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Melissa's Road Race (Run - 22km) - RunHalf Marathon

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Banff, Alberta
Melissa's Road Race
16C / 61F
Total Time = 1h 42m 26s
Overall Rank = 47/1126
Age Group = M30-39
Age Group Rank = 23/139
Pre-race routine:

Was still pretty stuffed up with a head cold/cough, so took some cough syrop with codine and a poptart with some fruit bar. Also got a Tim's french vanilla and a choc donut for the drive out to Banff. I borrowed an annual park pass so I could skip the gate. I have never the park entrance so busy, probably at least 45 mins to get through for those poor guys. I bet many missed the race start.

Event warmup:

Parked far away and ran to the site, which is about 2k or so. Ditched my long sleeve and hat with the bag check as it really got warmer.
  • 1h 42m 26s
  • 22 kms
  • 04m 40s  min/km

My first HM of the season was around a 4:38 pace, while my marathon was at 4:50. I did a 5k recently at 3:57 but since the HIM I haven't done a lot of run volume. So went with 4:30 and tried to hold on.

I felt much better on my run leg of the HIM, but that was mostly due to getting over the cold.

Post race
What limited your ability to perform faster:

Wind - it was gusting at almost 60k/hr.

Event comments:

Free beer after the race, lots of food and I won another door prize for some bath stuff for the wife.

Pretty popular race that attracts the faster guys - 10k had 2k people which is a lot for Banff.

Forgot where I parked, so wandered a few streets carrying the stupid bath basket. And dressed in full under armor I suppose it was a funny sight for the tourists.

Last updated: 2010-04-26 12:00 AM
01:42:26 | 22 kms | 04m 40s  min/km
Age Group: 23/139
Overall: 47/1126
Performance: Average
Course: Out around the Banff golf course and back, then out past the hotel and back. Many more hills than my usual races.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2010-09-29 11:07 AM

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Calgary, AB
Silver member
Subject: Melissa's Road Race (Run - 22km)

2010-10-01 11:23 AM
in reply to: #3123888

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Subject: RE: Melissa's Road Race (Run - 22km)
wow nice run!
I ran the 10k. I saw you standing up at the from there with your floofy soap doorprize.  man there were so many people in that park. And windy wow.
2010-10-05 9:37 PM
in reply to: #3128324

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Calgary, AB
Silver member
Subject: RE: Melissa's Road Race (Run - 22km)
TrevorC - 2010-10-01 10:23 AM wow nice run!
I ran the 10k. I saw you standing up at the from there with your floofy soap doorprize.  man there were so many people in that park. And windy wow.

Ah crap, that's still in my trunk! (Wife picked out the packaged stuff and put the rest in a bag to leave at work for a free for all)

That was a way harder course than I thought it would be. Will check your report (odd the linking isn't working for this race)

Definately say hello next race - I'll know who trevorC from BT is.

Edited by Khyron 2010-10-05 9:41 PM
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