Subject: Father's Day Help - is a gift even appropriate? I've been thinking on this for a few weeks now and can't come up with any ideas, so thought I'd throw it out to the wealth of wisdom that is CoJ ... I have been trying to figure what, if anything, to get my boyfriend for Father's Day. Here's the background: We've been dating for 6 months, and the relationship has recently taken a serious turn - we're in it for the long haul. He has 2 boys from his previous marriage, ages 10 & 13. I've met them but have spent no significant time with them (yet). The boys live with their mom full-time, but my boyfriend lives only a 10-minute drive away and spends A LOT of time with them ... I say he spends more quality time with his kids than a lot of live-in fathers. He is very dedicated to making sure they are taken care of and grow up right (and that dedication is a huge part of what makes him so very attractive to me). I'd like to give my boyfriend something for Father's Day - to let him know I understand and appreciate how important that role is to him, and to also let him know it's important to me too. However I'm lost as for what that something might be. Any ideas, BT? A card isn't enough, no matter how heart-felt it is ... but at the same time I don't want to spend a lot of money or make a "big deal" out of it ... for all the fathers out there - what would you like to get in a situation similar to this one? The boys love to golf and play hockey, but they have everything they need for that .. I can't buy tickets to an event for them as scheduling is an issue .... ?? Bear in mind, the boyfriend's birthday is in July and I'm planning a big spoil-fest then - I'm wanting Father's Day to be more of a symbolic gift ... ??? Help! |