BT Development Mentor Program Archives » McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED) Rss Feed  
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2013-12-31 9:57 AM

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (CLOSED)

I'm McFuzz (Mike). Who am I? I'm a lot of things. Professionally, I'm an engineer (Electrical). I just turned 49 and my boys are young adults. I'm a Boy Scout leader and have spent a lot of time with kids in Scouting and as an advisor to a service fraternity. I was active in high-school, running track and cross-country and worked as a lifeguard and swim instructor, but never swam competitively (to be honest...I still don't swim "competitively") I did my first triathlon in 2005 after getting ready for a backpacking trip with my son. I was hooked. Hooked enough to recruit my training buddy for a second tri in 2005 and signed up for a half-ironman as my 2006 goal. Did a few races in 2006, one in 2007, none in 2008 (another backpacking trip), and Ironman Coeur D'Alene in 2009. I did Vineman in 2011. 2012 and 2013 were transition years with new jobs and new addresses, so not a lot of triathlon training or racing. My training philosophy is largely a reflection of life. A little structure, a lot of chaos, and a lot of smiling and laughing. I swim/bike/run because I like the activity and I like to eat. I like to dream, and I'm a firm believer in identifying my innermost goals and figuring out a way to make them happen. I know I'm capable of a 12-hour Ironman. It didn’t happen in 2009 or 2011, but I’m considering B2B for 2014. I expect to run a marathon or ultramarathon or two in 2014. Weightloss? I'll shed a few pounds as training picks up. I lost 35 pounds getting ready for that 2005 backpacking trip and have kept most of it off the last 8 years. Why do I mentor, and why join my group? I mentor because I like helping people grow. As a swim instructor, it was all about releasing that untapped talent. Hasn't really changed in 33 years. I mentored in 2007, 2010, and 2011 and some of those protege's are still on BT and still juggling life and fitness pursuits. A few have gone on to successfully mentor other BT groups! As a mentor, my goal is to help you identify what you really want and help you find a way to accomplish that goal. I'm a proponent of protecting your goals and dreams as some of your most cherished possessions. Doesn't matter whether your goal is qualifying for Kona or finishing a 5K, it's yours and you're the only one who can make it happen. If you're interested, here's what I'll ask of you: Be a beginner. New to fitness and new to BT (less than 5 months). I’ve mentored other times, and my experience mixing beginners with more experienced athletes is that the beginners get overwhelmed and drop away. I may mentor a parallel group for seasoned athletes. Accept the challenge to help others in the group grow. Focus on positives. Spend some time to identify YOUR SPECIFIC GOALS. Introduce yourself to the group Name Background (family, career, etc.) Experience 2014 Goals (Races, training, weightloss)

Edited by McFuzz 2014-01-21 7:12 AM

2014-01-02 7:58 PM
in reply to: #4921078

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group
Hello! My name is Kim and I have agreed to co-mentor with Mike. His expertise and knowledge far outweigh mine, but I think I have some insight to offer as well!
General stuff: I am 43 years old, mother of two awesome daughters, wife to an equally awesome husband. Hubby and I are both teachers. I teach 8th grade English, he teaches 8th grade math and science. Our classrooms are actually directly across the hall from each other--we love being together so much!
Tri stuff: back in 2009 a coworker friend mentioned she was going to do a triathlon. I had been training her for an upcoming half marathon and immediately thought 'if she can do one, I can do one!' I completed a sprint tri in August of 2009 and have never looked back. Triathlon has become a lifestyle for me and has impacted my life in so many positive ways. Over the last 5 years I've completed several sprints, Olympics and one Half Ironman. I am currectly training for IM St. George 70.3 on May 3. I'll also complete in an Olympic tri in March.
Athletic stuff: I was not an athlete in high school or college. I began running when I was 25. I started by running a half mile, then one mile, then three. Over the years I have completed countless half marathons and marathons. What I lack in natural athletic gifts, I make up for with discipline, discipline, discipline and perseverance!
To you New-to-Tri-Athletes--it is never too late to start! There is a lot to learn--but that's what McFuzz and I are here for. I'm looking forward to being a part of your new journey! It's worth every step...and pedal...and swim stroke!
2014-01-03 6:46 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group
Thank you Kim.

You'll be great mentoring. You have a great attitude about life and training and draw people out with your daily workout threads. I'm looking forward to having you co-mentor with me.

Kim has been a protege other times I've mentored (so if you re-read my bio where I mention proteges who have gone on to mentor other groups, you'll see Kim make that transition too).

(Kim, Go ahead and tell everyone about your goal for 2015!)
2014-01-07 1:39 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group

My long term goal is to complete Ironman Coeur d'alene 2015!  Aaaaaah!  I am planning to volunteer this summer so I can get a first hand, up close look at the whole Ironman race.  I think the training I'm doing for St. George is the perfect 'taste' of the commitment that training for a full Ironman will be.  I have trained for a HIM before, but this time around I'm training smarter and tougher.

Speaking of volunteering, before I did my first sprint triathlon in August 2009 I went and volunteered at a sprint tri in June first.  I had never even seen a triathlon before so I wanted to get a good look at the whole process.  If you have never seen a tri unfold live, even if you don't volunteer, I highly suggest just going and watching.  I learned so much from just observation. 


2014-01-08 10:54 PM
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Extreme Veteran
, Utah
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)
Sorry I've been on Bt a lot longer than 5 months.

Edited by tritiny 2014-01-09 2:52 AM
2014-01-12 8:17 AM
in reply to: McFuzz


Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)
I am interested please contact me.

[email protected]

2014-01-13 6:47 AM
in reply to: tbrownpfg

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by tbrownpfg

I am interested please contact me.

[email protected]

Good morning Troy,

Welcome to the group. I added you as a friend (left click on my name, and you'll have the option to go to profile, add as friend, etc.) Please add myself and Kim to your friends list.

Tell us a little about yourself. What do you want to accomplish in the next 3 months and in 2014?
2014-01-13 8:51 AM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)
Hello! I would like to join your group!
My name is Ann Plumley and I live in Northern Ohio. I am 34 years old and I teach online for a living. I am completely new to triathlons. Last year I started running to try to get in shape and I did a few 5k and one 5 mile run. This is the extent of my experience! I saw that there was a triathlon in the area at the end of August and thought maybe I should train for it. After not doing much in the fall except gaining some weight I thought now would be a good time to start! My goal is to be able to complete a sprint triathlon. I am quite excited about training and nervous too! I am very comfortable on a stationary bike but not so much on my regular bike! I do most of my exercising early in the morning and it is Ohio weather so that will make getting used to the bike outside a challenge. Swimming is also fairly new to me. I know how to swim but have never swam competitively or for great distances and certainly never in open water. I do not have any fancy gear but I am ready to face the challenges! I have decided to try to do a 20week sprint balanced training program I found on here. Today I started week 2!
Thank you for being willing to be mentors. I am sure we will all have a lot of questions and will need much advice and support!
2014-01-13 11:42 AM
in reply to: annplumley

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by annplumley

Hello! I would like to join your group!
My name is Ann Plumley and I live in Northern Ohio. I am 34 years old and I teach online for a living. I am completely new to triathlons. Last year I started running to try to get in shape and I did a few 5k and one 5 mile run. This is the extent of my experience! I saw that there was a triathlon in the area at the end of August and thought maybe I should train for it. After not doing much in the fall except gaining some weight I thought now would be a good time to start! My goal is to be able to complete a sprint triathlon. I am quite excited about training and nervous too! I am very comfortable on a stationary bike but not so much on my regular bike! I do most of my exercising early in the morning and it is Ohio weather so that will make getting used to the bike outside a challenge. Swimming is also fairly new to me. I know how to swim but have never swam competitively or for great distances and certainly never in open water. I do not have any fancy gear but I am ready to face the challenges! I have decided to try to do a 20week sprint balanced training program I found on here. Today I started week 2!
Thank you for being willing to be mentors. I am sure we will all have a lot of questions and will need much advice and support!

Good morning Ann! Welcome to triathlons and this mentor group.

Where in Northern Ohio? I grew up in Springfield and have an aunt and uncle in Bowling Green. I have some amazing protege's from an earlier group (one in Northern Indiana, the other in Sandusky).

If you would, please add your race to your log. (It helps make it real.) Also, please add Kim, myself, and anyone who joins the group to your friends list and start checking out logs and leaving inspires.

2014-01-13 2:55 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)

Hi Ann! Welcome!  It would seem you have the basic necessity to train for a tri--total motivation!  Sprint tri is the perfect distance to train for and to complete to see if triathlon is for you.  Welcome aboard and thanks for inviting us along for your journey!

2014-01-13 2:57 PM
in reply to: tbrownpfg

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)

Hi Troy!  Welcome!

2014-01-13 7:11 PM
in reply to: #4921078


Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)
Hi guys. I'm from Adelaide, South Australia!!
Have committed to an Olympic distance Tri in Victor Harbor in just under 8 weeks!! I am 41 with 2 girls. 2011 I ran the New York Marathon and was extremely proud. Am wanting to do a Tri to get fitness back up, lose a couple of kilos and get my life back to happiness. Training always helps to forget about dramas and things going on, so I enjoy it! Swimming is an issue though. I thought I would be ok, but struggle to swim 50m freestyle at the moment. It will come (I hope) but any advice would be great!
Thanks for reading
2014-01-13 9:17 PM
in reply to: Nickhan72

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Nickhan72

Hi guys. I'm from Adelaide, South Australia!!
Have committed to an Olympic distance Tri in Victor Harbor in just under 8 weeks!! I am 41 with 2 girls. 2011 I ran the New York Marathon and was extremely proud. Am wanting to do a Tri to get fitness back up, lose a couple of kilos and get my life back to happiness. Training always helps to forget about dramas and things going on, so I enjoy it! Swimming is an issue though. I thought I would be ok, but struggle to swim 50m freestyle at the moment. It will come (I hope) but any advice would be great!
Thanks for reading

G'day Mate!

I've been to Oz (Pilbarra region) and Brisbane.

What is your name?

You don't have to swim front crawl for the race, but that is the most efficient stroke. Can you swim 50 meters using breaststroke? 200 meters using breaststroke? How comfortable are you in the water? There are two big keys to be able to swim longer distances. Technique is key, so 1) Relax and 2) Slow down! Think of swimming 1500 meters as if you are taking a walk in the park with your two girls. If it's taking you 90 seconds to swim 50 meters and all you can do is hang on the end of the pool and gasp for 60 seconds before you can try the next length, slow down and try to finish the length in 100 or 110 seconds. You can also try alternating 50 meters front crawl followed by 50 meters breaststroke.
2014-01-13 9:30 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)
I am northeast of Cleveland very close to Lake Erie about an hour from Erie, PA. I did live in Springfield for about a year and prior to that Washington Court House (south of Columbus) so I am familiar with that area as well.
I put three races in my log (I think that is where I was supposed to put them even though they haven't happened yet?). I haven't decided which one(s) I am going to do for sure. The final one is the closest to where I live but the swimming is also in Lake Erie which is very intimidating to me. Very big!
I am excited to really get in to this journey!
2014-01-13 9:59 PM
in reply to: #4930738


Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)
Hi Mike - sorry my name is Nick!!
Thanks for the swimming advice - I shall take heed and give it a go. Makes sense for sure.
Will keep you posted as to how I go with the swim training. From what I have been reading it's all about lung capacity also! So doing the distance with breaststroke and freestyle combined should help!
2014-01-14 1:04 AM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)
Hi Everyone...My name is Matt..from SoCal.......I am very new. Been lurking on here while trying to convince myself I'm not crazy for wanting to do this.

I am a Regional Sales Manager by day and a Dad/Husband the rest of the time.......

I am 37 with 2 boys that are 7 and 4.......Been married for 13 years........

Very little athletics since high school...........played water polo and soccer........strong swimmer....decent bueno at the running.......did crossfit for 3 months recently until a injury stopped me and I didn't go back.......

In 2014 I would like to complete a sprint or similar Triathlon......and would like to lose 50 pounds or more and then return to crossfit..........I am currently a very husky fellow......

2015 another 50 pounds............


Would like to join the group...........

2014-01-14 7:01 AM
in reply to: Shrekrcr

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Shrekrcr

Hi Everyone...My name is Matt..from SoCal.......I am very new. Been lurking on here while trying to convince myself I'm not crazy for wanting to do this.

I am a Regional Sales Manager by day and a Dad/Husband the rest of the time.......

I am 37 with 2 boys that are 7 and 4.......Been married for 13 years........

Very little athletics since high school...........played water polo and soccer........strong swimmer....decent bueno at the running.......did crossfit for 3 months recently until a injury stopped me and I didn't go back.......

In 2014 I would like to complete a sprint or similar Triathlon......and would like to lose 50 pounds or more and then return to crossfit..........I am currently a very husky fellow......

2015 another 50 pounds............


Would like to join the group...........

Welcome Matt!

If my math is correct, you'd like to shed 100# or more. You're being wise to take it slow and make sustainable lifestyle changes. Way back in 2004/2005, as I was losing my 40# to get ready for a backpacking trip, one of the adults going on the trek with me lost 100#. I have another scout friend who dropped 100# to go with his troop on the same kind of trek 2 weeks after I got back. He and I trained together during that time. It IS possible!
2014-01-14 7:06 AM
in reply to: annplumley

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by annplumley

I am northeast of Cleveland very close to Lake Erie about an hour from Erie, PA. I did live in Springfield for about a year and prior to that Washington Court House (south of Columbus) so I am familiar with that area as well.
I put three races in my log (I think that is where I was supposed to put them even though they haven't happened yet?). I haven't decided which one(s) I am going to do for sure. The final one is the closest to where I live but the swimming is also in Lake Erie which is very intimidating to me. Very big!
I am excited to really get in to this journey!

Yes, add the races to your log. They've improved how the site works (Thanks Ron) and the races should show up in your race log as drafts.

Lake Erie?? I remember some jokes about doing the "Lake Erie Crawl" which is like front crawl, but you keep your face out of the water, and you cross over and sweep sideways with your hands (imagine you're trying to sweep the debris floating on top away from you).

While Lake Erie is big, keep in mind you only need to swim in a very small part of it! When I taught swim lessons, I'd reassure the kids that they only used the top 2 feet of the pool when they swim. It didn't really matter whether they swam in the shallow end or the deep end, they weren't using the bottom of the pool.
2014-01-14 9:16 AM
in reply to: Shrekrcr

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)

Welcome Matt!  Don't fear, we will fully support your craziness for wanting to do this!  It is an amazing sport and an even more amazing lifestyle change.  Triathlon has improved every aspect of my life!  You're going to love it!

2014-01-14 9:18 AM
in reply to: Nickhan72

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by Nickhan72 Hi Mike - sorry my name is Nick!! Thanks for the swimming advice - I shall take heed and give it a go. Makes sense for sure. Will keep you posted as to how I go with the swim training. From what I have been reading it's all about lung capacity also! So doing the distance with breaststroke and freestyle combined should help!


Welcome Nick!  I am going to read all of your posts with an Australian accent in my head!  Best accent ever!  When I began the swimming was my biggest struggle as well--but it is so worth it!

2014-01-14 9:42 AM
in reply to: Nickhan72

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)
Can I only be in one mentor group, not that I don't like my current mentor but different mentors offer different opinions.

Cool if I can't was just wondering

2014-01-14 10:58 AM
in reply to: Jynxy

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Jynxy

Can I only be in one mentor group, not that I don't like my current mentor but different mentors offer different opinions.

Cool if I can't was just wondering

I'm not jealous. Participate in my group if you would like and if you want to participate in another mentor group aso, I have no problems with that.

(In fact, I have invited other mentors to answer questions people in my group ask if I believe they're in a better position to answer.)
2014-01-14 12:17 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)
You got it on the weight least a hundred pounds...screw it.....I will just throw it out there........I am 6' 2" and 341.1 as of this morning.

2014-01-14 12:43 PM
in reply to: Shrekrcr

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Chelmsford, England
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)
NAME: Jynxy - Joe

STORY: I am a 34 year old male, I live in Essex UK. there is a local Triathlon each year in my little village and after watching it for the last 2 years and getting injured last October just before I was supposed to run a Marathon I decided to take the dive. I have joined my local club and hope to be a MOP runner at the very least if not push for the better boys but my size will let me down. I am a farmer so my training times are usually early afternoon.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 3 children. my oldest (13) is the only male and has just undergone major back surgery for a mostly unknown condition of CMT. the 2 girls are very active (10,6) with the older one hoping to compete in her own Triathlon in 2014.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am at the moment doing 4 Bike, 3 Run and the odd Swim (hoping to swim twice a week) I train by HRM .

2013 RACES: none

2014 RACES: I have 15 races lined up, from very short Duathlons , some challenge/sprint distances. I hope to use the early easier races as warm up and transition practice for my main Triathlons in May.

2015 RACES: as above hopefully, just better

WEIGHTLOSS: YES !!!, I am currently 6 feet @ 105.3 kg around 230 lbs.

I am at the moment running around 8.45 - 9 min miles, I am looking to get this down to hopefully as close to 7 min miles as possible I was training for a marathon during the summer so I feel I have a good base for this.

my bike time however I am currently going at 3.45 min miles but my heart rate is around 150 - 160 bpm I am new to the art of road racing so unsure about how quick I can get but I am aiming for anything under 3min miles if that is possible.

I have a lot of practice races duathlons and Aquathlons. to get things right but my home race is on 11th May so I am looking at the moment running 9min/miles, biking 3.45min/miles then in 3 weeks drop that to run 8 min/miles, biking 3.20 min/miles. then finally 7 weeks before the race drop it to run 7 min/miles and biking 3 min/miles.

is this the right way to do it ??

2014-01-14 12:51 PM
in reply to: Jynxy

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Northlake, Texas
Subject: RE: McFuzz's New Athlete Group (OPEN)
Hey everyone! My name is Jon and if you'll have me I'd like to join the group. =)

A little about me, I’m a 32 year old father of two C-R-A-Z-Y boys (10 and 6) and I am the lesser of two halves that have been going strong for almost 11 years now. By day I slave away in a cube farm and at night well... I mostly play referee to the two boys ;-)

Over the past few years my brother has completed a number of sprint and Olympic distance Triathlons and has FINALLY convinced me to bite the bullet and join him this year.

I did wrestle in high school and swim in middle school but that feels like a lifetime ago and I don’t consider myself much of an athlete. I am somewhere between an avid and recreational cyclist and while I prefer the challenges of single-track mountain biking, I’m willing to learn to ride on pavement and I believe that I’ve put in a couple of good sessions on the trainer to get my legs and lungs used to a decent (for me) cadence/ speed. For swimming, in addition to my overall fitness, I’ve had to focus on my rhythm, form, and technique (all things I had in middle school that I THOUGH I would still be able to pull off.) As for running, that’s on hold for me right now. I injured myself trying too much too fast and I’ve got to take a break. I thought I could go back to my old Marine days and get right back into running 3 miles and well, I was wrong and 8+ years and about 60 lbs later running hard and long proved to be a mistake. There’s a thread here where I’ve asked for advice here:

My goals for 2014 are pretty basic. First, I’d like to be able to complete a sprint, and if that goes well one or two more before I even think of signing up for an Olympic distance to be run early fall (Savage Man 30). Second, I’d like to be more fit. If I can “run & gun” with the big boys at my current weight (I’m currently around 237lbs from a high (a low really) of 277) then I’m all for it but I suspect that with continued training I may just have to lose another 50 lbs. ;-)

2015? – We’ll see if I don’t break down trying to make it through THIS year =P

I look forward to learning from, working with and maybe meeting all of you
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Baowolf's New Years Resolution Group-Closed (if are stuck with no group PM me) Pages: 1 ... 29 30 31 32

Started by Baowolf
Views: 37429 Posts: 779

2014-05-23 8:02 PM Pink Socks

Playmobil31's Group - Open

Started by playmobil31
Views: 65 Posts: 1

2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
date : January 1, 2011
author : alicefoeller
comments : 0
Here are five steps to ensure that you keep your promise to yourself to get you to that first triathlon.
date : January 1, 2007
author : Nancy Clark
comments : 0
With the coming of the New Year, athletes commonly think about making nutrition resolutions. Good thing, given only 3 to 4% of Americans follow all of the established Dietary Guidelines.
date : January 29, 2006
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 2
The most valuable thing you can do for your endurance training is to schedule a weekly 2-4hr long ride from now until the end of time. Simply make this “what you do” every Saturday or Sunday morning.
date : January 1, 2006
author : acbadger
comments : 0
Individuals are just that, individuals and need individual programs. However, with a group the size of yours, it may be difficult for your coaches to do 25 individual workouts.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Ontherun
comments : 0
For most age-group triathletes, getting the most out of there time for quality workouts can be daunting. Think outside the triangle to get a little more.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 0
Tri clubs offer all of us, from beginner to advanced athlete, a venue in which we can realign our perspective of what “fast” and “far” are, pushing us to new and greater heights of performance.
date : January 24, 2005
author : Michael
comments : 0
I heard an athletic trainer say that in life we have many setbacks. The key is to overcome these setbacks, but the question is how?
date : September 5, 2004
author : Team BT
comments : 0
The start of the race I had the jitters. I was watching the other age groups start as they seeded the swim with over 1000 participants.