BT Development Mentor Program Archives » McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2009-12-25 8:58 AM

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

Name:  McFuzz (Mike)

Story:  I did my first triathlon in 2005 after losing weight and getting fit for a backpacking trip.  You can read about that first race here:  Siren  I lured my backpacking training buddy into the sport in 2005 and my older brother in 2006.  My son and my cousin did their first triathlons in 2009.  2009 was a big year for me as I trained for and completed Ironman Coeur D'Alene in June.  I like the comradarie of the sport and the activity lets me eat all the fun stuff and not weigh too much. 

Family Status:  Married (for 23 years now) with 4 boys (ages 23, 20, 17, and 17). 

Current Training:  Swim a little, bike a little, run a little.  It's amazing how far we can go in just 45 minutes a day.  I've used various BT training plans over the years although my actual training may not look much like the planned training. 

2009 Races:  I did a 50-mile trail run in April (my first ultramarathon), Ironman Coeur D'Alene (my first Ironman) in June, a 5K and half-marathon in September, and a 30-mile trail run on Halloween. 

2010 Races:  I'm training for my first marathon (Flying Pig, May 2) and to be sub-6 hours at Steelhead (a Half-Ironman). 

Weightloss:  My goal is to keep my weight below 170 pounds.  I'll sometimes drift above this during the offseason.  I lost 35 pounds getting ready for the backpacking trip and I'm happy to have kept it off (mostly) during the past 5 years. 

What will make me a good mentor:  I was a mentor in 2007 and had a great time.  Some of those protege's from 2007 are still active on BT and I still check in with them regularly.  For me, mentoring is about making an emotional investment in a goal, one where success is not guaranteed and then working to make that goal a reality.  Want to lose weight?  How much weight do you want to lose?  That's the BIG goal and then celebrate successes along the way.  It's easy to lose sight of our accomplishments and never feel like we're where we want to be.  I was a lifeguard and swim instructor in high school and college and always felt great when one of my students would do something they didn't realize they could do (even as simple as swim across the deep end of the pool). 

One caution for 2010 is that I'll be traveling most of February and don't know what internet access I'll have.  We can make it work though. 

Edited by McFuzz 2009-12-29 3:08 PM

2009-12-27 9:53 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage OPEN
Hi Mike,  my name is Josh and I would like to join your group. 

I am self employed in North East Indiana.  I like to mountain bike and also like to take a trip or two every summer to the Rockies to back pack with my best friend. 

I am 37 years old - 6' tall - 185 lbs.  I have been married for a little over 13 years with no kids.

I have made a commitment to do an Iron Man event at the end of August in  Louisville, Ky.  I am thinking of doing a sprint as a prep race sometime earlier in the summer.  For now it is not about being fast, it is about being a finisher.

My running is strong, and I think my bike will be ok also since I mountain bike.  I need the most work on my swimming.  I live on the lake,  and a few years ago, I was very commited to swimming 1/2 mile every day.  It won't take much to get it going again.

I just need someone with experience to help me along the way.  I am going to be out of town next weekend.  Once I get home after the 1st of the year, I need someone with experience to help me stay on track, and be ready by race day.

I hope you can help me with this.

2009-12-28 12:24 AM
in reply to: #2577496

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage OPEN

Hi McFuzz,

I'd like to join your group.  I'm looking to train for and possibly participate in my 1st triathlon in 2010.  I say possibly only because it may take me some time to get all the stuff I'll need. I'm not sure when I'll have all the equipment I would need. For example, I don't own a bike, helmet, swim suits, etc.  I'm a runner, for the most part, and own a pair of running shoes... that's about it right now.  That being said, however, I don't see why I can't start training since my health club has everything I'll need to train.  I'll worry about the equipment later.

My Background:
I'm 40 years old, live in Northern California, near San Francisco.  I ran my first marathon in July 2009, but have run several 10K's and similar distance races over the last 2 years or so.  I'm married (12 yrs) with 3 boys (ages 7, 5, and 3).  I've mountain biked in the past and have a pretty good background with riding.  Swimming is another story... I know how to swim but I'm sure not with any good form.  We swam in our pool a lot when I was a boy, but that's about it.  Fortunately, my health club has some very nice lap pools and some instructors to learn from.

I do plan to run the SF Marathon again in July and will probably fit in some other shorter races in between.

Oh and I also want to lose about 10 pounds.  I'm 5'10", 180 pounds and would like to be at 170 by May 2010.



2009-12-28 7:36 AM
in reply to: #2577496

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage OPEN

I would like to join!


Story:  I ran in High School but that really has no bearing since it was 17 years ago!  I started running again about 6-8 months ago due to the stress at work.  It was the only time my blackberry was away from me.  It did cause some emotional problems but I am starting to live with the seperation a little more often now.  I am interested in the tri's since I have a little case (large according to my wife) of ADD.  Once I was running for a while I got a little bored so I went out and bought a road bike.  After biking for a while and with the cold weather setting in - I am swimming at the YMCA.  I am not great at any of the 3 and need most help with the swimming - I swear I soak up water and start to sink after a half mile! BTY - I am located in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Family Status:
  Married for something like 7 years now (Jennifer) - 1 little daughter - Skylar - 5 months 

Current Training:
  Very non organized.  Currently I do not follow much routine or schedule.  A little of all 3. I have been getting in a small tri every week.  900-1000 yard swim - 10 to 15 minute break - 45 min bike ride (13ish miles) - 5 min break - 3.1 mile run (24-28 minutes).  All at the YMCA b/c of the weather.

2009 Races:
  100th Thanksgiving day Race in Cincinnati - 10K

2010 Races:
  ????  Maybe the Flying Pig - it is in my back yard - Chicago Marathon - Run with brother-in-law - I need to pick a HIM??  I want the HIM to be the A race - Chicago to be the B and the Flying Pig will be a just complete (damn hills!

Weightloss:  I have went from 210 to 182.5 - but it is amazing what the little guy in the fat red suit can do to to be about 179 coming out of winter and be at a race weight about <175.

What will make me a good mentee:  I have learned most I know from other mentors - all not good by the way.  I have found a way to take bits and pieces from alot of successful people and merge them into what can work for me and make me successful all along the way showing other my successes and failures too!

2009-12-28 11:25 AM
in reply to: #2577496

New user

Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage OPEN
HiI'd like to join this group if it's still open? : ) I'm a 37 yr old wife and mother of my baby Dillon who is 8 now. I am working toward my black belt in Muy Thai and I also do MMA but I had to stop MMA due to a concussion a couple of months ago. I am also a full time Emergency Room nurse. I have zero experience with triathlons but would like to complete the Nation's Triathlon (Olympic) in Sept 2010. Zat 'nuf? Lexi
2009-12-28 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2577496


Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage OPEN
Hi McFuzz
I would like to join you group.

I have set a goal last year for this coming year of completing a sprint Triathlon. I am currently taking swim lessons to improve my swim techniques. I have been running and biking for the last six years.

2009-12-28 12:30 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage OPEN

Welcome aboard Josh, Enrique, Kevin, Lexi, and Jo! 

Add each other (and me) to your list of friends on BT (got into settings > training blog customization > friends)  If you have multiple windows open, you can copy the screen name from one screen and paste it into the friends page, or you can click on the little ... button and search for each of us that way. 

I'll talk to my wife to see if we might make it down for IMKY (Josh).  One of my protege's from 2007 (Boyddr) may be doing Flying Pig, so that'd be my chance to meet up with him IRL (and also you, Kevin).  Kevin, if you're looking for a good HIM, Steelhead (July 31, Benton Harbor, MI) is good.  I've also heard good things about the Muncie Endurathon.  A couple of BT'ers (Tnickerson? Jungle Jenn?)  did Cardinal Harbor last year.  Enrique, I may be out your way in 2011 to do Vineman. 

Josh.  Where in NE Indiana?  We lived in South Bend for 6 years. 

Lexi, hope you're recovered from the concussion. 

Jo, tell us a little more about yourself. 

2009-12-28 12:39 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage OPEN

First bit of mentor advice: 

Be bold in your statements! 

Instead of things like:  "I'd like to do a tri." or "I'd like to weigh 170 pounds in May" be bold, take a risk. 

I'll finish a tri. 

I'll weigh 170 pounds in May. 

You'll find more ownership of the goal and therefore a higher chance of success by striking like from your statements.  I'd like to compete in Kona, but since I'm not willing to train that hard (yet), it isn't a goal. 

Practice this on your spouse.  When you talk to him/her about what you've posted here, be more assertive with what you're going to accomplish.  See what reaction you get.  You may find you get more support for achieving that goal.  (Maybe the Mrs. is willing to skip the snack aisle when grocery shopping to help you lose weight?

2009-12-28 2:11 PM
in reply to: #2577496

New user

Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage OPEN
Hi Mr. McFuzz, my name is Carlos and I would like to join your group, I'm a 43 years old, married and have 1 boy, 13 and a girl 11. I'm 5'7 and around 165 Pounds. I've been doing biatholns for the past 2 years and I believe it is time to try for a triahlon, hopefully this year.
I do good on the bike and the run but the swimming is my problem, as I am not a swimmer, I can swim in a pool from one side to the other one a couple times and that's it. I'm planning to get into the swimming and see what I can do.
I look forward to being part of your mentoring group.
2009-12-28 6:18 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage OPEN

Sure Carlos.  Welcome to the group. 

2009-12-28 8:41 PM
in reply to: #2580299

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage OPEN
I actually live about 70 miles east of South Bend.  Angola, wich is straight east of SB on I-90 last exit befor Ohio. 

I own a sign company in Angola, as well as a guide service based out of Indiana, but we guide steelhead fishing in South Bend, and pheasant hunting in South Dakota.

I can be found on Face Book by my email address:  [email protected]   this is another way to easily keep up with me, as I get updates on my smart phone.  I am a bit of a techy, so I can always be reached by FB, email, or text to my cell (260) 243-1001.  I'm often too busy to answer the phone, but I always get back to messages within a few hours.

I will start training in the couple of weeks.  That will give me 8 months to be ready for the Louisville IM.  I will be working out at home to start with, I have a home gym with a spinning bike, treadmill, and efx eliptical trainer.

I only have a mountain bike right now, so when the weather starts to break I will be in the market for a road bike. (I am saving for it now). By the first of Feb I will be at the ymca for swimming, they have an olympic lap pool.

I have great determination and drive.  A few people have told me that IM should be a two year goal, but I am not that patient, I am commited to doing it this summer.  I hope you can help me be ready for it.

2009-12-29 6:47 AM
in reply to: #2577496

New user

Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage OPEN
If you are still open to new members I would like to join.
I am new to the tri world but feel very much a part of it since Ive been watching my husband compete for two years now. (sprints, olympics, halfs and fulls) I want to be part of the action tooand he has agreed to be a spectator for a year.

I have two boys, 4 and 4 months. Ive lost my pre-pregnancy weight and then some and am diligently training for my 2nd marathon  at the end of Feb. Hoping to break 4 hours, I am also signed up to do San Diego marathon in June.  I just recently started biking and swimming and feel confident in my run base. As far as tris go I have my sights set on FT Desoto (sprint), Turtle Crawl (olyp) and all of the local sprints around my area just to get some experience. The big news..... Want to do 70.3 Augusta at the end of summer and Ive comitted to IM AZ. (gulp) CRAZY is NOT IMPOSSIBLE....

So thats where I stand...a huge undertaking for 2010 but look forward to the challenge and learning from you all along the way.
2009-12-29 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2577496

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage OPEN

Thanks, Josh, for the update.  Yea, we've been through Angola a few times. 

Skye, I'm glad to have you as part of the group!  Sounds like some ambitious goals and I have no doubt you'll do well with them.  Husband/wife triathloning is tough.  Two sets of all the cool gear, two training schedules, and then the whole "who's racing and who's supporting" question.  I took a step back the season my wife (BAMBAM66) started triathlons. 

2009-12-29 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Eastern Iowa
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage OPEN
McFuzz - Hope there is room for at least one more.  Your story is very inspiring and very much the same as my own goals!

I would be considered very new to the sport with all of my experience consisting of training and not participating in an event to date.  I am singed up for the Pig Man Sprint in Palo, Iowa on June 6, 2010. 

I am 27yrs old married with one boy almost 3 and a littel girl due Jan 15th!  Except for the last two years I have had no history of physical activity.  Declining health, high blood preasure, beign overweight and the will to live a long healthy life with my family have all motivated to do somthing that most people did not think I was capable of doing.  I started a daily excersise routine last January(09) as a new years resoulution and enjoyed the sucess of lowered blood preasure, and the lose of 30 lbs in one year!

My future interests and goals include backpacking/camping, riding a full Ragbri(which is a ride across the state of IA) and to beat my brother in the sprint trialon!

2009-12-29 3:07 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage OPEN

I think we can make room for a second Josh (as long as you plan to beat your brother in the sprint tri)  

Congrats on the weight loss and resulting better health. 

2009-12-29 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

And with this, I'm going to close the group. 

2009-12-29 4:10 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

So let's start being a group. 

What can we do to help each other accomplish our goals? 

First step is to recognize and celebrate successes.  What are some things we should plan to celebrate January 4th?  I'll start.  I'll be celebrating a year (2009) where I ran 1000 miles.  I've got less than 4 miles to go and I'll probably try to get that tomorrow morning before it's too snowy.  I'm planning for a long run (10+ miles) Saturday or Sunday, depending on the weather and availability of my running partner, Natalie.  (The <3:45 marathon goal is really to pace Natalie to a BQ time at Flying Pig.  She went 4:01 at Chicago this fall and my predicted pace is 4:10 or so, so I'll have to train hard to shave 25 minutes from my projected time.

Second step is to ask (and answer) questions.  I don't have all the answers, and I'm not a coach, so feel free to contribute.  Other mentors:  feel free to jump in where you've got some expertise.  Protege's?  YOU also have valuable experiences (hey, I may be asking for marathon advice).  Ask on this thread, ask via inspires.  PM me (or the others in the group) if you really have something to keep more private.  What kinds of things can I answer?  I can help you sort out goals. I can help you identify a plan of attack to achieve the goal.  I can reassure you when life conspires against your best intentions. 

Step three is to forget about the past (successes or failures).  We're working towards the future.  (We won't actually "forget" the past, but we aren't going to let it interfere with what we want to accomplish either. )  It doesn't matter if you've never stuck with a workout plan before.  (Maybe you've never had a support group to help you succeed... )  Sometimes, our past success is a big hurdle to achieving our goals. 

Stay positive! 

2009-12-29 5:59 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Sandusky, OH
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED
Hi Mike and everyone!

I was wondering if I can still join this group????

Ok here's my bio:

Laura Cobb, 27yr female

2000-2005: played vball at Ohio University and then played professionally overseas.

Since I started running. From 2007 to currently I've done 5 marathons, a 50 miler and a 50K and many halfs. I love running but it's been beating me up so I wanted to get into swimming and biking.  I found that there is a full tri here in my hometown (Sandusky,OH) on Sept 12, 2010.  So I've made my mind up and my first tri will be a full one.  I just want to finish it!  So I don't know crap about swimming or biking as well as putting an ironman training plan together.... Can you help me? Laughing 

I bought a wetsuit and stationary trainor.  The bike I have is an old Bianchi from my brother.  I am going to add new pedals and seat.  Other than that I have alot of heart and determination. 
2009-12-29 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED


I suppose we can add one more.  The Rev3 race at Cedar Point has gotten some attention here on BT and it sounds like it would be a fun race (if I were doing an Ironman in 2010).  Be smart about the training, and you'll enjoy the journey and the race.  Nothing wrong with an old Bianchi, but make sure it's at least close to the right size and is set up as close as you can get to your needs. 

Where are you now, and what do you do (assuming you are no longer playing professional volleyball)? 

What ultras and marathons have you done? 

If you're just getting into swimming, take some lessons.  Swimming is very technique dependent and runners often struggle translating run fitness into swim fitness.  I'll help as much as I can remotely. 

2009-12-29 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2583001

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

I currently do not use a heart rate monitor and the only times I get a heart rate reading is on the treadmill or stat. bike at the GYM since they are built into the equipment.  Once spring hits I almost never run or bike inside therefore no heart rate monitoring?

Important to monitor heart rate and if so what equipment you use? Garmin?


2009-12-29 9:41 PM
in reply to: #2583141

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

wallico - 2009-12-29 8:49 PM Question: 

I currently do not use a heart rate monitor and the only times I get a heart rate reading is on the treadmill or stat. bike at the GYM since they are built into the equipment.  Once spring hits I almost never run or bike inside therefore no heart rate monitoring?

Important to monitor heart rate and if so what equipment you use? Garmin?


A HRM is one of the cool toys that triathletes often use.  I have a Nike Triax Elite which includes the HRM and an accelerometer-based footpod for speed/distance while running.  I had a Polar HRM before.  During the off-season, I do more "naked runs" (i.e. no HRM, not no shorts/shirt).  They're a great training tool if you know how to use them (and are disciplined enough to follow a solid plan).  During the training season, I'll focus more on HR than pace.  If the plan calls for a "Z2 run" (160-170 bpm for me), I try to keep it close to 170, even if that means a slower pace than I might otherwise run.  It doesn't do much good to use a HRM, find your zone, and then run at 175 bpm because you want a <9:00 pace (not that I'd know anything about that...).  It's also good if you want to get into Z4 or Z5 during speed workouts and intervals.  Most of us consider Z2 "too easy" and Z4 "too hard" so we naturally train in Z3 if we're going only on effort. 

The Garmin 310XT is pretty nice and from what I hear has better battery life than the older models (which wouldn't get most of us through an Ironman-distance race) and is waterproof (the older 305's weren't waterproof).  Polar has some very nice units as well, some of which accept either GPS or accelerometer based speed-distance data.  Nashbar had the Timex Bodylink Trailrunner for $250 or less. 

If you have a smartphone, there are some apps that let you use the GPS capability of the phone to record routes and provide pace and distance info (I think you can even download a workout and have the app tell you when you're too fast or too slow).  If you're set up with this, then I'd look for a basic HRM that will let you get averages HR and min/max HR for at least 10 laps (most will do at least 30 laps).  Get one with a chest strap, not one that requires you to put your fingers on the side of the watch when you want a reading.  You can find basic HRM's for about $50-80.  (The $30 ones may not give you more than an average HR and time in a zone, so you may want to be a step up from there.

2009-12-29 11:19 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED
Ok- so I have a pretty nice spinning bike, a tread mill, and really good efx eliptical machine in my home gym.  My only bicycle to date is a Schwinn Moab MB.  So I just went and looked at tri-bikes tonight.  A little sticker shock to say the least.  The question is, is it realistic for me to train on my spinning bike for the next couple of months and purchase a tri-bike in the spring, then still be ready for an IM in Sept?

Next question, what do you think of the online coaching.  Do you think I can improve my crappy swim technique by using those tools, or do I look for an actual local coach?   Of course I am trying to keep wasted $ to a minimum, so what is the best spent money?

2009-12-30 3:48 AM
in reply to: #2577496

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Sandusky, OH
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

Thanks so much for the invite!

Where are you now, and what do you do (assuming you are no longer playing professional volleyball)? 

What ultras and have you done?

I grew up in Cleveland Ohio and currently live in Sandusky.  I just finished my second degree and will start as an RN in the Cleveland Clinic Med ICU in March.  I am married but no kids as of yet.  Just a whiny 9 lb schnoodle .

Marathons- I've done Akron twice (07, 08).  That was my first and I fell in love. I've also done Miami 08, Cleveland 08, and Ogden, UT (09).  My slowest marathon was 4:23 and my fastest was 3:55. I want to qualify for Boston one of these days (3:40)

Ultras- Did the Mohican 50 miler (08) and a 50K in Dayton (09). 

As far as training goes for the ironman distance.  I've definately been running consistenty up to this point.  I did my first pool session yesterday and my second bike workout.  The Rev is in Sept so I have a little over 9 months to train.  What should I be focusing on this first month?


2009-12-30 7:33 AM
in reply to: #2583344

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

discipleguideservice - 2009-12-29 11:19 PM Ok- so I have a pretty nice spinning bike, a tread mill, and really good efx eliptical machine in my home gym.  My only bicycle to date is a Schwinn Moab MB.  So I just went and looked at tri-bikes tonight.  A little sticker shock to say the least.  The question is, is it realistic for me to train on my spinning bike for the next couple of months and purchase a tri-bike in the spring, then still be ready for an IM in Sept?
For now, you can get a lot of benefit just by spinning, but you'll have some changes once you start riding a road or tri bike.  It takes a while for your back, shoulders, neck, BUTT, etc. to get adjusted to riding in a "racing" position.  Spin a fair amount in Jan/Feb.  When you go to buy a bike, go dressed and ready to ride and they should have you ride at least 15-20 minutes, make some adjustments, ride some more, and try to dial in the fit at least a little.  You can read the threads on road bikes versus tri bikes.  Read a few IMKY race reports and ask (via inspires) the authors what they would recommend.  IMKY has a lot of rolling hills, so a full aero position may not be as beneficial as IMFL or IMAZ (which are mostly flat and wind-prone).  I bought my tri-bike used via Ebay, but I had a pretty good idea of what bikes would fit.  I bought my old road bike via EBay and it was really too big for me (but I managed, and now have a more appropriate road bike).

Next question, what do you think of the online coaching.  Do you think I can improve my crappy swim technique by using those tools, or do I look for an actual local coach?   Of course I am trying to keep wasted $ to a minimum, so what is the best spent money?

I'm not one for wasting money.  See if you can find some adult group lessons.  It may be $100 for 6 lessons and the real-time feedback should put you on track for swimming 2.4 miles comfortably.  I'd say that is money well spent.  Spending $50 an hour for private lessons?  Not unless the coach is fantastic and you're trying to get from "comfortable" to "fast."  Check with a YMCA, local college, or see if there is a local Master's Swimming group. 

2009-12-30 7:37 AM
in reply to: #2583408

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

laurak11 - 2009-12-30 3:48 AM

 What should I be focusing on this first month?

Ironman training is all about building consistent volume without injury or burnout.  Most training plans are 20 weeks long and assume you can run 90 minutes, ride 2 hours or more, and swim 2000+ yards per workout at the beginning of the training plan.  Now is the time to build some technique and start carving out hours in the day for training.  Swim lessons would be good if you need them, otherwise, spend some time working on drills and stroke efficiency.  Start spinning on the bike, 30-60 minutes at a high (90-100 rpm) cadence.  Do some single-leg drills where you pedal with one leg only for 30 seconds at a time.  Otherwise, just get very friendly with your bicycle. 

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