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2010-04-19 12:38 PM

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Vestavia Hills
Subject: Brian's group - FULL

Name: Brian (user name)/Brian (coincidence?)

Story: Found myself doing a triathlon in the late summer of 2005 as I was ostensibly training for an adventure race my old college roomate challenged me to complete.  I did it on my newly purchased mountain bike and with only a few months of run training - and even less swimming.

I totally flubbed the race.  I went out too hard on the swim and blew up halfway through. The combination of a mountain bike and lack of miles in my legs had ladies in the 50's pass me (your age is written on your calf at the beginning of each race) - but not without a fight. 

I tried to make up for the lack luster performance by running too hard - the last 2.1 miles were a death march.  I was dying crossing the finish line ... but nevertheless, I was hooked.

Family status: Married to my college sweatheart,  going on 15 years with three children (twelve, eight and five).

Races completed: First full year of triathlon training had me sing up with Team-in-Training for 2 races, the latter as a Mentor.  Through the course of the year I did 14 someodd races including 2 Olympic distance + 2 half-iron (70.3) triathlons, a couple Centuries (100 mi + metric) and a bunch of other races ranging from Duathlons to an Adventure Race to a handful of 10k's ... and that was just the first year.  Since then I have completed an Ironman (Florida), a half-dozen half iron distance races, a bunch of Olympics and a couple sprints.

I have also focused on developing my cycling by completing a bunch of centuries - some organized such as Six Gaps or the Cheaha Challenge Century- and others just done solo or with a small group of friends.

2010 Races: Ironman Coeur d'Alene (June) and the American Triple-T in North Carolina (October) are the bookend "A" races.  Leading up to IMCdA I have done the ING Half Marathon and Cheaha Challenge Century and will be doing the Beast of the East half-iron as well as Festival of Flowers Olympic distance. I qualified for USAT Age Group Nationals again and will be competing in that in September.

While I have been doing this sport for a while, I continue to learn more each and every season. While I have my own coach - who is awesome - I am in the process of obtaining my own USAT Coaching certificate, which I plan to use while assisting my local Team in Training triathlon program.

Weightloss: Not really my forte as I have been habitually and sometimes painfully skinny. 

BEFORE YOU SIGN-UP FOR MY MENTOR GROUP, READ THIS:  There are some awesome resources on this site, I will help you find and then utilize them.  For instance, there are some great training plans available from BT. I can help you choose one that will fit your goals.

Also, the training logs here are fantastic. I have logged every workout I have done since August 2005 here.  It not only helps me keep track of my workouts but it also helps me know where I am going with my training by first knowing where I have been.  You will learn to use these logs as it is the integral part of the Mentor program.  If you do not want to log your daily workouts for comments, suggestions and motivation then you might be better served in choosing a different Mentor group.

As to my role, I am merely here to give back what was given to me: advice on how to develop in the sport.  There are some awesome, well-experienced coaches out there. If you want to find a coach, let me know and I will put you in touch with a number of them to choose from.

Also, do not sign-up lightly. If you start this program then you must make the same commitment I am to complete it. This means you must be committed to completing your workouts each week.  You must also be ready to (a) be ready to give your training 'command focus' for two-weeks (that is how long it typically takes my schedule to adapt to my training schedule) and (b) sign-up for a race - this will be the basis by which you will be motivated to train. Your personal and work schedule will be your first stumbling block that you will have to overcome.


Timely responses to questions

  • Positive discussions
  • Training feedback
  • Encouragement 
  • Motivation
  • Fun


  • Up to date training log
  • Active participation (everyone has something to add)
  • Respect to your other members
  • Have fun

Goals: My goal is to be there for you as you come across questions about the sport.  No question is too small or dumb to ask ... this is 'Beginner Triathlete' after all.  Your goals may vary, but be sure to include them in your reply here.

Edited by brian 2010-04-21 10:13 AM

2010-04-20 11:11 PM
in reply to: #2801642

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New user

Subject: RE: Brian's group - OPEN for business
Hi Brian! My name is Teresa. I would really like to be part of your group. I could use a motivational pep talk and some encouragement from someone more experienced with this sport. 

My Story: I am 34 years old, I have 3 children(14, 4, and 2). Met my husband in college, we were both in the Navy. I was discharged due to a knee injury 5 years ago. My husband is still in the military. It is hard to have a support system when we are always moving so this is what I think I need to get me going for my first sprint triathlon. My only race experiences are with running 5k's and 100k relay. The longest distance I have ever ran at one time is 6 miles, so a half marathon could be another possible conquest this summer.

Current Training:
I have a membership at the YMCA so I have been attending group aerobic type classes for some time now. I have started incorporating some strength training yet I'm really not sure how to approach it. I tend to favor running, however I have tried some laps in the pool and realized that it was like hitting a brick wall barely 10 min. into it. So that is a little intimidating. My husband and I really enjoy mountain biking, but again, never raced. Needless to say when attempting to tackle the spin bike I found myself aching before hitting the 3 mile mark. I think having a plan would be a good start. 

Goals:  I have registered for the Danskin Sprint Triathlon in Seattle. Takes place August 14th. I am hoping I have enough time to get it together. I checked out past results for the average completion time for women my age and it was 2hours. I would like to not go past that. In fact if it is sensible I would like to see myself complete it in 1 1/2 hours. But I have NOOOO experience with triathlons, never even watched one. Perhaps you will be able to help me determine if that is a realistic goal.

I noticed you have been to Couer d'Alene, Idaho. That is where we plan to retire one of these years. I have yet to spell it without looking, though! 

I am truly looking forward to being in your group!

Edited by Cheeks 2010-04-20 11:11 PM
2010-04-20 11:14 PM
in reply to: #2801642

Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: Brian's group - OPEN for business

Hi Brian, Very interesting first tri account! My name’s Beth; may I join your group? I like that you are asking us to post daily because I’ve fallen a bit behind on that lately and always do better when I’m accountable. Here’s a bit about me.

Family: 10 yrs married, still happily; 2 little girls ages 8 and 5 who LOVE to watch mom race. They are my biggest fans! Heck, they are my only fans ;-). Anyway, we've got an 8 and 5 yr old in common.

Why tri? I was a competitive swimmer from age 11 through high school and ran cross country and track “on the side” since I was in shape from swimming. In my 30s I began to cycle and did a few sprint tris one summer at Claremont, in FL but I lived in a student ghetto and somebody broke in my house and stole my road bike so that ended that. But, tri was a great match for me since I have no fear in swimming and enjoy running. I love extremes and I am a persistent person. I can slog away at a goal for months without losing motivation as long as I feel I am on the right path and see a point to it all. At 45, I needed a goal and went back to tri in summer 2009. Now I want to do some longer, more grueling races.

What I’m looking for here: More information to help me get as educated as possible about this sport. I really need to learn how to cycle and am considering hiring a trainer who can bike with me a little and give me some pointers.

My weak link: cycling. WEAK it is. Until Sunday, my longest ride ever was 33mi, but did that stop me from signing up for a 60 mile ride? Duly chastened, I just BARELY completed a metric century (w/hubby who bought a bike last year when he got tired of being stuck weeding the garden while I rode off with friends). This was a wake up call: I've got to ride more. But, the happy news was I didn’t have any soreness the next day!

My achilles heel: I am often plagued by a running injury from age 16—right hip muscles—so I have to stretch a lot. I do 3-4.5 hours of yoga a week for that. Also, I hate weight lifting so I began (Dec 09) with a trainer 1-2 days a week to work on strengthening/conditioning. I lost 14 inches in 10 weeks!  I also wrestle with “golf ball butt”—tight hamstring where it attaches to the glute. 

Weight: I'm just about right, in the 140s, but of course like any woman I hope of dropping 5 or so more. 

Races completed: 3 sprint tris in 1990s. In last 2yrs: Augusta half marathon 10/08, 3 10k and 4 5k races, and 2 sprint tris Tri the Parks, and most recently a metric century on 4/18.

2010 goals: Festival of Flowers Olympic in June; Augusta Half Ironman in September! Yes, I am registered for both. Also, I want to do 3-4 sprint tris but am having all kinds of schedule conflicts with the ones I had planned ARGH. The 70 is the big thing.

Reality Check: After Sunday’s ride I don’t know how I will be able to run a half marathon after a 56 bike; I could barely finish the 56 bike! I’m thinking of one 60 mile ride per month up to the HIM. Do you think that will get me there?

2010-04-21 2:10 AM
in reply to: #2801642

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - OPEN for business
Hi my name is Erica and I was wondering if I could become part of your group. I'm a college student at a university with no triathlon team, and I've done several triathlons in the past but everything I know about triathlon is from books and magazine articles and I've never had anyone to ask questions about triathlon. I would love a supporting mentor group to help me stay on track.

About me: I live in the Pacific Northwest, I love being outdoors and I love triathlon.

Races completed: several sprint triathlons, a couple olympic triathlons.

2010 races: sprint length on May 16, olympic length on May 30, possibly another olympic length in the fall. 

Why I do triathlon: I love to move, but team sports just didn't do it for me. I did my first triathlon as freshmen in high school and fell in love with it. After a knee injury from track and field, triathlon was one of my best options. When I fought minor depression it was my regular training schedule for an upcoming race that got me going again

Goals: Short-term: I want to take 20 min off my olympic time from last year. Longer-term: take a year to properly train and see what I can do. Long term: do an ironman. 

Leg which needs most improvement: My swimming technique still needs a lot of work. I'm a runner by nature. However, I think I could improve time-wise most on the bike leg, as I didn't put in much time on that last year.

2010-04-21 2:55 AM
in reply to: #2801642

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New user

Subject: RE: Brian's group - OPEN for business

Konnichiwa Brian!

Name: Justin
Age: 23
Current Location: Okinawa, Japan
Tri knowledge: Absolute beginner - but willing!

Story:  In 2007 my best friend bought his first road bike and convinced me to do the same.  Not willing to spend the money he did on a specialized frame, I found a good deal on a road bike from Walmart, and we began riding together.  April of 2008 rolled around and my friend and I decided to register for a triathlon later that month with absolutely 0 training!!!

I've always had a fairly healthy lifestyle and stayed very active - but after that 400m swim, I could barely lift myself out of the pool.  I did everything with minimal money, and no training - a PAINFUL experience, but when I saw the results and realized that I didn't place dead last, I knew I wanted more; however, I left for the Air Force only a few months later and was unable to get started on a training program.  Now, 2 years later - I am finally settled down and in a routine where I have the time to begin training.

Races Completed: 1 super sprint tri, 1x 10k, several 5ks

Family status:  Family of one..............

2010 Goals: Olympic distance tri & Tour of Okinawa(212 miles in 2 days)
2011 Goals: ITU distance & maybe a 70.3
2012 Goals: Full Iron

Current Training plan:  4 weeks into a plan that I modified from a website to fit my needs - geared towards building an endurance base. (I've read that it is wise to have about 1 year of endurance training before you start trying to build speed)

Nutrition:  This is probably my largest struggle - not that I eat poorly - but that I don't know what to eat, or the vitamins and nutrients that I need.

I look forward to working with you and everyone who joins this group!

Edited by justinvanwinkle 2010-04-21 2:58 AM
2010-04-21 3:32 AM
in reply to: #2801642

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: Brian's group - OPEN for business

Hi Brian,
 My Name is Amber.  I have let myself get to exactly what my name says. An outta shape momma. I would like to become part of your group. I need someone to set guidelines and I can follow them. 

I am stumbling through my training for my first tri On August 28th, 2010.  Cedars of Lebanon, in TN. It is a sprint distance 300yd swim ( in a pool), 16.5 mile bike, and 5K run.

Family:  Married to my husband, who I met on a blind date, and married 11 weeks later. Have 2 children (5 and 7).

Work:  I work 48 hours a week as a nurse 7p-7a.

Training:  I am doing this with a friend who this is her first time also. I have never had swimming lessons, and swimming is going to be my weakness. Karen is like a fish. So she is helping me with that. I have managed to swim 12 x 50m, working on my stroke technique. Biking is going to be interesting. I haven't been on a bike, since my banana seat bike before I was old enough to drive. My husband bought me a mountain bike last year, and I am thinking of taking a course at the bike shop on how to shift gears. (Really basic!!). Running is not a problem, I really enjoy it. Already working on "bricks" at the gym going from bike to treadmill. Any advice would be really helpful.

My Goal:  Is to finish the race. I would like to do it in under 2 hours, but mainly just want to finish it.

Nutrition: Have no real idea where to go with this. Bought a triathlon book, and have been reading articles.

Looking forward to learning from and with everyone :-)



2010-04-21 4:24 AM
in reply to: #2801642

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - OPEN for business
G'day Brian. If still space and possible, I'd like to join your group.

I'm an Australian living in Jersey - that's old Jersey (which is the English island off the French coast, which New Jersey was named after!).

Story: I turned 40 last year (I could probably leave it at that)...and decided it was time to do some of those things I'd been thinking about for a while. So this year I have taken up the Triathlon challenge and also rock climbing.

Training and Races: I bought a road bike (first time I'd ridden one in 25 years) and started training in February (the BT sprint programme) and did my first Duathlon (3km/20km/3km) at the end of the same month. I did a second duathlon (6km/26km/4km) in March, and have an Aquathlon this weekend (400m Swim/5km run). Race schedule is Novice Tri in May, Sprint Tri in May, longer Tri's in June and July, and culminating in Olympic Distance in August. I've also signed up for an eight discipline around the island (45 mile) team adventure race the weekend after the Olympic Tri - but that's jsut for fun! My training schedule goes straight into the BT 20 week Olympic plan as soon as the May Sprint Tri is completed.

Goals: 2010 - complete the Tri season in Jersey. Main focus being the May Sprint Tri and the August Olympic. Outside of Triathlon my goal is to become a competent climber. 2011 goal at the moment is the same but faster and better Laughing

Challenge: Balancing the training and racing schedule with family, work, climbing and sleep!!!

Family: Happily married (and hoping it stays that way!) with three kids under 8.
2010-04-21 6:05 AM
in reply to: #2801642

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Vestavia Hills
Subject: RE: Brian's group - OPEN for business
Welcome everybody! Wow ... this group is filling up fast. We will have room for just one more.

I will have a more detailed reponse to everyone's post and individual questions later in the day but, first, thanks for joining. The best thing about Beginner Triathlete is not the free resources available here but the people who make up the community.  I hope that after going through this program that you will be successfully hooked on triathlons and fully integrated in the subculture err, community.

If you haven't done so yet, check out your training and fill it in with your personal data.  This will help familarize your with the functionality of it.

Also, find a photo to upload for your profile pic. My profile picture is one taken from our condo's balcony of a drawing my kids and I made in the sand the day after completing Ironman Florida.

2010-04-21 8:11 AM
in reply to: #2801642

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New user

Subject: RE: Brian's group - OPEN for business
Hi Brian,
  I would love to be part of your group if that's possible. My name is Terri Crowe. I am from Peterborough NH. I am the mother of 7 children 9 counting my step children. I have always been into fitness but never in a race format. My husband and I workout, snow board, snowshoe, hike mountains all year and bike. I have "bad knees", on my second synvisk injections, but I am going to do a sprint tri in Sept in MA. I already bike quite a bit and that I absolutely love, I can run a 5k, not fast but I can. I haven't swam since last summer and that will be my weakness. I don't really have any weight issues. I have been doing the P90X workouts since Jan. for my strength and core workouts. I have Sally Edwards book for woman triathletes but I am in between her beginner training plan and her intermidiate. I have to admit it gets confusing with max heart rate %'s and steady-state vs recovery vs whatever other type of workouts there are and when to do them . I am determined to do this and do it well, feeling great! I will train, I love to work out, and I know when to back off so t stay healthy. I just have a hard time putting a plan together that fits me. My little sister 1 yrs. younger is going to do this with me too. We will both enter as newbies. I see this as the beginning. Not a one time thing. I see going further, eventually an olympic tri! As long as my knees hold out so will I. Will you help me with this? Let me know, you sound like the kind of person that could motivate me. Let me know,
                                                              Terri Crowe
2010-04-21 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2801642

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Extreme Veteran
Pauls Valley, OK
Subject: RE: Brian's group - OPEN for business

Please, let me know if you have a slot open up later on.  I plan on doing my first IM this Sep and would love feedback from someone with as much IM experience as you have.

Thank you - Ray

2010-04-21 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2801642

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - OPEN for business
Hey Brian,

I'd like to join your group as well.  I'm not a beginner to triathlons but am a beginner to everything over the sprint distance.  I also like the opportunity to get to know more people from BT and participated in my first mentor group last session and met some good people.

I live here in GA (Duluth) and was born and raised in Fbks, AK.  I'm 27 and am married with two boys (4 and 18 mo).  I was a swimmer in college and did two tri's over my college years and then got back into them after whining to my husband about how I didn't have anything to train for and can't stand just "going to the gym" so I did three sprints that year, had my youngest the next year, and then went tri crazy last year with seven? sprints (and finally got a tri-bike as opposed to my uber cool hybrid with road wheels and clip-on aerobars).  I think he may kind of regret suggesting I get back into triathlons considering I signed up to do Ironman Louisville in August.  I was a sprint swimmer so I figured I'd only ever do sprint triathlons but want to at least try the longer stuff.  I guess I also kind of have a "go big or go home" mentality too.....or I'm a total wuss to peer pressure and just wanted to be one of "the cool kids".

- Katie

2010-04-21 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2806730

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - OPEN for business
Whoops.  Missed the "one more" comment.
2010-04-21 10:13 AM
in reply to: #2806737

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Vestavia Hills
Subject: RE: Brian's group - OPEN for business
Well, I went ot Ole Miss so therefore I do not count so well ... Terri, Ray and Katie you are welcome to join!

With that said our group is now FULL.

crazyalaskian - 2010-04-21 10:30 AM Whoops.  Missed the "one more" comment.
2010-04-21 10:43 AM
in reply to: #2801642

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Extreme Veteran
Pauls Valley, OK
Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Name - Ray Samford

Story :  I watched Julie Moss cross the finish line when I was 11 or 12 years old.  The next weekend I rode my bmx 26 miles and ran 11 miles.  I was trying for 13 miles but I had to stop because it was time for baseball practice.  I've been hooked on long distance running and cycling since.  I ran cross country did 6 Oly's when I was in high school, stopped training through college, then tri'd for a few more years in my late 20's until I blew my ACL in 2000.  I just got it fixed in March of 2009.  Therefore, my training has been limited the last 10 years.  I have remained active, but my knee would not handle enough training for me to be as competetive as I would like, so I just exercised for fun.  Now it's fixed and I am ready to finally try that 140.6.

Family:  Married for 14 years and going through the adoption process for our first child.

Races completed:  Handful of sprints (2 top 10 overall finishes), several Oly's, and one HIM.

2010 Races :  OKC Redman 140.6 - Sept. 25  I haven't decided on any sprints or Oly's yet.  I'll just see how my training is going and race when I need some motivation to keep at the grind.  I do plan on doing several bike tours with the local bike club.

Training:  I am following the 36 week training plan from  I go on a short vacation at the end of this week.   When I get back I will have 22 weeks left.  So far I am "enjoying" the plan.  It seems to have enough distance (after I supplemented the cycling) to get me to the finish line and it has enough speed work to keep me interested.

Thanks for having me.

Edited by ray6foot7 2010-04-21 11:43 AM
2010-04-21 10:44 AM
in reply to: #2801642

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Vestavia Hills
Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Okay, lt's get this started.  We've got a great group, mixed with true beginners to others who have some race/training experience to yet another that will be going the full distance in September.

The program's official duration is until June 30th.  For full disclosure, I am doing Ironman Coeur d'Alene on June 27th and will be out-of-pocket during Ironman week ... so let's extend it until the first week of July.

The first order of business is for each of you to become familar with your training logs.  Logging your workouts each and every day is essential to the program.  This will not only help you build momentum in working out but it will also provide a window into your workouts that will enable some constructive feedback.

We also need to get an assessment of where we are in terms of gear and training environment. To get the conversation started please take a moment to answer the following:

BIKE: Do you have a bike? What kind (road vs. tri-bike vs. mountain bike)? Have you been "fit" on the bike by someone? Are you using clipless pedals?

RUN: What kind of running shoes are you wearing? How old are they? Did you go to a running store to have them look at your gait and fit you with a shoe accordingly?

SWIM: Do you have access to a pool?  You will need goggles and a swim cap.

Is there a Masters Swim program nearby (for a list of locations, click here)? A Masters Swim program is an organized workout that is coached by a swim instructor.  As much of swimming is stroke technique (think golf) signing up for one of these pays huge dividends early in the process.  This is not mandatory but it is recommended as you will improvement by leaps and bounds.  We'll talk about that more in depth later; for now just check to see if one is nearby.

GOALS: What is the name of the race(s) you have signed up for, the distance and the date.

CURRENT FITNESS and Major Limiter: In order to know where you are going you first must know where you have been.  To that end, let's establish a baseline for the fitness each is starting with and see how much progress we can make in the next three months.

Run fitness: run a 5k. It does not have to be an official 5k but just a 3.1 mile course you have distanced out in your car or even on a high school track (most tracks are a 1/4 mile per loop in length).

Swim fitness: swim pace for 100/yds or 100/meters - depending on the length of your pool ... if you do not know then ask one of the staff members. (Funny story, I did not know my pool was in meters for at least a year and wondered why my swim times lagged!)

Bike fitness: Find a straight road that has little to no stop lights and is 2.5 miles long; ride for 5 miles (out + back) and record your time.

(NOTE: These should not be done on the same day but subsequent days.)

The next step is for each of you to choose a training plan.  Take a minute to familarize yourself with the free plans offered here on BT. (Note: if you are a "Performance Member" then I think you can directly improt them into your training logs ... that said, I have never done it and am not that familar with the functionality of it.)  If you have a different plan then that is okay too ... just describe it, where you found it and so forth so that we can have an idea of what you are working with.

Lastly, and most importantly, add each other as "Friends" into your training blog (see item #12 on how to do this, click here)

That is a lot to chew on right now ... please try to get this done as soon as possible so that we can get started!
2010-04-21 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2807030

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL

Okay, will get as much of it down as I can!

1/ Bike: Have a road bike, bought in February, Trek (second lowest in range), aluminium frame, carbon forks, carbon seat post, Gearing - two front cogs (not three). Bike is very comfortable, and was fitted for the frame. Have been riding with clips, but am picking up Tri shoes and clipless pedals tomorrow. Not looking forward to falling off the bike as I learn to use them! (will they really make me go faster?)

2/ Run. Asics top of range structured shoe. Bought February (do you see a pattern here?). Yes gait checked before purchasing.

3/ Swim. Yes fortunately there is an indoor 25m pool five minutes walk from work. The local tri club did have dedicated training sessions with a coach. Unfortunately now discontinued. I swam competitively as a kid, the coach says my technique is good and at this stage doesn't need work, had got me to start focussing on intervals (100m and 200m at this stage of the season) rather than just straight distance swimming. I don't quite buy the intervals only, so am compromising and doing 1km warm up and then intervals for my long swim (currently 40 minutes) and 400m warm up and then intervals on short swim (currently 24 minutes).

4/ Race schedule.

24th April Aquathlon. 400m swim/5km run
15th May Novice Triathlon. 300m swim/6km bike/1.5km run
29th May Sprint Triathlon. 750m swim/15km bike/5km run
26th June Triathlon. 1000m Swim/25km bike/6.5km run
25th July Triathlon. 1200m swim/28km bike/7km run
29th August Olympic Triathlon (Jersey 25th Anniversary Triathlon). 1500m swim/40km bike/10km run.

All the races are in Jersey, and are hosted by the Jersey Triathlon Club.

5/ Fitness: Run Fitness: The first (6km) leg of last duathlon I did (late March) I ran at 11.3km/hr (the second run leg was appalling at 10.2km/hr - I was 2nd last in both run sections!). I will re-test run speed on Monday's run. Bike Fitness: I will test on Sunday. Race speeds for (25km) have been around 27km/hr average speeds but course not flat. Swim Fitness: I am pacing at about 1:40 per 100m, fairly consistently over 10 sets after 1km warm up.  I'm not god's gift to any of the disciplines but the run is (in my opinion) my weakest.

6/ Currently doing the 18 week BT sprint programme, will go straight into 20 week Olympic programme once Sprint Tri is out of the way (end May).



2010-04-21 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2801642

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Extreme Veteran
Pauls Valley, OK
Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Bike - 1991 Schwinn steel frame.  Fast forward seat post, longer than stock cranks, bull horns, and aero bars with bar-end shifters.  My second set of wheels has finally worn out, and I am about to purchase some new ones.  I had the bike shop fit me to the fast foward seat post last year when I bought it, but had to make adjustments after about a month.  My lower back was killing me.  I noticed in my shadow one day that my hips were rocking from side to side, so I lowered my seat.  No back pain since.

Run - I have always run in whatever I find on the clearance rack.  If they are comfortable and cheap, they are for me.  My wife bought me a pair of Nike Pegasus for Christmas.  They are supposed to be the "go-to" shoe for big guys.  I hated them.  Within 150 miles, my hip, ankle, and IT band were sore.  I went to the store and bought some new cheap shoes, and no more pain.  They have only about 20-30 miles on them.  My knees usually let me know when it's time for a new pair.  As for gate:  I am a mid to fore foot runner.  We did lots of form drills in high school, and I learned many more when I was an intern as a cross country coach in college. 

Swim - I live in rural Oklahoma so there are no master programs nearby.  I had a swim coach 10 years ago that taught Total Immersion technique.  I now swim with a former collegiate swimmer.  He is very supportive in that he paces my workouts and pushes me to finish them.  I am swimming faster now than I ever have.  My pool is also in meters.  My pool ten years ago was in yards.  It took me a while to realize this.  I couldn't figure out why I was so much slower.  ha.

Training plan -  36 weeks IM plan.   The OKC Redman 140.6 is Sep. 25th.

Edited by ray6foot7 2010-04-21 4:28 PM
2010-04-21 4:30 PM
in reply to: #2801642

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Extreme Veteran
Pauls Valley, OK
Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Headed to New Orleans in the morning for Jazz Fest.  I will be back on Tuesday.  I hope everyone has a great weekend of training.  I am looking foward to "getting to know' some new people.
2010-04-21 8:31 PM
in reply to: #2807030

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
BIKE: Tri bike (fitted by Curtis)

RUN: Asics Gel-Kayano (the most ridiculously expensive ones).  I just got a new pair and, yes, I got them at a running store after having the analysis/fit done

SWIM:  I participate in the Dynamo Masters program

GOALS: Turtle Crawl Olympic (5/15) (First Olympic)
Macon Rock n' RollMan HIM (6/5) (First HIM)
Ironman Louisville (8/29) (First Ironman)
Augusta 70.3 (was supposed to be my first HIM, now I'm just doing it because I had already signed up for it)

CURRENT FITNESS and Major Limiter:  I'm a couple of weeks into my IM training so I'd like to think my fitness is pretty "stellar" at this point .  I'm a craptacular runner.  Luckily, I spent the winter running so I can run for long periods of time (though not marathon-long periods of time)...just slow.

Swim fitness: 1:34 / 100 yds (pace for a 3,000 meter swim).  

Oh yeah, and I'm following a modified version of the competitive Be Iron Fit plan.  I pushed it out a couple of weeks so I wasn't skipping build weeks to rest for races.

Edited by crazyalaskian 2010-04-21 8:33 PM
2010-04-22 3:21 AM
in reply to: #2807030

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Ran 5k this morning to check base speed. Time was 25:40. So 11.7km/hr. (I think I am slowly getting quicker...)


2010-04-22 5:53 AM
in reply to: #2809111

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Vestavia Hills
Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Good job!  How was the "puke factor"? If you felt like you were close then you pushed yourself to the right level. (I, for one, am sometimes guilty of not pushing myself during intervals and my coach calls me on it.)  Part of this exercise is not only to record the times for measurement but to get you out of your 'comfort zone'.

Record that in your blog under "Personal Best" on the right hand side (just click "Personal Best" and the screen should pop right up).

Do the swim and bike as soon as you can so that we can lump them together. We will do the the test again next month.

Rod1 - 2010-04-22 4:21 AM Ran 5k this morning to check base speed. Time was 25:40. So 11.7km/hr. (I think I am slowly getting quicker...)



2010-04-22 7:28 AM
in reply to: #2809135

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL

The "puke factor" I'd put at zero, so clearly room to push the intensity next test.

2010-04-22 8:22 AM
in reply to: #2809261

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Vestavia Hills
Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
You've got a race this weekend ... is the run portion a 5k?  If so then I suspect you will find the elusive "puke factor" there

Rod1 - 2010-04-22 8:28 AM

The "puke factor" I'd put at zero, so clearly room to push the intensity next test.

2010-04-22 8:25 AM
in reply to: #2809443

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Subject: RE: Brian's group - FULL
Yep 5km...and will push harder for the P factor!

2010-04-22 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2809443

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New user

Subject: Triathlon on a Budget
I'll try to keep my posts short and to the point....

This is a hard year for me financially....  Where can I go cheap, and where do I need to fork it over?

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