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Bank of America Gasparilla Half-Marathon - Run

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Tampa Bay, Florida
United States
Bank of America
Total Time = 2h 48m 34s
Overall Rank = 1572/1767
Age Group = 30-34
Age Group Rank = 128/143
Pre-race routine:

Woke up at 5. Looked out the window and saw the rain. I wasn't too happy since I've never run in the rain before, but I figured at least it would be warm rain. I got ready in the hotel while my roommates smoked a cigarette - yes - a cigarette - out the hotel window at 5:30am!! I tried to eat a bite of a bagel but it was way too stale so I just ate some dry Captain Crunch - not exactly the breakfast of champions.
Event warmup:

Nothing really - just walked two blocks over to the starting line.
  • 2h 48m 34s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 12m 52s  min/mile

I don't know where to start. I ran this race the best I could under the circumstances. I got a horrible flu Thursday night and was in bed sick all day Friday. I forced myself to the couch Friday night to prove to my husband I was getting better - he didn't want me going to Tampa if I was still sick of course. Saturday I actually made it into the shower and packed a bag. He wasn't really buying it, but a few saltines and a lot of water later I took off for the other side of the state. I wasn't feeling 100%, in fact I still couldn't eat anyting but crackers and Nilla Wafers. I was tepmted to stop in Yeehaw Junction to buy some Gator Jerky from the guy on the side of the road but I contained myself.

I made it into Tampa around 3:30, got to the hotel and met my friends. We walked over to get our numbers and I was really feeling better I thought. We went to dinner and nothing sounded good to me except greasy food. I ended up eating 3 potato skins and 1/2 a cheeseburger. I thought this was great - I got something in my stomach for the next day! I didn't realize that you can't really fuel yourself for a 1/2 marathon on a 1/2 of a dinner in three days. In the meantime the girls I was with kept smoking - before they were about to run the 1/2 with me!

The next morning I did think I felt better. We walked over to the race start and I looked around for BT shirts. I finally did see a cute little woman standing on top of something shouting and waving her arms like crazy - there's Renee! She was too far away though and by the time I got there she was gone in the crowd. A few minutes later I was able to spot Max from his IM tattoo. I got to meet Renee, Christine, Jeff and Rich. Who did I forget?? Then I went back to my friends (bad idea - I should have stayed and strated with the fun BTers!)

The race started and my friends put their headphones on and took off - I was so bummed - I like to talk when I have to go so far! Oh well, off I went at a pretty good pace. I don't know exactly where the race (or my health) went downhill, around mile 3 I was already in that, "It's only mile 3?" mind set. The rain and wind were giving me goose bumps.

Around mile 5 a nice man named Vince came up and started running with me - someone to talk to!! He gave me all sorts of encouragement and told me about his time running the Millenium Marathon in New Zealand the day after he had been sick. I told him I felt nauseous and thought I'd walk for a while, but he wouldn't let me. He told me I was actually running too fast for him so we should slow down our pace - what a nice man!! He helped me make it to mile 8 without walking. I told him at the mile marker I was walking for sure so we decided we'd walk through the water station. Right after that station is where the half and full split so I lost my new parntner but I was finally able to walk!

I had no plan for the rest of the race - I wasn't sure when I'd be able to run again. The only thing that made me smile was people cheering my name (which was written in glitter glue on my shirt) and seeing BTers go by! I was freezing cold - I mean shivering, dripping and miserable! At one point I thought I was going to cry - I just couldn't figure out why I had decided to do this (not overall, just because of being sick) and just wanted to have someone fly me to the finish line. Then I sucked it up and kept going.

I walked from mile 8-9. From mile 9-12 I think I did about 1/2 mile run, 1/2 mile walk the whole way. Mile 11 there was a nice spectator smoking upwind so we got to run right through his smoke - that helped my stomach. Finally I saw mile 12 and knew I was running the rest of the way in no matter what. A pirate handed me beads in a little plastic bag which I couldn't open because my hands were so numb - I had to tear them open with my teeth.

One last water station and the woman said only 1/2 mile to go. She lied. As I got closer I saw a big flag hanging off an overpass and thought it might be JeppFleeb, but no luck yet. As I came to the finish I slowed down to let the man in front of me cross the mat - I didn't want anyone hogging my finish line picture. One of my friends was there cheering me on and then I saw the Official JeepFleeb flag and the BT group hanging out. I got my medal and stumbled over to say hi. Some nice lady (Jess, Trixie? I think I was halluinating by then) gave me strawberries.

After the race I got to meet all sorts of BT people - I know I'll forget some- Lane, Trixie, Wendy, oh, I can't remember everyone - but of course, the stars of the day - Haley and Aaron. Everyone decided to go back and warm up before the marathoners came in while I stayed and talked with Aaron. He is truly one of the friendliest, most enthusiastic people I have ever met! He decided it was much more fun to run in races than watch them. I tought he might jump right out there and join the race!He gave me some good tips and we talked about nutrition (or my lack of it) although I do think he's a little crazy after telling me about drinking the salt water. :)

So - that was it - a long, hard day. I gave it my best. I was hoping to run the whole thing but what could I do? At least it should be easy to beat this time on my next 1/2 mary. The funny thing is, even with all the walking my time was only about 20 minutes off what I was hoping for!
What would you do differently?:

Not get the flu two days before my longest race. Make sure I only run in perfect weather. :) Make sure I have someone to run with instead of having to spend almost 3 hours alone.
Post race
Warm down:

After spending some time talking with Aaron I realized I was too cold to stay outside anymore - I had to get warm. I walked back to the hotel, but the wind was so bad and that silver blanket was whipping around so much I couldn't even make it all the way back to the hotel - I stopped to get warm in the Convention Center. I saw Christine's husband and son who were waiting while she got a massage. I considered trying to get one too, but I just needed to warm up. After a few minutes I braved the last block to the hotel. When I got upstairs my friends were all there resting, I got under the covers in my wet clothes for about 1/2 hour before I finally had enough feeling in my hands to get in a hot shower. (did I mention I was cold?) My friends left to go back to where they were staying and I packed up my stuff. I wanted to go back to the race to see the marathoner's come in, but by that time it was about 12 and I figured I had missed everyone. I couldn't bear to walk out in the cold again just to have everyone gone. Turns out I would have been right on time to see Max and Renee finish :( I finally got in my car and headed out for the long 4 1/2 hour ride home.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Being dehydrated and having no fuel.

Last updated: 2006-02-28 12:00 AM
02:48:34 | 13.1 miles | 12m 52s  min/mile
Age Group: 128/143
Overall: 1572/1767
Performance: Below average
I got a new watch to calculate my splits for the first time, I figured out how to use it around 9pm the night before the race, then I forgot to wear it in the morning. It's probably better that I don't know anyway.
Course: I couldn't even tell you where we ran. Over a bridge, by the water, by some pretty houses and back by the water again. I was too out of it to notice where we were!
Keeping cool Bad Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? No
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? No
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2006-02-28 9:46 AM

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South Florida
Subject: Bank of America Gasparilla Half-Marathon

2006-02-28 10:06 AM
in reply to: #356493

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Subject: RE: Bank of America Gasparilla Half-Marathon

How lucky that you spotted us in the crowd!!! You should have run with us - we would have taken care of you! Next time, next time.

Congrats on your run. Talk about sucking it up - you are the poster child, Buttercup!

2006-02-28 10:11 AM
in reply to: #356493

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Subject: RE: Bank of America Gasparilla Half-Marathon
poor you!  sounds like a bunch of bad timings... cigarettes? NO F-ING WAY!  I woulda freaked. This was my fave part of your RR:  "Over a bridge, by the water, by some pretty houses and back by the water again"  You sound like my kinda runner!
2006-02-28 11:43 AM
in reply to: #356493

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Extreme Veteran
Waterboro, Maine
Subject: RE: Bank of America Gasparilla Half-Marathon
But you DID IT! Sorry it was so miserable and hopefully, you will climb back on this horse and sign up for another one.
2006-02-28 12:30 PM
in reply to: #356642

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Bank of America Gasparilla Half-Marathon
maureen - 2006-02-28 12:43 PM

But you DID IT! Sorry it was so miserable and hopefully, you will climb back on this horse and sign up for another one.

I am already thinking about my next one - proably Palm Beach in December I think. About mile 10 I was thinking never again, but even at mile 12 I knew I would try one again someday!
2006-02-28 12:48 PM
in reply to: #356493

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Subject: RE: Bank of America Gasparilla Half-Marathon

Well done, Amy!!!!  You did a 1/2 mary!!!!  It's too bad that you're sick (or recovering form being sick).  I'm sure you can run the whole way next time. 

Are you coming back to MA for Danskin?  I'd love to see you again 

2006-03-01 9:19 PM
in reply to: #356493

Subject: RE: Bank of America Gasparilla Half-Marathon

You did good Amy, even though you weren't at 100%.  Hey, after my Ironman, I said I'd never do another one, and then 24 hours later I signed up! always forget the bad parts!  Next time you need to run with us, we'll keep you entertained for the entire race!


2006-03-02 3:26 PM
in reply to: #356493

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Subject: RE: Bank of America Gasparilla Half-Marathon

I can't believe that you passed on the gator jerky!

Sounds like a bummer of a day! Way to hang tough -- races like this one make you so much stronger for next time. Now get better!

2006-03-02 6:46 PM
in reply to: #356493

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Bank of America Gasparilla Half-Marathon
Hope you had a good time.  Sorry we missed you tho!!!!
2006-03-02 10:03 PM
in reply to: #356493

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Subject: RE: Bank of America Gasparilla Half-Marathon are a determined women to do this 1/2 Mary!

Congrats on finishing and know next time it will be easier.

That kind man was so helpful to you from mile 5-8, BTers are wonderful and time you need to run with some of them.

You did super given your health, lack of food, weather

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