Subject: Insurance people I need some advice Folks,
In November I got hit by a car while riding my new cyclocross bike. By new I mean I purchased it on November 8 and got hit on November 24. It was my 3 rd time riding this bike. Driver cut in front of me sending me over the hood of his murano. Luckily I was not hurt seriously just beat up and bruised. All my gear was ruined and my bike got beat up as well. Front wheel bent. Rear wheel bent and broke 2 spokes. Left hand shifter bent and ground flat. Pedal on left ground flat. Both Fenders bent rear rack bent. Handlebar tape trashed bars bent and ground flat. 2 spots paint ground off the frame.
Guys insurance company made me submit receipts for all my gear or provide a photo with internet prices. Made me submit the receipt for my bike and take it to a shop for an estimate. Paid 1784 for the bike, rack fenders and pedals. Damages estimated at 900 by my lbs. insurance company called today and said the bike estimate is way out of line and their expert estimates damage at 300.
What are my options?
Kevin |