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2014-01-15 11:38 AM

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Bronze member
Subject: Eating on the go

Here is my situation....

Tuesdays and Thursdays I work at the Y. It is a 40 min drive to get there and the only lap pool in the area so I also swim on those days. I am picking up a couple of extra hours and by the time I swim, set up equipment and teach 2 gym classes then drive home I am starving and exhausted.  So basically from 7:30-12:00 I am going from one thing to the next and don't typically eat lunch until I get home at 12:45. Planning my nutrition better would help a lot. I need things I can eat while I am walking around from one activity to the next. I know I can take sports drinks or a banana or a peanut butter sandwich but I'm just bored with all of that. I also always forget a drink while I'm swimming so that does not help me out much!

Anyone have any great portable food suggestions?

2014-01-15 12:37 PM
in reply to: trigal38

Subject: RE: Eating on the go
Any fruit would do. You might also consider yogurt, almonds, or other nuts. I make a homemade Larabar that would be simple to carry, but any type of energy bar or granola bar would work.

If you are looking for something more substantial you could make a smoothie before you leave and take it with you. You could also make a wrap and take with you. This week I have started eating a wrap that includes humus, spinach, and cucumbers. I made the humus over the weekend, and I also cut up the cucumbers, so it all comes together quickly.

The sky is the limit, but it might take a bit of advanced planning and prep depending on how wild your mornings are trying to get out of the house. I get kids feed and dressed before I leave for work, so if I do not pack my lunch the night before, it does not happen in the morning.

2014-02-02 5:13 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Subject: RE: Eating on the go
I too am on the go a lot... I use a weekend afternoon to "prep" I cut up multiple veggie cups(Tupperware or baggie) can put hummus in lil covered snack cups. I actually have a small bin in the fridge for my grab n go fruit and the veggie cups. Once a month I make date/nut bars and freeze the "bars"s. Very easy if you can spend an hour or two to plan/organize.
Best wishes
2014-02-04 11:23 AM
in reply to: joyct32

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Eating on the go
Make your own trail mix. You can make old-school GORP or get all fancy with macadamia nuts and dried mangos. You can customize to what you like and where you might have holes in your nutrition. You could keep a big tub of it at work, or portion it out for yourself. I personally like dried cranberries and blueberries, cashews, sunflower seeds, and dark chocolate m&m's. Sam's Club sells pre-made trail mixes that are reasonably priced, but they're a little high in salt and sugar for my taste.
2014-02-05 11:51 AM
in reply to: trigal38


, California
Subject: RE: Eating on the go
Hey Trigal38, I would also get bored taking just sports drinks, bananas and peanut butter sandwiches all the time!

I have a suggestion that you may like a lot... or maybe not.

You already know that drinks are portable, but I am thinking about something that you might never get bored of because there is infinity amount of variety.

That is: making your own natural nutrition-filled fruit and veggie juices. There are like a million and one juice recipes online. All you do is buy a juicer (or even a blender if you really like pulp) and make a different juice everyday. You can make a Mean Green Juice one day which is just:

1 cucumber
4 celery stalks
2 apples
6-8 leaves kale
1/2 lemon
1 tbsp ginger

The whole thing takes 10 minutes to prepare fully and you have your filling and amazing nutritious juice. The thing with juicing is that you never get tired of it because you can always change up what you make. Carrot juice, cranberry with beets, celery and pineapple. LOL maybe some of them don't sound so yummy always, but they really are.

All you gotta do is get a good juicer which you can get for as cheap as $35 (Manual juicer) or a higher end electric juicer that can handle everything for $200+ if you're into it. I know people whose entire lifestyles have changed by becoming juicers. Others do it only every one in a while.

I'm just trying it out myself and can say that it's a blast. I just got my first juicer about a week ago and definitely don't regret it. I got the Lexen Healthy Juicer (the $35 one, with free shipping on Amazon) just to check it out, and I love it. I can make a different juice every single day of the year by just looking online and getting new recipes. I may even venture into wheatgrass to see what all the hype is about =D.

It's probably not a very expected answer since it's "just a juice" but you can consume half a pound of veggies in one cup of juice. Not bad I'd say.
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