
2010 RACES: tentative schedule 

TBA, likely a sprint in April/May,  then an Olympic, then…..

WEIGHTLOSS:  Hopefully will gain 5-7 lbs. over the next 3 months

2009-12-22 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2573384

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -FULL

wyldhair - 2009-12-22 12:03 PM
sesh - 2009-12-22 4:26 AM

And for my first question:

I do most of my riding on the trainer.  I just don't have enough sunlight in the winter months, and general life stuff even forces me inside in the wee hours on the weekends sometimes.  I'll be cranking up the tri training in January, and a lot of days I'll be doing about an hour ride followed by a three mile run.  I'd like to do more than just spin away with the Netflix cranked up during those rides.  You got any drills, intervals, etc. that you do on the trainer?

All the tris I'll be doing have rollers.  And by rollers I mean what anyone outside of Mississippi would call flats.  There won't be a lot of climbing, in fact, there probably won't be any climbing.  Just 18-24.5 miles of holding a gear and ignoring the pain.  Don't know if that info makes a difference.


If you can ignore the pain of being on the trainer during the winter, it sounds like you are already equipped to hold the gear and ignore the pain for 18-24 miles. 

I'm going to call in the experts (my husband) to answer this question.  He has some of the best trainer workouts and drills out there.   Before I get his input, I just want to make sure that you are on a resistance trainer or on rollers? 

Trainer.  A plane jane fluid trainer that I bought off somebody on ebay for $30.

2009-12-22 3:13 PM
in reply to: #2571242

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -FULL

My #1 goal as it relates to racing in 2010:

I want to set a 10k PR on the run at the Heatwave Classic Tri on June 5th because I'm ready to stop using the run as an excuse.


2009-12-22 3:49 PM
in reply to: #2571242

New user

Westland, Michigan
Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -FULL
Thanks for the late addition.
My story is this: I am 34 and let myself get out of shape. I was very athletic in High school, Baseball, basketball and football. I have ran some 5k races the past two years and have just started training for a marathon in June. My goal is to run the 70.3 in Miami on October 30 with my wife, who is also training by my side. The idea of competing, or rather, finishing a triathlon has us both stoked with enthusiasm.  My biggest obstacle to work around is being the father of four kids who keep me running alot of the time. So many of my training sessions will be early in the morning. This leads me into the family part.
Like I mentioned, I am the father of four children, 15,12, 7, 5. I have been married for fifteen years and work as a electrician/ technical trainer for an automotive company. Most of my training will be done at the local gym until the weather breaks in the spring. As for the bike training I am looking for a good area to ride since southeastern Michigan does not offer many options that I have found as of yet.
I am planning on running the marathon in Charlevoix, Michigan on June 26 and the 70.3 in Miami this fall. There will be some smaller tri's and runs throughout the year as well. I am sure that I will gain loads of information and support through this group and I can only hope that I can add a little something somehow.
2009-12-22 7:44 PM
in reply to: #2572474

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Wyld Hair On A Tangent Group -FULL
sesh - 2009-12-22 7:26 AM

And for my first question:

I do most of my riding on the trainer.  I just don't have enough sunlight in the winter months, and general life stuff even forces me inside in the wee hours on the weekends sometimes.  I'll be cranking up the tri training in January, and a lot of days I'll be doing about an hour ride followed by a three mile run.  I'd like to do more than just spin away with the Netflix cranked up during those rides.  You got any drills, intervals, etc. that you do on the trainer?

All the tris I'll be doing have rollers.  And by rollers I mean what anyone outside of Mississippi would call flats.  There won't be a lot of climbing, in fact, there probably won't be any climbing.  Just 18-24.5 miles of holding a gear and ignoring the pain.  Don't know if that info makes a difference.

I'm sure Rochelle will post back with some great workouts for the trainer, but I thought I'd throw my 2 cents in.

The past two winters I have used Spinerval DVD's with my indoor trainer.  They have a ton of DVD's to select from, ranging from easy to hard with different types of training.  I have a few, but my favorite one I find myself doing over and over again is the 2.0 Time Trial Special and is an hour long tempo workout designed for triathletes.  I find it easier to push myself doing a Spinerval rather than watching a movie.  Coach Troy really makes you work.

I have a couple others, one is a hill workout, and the other one is a combination of several workouts put together for a 2 hour workout.

I highly recommend these DVD's.
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