Other Resources Challenge Me! » April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge Rss Feed  
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2011-03-31 8:35 PM

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Subject: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
April Pick 4 Challenge

It's APRIL! For many of us, the weather is getting warmer and Tri season is almost here. Are you ready for the warm weather?

For this challenge, you can set goals in ONE to FOUR activities.
You can participate in one activity, or two, or three or four. It's up to you!
You define the activities.
You set the goals. Only want to swim once? Only want to bike once? YOU decide, and set your goals accordingly.

To participate:
Sign up on this Google spreadsheet:

You will need to enter the following information:
email address: [email protected]
password: challengeforum

If you can't access the spreadsheet:
Scroll to the bottom, and look at the bottom right corner. If it says, "edit this page," click that link and enter the info above.

The ultimate goal of this Challenge is to push yourself in an activity (or activities), to work out, to meet fellow BTers (virtually or otherwise), and to have some fun!

Hopefully, this Challenge will give you a little extra incentive and motivation to succeed at your goals – whatever they may be.

Welcome to the Challenge!

- Dee

2011-03-31 8:47 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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Gold Coast
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

Its on like donkey kong!

So this month I need to run and bike more (century ride and marathon coming up) and get back into the pool in advance of my last tri of the season (sob). I think I will leave it at 3 goals, fairly boring s/b/r but its what I need this month.

2011-03-31 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3424523

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
I'm in.  I'm actually trying to figure out what the heck my goals are for the month.  I got the stitches out but still can't bike or swim yet.  Should be able to at some point this month though...
2011-03-31 9:24 PM
in reply to: #3424557

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
Rachel, you've already logged 70 km on the bike for April!!  I'm not even IN April yet and I'm behind!!  Wink
2011-03-31 9:38 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

All righty, the CRUSHERS are in for another fun month of challenging!!!

Goals to be decided

Edited by QueenZipp 2011-03-31 9:38 PM
2011-03-31 9:41 PM
in reply to: #3424584

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

I'm in! But I'll need a few days to pin down my goals - crappy night-shifts and all ... sigh.

2011-03-31 10:15 PM
in reply to: #3424566

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Gold Coast
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

rnihill - 2011-04-01 12:24 PM Rachel, you've already logged 70 km on the bike for April!!  I'm not even IN April yet and I'm behind!!  Wink

Ha ha, yeah, I got a good ride in this morning before work - it was very very dark but nice and quiet at 4.30am. Now I'm in the middle of April fools and wondering if any news story I see is true or a hoax....

2011-03-31 10:34 PM
in reply to: #3424623

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
rh8463 - 2011-03-31 11:15 PM

rnihill - 2011-04-01 12:24 PM Rachel, you've already logged 70 km on the bike for April!!  I'm not even IN April yet and I'm behind!!  Wink

Ha ha, yeah, I got a good ride in this morning before work - it was very very dark but nice and quiet at 4.30am. Now I'm in the middle of April fools and wondering if any news story I see is true or a hoax....

hehe, our weathermen are predicting a foot of snow for Friday.  I'm actually hoping that is an April Fools joke!

2011-03-31 10:41 PM
in reply to: #3424623

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
rh8463 - 2011-03-31 9:15 PM

rnihill - 2011-04-01 12:24 PM Rachel, you've already logged 70 km on the bike for April!!  I'm not even IN April yet and I'm behind!!  Wink

Ha ha, yeah, I got a good ride in this morning before work - it was very very dark but nice and quiet at 4.30am. Now I'm in the middle of April fools and wondering if any news story I see is true or a hoax....

I think "YOU SUCK" would be appropriate here ....

(not for the april fools stuff, but the fact that you are strategically ahead in the game ...)

2011-03-31 10:50 PM
in reply to: #3424659

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Gold Coast
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
bodhi_girl - 2011-04-01 1:41 PM
rh8463 - 2011-03-31 9:15 PM

rnihill - 2011-04-01 12:24 PM Rachel, you've already logged 70 km on the bike for April!!  I'm not even IN April yet and I'm behind!!  Wink

Ha ha, yeah, I got a good ride in this morning before work - it was very very dark but nice and quiet at 4.30am. Now I'm in the middle of April fools and wondering if any news story I see is true or a hoax....

I think "YOU SUCK" would be appropriate here ....

(not for the april fools stuff, but the fact that you are strategically ahead in the game ...)

Tongue out

2011-03-31 11:08 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

I'm in!

I haven't done one of these challenges since probably last summer.  It's about time to get back into things!

Now just have to decide on goals.

2011-03-31 11:43 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
I'm in  Gonna need to think about goals.  I know I want a running goal, a workout dvd/strength training goal, a pushups goal and swimming goal.  If something happens to where I can't swim I'll change it to a bike goal but I really need to get back in the water.
2011-04-01 7:30 AM
in reply to: #3424508

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

I made it to the first page party! I am in!

I'm off to my first run since I visited the Chiropodist last Friday. I decided that I will only do the 1 long run per week so that I can *somewhat* prepare for my half marathon on May 22... I am aware of how bad of an idea this sounds. I need to keep weekly kms low at this time so really my only choices are 1-do a long run weekly and get up to the 21km point, or 2-do two short runs weekly and not be ready for the 21km distance. hopefully by the end of the month I can reintroduce a short run or two. My tendon is still irritated at this time. Today's plan is to run 11km after not having run long distance in over two weeks. I will be doing a slow pace with 5 min run 1 min walk interval. Usually I would do a 10 minute run with one minute walk, or no walk at all.

Today I am doing my April goal setting, i will post my Crusher goals after I get them done.

2011-04-01 9:22 AM
in reply to: #3424508

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland Area
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
If its OK Id like to join, need that little extra push.  Heck we're still expecting some snow, yuck!
2011-04-01 10:20 AM
in reply to: #3425111

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

abrezo - 2011-04-01 10:22 AM If its OK Id like to join, need that little extra push.  Heck we're still expecting some snow, yuck!

Of course you can join! Add yourself to the spreadsheet.

2011-04-01 11:26 AM
in reply to: #3424508

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
Goals are set.....I posted walk/jog as last goal.....so far all that is in my "run" secion is a WALK.....I don't anticipate anything that resembles the walk /jog interval for a few weeks yet.

2011-04-01 11:53 AM
in reply to: #3424896

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
mbasta - 2011-04-01 6:30 AM

I made it to the first page party! I am in!

I'm off to my first run since I visited the Chiropodist last Friday. I decided that I will only do the 1 long run per week so that I can *somewhat* prepare for my half marathon on May 22... I am aware of how bad of an idea this sounds. I need to keep weekly kms low at this time so really my only choices are 1-do a long run weekly and get up to the 21km point, or 2-do two short runs weekly and not be ready for the 21km distance. hopefully by the end of the month I can reintroduce a short run or two. My tendon is still irritated at this time. Today's plan is to run 11km after not having run long distance in over two weeks. I will be doing a slow pace with 5 min run 1 min walk interval. Usually I would do a 10 minute run with one minute walk, or no walk at all.

Today I am doing my April goal setting, i will post my Crusher goals after I get them done.

Have you tried acupuncture? It works WONDERS for me when my tendonitis acts up, or when I get injured ... my ND also does injections of something called Traumeel right into the injured area, and it really works. I was back running in just 3 weeks after tearing my calf muscle last year.

I am also a big fan of the run/walk combo ... no matter my cardio strength, I just can't run more than 8-10 minutes straight anymore without stressing my lower body too much ... walk breaks are a great way to get the distance in without aggravating the owies.

2011-04-01 12:09 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

OK goals are set - 12 swim sessions, 11 bike and 11 run sessions.

Oh and also yoga - we're gonna try for that again too. I failed miserably at that last month. I'm a BAD yoga teacher. Embarassed

2011-04-01 1:14 PM
in reply to: #3425415

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
bodhi_girl - 2011-04-01 12:53 PM
mbasta - 2011-04-01 6:30 AM

I made it to the first page party! I am in!

I'm off to my first run since I visited the Chiropodist last Friday. I decided that I will only do the 1 long run per week so that I can *somewhat* prepare for my half marathon on May 22... I am aware of how bad of an idea this sounds. I need to keep weekly kms low at this time so really my only choices are 1-do a long run weekly and get up to the 21km point, or 2-do two short runs weekly and not be ready for the 21km distance. hopefully by the end of the month I can reintroduce a short run or two. My tendon is still irritated at this time. Today's plan is to run 11km after not having run long distance in over two weeks. I will be doing a slow pace with 5 min run 1 min walk interval. Usually I would do a 10 minute run with one minute walk, or no walk at all.

Today I am doing my April goal setting, i will post my Crusher goals after I get them done.

Have you tried acupuncture? It works WONDERS for me when my tendonitis acts up, or when I get injured ... my ND also does injections of something called Traumeel right into the injured area, and it really works. I was back running in just 3 weeks after tearing my calf muscle last year.

I am also a big fan of the run/walk combo ... no matter my cardio strength, I just can't run more than 8-10 minutes straight anymore without stressing my lower body too much ... walk breaks are a great way to get the distance in without aggravating the owies.

I might give accupuncture a try again. My colleague did it on me, but she thought it was a different muscle.

I think I might also have to stick to a run walk combo. No problem - as long as I can run! It's funny, I was that girl in gym class that you couldn't get to run, ever. I would walk at a ridiculously slow pace around the track if running was required. Now not only am I a runner, but I'm a kinesiologist and physical education teacher.

2011-04-01 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
Ok, I posted some goals!  I put swim and strength training goals down on a per-session basis just to make sure to get me into the pool/weight room.  I've been bad with both recently.  My bike and run goals are based on minutes.  
2011-04-01 4:54 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
I'm in.  Haven't done a challenge since last year.  I need need need to set some goals and get after them.  Can't get the spreadsheet to come up right now, but will enter my info on Monday.

2011-04-01 5:35 PM
in reply to: #3425111

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Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
abrezo - 2011-04-01 10:22 AM

If its OK Id like to join, need that little extra push.  Heck we're still expecting some snow, yuck!

It's always OK to join a challenge.

Snow? Snow.... I am not a fan of the stuff. LOL

2011-04-01 6:15 PM
in reply to: #3424508

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

Head Slacker of the Crushers reporting for duty, MA'AM!

FYI for everybod y ... you're a Crusher if you want to be. It's like, an attitude. Like you're going to CRUSH your goals. (Or another team, if we're in teams).

I'm going to walk an average of 15 minutes a day, so ... a total of 450 minutes.

And swim once a week, so ... 4 times.

Wow. I am ill. Blech. But ... walking and swimming is damn good, compared to the alternative, y'know?

2011-04-01 9:18 PM
in reply to: #3426018

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge
TriAya - 2011-04-01 7:15 PM

Head Slacker of the Crushers reporting for duty, MA'AM!

FYI for everybod y ... you're a Crusher if you want to be. It's like, an attitude. Like you're going to CRUSH your goals. (Or another team, if we're in teams).

I'm going to walk an average of 15 minutes a day, so ... a total of 450 minutes.

And swim once a week, so ... 4 times.

Wow. I am ill. Blech. But ... walking and swimming is damn good, compared to the alternative, y'know?

Nice avatar!

2011-04-01 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3425847

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: April Pick Up-to-4 Challenge

yogachic - 2011-04-01 4:39 PM Ok, I posted some goals!  I put swim and strength training goals down on a per-session basis just to make sure to get me into the pool/weight room.  I've been bad with both recently.  My bike and run goals are based on minutes.  

We have the same name there Missy! I've never met another Missy. Is that your real name or a nickname? I'm known by my family and offline friends as Missy, but I use Melissa online and professionally.

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