General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Big Toe Pain - Tendonitis or Sesamoiditis? Rss Feed  
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2013-11-10 7:38 PM

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Subject: Big Toe Pain - Tendonitis or Sesamoiditis?
Over the last month, I've started getting some big toe pain, most noticeable after finishing runs and the next day. I did a 5K last weekend and started noticing it during the last mile and it ended up being pretty painful throughout the following day.

I've read up on sesamoid injuries, but it sounds like the pain is usually on the plantar/bottom area of the ball of the foot. Mine is at the base of the big toe, but on the top side. I'm thinking it may be tendonitis.

Has anyone had a similar pain? It's not too severe right now, but bad enough that I'm going to lay off running for a while and may just focus on biking and swimming for the first part of the winter months.

2013-11-14 5:55 PM
in reply to: seeverist

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Big Toe Pain - Tendonitis or Sesamoiditis?
Dealing with something similar in the second toe. It started suddenly after a long run in one particular pair of shoes that seems to be either defective or possibly shrank after getting soaked. (I have another pair of the same model and size that gives me no problems.) It kind of comes and goes. I'm guessing it's either a nerve irritation (as it is sometimes a burning sensation rather than pain) and/or tendinitis as it hasn't worsened in almost two months of pretty high mileage for me (thus doubt it's a stress fracture). One characteristic of tendinitis-type injuries is that they tend to be most painful when you get up in the morning, and gradually get better as you're moving around. That is definitely the case here. It doesn't actually bother me when I'm running, beyond maybe feeling a bit stiff the first minute or two. Then it will come back later in the day as my feet get tired and swell up (I'm in the tropics and on my feet almost all day).

Since I've had issues with toenails on that foot as well, I'm guessing it's shoe-related--my toes are a bit cramped in those shoes (and maybe to a lesser extent in the other pair). Running per se doesn't seem to trigger it--I wore the shoes for a long day of shopping and errands once on a rest day and ended up with the same thing. In my case, running out and buying another pair of shoes isn't an option--no running stores here. I've stopped wearing the worst pair of shoes, switching the other pair out with an older pair that has more room in the toes, making sure to wear open-toes shoes to teach and coach, and holding out for winter break in the US. Have also tried some trigger-point massage on my feet which seems to be helping.

Things to look at might be your running or work shoes, an issue with your bike cleats/shoes (if you are biking a lot), or a possible stress fracture if the discomfort seems to be getting worse over time.
2013-11-14 7:14 PM
in reply to: seeverist

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Straight outta Compton
Subject: RE: Big Toe Pain - Tendonitis or Sesamoiditis?
Oh man, I had that exact problem this summer. It turned out to be tendonitis for me. Mine was pretty extreme. I couldn't run for 4 weeks, I was in a walking boot and I was prescribed Celebrex. I also had some shots of something (cortisone maybe?). Let that heal up- it will get worse and it will sideline you.
2013-11-16 8:48 PM
in reply to: mcgilmartin

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Subject: RE: Big Toe Pain - Tendonitis or Sesamoiditis?
I'm thinking tendonitis. I did a 2.7 mile run today - first in 2 weeks. No problems, but I was very focused on my foot strikes. It hasn't been painful lately, but has felt "weak." We'll see how it is tomorrow.

I've noticed that different shoes have an affect on how much I notice it. I've been running in Altra 3-Sum (zero drop) shoes all season. I went back to my old Kayanos for today's run, since they didn't seem to aggravate it while walking. But I plan on getting back to the Altras to test it out too.
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Big Toe Pain - Tendonitis or Sesamoiditis? Rss Feed  

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It sounds like you have insertional Achilles tendonitis. This can be created simply by continuous use and higher mileage or by a minor injury such as missing a step.
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I have been noticing a pain in my left foot on my longer runs. It is focused on the ball part of my foot, almost a burning type sensation. Typically wiggling my toes around will get it to subside.