General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Think I am too much of a wimp for this! Rss Feed  
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2014-03-28 8:34 AM


Subject: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
Signed up for my first sprint tri in 5 weeks times. I was reasonably fit before, normal BMI. I feel such a wimp as it is only a sprint and there are all you guys doing Iron Man and all kinds, but I am struggling. Its an indoor swim, but I really feel the cold and have had to be treated for hyperthermia after one of my swimming lessons in an indoor pool before now (not a great swimmer). My confidence has never been high. Like many I am trying to juggle family commitments and have to have childcare to train, and have to make most of this time. Feeling particularly bad at moment, and terrified. Have had a bad week on many levels, lots of stress and emotional stuff, and felt really tired. Had a 7 day pass for a local gym with pool so have done lot of swimming this week, despite feeling really tired. Trying to push on I trained on Tues with PT who cut session short when I couldn't stop shaking during interval sprints. Felt like such a failure. Took daughter to toddler swim yesterday feeling a little rough (but hey, I'm a mum we just have to keep going) and ended up hypothermic, mortified that it caused all kinds of drama and stuff, and short version is I was told off for going anywhere near the pool as I had a fever, eventually diagnosed with virus and told to rest, no training for several days.
Never thought I was going to go fast, but thought I could finish, now feeling really rubbish and my nervous state has risen to 'terror'. If its a cold day am I even going to make it!

Sorry, I know most of you will just read this and think 'pathetic'. I think you guys are awesome, and I greatly admire you, but I don't think I'm cut out to be one of you.

2014-03-28 8:39 AM
in reply to: Brummig

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!

not pathetic at all!  most of us started from nothing!  getting treated for hypothermia in an indoor pool is INCREDIBLY concerning.  you really need to consult with a doctor on this one, i think.  the rest though - is normal.  i've been doing tris for 5 years and only started adding interval sprints to my run training in the past 6 months.  i would normally say you will be fine, it's just a sprint, just take it easy, but not with this hypothermia thing.  there is something wrong that you need to address before you continue training.  don't give up yet, though!

2014-03-28 8:47 AM
in reply to: mehaner

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
Not pathetic at all. Everybody has to start somewhere.

Like the poster above hypothermia is no joke. What is the temperature of the water in the pool? If it's normal then I'd see a doctor ASAP and see what other factors are pushing this.

The other sports you can enjoy at your pace but swimming can be a bad situation if you are suffering from hypothermia.

Good luck
2014-03-28 9:11 AM
in reply to: Jtiger


Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
Thanks guys for being gentle!
Yes, the pools are normal temp. Yesterday the toddler pool was a bit cooler than normal as there had been a prob with the heater earlier in the day but it was deemed safe for the kids and they were all ok. I do feel the cold badly, always have and much worse since I lost 5 stone.
I know hypothermia is no joke, and I've had several episodes over the last couple of years, generally its fairly mild and I can deal with it myself but the two occasions in pools recently I've needed medical attention . I have to go back to see GP next week anyway as BP is very high (very annoying as have been off meds for 2 years) so I will ask about it then, and I guess I need to speak to the race organisers.
2014-03-28 9:11 AM
in reply to: Brummig

Saint Petersburg, FL
Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
All you need to know is: go at a slow pace in the beginning and YOU CAN DO IT. There is so much support here from really experienced folks. Don't get down and appreciate your small successes as well as the long ones. You are already doing all three sports so that makes you a Triathlete. Everyone started somewhere just like you.

2014-03-28 10:44 AM
in reply to: SWFLFATGUY


Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
OK Positive things/ successes -
- I couldn't run for a bus 4 years ago - 5 stone overweight, very unfit and unhappy.
- Its a lot better now than it was, and some of my issues are because I now push my body in ways I would never have dreamed of.
- I can keep up with my 11 year old when he runs off (he has autism).
- its been a rough year, but exercise has really helped with stress and keeping me sane with some me time, and I've kept that weight off.
- I had the guts to enter a sprint tri, and sign up for swimming lessons for the first time in 35 years, and many people don't

Any tips at all are very welcome! I have just ordered a trisuit. I'll need a sports bra underneath but have practiced swimming in it.
What do people do about layers? I assume my number will have to be on show so I can't put a jumper on top.

Can I stop but still finish if I need any help?

Please let it be warm on the day!

2014-03-28 11:53 AM
in reply to: Brummig

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
5 stone? Wow that is if my conversion is good 110 lbs. That might make sense your body is so used to all that extra body fat.

I went from taking over an hour to swim a half mile to being able to swim 1.2 miles in 48 mins. In about a year. It can be done. It takes training and proper technique.

Sounds weird but have you thought about getting a wetsuit for your swim work outs?
2014-03-28 1:01 PM
in reply to: chirunner134

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Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
My thoughts.

1. Shorten your swim sessions. In and out of the pool in 25 minutes MAX. This is only a sprint, you do not need 1-2 hour swim sessions to get you through it.
2. Swim as hard as you can while in the water. Only stop at the wall long enough to control breathing in that 25 min. Yes, your form will suffer, but the work will keep you warm. Remember, this is a WORKOUT!
3. Towel off immediately, take a warm shower and dress warmly.
4. Tri suit won't really help, a wetsuit would definitely help during training.

I have lost 65 lbs myself over the last 6 months, and find I get cold easier. I work harder, and dress smarter.
2014-03-29 8:55 AM
in reply to: Brummig

Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
I have no worthwhile insights on the hypothermia, like others say, get the medical workup. If at the end of the day you can't swim, there are plenty of multisport events like duathlon that are just as fun.

Sounds like you were sick and under a lot of stress. It's hard for me to get out of bed under such a scenario, let alone train for a train. So don't beat yourself up so much.

Best advice I have is go slow. Every time I have fallen apart, it's been because I tried to do too much, too fast. Keep at it - when you complete your first tri, the exhilaration will be worth all the struggle!

2014-03-29 10:45 AM
in reply to: Brummig

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
Originally posted by Brummig

Signed up for my first sprint tri in 5 weeks times. I was reasonably fit before, normal BMI. I feel such a wimp as it is only a sprint and there are all you guys doing Iron Man and all kinds, but I am struggling. Its an indoor swim, but I really feel the cold and have had to be treated for hyperthermia after one of my swimming lessons in an indoor pool before now (not a great swimmer). My confidence has never been high. Like many I am trying to juggle family commitments and have to have childcare to train, and have to make most of this time. Feeling particularly bad at moment, and terrified. Have had a bad week on many levels, lots of stress and emotional stuff, and felt really tired. Had a 7 day pass for a local gym with pool so have done lot of swimming this week, despite feeling really tired. Trying to push on I trained on Tues with PT who cut session short when I couldn't stop shaking during interval sprints. Felt like such a failure. Took daughter to toddler swim yesterday feeling a little rough (but hey, I'm a mum we just have to keep going) and ended up hypothermic, mortified that it caused all kinds of drama and stuff, and short version is I was told off for going anywhere near the pool as I had a fever, eventually diagnosed with virus and told to rest, no training for several days.
Never thought I was going to go fast, but thought I could finish, now feeling really rubbish and my nervous state has risen to 'terror'. If its a cold day am I even going to make it!

Sorry, I know most of you will just read this and think 'pathetic'. I think you guys are awesome, and I greatly admire you, but I don't think I'm cut out to be one of you.

I am concerned that you have signed up for a race and not given yourself the time to prepare for it. It is ok if you aren't ready to do a race in 5 weeks. (You could do a duathlon if they offer that option) Pick a race for later in the summer and take the time to really train for it so you have confidence going in to the race. It sounds to me from your post that you don't really have a focused plan on how to be ready for your race. Using a beginner plan (available here on this fabulous website for free) and following it diligently should have you arriving on race day prepared and confident that you can complete your race and have fun as well. This should not be a terrifying experience that you are dreading.

As far as cold..... I don't carry around much body fat. 78 degree water is freezing for me. If I get in the water and start working, I heat right up and have no issues. Every Saturday morning I take a lesson to work on form. That lesson involves a lot of swimming 50 yards and then stopping for 30-60 seconds and talking with the instructor to fix issues with my form. By about 15-20 minutes in to the lesson I am freezing, teeth chattering, just generally miserable. If I then crank out some hard swimming I can get warmed back up. It sounds like you might be enough of a beginner that it is difficult for you to swim hard enough to generate heat and get warm. Talk with the person you are working with about swimming harder during your sessions to generate some body heat. A wetsuit (yes, even in a pool) might help with your temperature issues as well while you are learning.

FWIW I can get out of 78 degree water sweating profusely. Yes, the same water that might have my teeth chattering if I am swimming slow. Just like the harder you run the hotter you get, in swimming, the harder you swim the more heat you generate.

Good luck. You aren't pathetic, just a beginner. Keep coming back and using this site as a reference. This is an incredible friendly, helpful group that will happily answer your questions and get through you first (or 30th.....) race.

Ps. A seven day pool pass will not get you enough swimming to get ready for a triathlon. You are going to have to find some place that you can swim consistently.
2014-03-30 9:52 AM
in reply to: wannabefaster


Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
Thank you for all the support guys. I really appreciate it. It's awesome that you are willing offer help and support to a total newbie like me.

Jason - I haven't only been training for 5 weeks. I have been training for this event since Jan. I have been doing weekly swimming lessons since beginning of Feb and practicing in between, not sure its made much difference - I will cover the distance but slowly not in any stroke that my instructor would recognise! The 7 day pass was just another way to try and get more practice. I have been trying to follow a plan as best I can around family etc, not too bad - apart from the swimming, and the swimming is going to be the hardest to keep up for the next few weeks due to family commitments.

I think its a true I'm not swimming fast enough to keep warm. This week (assuming I feel well enough by then) I will aim to only swim for 30 mins.

The event in the toddler pool was a lot to do with me being ill and have a fever (I didn't realise), but I have had hypothermia symptoms before, and I will get it checked.

2014-03-30 10:07 PM
in reply to: Brummig

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
Like the first few posters said, the hypothermia in an indoor pool is concerning and only a doctor can properly address that issue.

On the other hand "only a sprint" is a phrase you should get out of your head. Your taking on the challenge of showing proficiency in not 1 or 2 but 3 sports. It is a challenge but if you've already had the desire to do triathlon at any level; you've got a strong will...One that will carry you across the finish line.

All the best. You can do this. We all have rough weeks, walls it seems we can't get over, struggles too hard to overcome. But years ago there was someone like you that focused, kept trying and struggled through training for that first sprint; and finishing that race lead to more long course training & an eventual ironman. We've all felt we were too soft at times, set your goal and don't let what everyone else is doing discourage you. You've got this.
2014-03-31 12:20 AM
in reply to: Brian W

Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!

You've been through childbirth, I would imagine triathlons are a walk in the park compared to that!
2014-03-31 12:28 AM
in reply to: #4972665


Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
I started the same way but if you don't feel fit yet, dont go for it, my opinion, give yourself a little more time, keep training until you feel better.
2014-03-31 7:11 AM
in reply to: zedzded


Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
Originally posted by zedzded

You've been through childbirth, I would imagine triathlons are a walk in the park compared to that!


Feeling a bit better today, but not training yet, maybe something light tomorrow.

In the meantime, any nutrition tips for a picky vegetarian? I struggle with protein and iron sources as I don't eat meat, fish, don't like nuts, not keen on soya meat. Try and eat well, but don't think I always fuel my body properly. I lost most of my weight (just over 70lbs in total) 3 years ago, with the last stone last year, and while I don't consider myself on a diet I do watch what I eat.

2014-03-31 9:29 AM
in reply to: Brummig

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Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!

I personally wish they made down swimsuits, so I can relate!  I got hypothermic snorkeling in the Caribbean, and had to wear 2 wetsuits when diving. 

Great suggestions here already- a couple of other thoughts.  Since you can't really swim fast enough to stay warm, at least try to warm up before you swim to get your body heat going- it will be a lot harder to get warm once you are in.   This is also important before you race, but you may want to warm up on land instead of the water.  Definitely get a full wetsuit for the race- a lot of people won't use them in a sprint, but for me it's well worth the few seconds to take it off.  You  might also want to think about getting a neoprene cap (I think they are usually allowed)- you lose a lot of heat through your head.  Neoprene booties may be allowed but sadly I don't think gloves are (my hands get really cold!).  

If race day is warm you should heat up quickly on the bike, but I've raced when it's been cool- in that case you might want to throw a long sleeved top over your trisuit- if you get a belt for your race number you can easily pull it over the shirt.  Arm warmers are also a great invention and a chilly girl's best friend .   

As for non-meat protein greek yogurt and beans are decent sources.  If you are anemic that could worsen your cold tolerance- I agree with seeing your doc. 

2014-04-01 1:10 AM
in reply to: momandmd


Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
Okay, long sleeve top and gloves are definitely on my list for transition, as well as my towel. Good reminder, I still need to order a tri belt, and get drink holder for my bike (using my old mountain bike).

I'm fortunate that this sprint is in a very compact area so we finish very close to the transition area, but how does it work about getting your stuff back? Given my history I am a little concerned about getting cold at the finish. I am racing with a friend, but neither of our families are likely to be around as we both have small children.

2014-04-01 9:17 AM
in reply to: Brummig

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Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
Don't be ashamed. Just keep doing what you want to do. Training is hard no matter what the distance. Everyone wants to quite a couple of times every training cycle. Keep with it. Crossing that line will be even sweeter, when you know you didn't give up.
2014-04-01 4:01 PM
in reply to: my1sttrirace


Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
Gentle return to exercise (can't really call it training). 8km on static bike in gym, then to swimming lesson (wearing my new thermal rash vest), I only spent 30 mins in the pool, as agreed with instructor at beginning, but today was more about having the confidence to get back in the water. All ok. Onwards and upwards....
2014-04-02 10:48 AM
in reply to: Brummig


Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
Back on it. Swim session, 5k run and short bike - all ok. Swam at the pool the tri will be at, sadly the pool was not as warm as I had been told, but it was ok.
2014-04-02 11:48 AM
in reply to: Brummig

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!

Welcome to the sport.

We're nothing special, just silly enough to sign up for a 3-sport race.  

Keep swimming, even if the sessions are short and get some lessons if you haven't so you learn good technique up front.  You can swim any stroke you choose.  Front crawl is most efficient, but also an easy one to get tired doing.  Breastroke and backstroke are acceptable, especially for a pool swim.  (You'll probably see some athletes walking in the shallow end if they can...)

Before you go to the pool, start picturing in your mind what a "good" swim looks like.  Keep that POSITIVE image in your mind the whole way to the pool, in the changing room, in the shower, on the pool deck, and in the water.  Whether you go in excited to swim, or dreading the cold water, reality often aligns with your attitude.  You may not be able to turn up the thermostat at the pool, but you can turn it up in your mind.  

2014-04-02 2:56 PM
in reply to: McFuzz


Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
Thanks Champion for the good advice.

I have been doing some lessons but despite best efforts of my instructors my technique is poor. I started trying to practice crawl, and was improving, but as soon as I tried it in a pool with lots of other people and the water was quite rough I panicked when water went in my mouth and up my nose and I just stopped, so the last few weeks we have focussed on breaststroke. I think I will be joining the others walking where possible - it will be quicker I just didn't think it was allowed!

I will try and keep that positive attitude in my prep - though I am still hoping and praying the weather will be kind on the day!
2014-04-02 3:31 PM
in reply to: Brummig

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!

Originally posted by Brummig Thanks Champion for the good advice. I have been doing some lessons but despite best efforts of my instructors my technique is poor. I started trying to practice crawl, and was improving, but as soon as I tried it in a pool with lots of other people and the water was quite rough I panicked when water went in my mouth and up my nose and I just stopped, so the last few weeks we have focussed on breaststroke. I think I will be joining the others walking where possible - it will be quicker I just didn't think it was allowed! I will try and keep that positive attitude in my prep - though I am still hoping and praying the weather will be kind on the day!


I was a lifeguard and swimming instructor in high school and college (I never swam competitively).  A lot of inexperience swimmers are nervous and tense which makes breathing difficult, especially when they are trying to swim fast enough to "not drown."  They adopt a "blast-and-gasp" breathing style where they exhale forcefully (blast) and gulp in (gasp) as much air as they can in that brief moment when their face is out of the water.  Here are a couple tips that might help when you swim front crawl:

1)  Relax
2)  Slow down (I don't know how fast you are trying to swim, but think of swimming at an effort similar to walking in the park.)
3)  Hum gently while your face is in the water.  It controls your breathing and keeps water out of your nose.  
4)  If you have exhaled with your face in the water, you'll get a quick breath of air when you ROTATE your head to the side.  If you get splashed, put your face back down in the water and blow the water out of your mouth.  Get another breath the next stroke.  If you are relaxed and swimming at an easy pace, you can overcome the loss of one breath.  

When you swim slowly, you'll have to really roll your body side-to-side because there isn't much of a trough next to your face.  As you get faster, you'll find you don't need to rotate quite so far to get air.  (If you watch Olympic swimmers, they have a huge trough and barely roll to breathe.)  

2014-04-06 2:16 AM
in reply to: McFuzz


Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
"Blast and gasp" - that's definitely me! I agree I need to calm and slow down, even though the temptation is to go as fast as possible to get it over with, but I can't sustain that for very long.

Feeling okay about bike and run. Still nervous about swim, and transitions, and especially weather! Went for bike ride yesterday in wind and rain - not great but ok in layers, and starting dry, but would not have been good straight out of water.

How are the transitions placed? Are you allocated a slot based on estimated time, or is it first come, first served? Trying to work out how far away I am likely to be from the pool.
2014-04-06 5:28 AM
in reply to: Brummig

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Think I am too much of a wimp for this!
Not sure what I can add except to commiserate, and a wetsuit recommendation. My guess is your issue is a combo of low body fat (or lower than your body is used to), being ill at the time, and not being a strong enough swimmer to work up body heat. not sure of your gender but in my case cold sensitivity is clearly worse at certain times of the month--don't know if that's a factor for other people. I'm one of the worst cold water wimps on BT. I've always been very lean, and spent years in the tropics. Anything below 78 or so feels cold to me, and I have to swim for dear life to stay warm. I've come close to needing medical treatment for hypothermia after a few OWS, most recently last weekend, but managed not to not cross that line, probably because I'm actually a strong swimmer and can get a bit warmer by going like h..... A medical evaluation, particularly for thyroid, won't hurt. If that doesn't solve anything, I recommend a sleeveless shorty wetsuit, especially for workouts that focus on form and drills where you're not going that fast. I have one from Pro Motion in Oregon that is designed for both pools and open water. It keeps your core warm but doesn't restrict your ability to do any stroke or drill. It has made a huge difference in my workout quality when air or pool are cold (I'm in the northwest US during school breaks--it can be cold outside year round!) I previously had a suit from Aquasphere (I think) that was also designed for pool use--it would work just as well but I had fit issues with that brand.

I'd also be selective about the events you enter--make sure they are wetsuit legal, or in pretty warm water. You also have to plan for the effect getting chilled might have on your transition and the beginning of your bike. Keep transitionnas simply as possible. If all else fails, choose races that give you the option of switching to the duathlon. There's no shame in doing so if you're avoiding a dangerous situation--I'm often the top swimmer in my age group, and even coach swimming, and I've had to opt out of the swim twice in four years of tri!
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