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2010-04-13 8:21 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
NAME: Jellyfish aka Megan


STORY: Hi! I grew up swimming competitively from age 8 through college. After starting work at an Ad Agency in NY I bumped into a friend who got me to join a local masters swim group. After doing well in swimming, I decided to take a crack at triathlons and entered my first tri about 6 years ago. Since then I have battled through hydration/nutrition issues, stress fractures, etc. to win my first USAT sanctioned race this past year. I was a USAT All American (HM) in the F30-34 AG in 2009.

FAMILY STATUS: I am currently married, no kids...yet. I have a Yorkie named Jake.

CURRENT TRAINING: I log all of my workouts on BT - so go check them out . This past year I raced sprint and Oly distances and threw in one 1/2 which went well till the run. My first Tri of the season is Alcatraz on May 2nd where I hope to place top 10 overall (Amateur Female).

LAST YEAR'S RACES: 4 local Connecticut Sprint races (2 first Overall, 2 second overall), 2 Oly's (Westchester 1st AG, and Stamford 3rd overall), Timberman (DNFed due to poor nutrition and dizziness), Bermuda 10K swim (1st overall)

2010 RACES: Florida's Great Escape (turned to Du - 4th Overall), Bethel Crit series (6th, 14th), Escape from Alcatraz, Rev3 Quassy, Pat Griskus Sprint, Stamford, Sobe Mossman, Greenwich Tri, also plan on bike road racing and OW swims (1-6.2 miles), possibly NYC Triathlon.

WEIGHTLOSS: No particular weightloss goals - I got a bit chunky last year during the winter 147! I am currently at 127 lbs. I don't diet. I have however lost about 10 lbs since the winter - so do have some advice on how to trim down the last few lbs. or at least what works for me (I eat ice cream every night :))

- I am a USA Swimming and NSCA level 1 coach with 8+ years experience coaching adults
- I log all of my workouts on BT
- I started as a beginner, but now think of myself as seasoned
- I'll help you with training and racing questions, goal setting, workout ideas, etc.
- I am willing to share my speed secrets ;)
- I'm friendly, outgoing and check BT daily

- Swimmers or former swimmers who are new to the sport
- Sprint and Oly distance racers who are looking to move up form MOP to FOP

Edited by jellyfish 2010-04-19 5:22 PM

2010-04-16 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN

  - Sprint and Oly distance racers who are looking to move up form MOP to FOP

^^^ this is me

 - I am willing to share my speed secrets

^^^ This is what I want

Megan, I'd be honored to be in your mentor group. I'm not a new triathlete and I completely understand if you kick me out for newer members. Having said that, I'd be honored to be in your group.  I'll give a little info here and will post a complete "about me" post later when I have more time.

I started triathlon in '05 coming off the couch. I got hooked to swimming and have been with a masters team for about 2 1/2 years. I've also managed to get myself just behind the podium finishers which had started the wheels in my head turning. Truth is, I'm just behind the podium finishers by place only, as their times are many minutes faster than I.

More to come ...
2010-04-16 3:03 PM
in reply to: #2796981

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Chris - Welcome to the group! Looking forward to hearing more about you soon.
2010-04-16 10:14 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN

OK, here's my bio:

NAME: Chris (camy)

STORY: As a kid, I never really played organized sports. I pretty much stayed active playing anything around the neighborhood.  I did play baseball for one season, but decided that was too much work

Fast forward to 2005, when I was 34. I grew tired of my constant 3lbs per year weight gain and wanted to be sure I wouldn't get worn out with my kids and their activities. I started a couch to 5k  running program and quickly realized running alone wasn't what I wanted. I was always fascinated with triathlons and signed up for one even before I dipped a toe in the pool. I was immediately hooked. The next few years I was chasing a little longer distances, but it never seemed to happen. I had an '06 Oly that was shortened due to weather and an '07 HIM that I ruptured a disk in my lower back 2 weeks before the race. In '08, I ran a half mary and crashed & burned and swore off the longer distances for a bit longer, as I prefer to concentrate on going faster in the shorter races. I did manage to get one Oly in '08 where I managed a 5'th AG which started me thinking I might be able to place in a local race or two. Since then, I've had to penny-pinch and racing was put aside. I've still maintained some exercise, including my masters membership.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 kids (son - 10, daughter - 6)

CURRENT TRAINING: Nursing sprained ankle. Should be around 8-10 hours wen fully recovered


2010 RACES: June Oly; July Sprint; Oct Oly

WEIGHTLOSS: I'd like to be down 10 lbs by June  race and 15 by Oct race (currently 185)

I must say, Megan, you seem to completely dominate and I'm a little intiminated to be here, but you seem fun enough
Maybe just hanging out here, I'll gain some speed through osmosis. Seriously, I'm sure you've put in a ton of hard work and struggle to get where you're at. I don't plan on placing in any races this year, but to lay down the foundataion to contend for next year. My biggest struggle is the run and having a sprained ankle isn't helping.

Looking forward to this experience!

2010-04-17 6:49 AM
in reply to: #2787624


Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN

Hey Megan,

I was wondering if you would be willing to take me even though I am neither a former competitive swimmer nor a current triathlete.  Here is my story:

I have played competitive sports my whole life.  I played college volleyball for a year before I had to have surgery and was no longer able to play.  Since my surgery (5 years ago) I have put on some weight and am no longer in the shape I used to be in.  However, I am still a VERY competitive person and am constantly looking for ways to challenge myself.  Enter----the triathalon!!  I recently started riding and I would have to say that riding is my strength right now.  Swimming is second and running is something I force myself to do and hope to someday love.  I would love to have someone like you mentor me in this journey.  Please let me know if that is ok.  Thanks so much!!


2010-04-17 1:56 PM
in reply to: #2797964

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Michelle - Welcome aboard!
I used to loathe running - I was the person in HS and college when my swim team would do running as cross training who would cry asthma and instead do lunges around the track instead! I couldn't even run a mile without gasping for air!
Today I am able to actually enjoy running (and be able to breathe which helps too!) but it took time and consistency to get there.
I actually started something new this year that seems to really help. Running 5-6 times per week (even if it is only 10 min) instead of 2-4 times per week. Running less was mentally easier - but I ended up doing the same or more mileage per week. I started with 3x10 min runs, 2x20 min runs and 1x30 min run and increased about 10% each week. An additional benefit to running more X per week is that it seems to help me with weight loss. I've dropped about 10 lbs this year and was not trying to loose weight.

2010-04-17 3:50 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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New user

Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
i want to join your group!!!!

My name is Dybra.

I suck at swimming.

I love running: i trail run more. 2-5 mile hikes.
I take long semi-jog and runs with my dog.

Bike: I love to bike!!! I can do a mile in seven minutes. I know i need to work on it, (-__-)' since when i reach the fourth mile it takes longer.

 I have be on and off the bike, since i fell pretty bad of my tri bike, injured and scraped my knees. I recovered after two weeks. Now i am back in business!!

History: i don't have one. I just love to challenge myself, and enjoy the ride!

i hope to do the LA triathlon in oct. 3. (sprint)<-a more realistic goal.

I am college student. work in a bakery. that's pretty much it.

I want to learn alot.

I will be needing your guidance!

2010-04-17 6:34 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Hi Megan,  I'd like to join your group.

Name:  Ann-Marie

Story:  For the past couple of years I've run marathons and this year decided to tack on triathlons.  I grew up in South Florida swimming in the backyard pool and Atlantic, so I'm comfortable in the water; but never swam laps.  In January this year I started with a masters swim class and now swim 3 times a week. I not the fastest, but things are starting to come together.

Did my first triathlon 2 weeks ago - a sprint.  Took second in my age group (there were only 4 of us Smile).  The swim about killed me!  I had not done an OWS prior and paid for that lack of foresight.  My next tri is in 3 weeks.  

Family status:  currently single, no kids - but do have a German Shepherd named Gunnar.

Training:  my workouts are generally logged on BT.  Hope to do a race a month until marathon season kicks in in the fall.  Probably all sprints, but if I get the OWS down I'll hopefully be brave enough to throw in an OLY.

Weightloss:  would like to drop the 5-7 pounds which don't seem to want to leave me.  Maybe if I stopped eating ice cream every night that might help.
2010-04-17 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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New York
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Hello Megan,

Here it is:

I have not competed yet, my first sprint will be at the end of May. My plan is to do two others, a 1.5 mile swim and an oly at the end of the season.
I come from a swim background, butterfly and IM's, but I think I'll stick to free for the tri's.
I strength train and run 6 days a week, and throw in 45min+/- of swimming and biking every other day(3 days each a week).
I work out about 2.5 hrs a night. Swimming is strong, but I am trying to perfect my stroke, less strokes/same speed. Running is ok. My weak point would have to be the biking.
I am 45 yrs old, 5'8" 155lbs, married.
I got into training for tri's after a person I worked with suggested that I should try one, simple as that.

Thanks, Mike
2010-04-17 8:30 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Welcome Dybra, Ann-Marie and Mike!

Dybra - what sort of bike do you have? Or are you riding on trails? Your mph seems off (7mph or did you mean 17 mph?)

Ann-Marie - great job in your first tri!

Mike - try to keep to primarily freestyle in a tri

2010-04-18 10:13 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN

Hi, Megan! I am very interested in joining as I'm an Oly-level triathlete going for a half at the end of the season. I'm tired of being slow and want to get faster this year!

I came to the sport of triathlon with absolutely no background in swimming, biking or running.

With each passing birthday, staying fit became a higher priority.  I needed something extreme to keep me motivated and challenged, though, and nothing was fitting the bill.  One day, I saw an interview with Chef Rocco DiSpirito on the Today Show.  He said he’d been doing triathlons as of late.  I thought, “Hmm.  Triathlons.”

I did some research here on BT and realized this was something I really could do.  Sure it would be difficult, but it was attainable if I put in the work. 2010 will be my third season.

Family Status
Married with step-kids and 2 large dogs.

Current Training
My hours have shifted at my job recently. It looks like my training time will be in the mornings as I'll be starting work at noon. Honestly, I haven't started my official training yet as I'm waiting for the weather to warm up. I anticipate following the beginner half plan on here probably next week.

Last Year’s Races
4/18/09: Miami University Sprint Tri
6/27/09: Tri for the Cure Sprint Tri
8/2/09: East Fork Sprint Duathlon (Duathlons are WAY harder than tris, by the way.)
9/27/09: Toyota Challenge Olympic Tri
11/26/09: Friends of Wilmington Parks Turkey Trot 10K

This Year’s Races
1/9/10: Highland County YMCA Indoor Tri
6/6/10:  Deer Creek Olympic Tri
9/26/10: Toyota Challenge Half Iron

Will probably find a race to do mid-summer at some point.

Weight Loss
I could still be cool with losing another 10 to 15; however, if I have to stay where I am and be able to enjoy the foods that I do, I’m okay with that.

I've actually been on the mentor side of things here on BT, and decided I needed to take a break from leading and go back to sitting back and learning even more.

2010-04-18 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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2010-04-18 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2787624


White House, TN
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Name: Kenpoforlife aka Scott

STORY:  Hi, I am 38 and grew up dabbling in Martial Arts, Wrestling, & Bodybuilding .I have TONS of useless knowledge on nutrition.  However I am learning that nutrition for endurance training is much different than nutrition for bodybuilding.. This is a learning curve I must get down quick.  Over the past few years I have been rehabbing a severely damaged back injury.  Dr's have given me the ok to run but to watch my pain closely due to the high impact of running.  They however have told me bodybuilding is OUT OF THE QUESTION or I will do much more damage.  I have been cycling for the past year and am fairly strong (avg 16-20 mph for 40+miles).  Swimming is ok, but I need to get my laps in to be somewhat competitive.  Since my back injury I have put on quite a bit of weight (about 25 lbs).  I thought cycling would help out with the weight but It hasn't seemed to be enough, which started my interest in Tri's.  I figure If I could get the run down, I'd be ok.  I am an exercise fanatic, but my injury has taken the umph out of me, and I find myself needing other people for inspiration to keep going.  For the first time in my life I give up when things get hard and play the self pity party.. well I'm tired of that and would like to find like minded people to help keep me accountable to my goals..  Currently I ride about 150 miles a week and am back at competing in Sports Karate.  I train for my Martial Arts tourneys 4 days a week.

FAMILY STATUS:  I have been married for 15 years with a 10 yr old daughter.  My wife does not have the same goals as I do when it comes to competing.  My daughter also competes in Martial Arts.  She is a 2 time National Champion, and is currently trying out for the USA International Sports Karate Team.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I am running twice a week for 2-3 miles at a time.  I ride about 100 miles a week on my road bike (hope to get my tri bike here in a couple of weeks).  & I train in Martial Arts 4 days a week (providing my job doesn't interfere).  I am not swimming yet.  My pool is still too cold..  I am thinking though about going to the Y to get my laps in.

2010 GOALS:  I'd like to lose 20lbs, Race in 2-3 sprints locally and get my cardio in a position to do an Olympic Tri either late in the season this year or all year next year.  I have lots of burst energy, I just don't have the endurance energy yet.  Last but not least, I want to get my MOJO back. (you know, that sense of self drive)

WHY I CHOSE YOU AS A MENTOR:  Because you check BT daily.  I respect someone who stays involved with their people.  I need the mental encouragement at this point more than I need someone explaining how training splits should be.  Not to mention someone telling me to put down the Twinkie & beer and pick up a grilled chicken sandwhich..LOL

2010-04-18 3:57 PM
in reply to: #2787624

Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN

I would really like to join your mentor group.  I am fairly new to Tri's but have ran and biked most of my life.  It's the swimming that really has kept me from doing anything more than a sprint.  I have signed up for a HIM this year so I have been trying to concentrate on my swim.  I like the idea of getting advice from a competitive swimmer. 

I log all my workouts on BT as well and I am willing to offer everything I know on running and how to get faster. 

Let me know if I am in and I will post my bio.


2010-04-18 4:49 PM
in reply to: #2787624

Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Lora, Scott and John - Welcome to the group!

Lora - Rocco has done a few local races that I participated in. He has a really nice bike
Scott - one of the trainers at my gym is also into martial arts and bodybuilding - I'll have to ask him a few questions to find out what it is like coming into triathlons from that background.
John - hopefully I can help you with the swim!

PennState - Thanks for the shout out

For the lurkers - I have about 3 spots left. What are you waiting for? Sign up!
2010-04-18 6:07 PM
in reply to: #2787624

Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Hi Megan,

I'd love to be in your group!!!

My name is Jess, I am a former competitive swimmer from Australia.
I was (ok, this sounds arrogant) a state champion who had an injury that prevented me from reaching Sydney in 2000.

I am now 25 years old, and looking at competing in my first Ironman in November.
I have a pretty solid plan, and I know I can do it... but being a swimmer, I am lacking a little in my running ability!
Because it's the off season here in Australia, that's what I plan on working on.

I'd love to be part of your group if you'll have me :D

Edited by swayerm 2010-04-18 6:07 PM

2010-04-18 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2787624


Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN

Hi Megan!

If you have the room, I’d like to join your group. I’m new to triathlon this season, but have been building a base since last August. The fact that you are such a strong swimmer would be a huge help given that I couldn’t swim 50 yards last summer. I’ve conquered the swimming (I think); now I have build endurance and speed. Running is my strength -- 5Ks to Marathons. Not sure about the bike as I’ve been on the trainer all winter, but can’t wait to get outside. Twenty week HIM training starts next week and will need some moral support and would like to provide the same.

Hope you can squeeze me in… thanks!

Dave (ddtsbr)

2010-04-18 9:05 PM
in reply to: #2800232

Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Jess and Dave - Welcome to the group!

Jess - glad to have another swimmer in the group! I hope I can provide you with a lot of helpful info in transitioning from swimmer to triathlete!

Dave - happy to have a runner in the group and looking forward to helping you with the swim.

2010-04-18 9:53 PM
in reply to: #2787624

Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Thanks Megan, I'm looking forward to it!!

I'm actually meeting up with the local Tri club tonight, as they have just had their break and are reforming to start the offseason training.
I am a bit hesitant because I am worried I might get laughed out of town!! I kind of know it won't happen, but still... I do feel very hack at times.

At the same time, I am excited to meet people who have the same kinds of goals, because I don't have many friends or family that are keen athletes, so I tend to be a loner while training most of the time!!

I might be in here getting hints of the runners in the group as well, lol.
2010-04-18 10:31 PM
in reply to: #2787624

, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

Awesome to have the mix we do. Hopefully we'll all get something positive from each other. Although the runner dudes (John & Dave)  may get overloaded

Did everybody have a productive weekend? Mine was typical where I did nothing tri-related. I'm still not running, recovering from a sprained ankle. But I was completely busy with soccer & lacrosse games, a b-day party (not running it), and a quick horse-back riding trip. The amazing thing is this was all done during predicted days of rain!

I'm going to need some motivation help to get up on the weekend mornings to get in that run or ride.

ETA: If you haven't already, check out Megan's race list and read some of her race reports. I'm completely blown away at what we've stumbled into!

Edited by camy 2010-04-18 10:33 PM
2010-04-18 11:03 PM
in reply to: #2787624

Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Hey Chris... about to head off and read race reports... I have far too much free time in my job.

I had a lazy three day weekend. My doctor has been testing me for coeliac disease and irritable bowel syndrome, so I haven't felt like doing much of ANYTHING the last few days...
Hoping to get back into it tonight though. Run with Shelby the Wonderdog before I head off to the tri club meeting.

So where is everyone else from? Is anyone else in off season, or is the season just firing up?

2010-04-19 4:39 AM
in reply to: #2787624


Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Hello All!  no productive weekend for me as far as training goes.  I only did a bike ride on Sat.  School and work are killing me right now.  But I start my training program tomorrow.  I am super excited but a little nervous as well.  I am going to my first (sprint) tri on June 12.  That isn't much time to train but it is a super short sprint - 1/2 m swim, only 6 mi bike and 2 mi run.  Definitely do-able but I have the jitters since I have no idea what to expect!  Hope everyone's week starts off well!  
2010-04-19 6:08 AM
in reply to: #2787624

Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Hi Gang,

Nice mix of athletes in this group.  I had a nice productive weekend - 13 mile run followed by 1 hr swim on Saturday and 15 mile hilly (I'm from Florida so everything is relative!) bike followed by 5k run on Sunday.  Today is my rest day; thank goodness.  I'm 3 weeks away from my next race, so I'm right in the think of training.

2010-04-19 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2787624

Extreme Veteran
Greendale, WI
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

I would love to join this group!  Bio will follow soon!

2010-04-19 4:44 PM
in reply to: #2787624

Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

Ann-Marie, send me some of that running mojo!!!

I  have always been so in awe of people who just LOVE going out for a run.
Last night me and my Wonderdog went out for a bit of a crack at C25K (yep, I'm a real beginner!!) and I struggled!!! Admittedly it was a hot night in Melbourne, but still...

Thinking of entering a 5k Fun Run on the 6th of June for motivation to actually run... what do you think?

Also, opinion wanted... I've been riding my mountain bike to work, with road tyres on, and thinking I might just stick with the mountain bike for that, so when I train on my road bike it will be easier? Thoughts?

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