General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Is 80% good enough? Rss Feed  
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2015-03-05 6:30 PM

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Subject: Is 80% good enough?
I am training for my first IM, IMTX on May 16. I am finding that I am hitting 80% of my work outs on the training plan. I have yet though to miss any of the long swims,runs or rides though. Usually I miss one of the shorter week day work outs due to work, family, or health. Will I be okay come race day? I am just scared of doing enough to get there, I worry and beat myself up for missing one. Thoughts?

2015-03-05 6:41 PM
in reply to: KatieLimb

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Is 80% good enough?
I missed a number of shorter training sessions and 1 or 2 long ones and finished with hours to spare in 2013 at IM Couer d'Alene. I am sure it's not ideal but, I wouldn't stress over it, it wont change that you didn't do the workout but it might make you unhappy? That's what happens to me so when I miss a workout, I just move on, am a whole lot happier for not worrying about something I can't change.
2015-03-05 7:36 PM
in reply to: KatieLimb

Subject: RE: Is 80% good enough?
Originally posted by KatieLimb

I am training for my first IM, IMTX on May 16. I am finding that I am hitting 80% of my work outs on the training plan. I have yet though to miss any of the long swims,runs or rides though. Usually I miss one of the shorter week day work outs due to work, family, or health. Will I be okay come race day? I am just scared of doing enough to get there, I worry and beat myself up for missing one. Thoughts?

It depends on what your goals are. To finish under 17 hours, unless you're morbidly obese or in your 90s you could do it with minimal training.
2015-03-05 7:38 PM
in reply to: KatieLimb

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: Is 80% good enough?
When it comes to training, I think you'll be fine if you are hitting most of your key workouts each week. It may turn out that missing a couple of workouts is giving you a bit more rest, which may result in improved performance in the long run.
2015-03-05 7:44 PM
in reply to: KatieLimb

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Subject: RE: Is 80% good enough?
Katie, you'll be fine. It's semi normal to go through this type of thinking about being prepared and adequately trained. My very first IM and perhaps 2nd IM I stressed when I missed a workout or two, but in the end it worked out as I still felt prepared and was healthy. My third one last year I missed a bit more workouts and didn't stress too much about it and still did good. This year as I train for TX as well, I've missed more workouts than in years past and quite frankly I'm at peace with it. I just make sure to focus on the workouts I do and ensure they are quality.

TX is a course that isn't crazy hard. Stay the course and keep up the hard work and on race day you'll be ready to rock.

2015-03-05 10:23 PM
in reply to: KatieLimb

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Is 80% good enough?
Originally posted by KatieLimb

I am training for my first IM, IMTX on May 16. I am finding that I am hitting 80% of my work outs on the training plan. I have yet though to miss any of the long swims,runs or rides though. Usually I miss one of the shorter week day work outs due to work, family, or health. Will I be okay come race day? I am just scared of doing enough to get there, I worry and beat myself up for missing one. Thoughts?

Hit the key workouts each week, be consistent, recover well. If that means you hit 70 or 90% you will be fine.

2015-03-06 4:36 AM
in reply to: KatieLimb

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Groningen, Netherlands
Subject: RE: Is 80% good enough?
A trainingplan is nothing magical I believe, especially for Ironman. What I mean by that is not that you don't need a trainingplan, but that because of the volume that you do, missing a workout in the grand scheme of things is not a big thing. Having said that, what pays off in long distance racing is consistency, and doing 80% does not sound very consistent to me. But, this does not mean that you won't be able to finish, just that you would do well to start conservatively in my opinion. It is hard to specificy for you specifically. Maybe those 20% of missed workouts mean you were able to execute the other 80% better because you were more rested, resulting in more adaptation from your body.
2015-03-06 6:42 AM
in reply to: KatieLimb

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Is 80% good enough?


I assume you're talking about following a canned training plan like one here on BT rather than a custom plan created by a coach.  Canned plans don't take into account your specific circumstances, including whether Sunday of the 17th week is Mother's day, so you won't be doing your 3+ hour run that day in spite of what the plan says.  

Train consistently and let lost workouts go whether it's because of health, weather, or other commitments.  Adjust to keep your long and key workouts as much as you can, but even if you miss a long run or a long ride, you'll still do fine at the race.  

As you get closer to the race, formulate your race strategy based on what you have done in training.  If you only hit 50% of your long runs, back off the bike a little and take your time in the first half of the run.  Maybe adopt a run/walk strategy.  What doesn't work is to go into the race having hit 50% of your runs and race as if you fully trained.  

2015-03-06 9:23 AM
in reply to: KatieLimb

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Bellevue, WA
Subject: RE: Is 80% good enough?

Details please. For example, what was last weekend's planned workout and what did you actually do? What is this weekend? Are you skipping whole workouts or shorting some?

The point of most long workouts is the last part, where the overload happens that results in adaptation. As long as you reaching overload you are generally getting better. You need enough volume, but most plans have more then you need so skipping some is OK. Consistently shorting won't give the results you want.

2015-03-06 12:41 PM
in reply to: KatieLimb

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Subject: RE: Is 80% good enough?

there's nothing in your training log, so, kinda' hard to tell.  The impact of this will be dependent on your total volume and your goals for race day.  Not what % of a particular plan you've met.  80% of 15hrs/wk is greater than 100% of 10hrs/wk.  

2015-03-15 6:57 AM
in reply to: #5098331

Subject: RE: Is 80% good enough?
You'll be fine, just keep plugging away. Last year I got the flu twice, lost two weeks and still finished IM Louisville. Imagine yourself crossing the line and all will be fine.

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