General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 02.09.2020 Sunday...Participate Folks. Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2020-02-09 9:59 AM

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: 02.09.2020 Sunday...Participate Folks.

6.5 miles on trails, but that's not the point.

I know that more than 3 people who look at this site participate and/or at least train for triathlon. Get into it everyone. The three of us don't need just one more place to post our daily work outs, we would like to use these threads to promote conversation and opportunities to learn.

2020-02-09 3:02 PM
in reply to: #5266965

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Subject: RE: 02.09.2020 Sunday...Participate Folks.
Alright, I’ll bite. 90’ on the trainer this morning working to get a new saddle positioned properly and broken in.
2020-02-09 5:14 PM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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Subject: RE: 02.09.2020 Sunday...Participate Folks.
Man, there were a few times we had 5 or 6 folks responding and it was cool to see what all everyone was doing on their training days. Maybe we can get back to that.

I did a 10 mile run this afternoon and felt really good, especially after the hard interval trainer session last night. Hoping to shave a minute or two off my half marathon PR at the race on the 22nd. Course elevation looks like a pretty substantial hill around mile 8, so that may interrupt my plans. Im trying to prepare for it in training though.

Hope everyone hits Monday with enthusiasm!
2020-02-09 5:53 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

Clermont, Florida
Subject: RE: 02.09.2020 Sunday...Participate Folks.
OK, i'll also bite and introduce myself. I'm Dave, a soon to be 60 year old retiree from Philly now living in Florida. Did 5K miles on the bike last year and started running again after a couple decades of not. Have 4 marathons under my belt, back in the late 80's, early 90's. Bought Jay Dicharry's "Running Rewired" and am 3 weeks into that program to supplement my running. Current week's training is 3 days on the bike averaging about 35 miles per ride this time of year, 3 runs and Sunday I reserve for golf. Also do lots of core, stretching and foam rolling. Yes, its nice to be retired! 2020 goals are a 5k, 10K, 10 miler and a 1/2 in December, Ragbrai in July, and dipping my toes in the water come Labor Day. I look forward to seeing the day to day training from the frequent posters on here, its inspiring as well as informative.

2020-02-09 7:46 PM
in reply to: dkiller

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 02.09.2020 Sunday...Participate Folks.
I have not shared lately as my workouts just seem too piddly! Trying to get back into shape after a couple of health issues (cold and sinus infection in December, then restricted training after surgery to remove metalwork from my elbow after last year's accident). I haven't been doing anything over an hour, and don't have any firm race plans yet. Will resume posting when my workouts are more worthy of the name! I ran 50 minutes today--nothing exciting. What was exciting was that I swam 1800 yards yesterday, my first swim in 2 months and my first in just a few days short of a year without a metal plate and five screws in my elbow, and nothing hurt. I'll take that! (Elbow is fine today but my swim muscles, especially lats and triceps, on both sides, are sore!)
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 02.09.2020 Sunday...Participate Folks. Rss Feed  

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