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Kris Kringle 5 Mile Run - Run

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Leesport, Pennsylvania
United States
Pagoda Pacers & Pretzel City Sports
13F / -11C
Total Time = 58m 47s
Overall Rank = 361/460
Age Group = 40-44
Age Group Rank = 29/37
Pre-race routine:

Breakfast: Siggi's with half an apple and granola

Just a note: We, as have much of the northern US, have been in an extended cold streak. The temp at the start of the race was 13*F with a 'feels like' of -2*F. Brrrr!!

Met with my pal LT and her friend G to carpool to the event. Once we arrived, we headed to the agricultural center building to pick up our packets and race hoodie sweatshirts. Back to the car to stay warm and drop our stuff off. I ate a Justin's honey peanut butter packet with some Nuun to wash it down.

I wore my yellow/black UA tights, Swiftwick wool socks, UA mock neck cold gear (blue), green EMS quarter zip, orange City Sports hat, Buff gaiter, 'fruit punch' trail sneakers. Oh, and my warm gloves.
Event warmup:

I did a 10 minute warm-up which actually did warm me up. When I started out my hands and feet were cold but by the end both were comfortable.

I hit the restroom again, then stood in the hallway between the 'hot' main room where most people were and the cold outdoors so I wouldn't get too hot or chilled until race start. While I was in the hallway I did some dynamic and static stretches.
  • 58m 47s
  • 5 miles
  • 11m 46s  min/mile

Race started off on dirt/rock driveway, then headed out to a road. There were a few icy patches as we had snow the day before and have been in a very deep freeze for over a week but there were plenty of volunteers around warning us of conditions. Quickly we came to the first hill at which point many people started walking. I was determined to keep at least 'running' so I did which was faster than a walk. We stayed on the macadam road for maybe a mile, then turned onto the first of two off road trails, the Union Canal Path.

As we came down a hill on the macadam road to make the sharp right onto the trail, a volunteer was standing there warning us of slippery conditions in the turn. "No one fell here yet, you don't want to be the first!" Point taken and heeded, thanks! This trail seemed to be crushed gravel but it was hard to tell because of the few inches of snow on top. Thankfully I wore my trail shoes since LT warned me a good portion of the race was off road. They had decent grip everywhere but the occasional icy patches that peeked through here and there.

This section of the course was absolutely beautiful! The path wound around next to a creek and on the other side of the trail were at least one lock remaining from the old canal days, cool! I love stuff like that. The snow made everything so much prettier. I saw a great blue heron and some variety of hawk, heard quite a few songbirds chirping and chattering. So how is the actual race going, you may wonder? I was picking off a few people here and there, playing cat and mouse with a few others who were run/walking, and once in a while getting passed. By this point I was mainly overtaking people who opted to walk or were moving just a bit slower than I.

Eventually we crossed another 'real' road (again, complete with volunteers warning of icy spots) then moved onto part of the Blue Marsh trail system and also out into a very exposed field, BRRRR! Up on top of the hill and into the open field meant no shelter from the wind. I closed my 1/4 zip shirt just a bit more. This trail I believe was more of a dirt and rock trail, more natural. Such pretty views!

After spending some time on these trails, we were back out onto asphalt roads to get back to the finish, running past the Berks County Prison and related facilities. Makes for an interesting race atmosphere! You couldn't see the prison from the road, just the signs. After a bit I saw LT running back toward me doing her warm-down. She did a u-turn to run with me to the finish. We eventually saw her friend G doing the same thing and she joined us as well.

As we turned onto the rocky driveway, I found a little kick to be able to pass at least one guy, maybe another person or so to get in to the finish. Considering the conditions and my lack of run training, I was OK enough with my time.

No chip timing, so my actual time is :40 off what my start line to finish line would be.
What would you do differently?:

Don't slack off on my run training, some of which isn't my fault as I was sick in Dec. for a couple weeks.
Post race
Warm down:

Went into the 'hot' room - mistake!!! I should've gone straight to the car for my dry, warm clothes and changed immediately. Instead, I went into the agricultural center for soup (just kind of so-so) and a soft pretzel (waaaayyyy too salty). I found Kaye who was standing around talking to some of her pals, so I chatted with them a little.

After some time I reconnected with LT and G, then went out to her car for my clothes. Oh. My. Effing. Word. Going out in my sweaty clothes, sweaty hat, no gloves (I wasn't putting those gross, wet things back on) into the cold air and breeze just about did me in during the ~1/4 mile walk to the car. Holy balls was that cold!! I put my fleece jacket on, grabbed my backpack of clothing and headed back to the ag center to get changed in the bathroom.

LT got second in her AG!

I bought a new RunPA hat and a sticker for LT.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Lack of run training. Weight. Snow covered trails + icy spots.

Event comments:

I really enjoyed the course, it was especially beautiful with the snow!

Profile Album

Last updated: 2017-12-07 12:00 AM
00:58:47 | 05 miles | 11m 46s  min/mile
Age Group: 29/37
Overall: 37/460
Course: Scenic rolling countryside roads, a short portion on the Union Canal Path next to a trout stream and trail section in Blue Marsh Recreation Area.
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2018-01-04 12:27 PM

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Subject: Kris Kringle 5 Mile Run

2018-01-06 6:16 PM
in reply to: #5234043

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Kris Kringle 5 Mile Run

Not a shabby time for all those conditions going in--bitter cold is hard. Your pre-race strategy was great!! A really smart way to be modestly warmed up and able to face the cold. 

2018-01-08 12:07 PM
in reply to: #5234043

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Kris Kringle 5 Mile Run
Well done Melanie those cold races are tough. I've only done one race where snow was involved and it was only a 5K trail race. Getting into dry clothes is definitely a good idea right off the bat!
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