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2010-12-21 3:28 PM

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Subject: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
WHEN CAN YOU START MENTORING CONSISTENTLY: I am in England currently but am active on BT so I think I can start asap.  
NAME: Phatknot / Harvey aka 'Slayer' 
STORY: At 6'4" and about 300 lbs in 2003, I started Atkins and walking. Let myself go while we started our family and my business. Dropped 80 lbs within 6 mos. Then, in 2007, ran a 5k and did decently so took up running hard, pr'ng at sub 18 in 5k, 38:29 10k, 1:27 for HM and with a 3:06 first Mary in March of 2008. Did Boston (poorly due to ITBS) in 09 and then prgressed in 2009 from sprints locally to olympic in Philly to Augusta 70.3 to full IM in November (IMAZ).  I have mostly competed tri's in masters clydes when possible, winning most of them outright.
FAMILY STATUS: I am married since 1992 with three kids under 11 
CURRENT TRAINING: I am a volume maven but take as much intensity as my body (and coach) will allow. Sprinkle in several short course races with at least two halfs and one full IM. Have dealt with injuries in the past so I am very cognizant about being cautious even though I am hungry. Also I am trying to be careful about avoiding burnout to have this sport remain part of my lifestyle for a long time.
THIS YEAR'S RACES:  I started the year off with a pool sprint in March and then did Gulf Coast 70.3 in May. Did another local print and two summer olympics (Philly and Tri the Parks Ga RBR) before banging out a 4:44 in Augusta 70.3 in September and a 10:31 in IMFL.
2010 RACES:  Probably will be doing a mix of short and long course this year. Have registered for IMCDA but am thinking about passing on it
WEIGHTLOSS: I am a carbaholic. I fight the battle of the bulge on a daily basis. I weigh daily and eat poorly until I hit about 215-220lbs and then I take it to 210lbs or under asap.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I believe my training as a Ph.D. in psychology makes me pretty qualified for this role, and, not only that, but I am active on inspires, log in daily for training logs, and have been a good team builder for my local tri club. I have got a fair bit of coaching under my belt now from Shanks and also have done quite a lot of reading. I am familiar with basic concepts of running (high intensity/low volume and low intensity) and biking (power), but swim is not my strength in knowledge or practice. I also am not big on heart rate measurement though I am developing some understanding of it.

Edited by phatknot 2010-12-30 2:16 PM

2010-12-26 2:17 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Welcome one welcome all! We are live. Bear in mind I am several hours ahead in the UK at the moment if you are wanting a quick response.

I am able to accomodate 10-15 on my first mentor group. I welcome anyone from couch to first time IM this year. I have a pretty decent knowledge base about the major areas like gear, training, scheduling, etc. Willing to be pretty flexible so you all get a good experience.
2010-12-26 4:18 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Rural Ontario
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Hi Harvey - I'd like to join your group

: Mark
LOCATION:  Toronto suburbs

BACKGROUND: I’m 37 years old. I ran in highschool and even did a sprint tri in 1991. I started my undergrad during the grunge period and ended up a chain smoking, beer guzzling chubby guy. In 2006 I decided to get back to a healthier lifestyle and signed up for a Try-a-Tri race. I was hooked. The next year I bought a tri bike and I've been fairly active since. I've completed a Half-Ironman (Muskoka 70.3 in 2009), an Olympic Tri, a full Marathon, and dozens of 1/2Marathons and  Sprint Triathlons.
I've been struggling with plantar faciitis / foot pain for about 14 months.

:  Married and 2 kids
: Management Consultant. I travel & live in hotels too much.
Current Training:
Following the 36 week full IM training program from EnduranceNation.

This years races:

Chily Half Marathon run (6-March)

Around the Bay 30k run (27-March)

Good Friday 10mile run (April 8)
Mississauga Half Marathon run (15-May)
Victoria's Sprint Duathlon (24-May)

Milton Triathlon (7-jun)

Welland 1/2 Iron Tri (3-Jul)

Ironman Canada (28-Aug) (my 'A' Race for the year)

Weightloss: Sitting at around 195lbs right now. I want to get down to 185 by 1-April and sub-180 by July.

2010-12-26 5:19 PM
in reply to: #3256691


Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Hi Harvey,

I would love to be part of your mentor group. 

My name is Grey Toombs and I'm based in Southern California.  I'm married with three children (5,3,and 6 months).  For work I sale medical equipment to hospitals through the Los Angeles area. 

I'm 35 years old, 6"3" at roughly 205 lbs.

I started my triathlon route the beginning of October of this year.  At the end of October I completed my first sprint and then my second sprint Dec. 12th.  I improved my time by 11 minutes and was happy with that.

I've always loved sports and played basketball through college.  I was on my high school swim team for two years.  Outside of playing basketball I have never ran before.  The same goes for cycling.  So swimming is my comfort but still not very good.

I downloaded an olympic training schedule form this site that I try to follow but have been winging it due to being busy with family and work.  Starting tomorrow I plan on starting hard with the schedule by getting up earlier each day.  I welcome any thoughts, questions, and or concerns.

Tritonman SDSU - Sprint - Feb. 20
Superseal or Seal - Olympic or Sprint - March 27 / have not decided if I should do sprint or Olympic
                 I would love to do the olympic but not sure if I'll be ready so might do sprint instead
Big Rock - Perris - Olympic - May 16
Tinman - sprint - June 26
Alcatraz "Escape Form The Rock" - Olympic - July 30 / My main race I'm looking forward to
Kaiser Los Angeles Tri - Olympic - September 25
Maybe a few more sprints thrown in there some place

My goals are to keep inproving my times and eat better!  I'm looking forward to learning much more in this new adventure!!
2010-12-27 1:20 AM
in reply to: #3261635

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Hey Mark,
Welcome aboard to the virgin voyage here! Man you came back with a vengence. I feel ya with the chain smoking and beer guzzling stuff.

One of my teammates is from Canada and qualified for Clearwater at Muskoka this year. He's fast as heck swimmer and was first overall out of the gulf at IMFl this year. I almost hunted him down though haha.

Also, one of my former supervisees did IM Canada this year. That course is supposed to be beautiful and well supported, but a bit of a challenge.  I dig your race season though. Seems quite sensible. I think alot of folks race too much but your schedule is most road races on the way to the big day.

Anyhow PF is some nasty stuff on the foot. I had a tear in the plantar fascia in March and I am still not right. That hurts bad in the mornings I bet. What are you doing to work around it? All the stretches the PT gave me seemed to aggravate my condition.

Bring whatever questions you might have to the group and we can bang em around.

Edited by phatknot 2010-12-27 1:30 AM
2010-12-27 1:29 AM
in reply to: #3262135

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN

Welcome aboard too! Its awesome you caught the bug. You are a big guy like me and you have the 3 kids thing down too.

Yeah, us athletes (i'm a former bballer too in HS) need something like this to be able to get healthy. Golf, fishing, working on our buttocks and farting around with the kids just keeps you getting bigger.

Its great that you have some swim background as that will suit you well as you progress towards longer course, and Alcatraz. My teammate Chuck went last year and raved about it and my team's head coach 'marvarnett' here on BT got in this year. He posts loads.

Your racing schedule looks totally doable.  I wouldn't overdo the racing but thats me. I might also fantasize about a late season HIM depending on how things go if I was you. Obviously you will want to be consistent with running and cycling. Feel free to bring any questions to us about the training, eating, or whatever. I'm going to have some hell to pay when I get back stateside.

2010-12-27 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Can I join?

NAME: Kate
LOCATION:  Glasgow, Scotland

BACKGROUND: I’m 38 years old. Have been dabbling at tri's for a while but still consider myself a newbie. I really want to focus on running as I'm really slow but all disciplines could do with improvement. My weight is a constant battle and I want to make 2011 the last year I have to substantially loose weight. I'm hoping the joining a group will provide motivation but also make me more accountable.

:  Married with 1 cat
WORK: Business Development. I travel lots & live in hotels too much.
Current Training:
Following the 20 week Olympic programme

This years races:

Edinburgh Uni sprint
Bishopbriggs Sprint
Trentham sprint
First Monster
2010-12-27 9:42 AM
in reply to: #3262677

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Of course you can join and we'd love to have you Kate. All you have to do is participate consistently here and we will give you plenty of motivation. Triathlon is one of those you get out what you put in things. Welcome aboard and lets hear your goals and progress towards them! It must be brutal trying to work out in Glasgow. What indoor set up do you have?
2010-12-27 5:11 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Can you fit one more?  Here's my deal:

Name: Pete

Story: I began running around three years ago when a new business forced me in to a more sedentary state of being and started to add on the pounds.  I did my first tri on a whim with two days notice at the urging of a friend of mine who's become a good training buddy. I've never been a good athlete but I did weight train for years.  I also trained pretty seriously in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in the late 90s and early 2000s and got pretty good at that.  I'm BOP but try to enjoy myself and stay fit.

Family Status: Married with 3 kids: 6, 8 and 10.  I  try as much as possible to train when they're asleep so I don't cut in to family time.

This past year's races: Not much because I tightened up my race budget.  Two Olis in the summer and a HIM in November. 

2011 Races
: I'd like to do the MiamiMan HIM for the third straight year next November.  I'd like to do more sprints this year and maybe another HIM earlier in the season.  I've been trying to talk some training buddies into doing an IM together, but not much interest thus far.  That might be for the better.

Weight: Started out at 240 (I'm 6'1") before I began running and hit 210 by my HIM last November.  Been putting the weight back on like crazy lately since I took a long break after my last race then had to get some minor surgery.  Ii can train again in teh next few days so I'll begin 2011 with a tabula rasa.  I'd love to be under 200 this year but I need to be consistent and disciplined enough with the diet (obv). 

2010-12-27 5:30 PM
in reply to: #3263379

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Rural Ontario
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Looks like we have the nucleus of a good group forming.
We seem to share a few commonalities - over 30, married and most of us have kids, all of us are looking to shed a few pounds. Sounds like we'll be able to share some relevant learinings and provide some proverbial kicks-in-the-butt to each other. 

My goal for the week: not to miss any workouts on my IM training plan (I'm in week 2 of 36).  I completed Monday's swim drills as planned. Tuesday is bike and run day. It'll also be the Philladelphia / Minnesota football game at the sports bar and Tuesday is wings nite.... The stage for the battle of Willpower vs. Football Nite Out is set.

2010-12-27 8:43 PM
in reply to: #3256691

New user

Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Do you got room for a newbie to triathlons or is this for the more "seasoned" triathlon?
I'll post my bio if you don't mind having a newbie to the sport...

2010-12-27 8:58 PM
in reply to: #3256691

New user

Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Hi Harvey - I'd like to join your group if there is still room.

NAME: Jeff
LOCATION: Greensboro NC

BACKGROUND: I’m 46 going on 47 years old.

I ran in high school and ran 5k/10k in college. I am a newbie Clydesdale 285 looking to lose the weight and get back down to around 230 by September and do some sprint tris during the year.

FAMILY: Married and 2 kids. I am also the Cubmaster for my son's pack.
WORK: Information Technology. I spend 8-10 hrs a day stuck in chair in front of a computer and on the phone

Current Training: Following the 20 week winter maintenance program, but with the snow storms and holidays have laid off the last week. I have also signed up with a running coach who is doing a group Couch to 5k program in January.

Planned races

Statesville Sprint Tri 5/14/2011
Gold Rush Sprint Tri 6/18/2011
Lake Logan Sprint Tri 8/7/2011
Wilmington Tri 9/12/2011

2010-12-28 2:38 AM
in reply to: #3263379

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Yes Spleen! We are still bringing folks aboard so you are in. Great to hear your story and look forward to helping you to start the year as you break back in a bit harder this year. You are doing the kid thing too and fighting the bulge like most of us.

Fees are getting pretty ridic for racing so many folks are cutting back. However, you can still have a great season even cutting back $.

I think you bring up a good point about whether to do an IM. I think its a tough call, and its made much easier if your training partner(s) are in with you.  If not, you can be in for some long boring days. I think there is also this implied demand on us to do IM based on how the popular media portrays the sport. I am trying to not be driven by anything other than myself henceforth as regards racing. I drank the IM kool aid and it led me perilously close to burnout.

Being cool with whatever kind of athlete you are is very important. Well done.
2010-12-28 2:40 AM
in reply to: #3263399

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Im a big philly fan so I hear ya! But I'd say enjoy a night or two more until 2011 comes. More motivation to lose the more you weigh haha.

My butt is growing until my holiday ends on 1/2. Then I'm going to fight back.
2010-12-28 2:41 AM
in reply to: #3263640

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
noobs are welcome here. I want a good mix to keep us all thinking. If you want in, you are welcome aboard. If not, no sweat.
2010-12-28 2:44 AM
in reply to: #3263670

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
I love to hear that you are around my age and getting your butt moving again. Your body will love you for it and I am sure your wife and kids will dig watching you shrink even with a job in a chair. Just chime in any questions you may have and don't overdo it as you get yourself going. We don't want any injuries in the Slayer mentor group. Keep us informed how things are going.

2010-12-28 2:49 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Topic of the day is something I am wanting to do once we get going. It may be, what are you doing to lose weight today, what should I do about a missed session, when is it good to take a day off, race day nutrition, is accupuncture worth it, etc Whatever you choose we can all discuss. I'd prefer to do your topics and we all discuss but I can put down some of the things I think of as well. Who wants to go first? Everyone can chime in on the answers if they choose.
2010-12-28 9:34 AM
in reply to: #3256691

Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Got room for another relative newbie?
2010-12-28 11:25 AM
in reply to: #3264207

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
bring it slokat!
2010-12-28 12:21 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Lompoc, CA
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
Hi - I would love to join if you can squeeze in one more "phattie slayer."
2010-12-28 12:25 PM
in reply to: #3264546

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
if you want to slay, then bring it!

2010-12-28 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN

I would like in if I can. Formally, 325lbs. got up to that with 20 years of inactivity due to a chronic foot and ankle problems. Found a retired military orthopedic surgeon that had just got back from Iraq. With God's help, he performed a miracle. Started running 2 years ago and competed in four tris last year. I had lost 100lbs, but crept up a little over the last few months battling some injuries. I am better now and training again. I would like to get down to 185. This group seems like a good fit if you will have me.

P.S. I am 50 and slow. REAL SLOW.  ; )


2010-12-28 2:01 PM
in reply to: #3263875

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
phatknot - 2010-12-28 3:38 AM
I think you bring up a good point about whether to do an IM. I think its a tough call, and its made much easier if your training partner(s) are in with you.  If not, you can be in for some long boring days. I think there is also this implied demand on us to do IM based on how the popular media portrays the sport. I am trying to not be driven by anything other than myself henceforth as regards racing. I drank the IM kool aid and it led me perilously close to burnout.

Exactly.  I worry about the time it takes to train adequately, or the difficulties on race day if you haven't trained adequately.  Having that training partner waiting for you at 5AM adds accountability to the training regime.  I'd like to do an IM as sort of a "bucket list" accomplishment but the truth as this stage HIM is plenty.
2010-12-28 3:55 PM
in reply to: #3262682

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
phatknot - 2010-12-27 3:42 PM  Welcome aboard and lets hear your goals and progress towards them! It must be brutal trying to work out in Glasgow. What indoor set up do you have?

Goals are to reach my ideal weight this year - I'll get weighed again soon but I probably need to loose about 60lbs so it'll take some dedication. I also want to comfortably run 10 miles by August in time for a run in early Sept. At the moment the furthest I've done is just over 14k and I'm v slow so need to work in increasing speed.

I train outdoors on the bike and for the run where possible but in the recent bad weather I've been confined to the gym. Santa ordered me a Turbo Trainer so if the weather sets in again then I'll be getting in the hours on that!
2010-12-28 4:02 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER mentor group - OPEN
One suggestion for topic of the day - how to balance weightloss with training. I've yet to find the answer so would be really interested in what everyone thinks. Do you stick to a specific diet? Is it cals in vs cals out and how do you balance the calories burnt by training?
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