General Discussion Triathlon Talk » First Olympic-good grief I'm glad that's over! Rss Feed  
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2013-06-04 10:42 AM

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Subject: First Olympic-good grief I'm glad that's over!
About the best thing I can say about the race is that I finished. I originally planned to make a race 2 weeks ago in Tempe, AZ my first Olympic but the weather started getting hotter a little earlier than expected so I did the sprint and decided to trade the heat for elevation and make the Deuces Wild race in Showlow, AZ last weekend my first. Between the elevation and the climbing on the bike, I wish I could go back and rethink that strategy. From the beginning of the swim I could not get into a rhythm and get my breath. The bike darn near killed me, although I had been doing some hill training I wasn't ready for the really long climb at about mile 12. It takes a lot to get this 270lbs up hills! It's a little disheartening when you come into T2 and the guy that racked next to you is packing his stuff up to leave and you still have a 6.2 mile run to go. I really had nothing at all left for the run but I pushed myself to finish. Now I'm questioning my sanity for entering the Lake Stevens 70.3 in July!

2013-06-04 12:56 PM
in reply to: 97biggz

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Subject: RE: First Olympic-good grief I'm glad that's over!
Congratz on pushing through to finish!
2013-06-04 6:56 PM
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Subject: RE: First Olympic-good grief I'm glad that's over!
I'm training for my first tri in August, also an Olympic distance. I weigh the same as you and was wondering how tall you are. I'm 6'4" 270lbs. Hoping to be closer to 250 by race day.

EDIT - I need to clarify my question. I'm very nervous and I'm trying to find success storys from guys about the same build as me. Hence, the height/weight question.

Edited by hikermoose 2013-06-04 6:58 PM
2013-06-04 7:25 PM
in reply to: hikermoose

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Subject: RE: First Olympic-good grief I'm glad that's over!
I wish I was 6'4", but alas I'm only 5'11". Don't be to nervous, I'm sure you'll be fine. If I can lug my big butt around for that long anyone can!
2013-06-04 10:14 PM
in reply to: 97biggz

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Subject: RE: First Olympic-good grief I'm glad that's over!
Congrats on the finish! Im questioning my sign up for Muncie 70.3 and I have my first OWS Tri tomorrow.
2013-06-05 7:06 AM
in reply to: Qwk

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: First Olympic-good grief I'm glad that's over!
biggs, stand proud brother! You DID IT! Remember, this is kind of like landing an airplaine. Any finish you can walk away from is a good finish. And on top of that you beat anybody who DNF'd. (Not to mention the couch potatoes who DNS!)

2013-06-05 9:22 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: First Olympic-good grief I'm glad that's over!
As long as you keep up the training each one from now on should be easier. Let yourself recover but do not rest too long. You do not want to have to rebuild back to this point.

Far as the weight I did my firs HIM at 300 lbs so never let they weight stop you. It just slows you down. Remember mins per mile per lbs you are probably faster than a lot of people.
2013-06-05 10:50 AM
in reply to: hikermoose

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Newmarket, NH
Subject: RE: First Olympic-good grief I'm glad that's over!
So I'm 6'6" and weigh about 240ish. I did my first tri 3 years ago (a sprint), and have since done 12. Mostly sprints, but I've done 3 Olys. I have 2 sprints, 2 Olys, and a half IM scheduled for this summer. It's been a great experience, and I'm hooked on the sport. You'll likely be one of the biggest triathletes out there, but it's really no different than the rest of life (being one of the biggest). Enjoy!!
2013-06-05 9:54 PM
in reply to: 97biggz

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Subject: RE: First Olympic-good grief I'm glad that's over!
Congratulations on finishing! At my first olympic I was putting my running shoes on and I heard over the loud speakers, "The first runners have entered the park!" They were almost finished!
2013-06-06 4:25 PM
in reply to: Shoeless

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Subject: RE: First Olympic-good grief I'm glad that's over!
Way to push through and finish! It's that drive that will get you through more training, which will cause pounds to drop and each next event will better then the last. This is only the start, you sound like you have the bug so we will look forward to more race reports from you in the future!!!
2013-06-07 8:50 AM
in reply to: hikermoose

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Calgary, AB
Subject: RE: First Olympic-good grief I'm glad that's over!

Originally posted by hikermoose I'm training for my first tri in August, also an Olympic distance. I weigh the same as you and was wondering how tall you are. I'm 6'4" 270lbs. Hoping to be closer to 250 by race day. EDIT - I need to clarify my question. I'm very nervous and I'm trying to find success storys from guys about the same build as me. Hence, the height/weight question.


I started my tri training 12 months ago - 6'3", 265 at the time so pretty close to your build.

Finished my first sprint in September.  I was about 250 on race day.  Didn't place very high (close to bottom of age group) but I finished with a smile on my face.

Just finished my first HM (down to 235) and racing my first Oly next week.  Will let you know if it's a success story.  Smile

If I were in your shoes, I'd be inclined to find a shorter race before the Oly (perhaps a 10K, sprint or super-sprint or something) -- it will give you a sense of what race day will be like.  I would have been nervous to jump straight to Oly -- but that's me.

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