General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Turning 50! Getting up the nerve to Tri! Rss Feed  
Moderators: IndoIronYanti, k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2017-02-08 4:57 PM


Subject: Turning 50! Getting up the nerve to Tri!
Hi! I've been cycling for years, but not competitively. I'm turning 50 this spring and want to challenge myself with something new, plus I was getting bored with the bike and no real improvements this year. SO.... I'm planning to sign up for an Olympic Tri in May! I'm afraid I will be pretty slow but excited to try. Started running (shuffling) last fall and began with a Masters swim club in January 17. I live in So. California.


2017-02-08 7:36 PM
in reply to: Tmilhon

New user
Subject: RE: Turning 50! Getting up the nerve to Tri!
Welcome to BT. I was also 50 when I started my journey into the world of triathlon.You will do fine. just have patience. Remember that you are competeing against yourself. You are doing this for fun. So have fun.

2017-02-15 11:48 PM
in reply to: Tmilhon

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Turning 50! Getting up the nerve to Tri!

Hi TCM,  welcome to BT.  First let me say that 50 is by no means old in triathlons.  It sounds like you've got a basic handle on the bike and run but, how is your swimming coming?  It is really important to get your swimming at least comfortable.  Ideally you should be comfortable in the water well before your race in May.

A typical Oly swim is 1500m and I presume it is in a lake or the ocean?  You will need to be confident in your swim so try and swim with a group at your pool or a Tri club in your area and hopefully get in some open water swims where your race is held to get even more comfortable.

I would also recommend reading race reports here especially on any local races.  They are great to give you an idea of what to expect and some great tips as well.

You might also look to join a mentor group that fits you well.  I'm in a group of older guys and gals run by a fellow from Calif. but there are also groups that focus on beginners.

Have fun.

2017-02-17 9:17 PM
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Subject: RE: Turning 50! Getting up the nerve to Tri!
Sounds like a great goal. And I see many that are our age at the races so you won't feel out of place or anything.

This will be my third race season. I turn 50 in June but I guess I'm already in the 50-54 age category for even the races before June. I'm really looking forward to this race season.

My advice to you would be to find the distance that suits you the best. It might eventually turn out to be the half Ironman distance or it might be the sprint distance. Don't feel pressured into the "the longer, the better" thinking, or you're not really doing triathlons unless it's the full distance type of thinking.

Have fun and good luck!

Edited by Trilogy 2017-02-17 9:18 PM
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