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2012-09-12 6:39 AM

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Odder, Denmark
Subject: Newbee with type 1 diabetes
I’m Guido van Gucht, 35 years old and I have been a Type 1 diabetic ssince the the age of 5. I’m married and have 2 kids of 5 and 10 years old.

In my childhood my parents helped me managing my diabetes and every thing worked out as it should be. My T1D management was very stable and this made me able to what I love most, ride my bike. I was even able to ride both national and international bicycle competitions.
Becoming a teenager was for me one of the hardest periods of my life. I didn’t manage my diabetes as it should and this resulted in a pretty depressing period where I had to drop my bicycle career. My health was sliding down the hill and in 1999 I was diagnosed with retinopathy and NLD (necrobiosis lipidica diabetica), which are long-term complications of my bad diabetes management.

After I got married it became clear for me if I wanted kids and see them grow old I had to change my life drastically. I picked up my cycling again and tried controlling my diabetes, as it should be, again. Now 12 years later I can’t do without my exercise, my exercise is playing a vital role in my diabetes management. I also truly believe this exercise influences me positively and not only physical but also psychological. I belive it helps decreasing depression (diabetes tiredness) and prevents me from developing other long-term complications! All complications I’m diagnosed with now are in control and inactive, I also believe some processes are turned around (f.eks my NLD).

I love to challenge my self and my Diabetes and at this moment I’m cycling about 8000 – 10000 km a year. This needs special attention to my diabetes management and therefore I try to validate all different types of treatment and management to find out what the best solution is for me. Right now I’m using a insulin pump, including the a CGM-system. This setup helps me tremendously before, during and after my training and it decreases the risc for future long term complications, so now I can have focus on many other things than only my Type 1 Diabetes!

My next challenge will be an full Ironman, my plan is to fullfill this in 2014 because I need to learn how to swim and run first :-)
I could really use some help regarding these issues and if there are some diabetics at this forum I would ask you to contact me so We can share some experiences.

I hope to talk to (many) of you soon and I hope you can and will help me in finishing this challenge.

Kind regards,
Guido van Gucht

"it wasn't a miricle that I finished, it was a mirical that I had to courage to start...." ;-)

2012-09-13 3:35 AM
in reply to: #4407032

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Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes


I am a Type 1 Diabetic too. Trolling the forums there are alot of stuff for type 2's. Type 1 stuff is a challenge to find. I am a newbie also. My first tri will be on October 14th. I too have a goal of completing an Ironman in 2014.

I will help as much as I can.

Glad to hear you are doing better (sounds like you are doing really well!). Keep going. You will get there. I'm a runner first, then bicycle, then swim so I follow the training plan I picked out and have been doing well. I'm not the fastest but I will finish and only hope to improve going forward.

I measure improvement by distance and health. I want to toe the starting line healthy, with no injuries if at all possible so I keep flexible and very conservative with my training. Other than a cold for 10 days now things have been going well.

With your cycling regimne in place you should have no trouble getting your running and swimming up to the tasks you've set for your self.

When is your first Triathlon?

2012-09-13 3:50 AM
in reply to: #4407032

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New user

Odder, Denmark
Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes

Hi Halford

Good to hear there are other T1D's out here ;-)

Good luck with your triathlon, I'm planning a half ironman for next year, but I'm not sure yet.

Thank you for offering your help, I'll probably send you a PM soon :-)


Kind regards,

Guido van Gucht


"Train hard, be focused, relax and know that you are in control of your diabetes and you future. Your life is yours to make and enjoy every single day. Share your knowledge, wisdom and understanding of diabetes with other people, diabetic or not, so everyone knows we do everything we want because we are able!" 

2012-09-13 8:13 AM
in reply to: #4407032

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes

Welcome Guido and Hallford,

I too am a Type 1 diabetic.  I was diagnosed in my 20' 46, and have done several sprint and olympic distance triathlons, lots of running races including my first full marathon this past April.  I've been on a pump for the last 10+ years, and used a CGM for a time (but not now). 

Guido, you should be well positioned to enter the world of triathlons with your cycling background.  If you don't have a swimming background, that is usually the biggest barrier to overcome, so good to get going on that sooner rather than later.  These forums are great for learning more about triathlon, and there are a few other Type 1's who chime in from time to time.  Ask anything that you are wondering about along the way.  What is your first triathlon related goal? 

Hallford, what race are you doing?  How is the training going? 

2012-09-13 8:30 AM
in reply to: #4408802

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes
halford_tenark - 2012-09-13 3:35 AM

I am a Type 1 Diabetic too. Trolling the forums there are alot of stuff for type 2's. Type 1 stuff is a challenge to find. I am a newbie also. My first tri will be on October 14th. I too have a goal of completing an Ironman in 2014.

Funny you say that, I find the complete opposite. I am T2 and struggle to find info. I find a ton of T1 stuff.

On the other forum (ST) there are quite a few T1s, race reports with CGM results......This info is gold. Make sure you check both. Let me know if you have trouble finding it. I don't spend a lot of time in the Introduce yourself area, I just saw "diabetic" and took a peek. PM me if you want.

Yes we are different but we share some of the same challenges. Take a look at some of my race reports and you will see what I mean. I do my HIMs on 60calories/hour because I can't cover my carbs with insulin. But I get the hypers followed by the hypos.


2012-09-13 4:53 PM
in reply to: #4409048

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Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes



Thanks for the support and info. I will check your reports out when I get a chance.

You mentioned the other forum (ST). Where is that? I'm going off an old book with real general sport/diabetes stuff so some newer info and fresh ideas will help alot.

So far in my training I've only had 1 time when a ran 5.1 and was really low with by Blood Sugar Reading. I started at 47 when I got up. Took my Lantus full dose (27units). Ate a 1/2 bagel with peanut butter, 1/2 cup orange juice and 1 banana. Waited 20 min. I didn't check my sugar, I just went for a run took 1 GU pak before I finished the first mile. Then I kept on running, I ended Zombie Style after 5.1. Took my reading and was all of 51. Sooooooo I learned my lesson the hard way but I am learning! I've run 5.1 routinely and have had no problems. I normally am in the 90's at wake up and over 150 before my runs. This specific run has not happend in since I started training seriously. I'm am religious in my practice of Glucometer readings (Sometimes 10x or more). I would love CGM but I don't no how to start.

Anyways thanks to all of you for being there.

2012-09-13 5:47 PM
in reply to: #4407032

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Central VA
Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes
Tagging this for more info. My 13 year old daughter was dx 3.5 years ago. It was the kick in my butt to get up and get moving. I guess it was the factor that got me started in doing Tris. I want her to grow up seeing me exercise and hope she will incorporate it into her life. Best to lead by example.

I understand the teenage issues. We are trying to stay on top of the whole hormones / insulin connection now.

Good luck. Please keep us informed.

Brian "D-Dad"

2012-09-14 12:58 AM
in reply to: #4410340

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New user

Odder, Denmark
Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes

Hi Brain

It is sad to hear about your daugther ;-(

I know what i means being a teenager with this condition, it isn't fun for both the teenager and the parents ;-) I think your doing the rigth thing, showing her to exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle. My experiences with exercize and diabetes shows that the patient will get a much better and easier management, less depressions (diabetes fatique) and last but not least better health.

If you or your daugther wants to hear more or just need a talk please don't hesitate to PM me ;-)


Kind regards,

Guido van Gucht

2012-09-14 4:19 AM
in reply to: #4407032

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Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes

Hi well done all of you with diabetes. My husband also has type 1 but now has other health issues so has given up the fight to exercise....and Ive stopped the nagging, I can't make him do it. I think you all need a medal just for getting your kit on. Look what Steve Redgrave did (yes I know his wife is a Dr), in the end its your strength and determination that has got you to this point (I only joined 2 days ago to train for my first half ironman as a 50th to myself next year) I'm sure with lots of support from friends, family and training partners you will reach your goal. There will be ups and downs along the way. Always have a goal, a race is good, focus on it every morning before you get up and very soon you will be on the finnishing line

Best of health to you all

Nicky Laughing

2012-09-22 5:21 PM
in reply to: #4407032

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Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes
I also have T1.  Just posted my Ironman Wisconsin race report, which contains a lot of my blood sugar management strategy for the race (certainly more than most people want to read):
2012-09-22 5:42 PM
in reply to: #4423538

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Central VA
Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes
I expect all here will be interested in any management ideas.

Good job on the IM!

2012-10-01 3:59 AM
in reply to: #4407032

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Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes

I found this article by a Pump Using Type 1 Diabetic on It has alot of info on doing Tri's and his testing and basal adjustments, etc. Thought this could help.



2012-10-01 8:22 AM
in reply to: #4407032

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes

I'm a T2  not T1   but know many Type 1's  as before my first running marathon  I did not know what I could expect to happen along the way.   So while I found hardly any info at all about T2's and endurance sports   I found plenty of T1 people and info.  

In the process, in 2010 I joined a group from   and ran a Ragnar Relay with 11 Type ones and me the token T2  ha!    "Glucomotive"      Anyhow  I was quite inspired by the T1 peeps and what they went through in order to compete in endurance sports.     Seriously great peeps  many of which I am close friends with.    I could put you in touch with a couple that would love to help another with their T1 management Knowledge and techniques on how to "tune things up"  on/for race day.   Just PM me and I'll give you their info.

You are a great example for others!    Welcome to BT!

2012-10-16 2:00 PM
in reply to: #4407032

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Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes
Any Type 1's have a problem with Blood Sugar spikes after a race? I'm 2 days out from my first sprint and my #'s have been running extremely high. After my marathon I had no problems so this is new to me. Thanks for the help.
2013-07-05 11:14 AM
in reply to: pvfd304

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Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes

I just happened across this old threat about triathlons and T1D. Wanted to reach out as another D-Dad.

My 9 YO son was diagnosed a little over 2 years ago. I started training for my first Sprint a few weeks ago. Kids really interested, and so I looked in kids triathlons. My T1D son on board. They're pretty manageable - at least the ones for his age group here: 75 yd swim, 1 mile bike, .75 mile run. I set up a course for him this weekend, and he did it. We had a good time. He was up at 7:30 this morning for his run. I could not be more pleased.

As a parent, it's encouraging to see all of these really motivated T1D adults out there staying fit and challenging themselves.

How are things going for you and your daughter? I'm on a forum called TuDiabetes and they have a parent's section. It's really quite helpful and supportive. Have you checked it out?


2013-07-05 5:46 PM
in reply to: Guggefar

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Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes
Hey Guido,

I know this post of yours is pretty old, so hopefully you're still around. I'm a type 1 as well and I was actually wondering where you got the top cap for your steerer tube. I'd like to pick one of those up.


2013-07-05 6:47 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Central VA
Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes
Hey Gary,

Things here are going pretty good. We are well into the teen years with all the raging hormones the so called perfect control is getting hard now. We took a jump in in her last A1C from 7.2 to 8.6 so we have some work to do. Exercise is so critical but she has yet to get it yet. I've tried everything but nothing seems to be working.

If anyone knows how to motivated a 14 year old girl to get active PLEASE let me know.

The is a Facebook group I visit, Dads Battling Diabetes.

Also check out our local support group's site :

We usually try to post the latest research news on both places. Might want to take a look.

I'll check out the TuDiabetes site.

When is your sprint? Hows the training going. I use it to help both my physical AND mental health.

2013-07-05 7:01 PM
in reply to: pvfd304

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes

You guys are all heros both those with diabetes and those helping their kids.  I have a friend who is a type ! and he did an Ironman but he stopped doing tris.  He had an insulin pump and he checked his blood sugar in each transition as well as at planned points along the bike and run and adjusted accordingly.  There is another BTer I think her screen name is phoenixazul it has phoenix in the name at any rate and she is a type 1 I think as well.

Getting a 14year old girl to exercise.................I wish I had words of wisdom for you but I don't.  Unless she thinks its fun or cool she probably won't do it.  I know Haley Berry is a type 1 diabetic.  Maybe find someone she admires or some thing she is interested in and try to find someone who does that thing who is diabetic and hold that person up as an example.  There is a female professional golfer who is diabetic but I am blanking on her name right now. 

2013-07-05 8:03 PM
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Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes
Hey, Brian,

We are bracing for those teen years! We're trying to lay a good foundation for the future. I suspect we're doing pretty good, but it doesn't always feel that way. Kind of like a triathlon (or more like a triple ironman, I suppose!). I'm psyched to check out the Facebook links. Thanks a lot. JDRF has some nice family programming in our area and then there's a lot of summer camp and teen programming. If you haven't given that a try, I'd encourage you to look into it. We're hoping that our son will get a lot out of a week away at diabetes sleep away camp in a couple months-- I'm sure he'll pick up a few bad habits, but hopefully, it will be outweighed by the positives he gets out of it.

My training: I feel I'm finally shaking off the rust and getting into a good groove. I've been at it for about 3-4 weeks, and I am encouraged by my progress. Running in a 5k in a week and a half to challenge myself and get ready for the "mass humanity" of race day. Swimming is the biggest challenge, but I'm training swim 3 days a week. Going solo until I find a coach, but I'm making steady progress.

How about you? When's your next race? I saw the photo on your profile page of your bike. Sweet. I just was watching this really sick video put out by the manufacturer that was posted on my local bike shop's page. They were showing how they did all this high-tech wind-tunnel testing to optimize the design. Must be a dream to ride (once you master the aero bars, of course!). Best of luck with your training.


Edited by PsyTri 2013-07-05 8:04 PM
2013-07-05 8:06 PM
in reply to: Socks

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Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes
Thanks for the words of encouragement. Parenting itself is like a marathon. Parenting a kid with diabetes is like an Ironman! Lots of great role models out there in almost every discipline, sport, walk of life. At the younger ages, like mine, I think the novelty of it can wear off pretty quickly. It just never ceases to inspire me, though.

Thanks again.

2013-07-06 5:46 AM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Central VA
Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes
Yeah. At least my tribike makes me "feel" fast. :-)

Still undecided about a sprint in Aug. I guess I need to go ahead and sign up. I've just too many home improvement project lately to have any spare funds.

2013-07-07 9:11 AM
in reply to: pvfd304

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Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes
There's sure to be another one around the corner! Just keep training!
2013-07-07 12:42 PM
in reply to: Guggefar

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes
I know this is an older thread, but it's nice seeing so many active people with Type 1. My 6 yo recently passed the one year anniversary of his diagnosis.

2013-07-07 8:19 PM
in reply to: MyThreeSons

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Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes
That was us last year! I remember it still felt truly surreal at that point. We're dealing with it better now, and he's off to his first diabetes sleepaway camp in a month or so. It gets better. Hang in there. I do know what you mean about inspiration. It's amazing how determination does not deter people from reaching for their goals and dreams. It's stuff like that that keeps me motivated when I'm struggling with a workout.
2013-07-12 11:31 AM
in reply to: MyThreeSons

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Subject: RE: Newbee with type 1 diabetes
My 9 YO has started is training for his first kids triathlon next month. Swim 75 yds. Bike 1 mile. Run 3/4 mile. He's pretty psyched. Has new running shoes and is keeping a log. Excited for him. He' likes a challenge.
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