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2010-01-03 4:18 PM

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Subject: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

NAME: Katimomma / Kati
STORY: I am a mother of 2 (10 and 7), a USAT level 1 coach, a celiac and when there is time left a wife too!  I started doing tri's 6 years ago after my son was born.  My husband and I tri together, it gives us a great break from parenthood and gives us that something to work towards together that is not kid related.  I coach part time, my primary job is to be a stay at home mom, but with my spare time I coach swimmers, runners and triathletes.  I grew up swimming and must admit that swimming is still my favorite!
FAMILY STATUS: I am married to a fellow triathlete (pdwonderboy) and have a wonderful 10 year old daughter and 7 year old son 
CURRENT TRAINING: I have the advantage of writing my own workouts, so I guess I follow a plan, but it is written weekly by me, but I also sit down and map out my year.  I love long distance racing, I have completed 3 IM's and 3 halfs.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: Last season I completed Beach2Battleship and FLA 70.3, along with a few local tri's 
2010 Races: I will be racing 2010 for Team Trakkers.  So far I am doing a few VA Triathlon series races, American Triple T (Ohio with my husband), REV3 Knoxville Oly & the REV3 Cedar Point Full OR Half (still up in the air)
WEIGHTLOSS: I lost 40 lbs. between beginning to train & going gluten free (4years ago)
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR:  I would love to have other moms & dads join the group that value balancing kids, family and training.  I hope I will be able to lend support to other parents that are trying to juggle the crazy life of training, parenting, working . . . .  I try to stay away from coaching and focus more on encouragement and support on BT.  

Edited by katimomma 2010-01-05 3:08 PM

2010-01-04 6:27 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
I'd love to join your group.

I'm a father of two from Fort Worth, TX.  I want to do a tri to get myself whipped into shape. I would like to lose some weight in the process, but for me, just getting more healthy is my main objective.  My goal is to complete the Caveman Triathalon in late April.  I've been following a couch to 5K program for about a month to get myself started.  I can't wait to kick this thing in gear!

2010-01-04 6:38 AM
in reply to: #2591833

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN

Welcome Josh!  I am envious of your TX weather while it's 18 degrees outside here!  Is the Caveman a sprint? 

2010-01-04 6:47 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
Yes.  It is a sprint.  It's supposed to be "so easy a caveman can do it."  I hope I can too! 
2010-01-04 7:53 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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York, PA
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
Hi Kati,
I would like to join.
I just signed up for my first sprint tri in PA in May. I am an athlete but have been busy being a Realtor for 10 years and need to get back into a lifestyle of fitness that I do truly love. Previous 10 years was a beach volleyball player. Do regular gym workouts but needed a goal for 2010. Doing Got the Nerve Tri in Mt. Gretna PA and could use some tips, help, and reading what others are doing too. Looking forward to seeing others progress as well.
2010-01-04 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2591850

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN

FWSquatch - 2010-01-04 6:47 AM Yes.  It is a sprint.  It's supposed to be "so easy a caveman can do it."  I hope I can too! 

Great catch line!  Looks like fun! 

Welcome Robin!  I am the type of person that has to be signed up for a race to keep me going!  I think you will love the lifestyle.  It was horribly cold outside here yesterday and I had a run scheduled, I decided to take advantage of being a TRI athlete and swapped for a swim in a nice warm pool instead!  You can't beat the variety! 


2010-01-04 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Port Kent, NY
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
Hi I would love to join your group.

I'm a new mommy to a 6 month old baby boy, also my husband is a celiac so I know all about what you go through with that.  I am really hoping that my son doesn't have it.  I'm signed up for a half marathon in April, cycling race and the Tupper Lake Tinman, half ironman in June so far.  I've done a triathlon in the past but alot of marathons and half marathons, 10Ks too.  I work part time so I can spend time with my baby and train.   So far my son Brodie has been allowing me to train but all my training so far has been inside on the treadmill and trainer.  I live in upstate NY so it is COLD out here and hard to get out with a baby stroller.... I'm a pretty strong runner, biking just came easy to me but swimming would be my weakest link.  I wouldn't say I'm a terrible swimmer but I could diffiantly use some help.  My husband use to be a pretty good swimmer and I'm trying to get him to do some tri's with me but it just doesn't interest him like it does me but he is always there on the sidelines encouraging me to GO STRONG!!!!!!!! I'm very new to this site and still fingering out everything.

2010-01-04 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
Hi, I would like to join as well. 

I am 42 years old, married 20 years and have 5 children, oldest 18, youngest 4.  I had no background in any of the three sports prior to about 2 years ago and have since then done 1 sprint, 1 oly, 2 HIM, 1 IM a half mary and a full mary.

I don't have next year completely mapped out yet, but I have a marathon in 2 weeks and am signed up for CDA in June.  I suck most at swimming, am reasonably poor at the bike and fair at running.  I used to live in up state NY (Glens Falls) but now live in CA (at 4500 feet) so ya we have snow on the ground and it was 23 F this morning when I left for work.  

Last year I was driving 100 miles each way to get my swims in, but this year I am way spoiled and can swim at home.  Hopefully this means that my swim speed will improve.  Once I shift over from my current 95 percent run focus at the end of the month.

Anyway, I look forward to getting to know folks and learning more.  
2010-01-04 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN

Yay for new members!  Welcome Angie!  I remember those early days when the kids were younger - it's much easier to train now that they can fend for themselves!  Only one of my kids (my son who is 7) has gluten problems, my daughter seems to be o-k.  That's quite a schedule you have mapped out!  I look forward to following your training!

Welcome Steve!  I am so green with envy that you have a pool at home!  I am like your polar opposite, I suck most at running, a little less at cycling, but I do love to swim!  With 5 kids I am sure you are a pro at balancing it all - maybe you can help us all!!!

So, what does everyone have on tap for the week?  It's a new year - what are you doing diff. this year?

2010-01-04 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
This year pretty much looks like last year for me.  I will be doing my 2nd ever full marathon at the same location, in 2 weeks so I have been almost completely run focused for the past 4 months (1 swim, 1 bike per week).  I peaked at 192 miles last month and have 3 20s under my belt in the last 5-6 weeks.  So this week looks will be the start of my taper for the mary.  It is a good thing because I am pretty tired from last month's training.  Also, I had vacation at sea level in 75 degree weather and am now back up at 4500 ft and mid 30's.  So it will take me another 10 days to reacclimate to the elevation.  Last year's marathon was 3:48:xx so I am hoping to improve on that.  I have been doing my speedwork based on a 1 mpm improvement, but I have serious doubts that I can hold that for the full distance, so am risking a boom somewhere in the last 6 miles.  To hold that pace I would need to stay at just under LT for the entire race... yay (168-174 bpm range).   

After the mary I will take probably 2 weeks to get nicely recovered with some lite workouts and then start rebuilding my nonexistant swim and bike fitness for IM training.  I do love the swimspa, if not my swim fitness or form.  I swim around 2:00 /100 yards for any distance longer than 50 yards 8).     
2010-01-04 11:49 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN

This week I plan on getting in two swims (just 200 yds each) before work.  It's gonna take me getting up awful early to do that, but I want to give it a try because I'd rather swim at 5:00 AM then after a long day's work.  I'm a morning person anyway, so it shouldn't be too bad, right?  The weather is supposed to be pretty nasty cold this week, so I think I'll be stuck on the stationary bike and treadmill for the bike/runs. 

My workout plan this week looks like this:
Mon - Off
Tues - Swim 200 yds, Run/Walk 15 min
Wed - Bike 6 miles
Thurs - Swim 200 yds
Fri - Off
Sat - Run/Walk 30 min
Sun - Bike 8 miles

I was wondering about weight training.  How often should I do it and should I do it on off days or just after hitting the pool/bike/treadmill?  I also had another question.  On Tuesday I'm supposed to do my first workout that includes 2 disciplines.  Should I do those back to back or rest in between or maybe even break them up?

2010-01-04 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Port Kent, NY
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN

I printed off a training schedule but it is so hard to follow b/c I don't even know hour to hour sometimes.  I don't really have anywhere to swim so I only get one day a week to swim right know, so going to have to really make it count.  I live pretty far from town.  I have to talk to my son's daycare about leaving him longer one day a week to possible get in two swim days a week.  I live right on a lake so once it is warm enough to swim in the lake that is where I'll be and then I can swim everyday if I want too!!!

Mon-Run 40 mins
Tues-Bike trainer 60 mins, Run 30 mins easy
Wed-Swim(not sure yet)
Thur-60 min run
Fri-Swim (200 yards)   Bike trainer 60 mins easy
Sun-Bike trainer 90 mins.

2010-01-04 12:25 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
Unless your workout states that it is a "Brick" workout, you typically want some recovery time between the workouts like am, noon, after work. 

Most of my weight training is core/back legs and mostly in the off season.  In the middle of heavy training, often those muscles can't really take too much more abuse 8). 

I have found that I can't do arm workouts on swim days and try not to do leg workouts within 12 hours of speedwork or of my long run.  I tend to do light core workouts that can fit in anywhere... with several hours of recovery between.  My 2 coppers....
2010-01-04 12:36 PM
in reply to: #2591018

Philadelphia, Pa
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
Hi Kati & Group,

I would certainly like to join your group as long as it is still open.

I am 29 and planning on doing the New Jersey Olympic Tri in July, as well as perhaps a sprint in May/June. I have completed 2 sprints before (1 each in the previous 2 years) and played college football as well as club field hockey, as a result I found that unfortunately I will not consistently train without a carrot on the end of the stick. I am planning on starting fairly slow in the beginning since I got married in September and have been enjoying married life and the holidays a little too much. Obviously I am open to all and any tips or advice. Also, I just went back to school so I do have a lot more time than I had the last few years and really enjoy an athletic lifestyle, so I am looking forward to the change.


Edited by ljk2171` 2010-01-04 1:31 PM
2010-01-04 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Port Kent, NY
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
I have a couple of questions?

1. How long between races do I need to take for recovery?

2. I broke my elbow twice and it doesn't straighten out all the way so swimming puts a lot of strain on my elbow on top of my shoulder same arm pops out sometimes so that as well gets very sore/tired.  I am talking to a friend that is a OT trying to figure something out for my elbow so I can't straigthen it because that is very painful.  I wear a brace on my elbow most always these days b/c of carring around my son.  Any advise on this would be greatly appreciated.
2010-01-04 1:52 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
Ok so I am in a chatty mood and it has nothing to do with being back to work after 2 weeks off and not really wanting to write a long boring report.. or maybe it does.

In any case I will just share what my experience is and our fearless leader can chime in with her greater experience.  

Your recovery time between races really depends on the length of the race.  So you could do 5k races on back to back weekends and sprint Tri's one to two weeks apart if you really wanted to.  You wouldn't expect any improvement in your time as there was no additional training, but you would be decently recovered.   I wouldn't do a 2nd Oly for 3 weeks, a second half marathon for about the same and wouldn't do a 2nd HIM for a month.  I stagger an IM and a marathon 6 months appart for recovery reasons.  A HIM can be done 5-7 weeks before an IM if the training is already in place for the IM leading up to the HIM.  

There is a difference between being recovered enough to start lite training and being recovered enough to race again.  I can train lightly a day or two after a sprint, several days after a half or oly and a week after a HIM.  A mary  is more like 2 weeks and a IM is pretty close to a month of nothing afterwards.  

The longer you have been doing longer distance events and the higher your annual vollume in the three events, the quicker you will recover. 

As for the swim... I would consider looking into a TI workshop or coaching that has less of an emphasis on that really straight arm reach of traditional swim instruction.  You may not end up going as fast, but you might be able to do it without pain.  

Once again, just my 2 coppers, please consult others on the topic before making final decisions 8). Alright my PBJ is done I will go finish off that report now.    

2010-01-04 3:27 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN

Wow, a gal goes offline for a while and the group gets hopping!  I think Steve has wonderful thought on just about everything!  The recovery between races is spot on, and there is truly a big difference between finishing a race and racing a race.  I would do a sprint the weekend before an IM, but I sure wouldn't be racing it! 

As for training timing, the really biggies for me are:

1.  Training is meant to fit into your life, not vice versa.  It is absolutly ideal to have 2 - 3 hours between a 2 a day workout, but if all you have is one big block of time to fit both in it is certainly not the end of the world.  Treat one discipline as an aerobic low intensity and do the other as planned.  

2.  Workouts are so very individual.  I can do a hard swim workout combined with a bike or run and not see any ill effects on my bike and run, but I am a swimmer by nature and recover very quickly from those workouts.

3.  Know your key workouts for the week.  Those should be placed in the ideal position with full recovery before and after and so that they will most likely get done.

4.  Identify the purpose of your workout.  Is it an aerobic base building or endurance workout - then focus on that and don't beat yourself up about speed.  Speedwork - make it hurt, really give it your gusto.   I am a bit type A, but that is my policy.  I try to ask myself what the purpose is each workout.  FYI, sometimes the purpose is just to get the heck out of the house and away from the madness : )

Weights, ah the eternal question for endurance athletes!  I do 2 days a week of all over weight work that is functional in nature and mostly body weight focused.  These are usually either also run days, and the weights are done after my run in an ideal world.  I am too ADHD (and don't enjoy it enough) to do the whole upper body/ lower body. 

Finally, welcome Larry!  Congratulations on getting married!  What are you studying?

2010-01-04 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2593257

Philadelphia, Pa
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
Thanks, went back to became a teacher (secondary education). Hopefully this semester will be like the last and I will have a decent amount of free time (at least compared to working 40-45 hours each week.)
2010-01-04 10:30 PM
in reply to: #2591018


NE Texas
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
Hi Kati and others,If there is room I would love to join this group. I have yet to do a tri but have been planning this year for about 8 months. Over the past year i have lost almost 100 lbs, which was a lot of work. I don't want it to go to waste and the variety in triathlons are appealing. I have run a few 5k's over the winter so far and my long runs are about 13 miles in length. I am biking about 2-3 times a week (a longer one at 1.5-2.0 hours) and just started getting the swim in a couple of times a week. Also, I am planning to suspension workouts (TRX) per week for total body and core. Overall I like/need that carrot out there to keep me going. Anyway, if there is room i would greatly appreciate any help/advice/kick in the tail that can be provided. Also, I am husband and father of 3 and work as much as i have to or as little as i can get away with while getting it done.Thanks,James
2010-01-05 6:53 AM
in reply to: #2594130

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN

Shinka - 2010-01-04 10:30 PM Hi Kati and others,If there is room I would love to join this group. I have yet to do a tri but have been planning this year for about 8 months. Over the past year i have lost almost 100 lbs, which was a lot of work. I don't want it to go to waste and the variety in triathlons are appealing. I have run a few 5k's over the winter so far and my long runs are about 13 miles in length. I am biking about 2-3 times a week (a longer one at 1.5-2.0 hours) and just started getting the swim in a couple of times a week. Also, I am planning to suspension workouts (TRX) per week for total body and core. Overall I like/need that carrot out there to keep me going. Anyway, if there is room i would greatly appreciate any help/advice/kick in the tail that can be provided. Also, I am husband and father of 3 and work as much as i have to or as little as i can get away with while getting it done.Thanks,James

Welcome James!  Jeez, it sounds like your workouts are great already - now just add in that swim!  I can't wait to hear about the suspension workouts, I had that on my X-mas list but, alas, I had a lot of other goodies on there too ; )   100 lbs. off is amazing!  Have you chosen your race yet?

I'm getting my lazy butt outside for a run today.  I have been hiding inside with this cold snap, but it's going to reach 32 today so I'd better get out there while I can.  I woke up early (well, only 5:45 which isn't really early, but since I've been sleeping until 7 on the off season it's kinda early) and did some strength & yoga work - always a great way to start the day!

2010-01-05 7:53 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Port Kent, NY
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN

Thanks for all the great advice!! I was afraid I wasn't giving my self enough time between races but I am!!! As for my elbow, thanks Baowolf I hadn't thought of talking to a swim coach or TI workshop, I'll be doing that!!! 

Well yesterday I was on the treadmill doing great and baby was happy and all of a sudden the power goes out and didn't come right back on it was out for a long time.... I didn't get to finish my run so I was so annoyed, I really hate missing workouts.  Plus its pretty cold here and no power means no HEAT.  We have a fire place and I got that going so at least one part of the house would be warm.   So today I'm getting on that treadmill again and going to get that run in... I wish I could run outside but to cold for baby to be in stroller. 

Hope everyone is doing good today!

2010-01-05 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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York, PA
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN

Hi Everybody.
Nice to meet you. Look forward to some great conversations.

This week:
Mon. 1/5 - Ran 3.1 miles - Time goal - gym
Tues. 1/6 - Arm workout & 30 min Stairmaster - Gym
Wed. 1/7 - Bike 16 miles - gym
Thurs. 1/8 - off
Fri. 1/9 - spin 45 min at Gym
Sat. 1/10 - Run 3.1 miles - Time goal - gym
Sun 1/11 - off

Haven't begun any swims yet.

2010-01-05 11:55 AM
in reply to: #2591018


Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
Is this group still open? I would love to join! I am a swimmer and part time runner and am looking at my first triathlon this June. Looking to do a sprint but as I get stroner, would love to aim for Olympic. Have run a few 5Ks last year and was a runner in high school. I would LOVE any and all advice possible.

2010: This year I have vowed to LIVESTRONGer. I am inspired by those who have fought hard, regardless if they won or not.
2010-01-05 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN

Welcome Kristin!  I am a swimmer too - you don't find as many of 'us' in the tri community.  It's usually everyone's lease favorite. 

2010-01-05 12:24 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
Hi everyone!

I would like to join your group if possible.  I am signing up for my first sprint in August 2010.  This is my very first tri. 

I am a full time working mom of a 9 month old girl.  It has been challenging for me to find balance between my work, being married, motherhood, and exercise.  I want to do a tri sprint to give me focus and direction along with improving my overall physical health.

Right now I work out 3-4 times a week.  Running is not my strong suit so I am beginning the Couch to 5K program.  After completing that, I would like to start an intensive tri-sprint training.  (I am open to suggestions on other ways to train also!)

Thanks and I can't wait to hear responses!
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