General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Assess my gameplan? Rss Feed  
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2016-11-15 12:11 PM


Subject: Assess my gameplan?
Hi, my name is Colligan and I'm a weekend warrior. I'm not super fast, and I'm not super experienced but I want to run an Ironman in a time I can be proud of.

My goal for next year is to aim for a 12 hour flat time or better, and for my fitness that feels ambitious. Potentially too ambitious? Here is my history in racing.

2x sprints sub 1:20
2x minis hovering right around 1:50
a full marathon almost 4 hours on the dot
an olympic tri that I did in 2:45
a half IM last year that I clocked in 6h right on the button.

These seem to me to all be times a little too slow to predict a 12 hour ironman, but I feel like I've got a lot more time this year to put into it than I did in years past. Those were basically all train for completion times, since I had school or something else on top of work I wanted to also focus on.

I'm a 30 year old man, I will be 31 by the time the race rolls around. I'm 6'0"-6'1" and weigh in at about 185. I think that I can get my race weight down to 177ish or push it lower if it's a big deal. So question one is, is that a doable target? Am I aiming too high or low? If you have specific questions or details I'd be happy to supply answers. If you have specifc advice I'd love to hear it.

Second. I'm looking at either Louisville or Wisconsin. I'm Louisville born and raised, but I've heard Wisconsin is a fantastic race and I'm just a touch afraid that they could cancel the swim in my home city. So if anyone has input on that I'd love to hear that too.

If you've read this far, thanks for indulging me! If you have any input I'd really appreciate hearing it. Thanks.

2016-11-15 3:22 PM
in reply to: crashtopher

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Assess my gameplan?
Here is the standard advice everyone gets, and just about everyone (including myself the first time around) ignores; throw all time based goals out the window. They're pointless and all they'll do is get you in trouble. Train properly and in doing so develop a race plan, then execute that plan on race day. Sounds easy, but it's not. Your race plan and pacing should never be based on time or speed. They should be based on watts, rpe or HR on the bike and HR or rpe on the run. I did IMFL last week and on the bike the only thing on my watch was HR and power. On the run the only thing on my watch was HR. I had no idea how fast I was going, how much time had elapsed or anything. I just stuck to my power and HR goals on the bike and my HR on the run. It was by far my most successful race. Time will shake out at the end regardless of what you want. Create and race to plan, then execute. If you're like me, you'll promptly ignore this, but it will likely make for a bad day on your first IM. It certainly did for me.
2016-11-16 6:53 AM
in reply to: crashtopher

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Exton, PA
Subject: RE: Assess my gameplan?
There are a lot of unknowns on your first Ironman training aside. Nutrition and you ability to handle that kind of distance under any conditions that might be thrown at you.

From what you wrote about past races and time you are not fast enough to do IM in 12hours right now. That does not mean you couldn't do it by summer, it sounds as though you probably could if you dedicate yourself to that goal.

Instead of making a 12 hour goal give yourself 4 goals during the race.
1) finish the race- lots of people have to pull out, it is a long day
2) try to pace correctly and execute an eating plan throughout the event- you would be amazed at how many people deviate from there plan on race day
3) 13 hr finish time- this is a more realistic goal considering your history- based on what you listed this may not be easy
4) 12 1/2 hrs -- super stretch goal- if all training and race day come together perfectly.

2016-11-16 6:07 PM
in reply to: #5205078


Subject: RE: Assess my gameplan?
Woof. Okay, maybe I needed my illusions tempered a little bit. I think you guys are making a lot of sense, and I probably should just focus on completing as the primary goal instead of a foregone conclusion. Thanks for the input for sure.

I've got a lot to learn and about 10 months to do it. Maybe I'll surprise myself.
2016-11-16 6:31 PM
in reply to: #5205217

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Subject: RE: Assess my gameplan?
Congrats on looking at moving up to the IM distance. I agree with the above posters. Finishing under 17 hours should be enough for you to have pride in yourself. I am a little bigger (6'2 190lbs), and a littler older (37), and just finished my 3rd IM a few weeks ago (Los Cabos). I wanted to go sub-12 hours, but there are so many factors which made it difficult to achieve. 96 degrees with 70% humidity. 3 small kids at home which limited my training hours. New job.

However, I am also a bit faster than you (5:27 70.3; 2:15 Olympic; 1:03 Sprint; 3:51 Open Marathon; 1:37 Half Marathon).

This is not to brag in any way, shape, or form, but simply to let you know how it transforms to IM.

2014 - IM Cozumel 12:38
2015 - IM Muskoka 13:06
2016 - IM Los Cabos 14:14

Every race is different. Wisconsin and Louisville are quite hilly bike courses, however Wisconsin has a hilly run too. If you are not training hills, you could walk the majority of the marathon. There is nothing wrong with that. However, for your first IM, just finish and enjoy the moment. I think too many people get hung up on their time in comparison to others. Unless you are shooting for Kona, it is all about your own individual effort. Race your race. Don't worry about anyone else.

Good luck to you.
2016-11-17 8:13 AM
in reply to: crashtopher

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Assess my gameplan?
Do you have a background in swimming?
How often do you swim?
What is your 100m pace?

How often do you ride?

How often do you run?

Do you have the time to train?

Have you ever done any HR training?
Have you ever done any training with power?

You be surprised how much difference just that 7-8 pound weight loss will make a difference.

12 hours is no small feat. Lots of things will have to go right and you'll have to pace correctly and have a good nutrition plan.

2016-11-17 10:26 AM
in reply to: 0

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Assess my gameplan?

One thing that the times do do is expose your weaknesses - which I think is probably biking.  The Half IM distance is very bike heavy, as is the IM.   You will need to commit to a LOT LOT LOT of biking.  Not only will it help you get through that portion of the event, but good bike fitness (and pacing) means you can run to your potential.

I am sure you will do great if you find a good plan and stick with it.  And I do think you'll surprise yourself. I have seen countless people execute PR HIM races as training races during an IM build.      Similarly, my best Oly was during my HIM build.  10 months is a long time and you will improve a lot if you stick to it.

Edited by BikerGrrrl 2016-11-17 10:29 AM
2016-11-17 11:38 AM
in reply to: crashtopher

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Subject: RE: Assess my gameplan?
I'm excited for you as you tackle this next adventure. I will share with you that when I started I was told an estimate of the finish time is to double your half time and then add an hour. It's not always correct. This is especially true if the courses are very different. But it does give you a way to start estimating.

You have great feedback above. Good luck and I look forward to seeing how you do!
2016-11-17 12:08 PM
in reply to: miamiamy

, California
Subject: RE: Assess my gameplan?

You have a solid start and I could see you making a lot of gains over the next year if you stay consistent.  Having that marathon under your belt and the half IM are a good start.  I would like to hear more details on your swim times and background, and how much biking you've been doing, though.  The others who mentioned biking more are correct -- you really can't bike too much.  Particularly if you're prepping for Wisconsin.

But I'd advise you to forget the time goal and really really focus on sticking to your plan for this next season.  Race day just brings all that together.  Your time is what it is.

I was in roughly the same boat as you for my first IM.  I ended up going 14 hours and change.  Rode too hard, couldn't hold on for the whole run.  It's pretty common.  It took me a few years to hit that sub-12 race.  I'm not saying your goal is impossible, but you will really need to dedicate yourself to the bike training and also race very smart on a hilly course like Wisconsin.

2016-11-17 3:59 PM
in reply to: Nick B


Subject: RE: Assess my gameplan?
Originally posted by Nick B

Do you have a background in swimming?
How often do you swim?
What is your 100m pace?

How often do you ride?

How often do you run?

Do you have the time to train?

Have you ever done any HR training?
Have you ever done any training with power?

I have no background in swimming, and it definitely feels like my weakest sport. Though running after the bike has been an issue too. During my training I've been swimming two or three times a week, and I honestly couldn't tell you what my 100 time is. For the Half I swam just over 45 minutes which was pretty poor for the people I was finishing near.

I feel like I've definitely got time to train this time around. I have no kids, I finished going back to school, my girlfriend is moving to Malaysia for a year on a fullbright. All I've got for responsibilities is a dog. As for how often I ride and run? I've just been picking a canned training plan and going with it.

I trained for the half with a HRM on the bike and run, but I honestly never really felt like I got the hang of it. My running felt snail slow and I blew up pretty early in the HIM run.

For reference my splits on HIM were 45:10, 2:48, 2:17.
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