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2018-06-11 11:47 AM

Subject: Solving my immense hydration/electrolyte problem.
Today I did a moderate 10K because it was on my training plan and because I finally wanted to face the truth about my hydration issues. So I knew that I needed to do an hour run (yes, I'm that slow!) and see what my fluid loss was.

Well, I knew I had a problem . . . but didn't think it was this bad.

I started at 237.2. An hour later after running in sub 80 temps, overcast, with a pleasant breeze, I was at 231.9.

That's 5.3 lbs, or over 2.2% body weight loss in 60 minutes. And that's not even on a super hot day.

At first glance it looks like to replace that over a 6.5 hour race (my goal for my first 70.3 in Sept), I basically need to consume 4.5 gallons of fluids. The race will be in Texas and it looks like based on historical averages that most the run will be in the 80s for temperature.

Next part is to assess the nutrient loss, electrolytes, etc. I cake my clothes in salt after long runs. It might be a bigger problem than the fluid loss.

Anyone have any suggestions for various ways to see what I'm losing in electrolytes?

After three Olys where my hydration has been a major issue, I'm realizing I can't just leave this to experimentation any more. I need to put some science into this.

TIA for your help!

2018-06-11 11:53 AM
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Subject: RE: Solving my immense hydration/electrolyte problem.

Keep're WAY off on the amount of water you need.  In fact, what you really need, to be more run efficient, is to lose some happy you're headed that way.

There are 1000 things in triathlon that you can overthink.....maybe 10 of them are worth spending any time on at all at your stage.  Relax, stay consistent, and enjoy the ride.

Edited by Left Brain 2018-06-11 11:55 AM
2018-06-11 11:59 AM
in reply to: Saul Goodman

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Solving my immense hydration/electrolyte problem.

I also have a heavy sweat rate based on a similar test I did with a coach a number of years ago. He encouraged me to not worry about replacing every drop I sweat out, but rather replacing what I can without my stomach getting sloshy. He had me experiment with drinking a certain number of ounces every 30 minutes, increasing the ounces until my stomach got sloshy. Sloshy is too much, and the goal was to stay just under sloshy.

I didn't worry a whole lot about the nutrient/salt issue since I am good about eating on long runs as it is (dates, gels, chews, etc.).

Very unscientific, but the experiment yielded good results for me.

2018-06-11 2:49 PM
in reply to: Saul Goodman

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Solving my immense hydration/electrolyte problem.
If you want to hear something a little more scientific, listen to this

Noakes is very knowlegeable

Short version : do not try to drink what you are losing. Drink to thirst, Beware of hyponetremia
2018-06-11 4:14 PM
in reply to: #5244487

Subject: RE: Solving my immense hydration/electrolyte problem.
Not really fat but I am a big boy. Probably about 10-11% body fat.

But I would like to drop about 15-20 if possible without losing muscle.

Certainly wouldn't hurt with the run . . . and everything else for that matter!

Great suggestions so far. Thanks, peeps!
2018-06-19 4:04 AM
in reply to: Saul Goodman

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Subject: RE: Solving my immense hydration/electrolyte problem.
Hi. I would also suggest not overthinking it.

My suggestion would be to pick a good combined nutrition/hydration product (e.g. EFS from First Endurance) which includes all necessary calories and electrolytes. They usually provide a good ballpark indication of portion size, i.e. how much of this stuff you should be drinking/hour. You can then tweak it from there.

For longer races I go with 200 kcal/hour, which is about 2 scoops of EFS in a 24oz water bottle/hour.

I have used EFS as my main race nutrition source for years, including 70.3s and IM.

Good luck!

2018-06-19 10:13 AM
in reply to: Saul Goodman

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Solving my immense hydration/electrolyte problem.
Hydrating the day before and on the bike before the run is the only way to affect you run.

If you are down before you take your first step on the run, you're too late. You cannot process enough hydration and nutrition to make a difference. You won't catch up. Even if you are perfectly hydrated to start the run, you will not be able to take enough hydration in to stay at that point.

Hydrate well the day before.

Hydrate the morning of.

Hydrate on the bike.

By hydration, I mean water AND sports drinks. Don't just take in water and ignore the electrolytes, minerals, etc. I use easily digestible solids like chews or sports gels on the bike with sipping water based on your sweat rate (as close as you can get without sloshing in the gut). Set up the run on the bike.

Once you start running, you're gut will shut down and no amount of drinking will catch you up unless you stop running, lower the HR and dial it down.
2018-06-23 10:07 AM
in reply to: Saul Goodman

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Pfafftown, NC
Subject: RE: Solving my immense hydration/electrolyte problem.
Between now and sept., you're going to do some long runs and long rides (10-14 mi. and 50-75 mi, respectively).

Test your hydration on those (all of them....and the intermediate runs/rides leading up).

That's really the only way to know what your hydration/caloric needs are. Anything else and you'll just be guessing.

I mixed in 2 scoops of base salt with each bottle of infinit mix and carried the tube with me on long runs. I trained with what I planned to race with......all the time. No surprises on race day.

Good luck.
2018-06-24 10:39 PM
in reply to: #5244497

Subject: RE: Solving my immense hydration/electrolyte problem.
More good stuff! Thanks, y'all. I'm going to look into EFS.
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