BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!! Rss Feed  
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2009-12-27 6:11 AM

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

NAME: kenj/ Ken

STORY: I'm a 45 year old, 4 years removed from the couch.  I live outside Rochester NY in the Finger Lakes region.  As part of a weight loss program I started running and found that I actually enjoyed it.  While training for a 5K I decided to add biking as a cross training tool and while looking around on line for some information, I stumbled upon BT.  After posting in the new member forums I met some local BT'ers that have become great friends.  I love the social aspect of the triathlon community and racing in general.  It helps me get out of bed in the morning!

FAMILY STATUS: Married to my current wife, Connie for 14 years, I have two children from my first marriage, my daughter who is 20 and in college and a son who is 21 that runs his own business.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently training for the Disney race and a half challenge, also known as the Goofy Challenge.  That is a half marathon on Saturday and a full marathon on Sunday.  After that it is a bit of a rest before starting the training for the Summer/Fall races.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: This past season I did a sprint in the spring, a HIM over the summer, and a lot of running races from 5K to half marathon.  I also did a couple of Duathlons.

2010 RACES:  In addition to the above mentioned marathon, I have a spring Oly planned, I am will be returning to the Musselman in July, a spring and fall duathlon and finally the big race will be IMFL in November.

WEIGHTLOSS: Prior to becoming a triathlete, I had lost about 100 pounds (of which I have put about 10 back on!).  My weight will always be a challenge for me as I have to pay attention to what I eat. Did I mention I like to eat?  I am working on taking the 10 pounds back off plus another 10 by spring..

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I am gratefull for the things I have learned here.  I have often said that losing the weight was easy, keeping it off will be the challenge.  Triathlons and running keep me active and motivated to maintain a health lifestyle.  While I have more to learn than I probably know at this point, I think I have at least figured out where to go to get the information I don't know.  And while I joined prior to the official mentor program, I accomplished the things I have in my short triathlon career due to the informal mentor program the people I have met on this site have provided.  If it hadn't been for these friends, I may have not stuck around and accomplished the things that I have so far.

I have also used many of the training plans that are available here and think I have a pretty good idea which direction to point people once I understand what their goals are.  Additionally, I like to train and I like to talk about training.  With this, I think I can give a little something back to a group of people just starting out on their tri journey.


Edited by kenj 2009-12-30 10:16 AM

2009-12-27 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2578675

Subject: RE: kenj's group - open
Like to join this group, we seem to be on the same path or at least parallel ones.

Name/location; Doug Jones/ mid west Indiana (disliking this cold weather)

Story; 45 y/o looking to knock off a 1/2 IM before the years out (2010). I am an avid cyclist (no competitions) and just started running, but need lots of work and coaching on swimming.
I am signed up for the 1/2 IM in Branson this coming Sept. depending on how that works out then possibly moving on to Louisville full IM in 2011.
Looking to do a couple Sprint Tri's prior to Branson and am even considering a 1/2 Tri in June if my training goes well.

Four years ago, I quit smoking cold turkey after a 22 year/ two pack a day habit and it hasn't been the easiest thing to do considering my wife still smokes around me, but never cheated once. A while back I had spine surgery that left me a nice little scare and not quite 100% usage in my neck on a side to side rotation and long distance (60+ miles) on a bike with looking at an upward angle seems to bother me a bit.

Family; Married, 5 adult kids, a number of grandkids (wife and kids all think its mid-life crisis, maybe it is. I think I'm looking for a better way of living). Wife is being supportive on an outward appearance but like I said, I truly believe she thinks this is just a phase that will pass.

Physical status; Fairly good health, 6'3" currently playing with a weight of around 200 lbs, looking to drop 15-20 of that by Aug.

Edited by DougJ 2009-12-30 10:48 AM
2009-12-28 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

Hey Doug!!!

You are more than welcome with us!  I just want to be clear that you probably were looking at rstocks mentor thread if you were looking at swimming expertise!  (The guy is a fish)! 

What ever you decide to do is fine, just wanted to be clear!

2009-12-29 4:42 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open


In last years group we pushed/encouraged a couple of people through their first Half IM (not to mention first sprints and oly's too!)  !  We had a lot of fun along the way!  I didn't mean to imply that I cant get swimming advice for you! I have a couple of good friends that swimming is their specialty and any question I can't answer, I'll get advice from them!!!

I was talking to a friend this weekend at a local 5K and she has signed up for IM Lou for this year!

Edited by kenj 2009-12-29 5:26 AM
2009-12-29 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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New user
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open
NAME: selonimes/Dan STORY: I am a 33 year old living in South Florida. I became very involved in watching Le Your de France over the last years, and kept thinking it would be great to take a trip to France and ride the country side drink some wine on the way and have some good food. This was the start of a little bug that would bring me to where I am now. Then in 2008 my father passed away quickly from cancer. After his passing, I naturally got very into the LiveStrong mentality, read one of the Armstrong books, and I wanted to adopt that motto for my life. LiveStrong. Ever since then I had this idea that I wanted to run a triathalon. I came to recently after some research and finally deciding that enough was enough and to just to it. In the last year I have spent a good amount of time at the gym trying to adapt my new mentality, and 2010 is the year for me to start living those dreams out. I have always been an on and off again active type of guy and want to adapt an active lifestyle so I can LiveStrong my whole life. FAMILY STATUS: Married to my lovely wife for 3 years now. We have our first little one on the way, another reason why I really want to continue this change of life style. CURRENT TRAINING: For the last six months I have been in and out of the gym working with a trainer. I had a few good months with some intense training, mostly full body workouts, then life kicked in and had a bad month of the gym. Yesterday, Monday, started my new from Couch to 5k program for the running portion. I am mixing in that with some spin classes at the gym 1-2 times a week and 2 days of upper body high rep strength training my trainer suggested to me. 2010 RACES: I want to run my first 5k in the end of Feb or early March, and then I would like to try the Heartland Tri (sprint) as my first in June. That may be a little ambitious but I figure...what the heck. WEIGHTLOSS: Right now I have about and extra 50+ pounds on me that I want to lose. I am sure realistically it is probably more than that. I have as I said gone in cycles when it comes to weight gain and lose, and seem to fluctuate too often. My can I say I like it. I would love to be a part of the group and get things going. I am trying to get some other family members on board so that it becomes a movement rather than just a individual goal, but I figure I can lead by example and really LiveStrong. I have never been a swimmer, never really wanted to swim, never really enjoyed it, but I am ready for the challenge. Thanks again! And Ken you may need to change that pic you have of Roethlisberger! Although come to think of it my boys fell apart this year so it doesn't matter if you have it there.

Edited by selonimes 2009-12-29 11:54 AM
2009-12-29 11:55 AM
in reply to: #2582140

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New user
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open
Silly forum...cant seem to get it to match up the way I intended...sorry it is all mashed together!

2009-12-29 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

Thanks for joining us!!!  Sorry about the loss of your father and congratulations on your upcoming addition!

You have some very realistic goals and we will help you get there!  One step at a time!!!


2009-12-29 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2582145

Subject: RE: kenj's group - open
Say Dan, your avatar is the same looking band that I have been wearing for the past month or so.
2009-12-29 5:19 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open


I like the comment about your family and mid life crisis! My wife (who has been an awesome supporter of all this) jokes that she figured I might have some sort of mid life crisis that involved cycles, she just figured it would involve engines and leather rather than spandex and carbon fiber! 

2009-12-29 5:20 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

I changed my avatar for you Dan! It has been a tough year that's for sure!

2009-12-29 9:40 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - open
Just wanted to say I'm in again.  Ken is a great mentor.  I'll post back with my details tomorrow (gotta run right now)

2009-12-29 10:15 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open
Room for one?    I still chat with folks from last year's groups but I was reading this one and thought I might fit.

They call me the IceMan.  I'm 58, a 30-year journalist in Central Illinois.  Battled weight until Jan. 2005 when I couldn't stand being nearly 400 pounds with a 50 inch waist. 

I have been up and down my whole life.  Baseball player, swimmer, do-nothing, chain smoker, alcoholic.  Got sober in 1988 and have remained so.  But still battled the weight up and down.  In 1992, I was down to about 175 with Weight Watchers.  Then divorce in 1998 and back to old ways until five years ago.  I am the outdoor editor, so the bike club came to me with an idea to give away bikes and I would write about what happened to the recipients.  I decided to get one and join in.  I had to have a wheel built for the hybrid to stop blowing spokes.

I rode and rode, lost weight, bought a road bike and rode more.  Thousands of miles in 2005.  Then early in 2006, I was diagnosed with cancer because I had lost enough to feel good about myself and get to a doctor.  I rode 17 miles the morning of my surgery to get to a goal I had.  Back on the bike ASAP.

Many more thousands of miles in 2007.  In 2008, the weight loss was tapering off as my body was getting efficient at doing the same thing.  I had done the bike part of a sprint tri for a LiveSTRONG relay team in 2007 and 2008 and liked the people. So I decided to try swimming again and joined the Masters.  They had me doing long distance soon.  Running, I never liked but I started. 

In 2009, I did a sprint, oly and a course was a combination, 1000 m swim, 25 mile bike and 5K run.  Did well. 

I race time trials here locally.  I swim with the Masters 2X a week and run 2-3X a week.  I have a bike coach through Vision Quest.

2010 goals are to do 4 tris, including a half IM.  2011 - full IM if all goes well.  My wife of nearly two years is my manager, extremely supportive. 

Current weight is about 217 at 6 feet.  I want to drop more and am slowly through watching what I eat at about 1800-2000 cals/day and maintaining a calorie deficit. 

So you can see why I thought I was a good fit here after reading your stories.

I'm a very positive guy.  I love life.  Cancer rocketed my spiritual life to another plane.     Looking forward to getting to know you.



2009-12-29 10:26 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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New user
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open
Doug...I have one on...been since the Spring that I got fact I have a whole bag of them. I got a few to send to some people and just in case it hasn't yet and I don't it will. Ken- wish both our teams did better...the Giants were amazing to start the season and after they lost to New Orleans, they just imploded.Iceman- He cometh! Sounds like you like to ride around lots. If I can accomplish what you have then I will truly have grown so much!

Edited by selonimes 2009-12-29 10:28 PM
2009-12-29 10:36 PM
in reply to: #2578675

Subject: RE: kenj's group - open
Looks like its turning out to be a good bunch. What is the limit on a group? Is that determined by the mentor or by the moderator?
2009-12-29 11:19 PM
in reply to: #2578675

Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

Hello, I think this might be a good way to get feedback.

Name/Location: Kelly/ Atlanta, GA area
Story: I am (was) a travel nurse and now am settling down to one area.  This past spring I was in Maryland on an assignment a long way from family and decided to start getting into shape.  I was a distance swimmer in high school and always enjoyed it so the gym had to have a pool.  It did, although small.  A little time on the stationary bike felt alright too.  I started thinking about it and decided "I can do a triathlon (at least a short one), I can always walk the run"  I don't like to run.  Anyway, I found this site and started training for a sprint held near my hometown in August.  I did finish this race and felt great, but I wasn't fully prepared for it.  I was very dehydrated at the end and I did walk most of the run, but would have loved to do better. 

I have always battled with my weight, and although I was training, I wasn't seeing the results I was expecting.  Since the race, I have not been training, and although I can blame it on many other things, I know the responsibility lies in myself.  I hate the cold weather, and luckily for Christmas, I received a trainer for my bike.  I already have a treadmill.  We are in the middle of moving, so my treadmill is in another state, but I am going to commit to doing what I have to for myself and my family.

Family:  I have a partner whom I've been with for 9 years.  We have a 4 year old daughter who was so proud of me when I raced that she wants to do it also.  I want to be there to help her achieve her goals if it is truly something she's interested in.  My partner is extremely obese, but I have convinced her to find help and although she may not want to tri, at least get healthy.

Physical Status: I am 38, 5'4", about 190.  I would like to lose 40-50lbs the right way.  I have got to quit smoking and find the "can't breathe" part of exercise generally works really

 I look forward to the journey this next year.  I am planning to do 3-4 sprints this year and a new goal of an Olympic distance by the end of the summer.

Edited by niasa 2009-12-29 11:20 PM
2009-12-29 11:24 PM
in reply to: #2583343

Subject: RE: kenj's group - open
niasa - 2009-12-30 12:19 AM

Hello, I think this might be a good way to get feedback.

Name/Location: Kelly/ Atlanta, GA area
  I have got to quit smoking and find the "can't breathe" part of exercise generally works really


Being an ex smoker myself, its a hard battle, but not impossible. Tri training is a great motivator to stop smoking.

2009-12-30 2:52 AM
in reply to: #2578675

User image

Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open
Hi, if this group is still open i'd like to join... my details are -

NAME: Lewis

STORY: I'm 39, turning 40 in Aug 2010. Originally from England i moved with my family to New Zealand at the end of 2003. I had at that point done a little running managing a couple of 10k's but that was it as far as exercise was concerned - previous 10 years were almost exercise-free. Despite this i have never suffered with weight problems (apart from wanting to gain a little) always hovering around the 70kg mark.

FAMILY: Married for nearly 16 years with an 11 year old daughter and a 7 year old son. My wife and family are very supportive of my activities which is a great help. Also have a 2 year old springer spaniel.

SWIM TRAINING: Apart from teen club swimming (like many i suspect) nothing apart from splashing around. Been in the pool about 3 weeks now and having real problems with timing especially around breathing - finding myself breathless and needing to stop. Physically, i can continue easily enough once i've caught my breath at pool-end. Doing 2 sessions per week of around 1200m each...

BIKE TRAINING: After coming to NZ i was talked into doing a 40km leg of the Taupo bike event at the end of 2004. Enjoyed it so trained a little and signed up for 2 legs (80km) in the 2005 event. Went on to complete 4 legs for the full 160km distance but was unprepared for the full distance and really felt it at around the 120km mark. Carried on to enter the complete distance in 2006 and 2007 with a best time of 5:45. Continued doing some biking since then but have lost a huge amount of endurance. Currently doing various rides (mostly commutes) but nothing over 20k.

RUN TRAINING: Started running in 2002 and did a couple of 10ks but then stopped running events. Carried on doing small frequent lunchtime runs until i entered for a half marathon in Feb 2007 finishing in 1:50. Signed up for the Wellington marathon in June 2008 and completed it in 4:15. Again, running has fizzled out and lost a lot of endurance. Currently doing 2 or 3 runs of 7km and 10km per week.

OTHER TRAINING: Did a 100km charity walk in April 2008 and joined the Army Reserves at the end of 2008. Army training sessions do mean i have to give up some training sessions which is always going to be a problem...

INJURIES: After the 100km walk and marathon, lost 2 toenails & toes were knocked about and now suffer from bunching and problems with a couple of toenails cutting into other toes - plasters do the trick here though. Also, have had regular problems with left ankle being weak. Lastly get an annoying left shoulder problem which feels like a muscle pull. Treat it with physio, massage and creams but cannot identify a particular reason for the reoccurance of it though.

MEDICAL: Nothing wrong with me (needed a full medical to join army reserves) but have been diagnosed with bradycardia - have a RHR of 43. Doctors are happy that there's nothing untoward going on although i do find i can feel faint if running in hot weather. Find my HR recovery is very quick after exercise.

2010 EVENTS: So far, MAR - Sprint Tri. APR - 1/2 marathon. OCT - 100km bike. NOV - 160km bike. DEC - HIM.

FOCUS: MAR sprint and DEC HIM.

Just signed up on BT, not sure what to expect from this but looking forward to sharing highs and lows with others doing the same...Cheers,


Edited by lbishop 2009-12-30 2:57 AM

2009-12-30 4:06 AM
in reply to: #2583214

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

TriRSquared - 2009-12-29 10:40 PM Just wanted to say I'm in again.  Ken is a great mentor.  I'll post back with my details tomorrow (gotta run right now)

Good to have you back again! Thanks for the compliment!

2009-12-30 4:12 AM
in reply to: #2583265

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

IceManScott - 2009-12-29 11:15 PM Room for one?    I still chat with folks from last year's groups but I was reading this one and thought I might fit.

They call me the IceMan.  I'm 58, a 30-year journalist in Central Illinois.  Battled weight until Jan. 2005 when I couldn't stand being nearly 400 pounds with a 50 inch waist. 

I have been up and down my whole life.  Baseball player, swimmer, do-nothing, chain smoker, alcoholic.  Got sober in 1988 and have remained so.  But still battled the weight up and down.  In 1992, I was down to about 175 with Weight Watchers.  Then divorce in 1998 and back to old ways until five years ago.  I am the outdoor editor, so the bike club came to me with an idea to give away bikes and I would write about what happened to the recipients.  I decided to get one and join in.  I had to have a wheel built for the hybrid to stop blowing spokes.

I rode and rode, lost weight, bought a road bike and rode more.  Thousands of miles in 2005.  Then early in 2006, I was diagnosed with cancer because I had lost enough to feel good about myself and get to a doctor.  I rode 17 miles the morning of my surgery to get to a goal I had.  Back on the bike ASAP.

Many more thousands of miles in 2007.  In 2008, the weight loss was tapering off as my body was getting efficient at doing the same thing.  I had done the bike part of a sprint tri for a LiveSTRONG relay team in 2007 and 2008 and liked the people. So I decided to try swimming again and joined the Masters.  They had me doing long distance soon.  Running, I never liked but I started. 

In 2009, I did a sprint, oly and a course was a combination, 1000 m swim, 25 mile bike and 5K run.  Did well. 

I race time trials here locally.  I swim with the Masters 2X a week and run 2-3X a week.  I have a bike coach through Vision Quest.

2010 goals are to do 4 tris, including a half IM.  2011 - full IM if all goes well.  My wife of nearly two years is my manager, extremely supportive. 

Current weight is about 217 at 6 feet.  I want to drop more and am slowly through watching what I eat at about 1800-2000 cals/day and maintaining a calorie deficit. 

So you can see why I thought I was a good fit here after reading your stories.

I'm a very positive guy.  I love life.  Cancer rocketed my spiritual life to another plane.     Looking forward to getting to know you.



Welcome to the group Scott!

What an inspirational journey you have been on!!! 

2009-12-30 4:20 AM
in reply to: #2583292

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

DougJ - 2009-12-29 11:36 PM Looks like its turning out to be a good bunch. What is the limit on a group? Is that determined by the mentor or by the moderator?

It is up to me, last year I had eight in the group and that was very manageable!  I think 8 to 10, maybe 12 depending on the dynamics of the group.  I think with the people so far a larger group is very easy to handle.  In my opinion what determines that is how responsive people are in keeping the thread going.  Motivating each other and just keeping each other focused during the next few months, when for most of us it is indoor workouts.  I see my job as mentor is to keep things moving forward in a positive manner, answering questions that I can, finding answers when I don't have them, and helping anyone new to the site with any of its features. 

2009-12-30 4:24 AM
in reply to: #2583343

User image

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

niasa - 2009-12-30 12:19 AM

Hello, I think this might be a good way to get feedback.

Name/Location: Kelly/ Atlanta, GA area
Story: I am (was) a travel nurse and now am settling down to one area.  This past spring I was in Maryland on an assignment a long way from family and decided to start getting into shape.  I was a distance swimmer in high school and always enjoyed it so the gym had to have a pool.  It did, although small.  A little time on the stationary bike felt alright too.  I started thinking about it and decided "I can do a triathlon (at least a short one), I can always walk the run"  I don't like to run.  Anyway, I found this site and started training for a sprint held near my hometown in August.  I did finish this race and felt great, but I wasn't fully prepared for it.  I was very dehydrated at the end and I did walk most of the run, but would have loved to do better. 

I have always battled with my weight, and although I was training, I wasn't seeing the results I was expecting.  Since the race, I have not been training, and although I can blame it on many other things, I know the responsibility lies in myself.  I hate the cold weather, and luckily for Christmas, I received a trainer for my bike.  I already have a treadmill.  We are in the middle of moving, so my treadmill is in another state, but I am going to commit to doing what I have to for myself and my family.

Family:  I have a partner whom I've been with for 9 years.  We have a 4 year old daughter who was so proud of me when I raced that she wants to do it also.  I want to be there to help her achieve her goals if it is truly something she's interested in.  My partner is extremely obese, but I have convinced her to find help and although she may not want to tri, at least get healthy.

Physical Status: I am 38, 5'4", about 190.  I would like to lose 40-50lbs the right way.  I have got to quit smoking and find the "can't breathe" part of exercise generally works really

 I look forward to the journey this next year.  I am planning to do 3-4 sprints this year and a new goal of an Olympic distance by the end of the summer.

Welcome to the group Kelly! 

I think most of us can relate to what you hope to accomplish!  We will do our best to help you get there!!

2009-12-30 4:30 AM
in reply to: #2583397

User image

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

lbishop - 2009-12-30 3:52 AM Hi, if this group is still open i'd like to join... my details are -

NAME: Lewis

STORY: I'm 39, turning 40 in Aug 2010. Originally from England i moved with my family to New Zealand at the end of 2003. I had at that point done a little running managing a couple of 10k's but that was it as far as exercise was concerned - previous 10 years were almost exercise-free. Despite this i have never suffered with weight problems (apart from wanting to gain a little) always hovering around the 70kg mark.

FAMILY: Married for nearly 16 years with an 11 year old daughter and a 7 year old son. My wife and family are very supportive of my activities which is a great help. Also have a 2 year old springer spaniel.

SWIM TRAINING: Apart from teen club swimming (like many i suspect) nothing apart from splashing around. Been in the pool about 3 weeks now and having real problems with timing especially around breathing - finding myself breathless and needing to stop. Physically, i can continue easily enough once i've caught my breath at pool-end. Doing 2 sessions per week of around 1200m each...

BIKE TRAINING: After coming to NZ i was talked into doing a 40km leg of the Taupo bike event at the end of 2004. Enjoyed it so trained a little and signed up for 2 legs (80km) in the 2005 event. Went on to complete 4 legs for the full 160km distance but was unprepared for the full distance and really felt it at around the 120km mark. Carried on to enter the complete distance in 2006 and 2007 with a best time of 5:45. Continued doing some biking since then but have lost a huge amount of endurance. Currently doing various rides (mostly commutes) but nothing over 20k.

RUN TRAINING: Started running in 2002 and did a couple of 10ks but then stopped running events. Carried on doing small frequent lunchtime runs until i entered for a half marathon in Feb 2007 finishing in 1:50. Signed up for the Wellington marathon in June 2008 and completed it in 4:15. Again, running has fizzled out and lost a lot of endurance. Currently doing 2 or 3 runs of 7km and 10km per week.

OTHER TRAINING: Did a 100km charity walk in April 2008 and joined the Army Reserves at the end of 2008. Army training sessions do mean i have to give up some training sessions which is always going to be a problem...

INJURIES: After the 100km walk and marathon, lost 2 toenails & toes were knocked about and now suffer from bunching and problems with a couple of toenails cutting into other toes - plasters do the trick here though. Also, have had regular problems with left ankle being weak. Lastly get an annoying left shoulder problem which feels like a muscle pull. Treat it with physio, massage and creams but cannot identify a particular reason for the reoccurance of it though.

MEDICAL: Nothing wrong with me (needed a full medical to join army reserves) but have been diagnosed with bradycardia - have a RHR of 43. Doctors are happy that there's nothing untoward going on although i do find i can feel faint if running in hot weather. Find my HR recovery is very quick after exercise.

2010 EVENTS: So far, MAR - Sprint Tri. APR - 1/2 marathon. OCT - 100km bike. NOV - 160km bike. DEC - HIM.

FOCUS: MAR sprint and DEC HIM.

Just signed up on BT, not sure what to expect from this but looking forward to sharing highs and lows with others doing the same...Cheers,


Welcome to the group Lewis!!! 

You are off to a great start! 

2009-12-30 4:37 AM
in reply to: #2578675

User image

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - open

We have 6 so far, plenty of room for more.  In the mean time, make sure you turn on the toggle notification at the bottom of this thread so you know when something has been added (or just stop by once in a while) as this will be the main conversation the group has.

I will also be adding all of you to my friends list (they show on your blog page in the bottom left) I encourage you all to do the same.  I will stop by every day or 2 and give you an inspire.  Let me know if you are not familiar with the inspire feature.  I highly encourage you to inspire each other as well!!!  In my experience and opinion, part of what keeps us going is accountability, and if you know the rest of us will be stopping by to comment, it may help get you on the bike or to the pool when staying in bed is easier!  Positive reinforcement!   Once the group is complete I will also put together a table you can copy and put on your dashboard as a quick link!

Thanks for signing up! We are going to have a great year!!!


2009-12-30 6:55 AM
in reply to: #2578675


Subject: RE: kenj's group - open
Room for one more? 

NAME: Tanja
STORY: will turn 25 1st of january I'm from Iceland and live there. I started running last summer, something I thought I could never do, used to be a ballerina and running is not something dancers do, hehe. I gained a lot of weight during my pregnancy and after I had my daughter. In september 2008 I changed my diet, and in january (a year ago) i started exercising. I have lost 32kg/around 70pounds. Last summer I was in a weekend seminar and without knowing it before there was a running course (I wouldnt have gone if I had known). I got inspired from the teacher, finally realized I really could run and ran 10k in a marathon race two weeks later It took longer time for me than most of the people, but at least i finished. I ran again two weeks later another 10k in another race and was over 5 minutes quicker. Now I want to train for 1/2 marathon and Triathlon, the Olympic length.
FAMILY: Not married, but soon to be. Mother of 21 month old girl. 
TRAINING: not a good swimmer, but I know how to. Just need a little practice. I only bike in the gym at this time of year. there is to much snow here at the moment to bike. Try to run outside at least 2-3 times a week. But want to get more serious and make a good schedule for all my training a.s.a.p. 
2010 Races: They have not given out dates for races here yet. But I plan to take place in as many runs as possible and one triathlon  
INJURIES: none so far. have some old ones, but they have not been bothering me. 

best regards
2009-12-30 7:28 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - open
Hi everyone, I'm hoping to join up. My name is Geoff. I'm currently living in Wisconsin and attending college and working part time. I'm 29 married with an almost 18 month old son. I quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago. I decided that I wanted to do something I would never have done while smoking so I started running. I liked running once I got used to it, but wanted a little variation so I started biking. Through searching for more information I found BT. I was never an athlete, but while in the Navy I ran 1.5 miles every six months for our physical test (and my only exercise). That would almost cause me to pass out, and I needed about 3 days to recover. After finishing the couch to 5K I don't think twice about running a few miles, and I love the feeling. I am still new to the site and slowly learning my way around. I have lost 15 lbs already and still have another 20-25 to go. I have completed the couch to 5K program, and gearing up for the 20 week sprint training. I'm a little scared of the swim just because it has been so long since I've been in a pool. I'm more confident about the run. I'm still trying to get more comfortable on the bike. I have a sprint race planned in June. I'm very excited and look forward to working with others towards our goals.
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