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2009-12-28 7:49 PM

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Central New Jersey
Subject: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)
On Thursday the mailman delivered a package to our house (my son signed for it). While either entering or exiting the driveway he managed to run over our dogs electric fence collar (hubby and I were out walking said dog). It was on the side of the driveway, next to the snow pile. I *thought* the protection package I have for the collar covered the damage, but it does not. Only electronics failures. Does anyone know if the PO will cover the damage? It is $300 for a new collar.


2009-12-28 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2581015

Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)

You left it in the driveway, where it doesn't actually belong? Sorry, that's probably a no-go in terms of having the post office cover it. No offense. Same with the device warranty - those things don't always cover damage that you caused, however indirectly it may have been.

2009-12-28 8:53 PM
in reply to: #2581043

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)
I see your point, however, it was on the SIDE of the driveway not IN the driveway. AND I have specifically stated previously to the PO that they are NOT to drive up my driveway (the mail car leaks oil).

Device warranty stated "lifetime electronics warranty". what annoyed me was if I told them dog chewed it they would have covered it, because I was honest I get to pay.

No offense taken. I'm of the "it can't hurt to ask mentality.

2009-12-28 9:12 PM
in reply to: #2581015

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St Charles, IL
Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)

I'm a little confused, was the collar in your driveway (even if to the side), or did the post office drive on your lawn?  Unless it was the latter, I'd suggest you have no claim.

If it's $300 to replace, maybe laying on the ground was not a good place for it.  Would you leave a garmin 310XT laying around on the ground in the driveway?

As far as not wanting the PO car in your driveway because it "leaks oil".  Really?

Edited by coredump 2009-12-28 9:13 PM
2009-12-28 9:18 PM
in reply to: #2581154

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)
coredump - 2009-12-28 10:12 PM

I'm a little confused, was the collar in your driveway (even if to the side), or did the post office drive on your lawn?  Unless it was the latter, I'd suggest you have no claim.

If it's $300 to replace, maybe laying on the ground was not a good place for it.  Would you leave a garmin 310XT laying around on the ground in the driveway?

As far as not wanting the PO car in your driveway because it "leaks oil".  Really?

Despite the fact it sounds snotty, yes it leaks oil. I'm not talking a few drops I'm talking a significant amount all the way down the driveway and a puddle by the front door. It is not only a mess, but a hazard, to my son and the dog, let alone my carpet.

In 2+ years of leaving said collar on the side of my driveway it has never been an issue, no I would not leave my Garmin on the ground, but I also thought I had insurance on the collar should anything happen.

As I said, it couldn't hurt to ask, if I wanted to be insulted I would have asked for that. Did you answer my question or just take the opportunity to kick someone when they were down? Comments about my Garmin? Really, nothing better to do tonight? Perhaps next time you could carry it across the fence line and take the hit for me? Where would you suggest I leave it? Hanging in the tree? What if the squirrel carries it away?

Edited by wwlani 2009-12-28 9:19 PM
2009-12-28 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2581015

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St Charles, IL
Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)

Since you asked for advice on what to do with it, I'd leave it in the house or on the porch.

You left it out in the driveway, it got run over.

PO car leaks oil so you told them not to drive into your driveway.  It does sound a bit snotty to me, but it could have been run over by UPS, FedEx, or anyone else who happened to pull in.

If it had been a friend of yours dropping off something that ran over it, would you ask the friend for $300?

2009-12-28 9:50 PM
in reply to: #2581015

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Parker, CO
Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)

USPS won't pay.  If the driver ran into your house or across the lawn they would most likely  still fight paying.  Even though you asked the driver not to drive on your driveway, no way to enforce that short of installing a gate on the drive.  I would just come to the tems that you are out $300 for a dog collar. 

Edited by rayd 2009-12-28 9:50 PM
2009-12-28 9:59 PM
in reply to: #2581015

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2009-12-28 10:01 PM
in reply to: #2581123

Sneaky Slow
Herndon, VA,
Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)
What's the difference between the side of the driveway and in the driveway?  Like, it wasn't in the center of the driveway?

Well, I guess that's Jersey for ya... biohazard post office trucks driving up the side middle in out the lawn of people's driveways, spewing oil all over the place, damaging pets, kids, carpets, running over Garmins and dog collars, threatening the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness.  And evil squirrels lurking in the trees waiting to steal whatever they can get their little paws on.
2009-12-28 10:14 PM
in reply to: #2581163

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)

wwlani - 2009-12-28 9:18 PM
coredump - 2009-12-28 10:12 PM

I'm a little confused, was the collar in your driveway (even if to the side), or did the post office drive on your lawn?  Unless it was the latter, I'd suggest you have no claim.

If it's $300 to replace, maybe laying on the ground was not a good place for it.  Would you leave a garmin 310XT laying around on the ground in the driveway?

As far as not wanting the PO car in your driveway because it "leaks oil".  Really?

Despite the fact it sounds snotty, yes it leaks oil. I'm not talking a few drops I'm talking a significant amount all the way down the driveway and a puddle by the front door. It is not only a mess, but a hazard, to my son and the dog, let alone my carpet. In 2+ years of leaving said collar on the side of my driveway it has never been an issue, no I would not leave my Garmin on the ground, but I also thought I had insurance on the collar should anything happen. As I said, it couldn't hurt to ask, if I wanted to be insulted I would have asked for that. Did you answer my question or just take the opportunity to kick someone when they were down? Comments about my Garmin? Really, nothing better to do tonight? Perhaps next time you could carry it across the fence line and take the hit for me? Where would you suggest I leave it? Hanging in the tree? What if the squirrel carries it away?

I've met Coredump, and I don't believe he was trying to be an azz (that's my job), or snotty, or whatever, he WAS trying to make a point of why would anyone leave a valuable electronic piece of equipment laying around outside, whether it was a a dog collar, a Garmin, or whatever.  Something to think about, and I think it was worth a consideration.  But, for the sake of what happened, it happened.  It was a careless mistake and something happened.

Now, did you take any video or picture evidence of the incident and know for a fact, without a doubt, that it most certainly was the PO vehicle that actually ran the device over?  If so, bring it to the attention of your local PO to the PO lead/master/supervisor/etc. and talk with them in a civil manner, show them the evidence, along with the date and time of the incident (proof from the signed invoice/packing slip/etc.) and see if they will work with you.

Are you sure that your son or someone else did NOT actually ruin the device?  From the original post, I didn't read that you actually saw the incident occur and can confirm that it was the PO driver (you didn't state that tire tracks are appearing over, on, or next to the device).

Edited by 1stTimeTri 2009-12-28 10:16 PM
2009-12-28 10:22 PM
in reply to: #2581243

Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)
Thank you. Yours was the first response I felt answered my question versus flogged me for my misjudgment (not all, just most)

I left the collar where the trainer from the fence company taught the dog was the designated spot to sit and have the collar removed to go for a walk off property (why it's not done on the porch but near the edge of the property). Obviously, I will be finding an alternate location.

Do I know it was the PO, yes, do I have pics, no. How do I know? There was snow on the ground, when I left for the walk, there were no tire tracks along the driveway to my front door (we have a circular driveway but only shovel the main portion, no I'm not lazy, it's a 200 foot driveway, don't need 2 that bad). After I discovered the collar and walked up to the house, there were the tire tracks. Inquired with our son who had been home who came by. The mailman, to deliver a package that he signed for. Pretty easy to confirm that.

My son is 13, he didn't run it over. No one else came by. Can I prove that, no, but I can prove that a package was signed for at the door versus the PO.

I doubt they will cover any, but figured it couldn't hurt to ask. I was only asking here if anyone knew if they covered things like this, you can't tell me that a mailman has never backed out a driveway and damaged something (tree, mailbox, light, etc.)

Thank you 1stTimeTri.

2009-12-28 10:26 PM
in reply to: #2581226

Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)
newleaf -

I have started and restarted this reply many times. Boils down to this, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything, so I won't. Glad to provide you with the opportunity to kick someone when their down.

Edited by wwlani 2009-12-28 10:26 PM
2009-12-28 11:15 PM
in reply to: #2581258

Subject: ...
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Edited by AcesFull 2009-12-28 11:21 PM
2009-12-29 5:46 AM
in reply to: #2581015

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)
Home owners insurance maybe?  but probably not worth the hassle and potential for increased rates.
2009-12-29 6:12 AM
in reply to: #2581015

New user
Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)
Check this one off in the "lesson learned" column and move on.

Edited by NXS 2009-12-29 6:12 AM
2009-12-29 11:06 AM
in reply to: #2581015

Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)
I think that they should cover it.

People  keep saying that it was in the drive way and it shouldn't have been there.  Really?  Who says you can't keep something on your personal property? 

If there was a bike in the driveway and the mailman decided to run it over would she not have a claim?  It's no different.  The mailman came onto private property, broke something while doing official business so it should be repaired.

The problem would be proving that the mailman actually did it.  But if you could jump that hurdle, I'd say you have a claim. 

2009-12-29 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2581015

Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)

Don't know how long you've had the collar, but if you used a credit card to buy it, I think they offer coverage for maybe a year? My understanding is that they'll cover theft, damage, loss, etc--pretty much everything. Long shot, but at least worth mentioning, I think.

2009-12-29 11:48 AM
in reply to: #2582017

Urbandale, IA
Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)
Marvarnett - 2009-12-29 11:06 AM I think that they should cover it.

People  keep saying that it was in the drive way and it shouldn't have been there.  Really?  Who says you can't keep something on your personal property? 

If there was a bike in the driveway and the mailman decided to run it over would she not have a claim?  It's no different.  The mailman came onto private property, broke something while doing official business so it should be repaired.

The problem would be proving that the mailman actually did it.  But if you could jump that hurdle, I'd say you have a claim. 

I agree with this.  It's on my property.  The mail service has been told not to drive in the area.  That's it.  End of discussionn.

In a small hijack - why is it that we believe that the USPS has the right to drive everywhere to deliver mail in these times?  I remember when I was a kid (otherwise known as the good ole days) the mail carrier parked on the corner and walked around the neighborgood.  Sears catolog days were a b*tch. 
USPS has no right to use my driveway and neither does UPS, FedEx or the pizza guy.  The rules state that I must have a cleared walkway - get that word - "walkway"  - not "driway" for the mail carrier to approach the mail receptacle or doorway. 
My suggestion is to file a claim of property damage.  If this is not given your satisfaction, approach your congressperson or Senator and ask them to delve into it.
Oh, and BTW, there is a reason that the collar is to be removed and replaced at a certain point in the yard.  It is part of the fenceless training and though it seems a little mundane, is actually quite important in the learning process of a canine.  It has to do with the relationship of the boundaries and the collar. 
2009-12-29 12:04 PM
in reply to: #2582129

Parker, CO
Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)

jdwright56 - 2009-12-29 10:48 AM
Marvarnett - 2009-12-29 11:06 AM I think that they should cover it.

People  keep saying that it was in the drive way and it shouldn't have been there.  Really?  Who says you can't keep something on your personal property? 

If there was a bike in the driveway and the mailman decided to run it over would she not have a claim?  It's no different.  The mailman came onto private property, broke something while doing official business so it should be repaired.

The problem would be proving that the mailman actually did it.  But if you could jump that hurdle, I'd say you have a claim. 

I agree with this.  It's on my property.  The mail service has been told not to drive in the area.  That's it.  End of discussionn.


no doubt I would be pizzed if the USPS driver damaged something on my driveway.  But the OP asked would USPS cover the damage?  No...they won't.  Yes you can make a claim and take it up the food chain but they are not going to pay.  Even with damaged goods that are insured...UPS and USPS are terrible about paying. 

2009-12-29 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2582017

Subject: ...
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2009-12-29 6:24 PM
in reply to: #2581015

Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)
I would make a claim for it or write a demand letter. If the fence was not in the driveway, well then, it's the person's fault for driving out of the driveway and damaging it.

The issue I see is not so much it was on or off the driveway or whether he drove up when you told him not to, the issue is how are you going to prove it was the PO and not you, your hubby, your neighbor, or whoever.

It wouldn't hurt trying.

Edited by auto208562 2009-12-29 6:24 PM

2009-12-29 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2582941

Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Post Office Question - Damaged property (not package)
My son was home and the only person who drove up to the house was the mailman, he had to answer the door to sign for the package.

I find it curious that the post master (mistress? since it's a woman) didn't call me today as she promised. Hmmm, need to follow up tomorrow

Thank you everyone!

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