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2007-05-23 6:29 AM

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Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - FULL
Name: Shane MacLeod / gsmacleod

Story: Through high school I was fairly active, however I was mainly involved in recrational sports. When I went to university, I stayed involved in some recreational sports, however I started to gain weight and become less and less active. After graduating and getting a job, time to stay active was even less important and I soon found myself tipping the scales at 250lbs. In January 03 I decided that I was going to change my eating habits and become more active. Over the next twelve months, through a change in diet and regular exercise, I was able to get down to about 185lbs. However, I was afraid that I would end up gaining the weight back if I didn't have a goal so in the summer of 04, I started training for triathlons in the summer of 05.

Family Status: Married

Training: Currently balanced training for about 9-11 hours per week (1.5-2 swimming, 4-6 biking and 2.5-3.5 running)

Last Year's Races: 3 sprints, 2 olympics and a HIM

This Year's Races: 2 sprints, 1 olympic, HIM and a 101


Edited by gsmacleod 2007-05-30 7:55 AM

2007-05-25 4:05 PM
in reply to: #812958

Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN
Hey there...

My name is Elizabeth/Analoggirly

I'm a college student with the summer off so I can train a lot Unmarried, no kids, no pets, one roomate that sometimes acts like a kid or a pet...

I train when I feel like it...which is pretty much every day I'm not skating, but I take off days to recover when my legs are too sore. I would give an estimate at 14 hours a week, but I suck at using the tracker. I'm going to try to do better with that.

This is my first season ever. I am looking to finish one sprint and one oly and work up to an Ironman next september.

I don't have a "best sport" but in order of enjoyable-ness I like Open Water Swimming, Biking, Pool Swimming, then running. Ugh, I don't like running.

Thanks for doing this.
2007-05-25 5:29 PM
in reply to: #817635

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Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN
Welcome aboard!

Are your logs up to date and accurate? If not, if you could give me a brief overview of your training that would be great.

How long have you been training? What are your current long workouts? Are you following a plan? What is your athletic background?

This year's goals seem very reasonable but I would caution about jumping into IM too soon - lots of people do it but to me it's something to build towards over several seasons rather than getting there as quickly as possible.

2007-05-26 9:37 PM
in reply to: #817716

Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN

Welcome aboard!


Are your logs up to date and accurate? If not, if you could give me a brief overview of your training that would be great.

My training logs are uhm..not really that accurate, because I always forget to record things on there...I'm working on doing better with that.

I have been training for a few months now, I think I started in late march.

I come from a ballet dance backround, but that's over with. I ran cross country in high school. I also come from a biking backround.

My friend came up with a plan for me - Mondays are rest (skateboarding) days, tuesdays I ride my bike around 20 miles, wednesday I run, Thursdays I swim, Fridays I ride again (a shorter ride) saturday I have a bike/run brick, and sunday I run or swim. Sometimes I put in additional workouts and rest days. If I'm super sore I'll just swim or won't do anything and sometimes I ignore my workout and just skateboard.

If there's any extra info you need, holla.

2007-05-27 3:28 PM
in reply to: #812958

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Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN
Hey Got a good vibe here so going to throw my hat in

Your background sounds a lot like the road I've been going down, Shane. I was a very active swimmer going into my first couple of years of highschool, burnt out, quit, did some rec sports mostly fencing in college, have a sedentary job now and the scale keeps on going up up up.

I started training for triathlons about 2 months ago, I really felt that I needed a lifestyle more than a get in shape plan. The strong triathlon community is something I haven't experienced since I was a kid on the swim team, and I think it is definitely helping to keep me dedicated. I am very motivated to get out and train, which is great!

Name: Cameron

Family Status: single, wish I could have a dog but I spend too many late nights in the lab

Training: My logs are pretty accurate, 3 hours swimming, 4-5 hours biking, 1-2 hours running a week. I want to increase the amount of running.

Races this year: None yet, I'd like to do a sprint but I want to get to the point where I can run a 5K first. I'm hoping for October.

I'm definitely best at swimming and am happy to help if anyone has questions. I've learned more from coaching other people than I ever did while being coached, so by all means don't be afraid to ask.

I am BAD at running...lots of pain. Trying to take an intelligent approach to it, it *has* to be fixable. My father and two first cousins all ran ~9:30 2 miles when they were in highschool. I'll try anything at this point.

Edited by Salain 2007-05-27 3:29 PM
2007-05-27 4:25 PM
in reply to: #818428

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Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN
analog_girly - 2007-05-26 11:37 PM
My training logs are uhm..not really that accurate, because I always forget to record things on there...I'm working on doing better with that.

I have been training for a few months now, I think I started in late march.

I come from a ballet dance backround, but that's over with. I ran cross country in high school. I also come from a biking backround.

My friend came up with a plan for me - Mondays are rest (skateboarding) days, tuesdays I ride my bike around 20 miles, wednesday I run, Thursdays I swim, Fridays I ride again (a shorter ride) saturday I have a bike/run brick, and sunday I run or swim. Sometimes I put in additional workouts and rest days. If I'm super sore I'll just swim or won't do anything and sometimes I ignore my workout and just skateboard.

If there's any extra info you need, holla.


If you keep your logs up to date it will be easier to monitor your progress and see if there are things that could be improved. Also, logs are fun to look back on in future years as you can see your progress over a year or more.

What are the dates for your races for this season? Are you training with a HRM or simply by feel? What is your running volume and current long run?

Skateboarding - hmm that takes me back I was never very good but boy was I able to sprain my ankles doing it


2007-05-27 4:32 PM
in reply to: #818748

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Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN
Salain - 2007-05-27 5:28 PM
Training: My logs are pretty accurate, 3 hours swimming, 4-5 hours biking, 1-2 hours running a week. I want to increase the amount of running.

Races this year: None yet, I'd like to do a sprint but I want to get to the point where I can run a 5K first. I'm hoping for October.

I'm definitely best at swimming and am happy to help if anyone has questions. I've learned more from coaching other people than I ever did while being coached, so by all means don't be afraid to ask.

I am BAD at running...lots of pain. Trying to take an intelligent approach to it, it *has* to be fixable. My father and two first cousins all ran ~9:30 2 miles when they were in highschool. I'll try anything at this point.

Cameron, welcome!

Sounds like some good volume going on - not sure of your running right now but I would say that you could probably consider a sprint much sooner than you are looking at - we'll see what we can do to get your running in order.

I'll have a look at your logs and see if anything jumps out at me from that point of view.

Few questions:

Have you done any HRM (heart rate monitor) testing/training?
Are you a forefoot/midfoot striker or a heel striker?
How fast are your running your training runs and how is your breathing and comfort level from a cardio standpoint?
Have you had your run stride looked at and been fitted for a shoe type that is appropriate for you?

Like you've said, there should be an intelligent solution - running shouldn't hurt for most people and we should be able to get your running pain free

2007-05-27 6:50 PM
in reply to: #818776

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Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN
gsmacleod - 2007-05-27 4:32 PM
Cameron, welcome!

Sounds like some good volume going on - not sure of your running right now but I would say that you could probably consider a sprint much sooner than you are looking at - we'll see what we can do to get your running in order.

I'll have a look at your logs and see if anything jumps out at me from that point of view.

Few questions:

Have you done any HRM (heart rate monitor) testing/training?
Are you a forefoot/midfoot striker or a heel striker?
How fast are your running your training runs and how is your breathing and comfort level from a cardio standpoint?
Have you had your run stride looked at and been fitted for a shoe type that is appropriate for you?

Like you've said, there should be an intelligent solution - running shouldn't hurt for most people and we should be able to get your running pain free


Hey Shane!

I do some HRM training on the bike, very rarely in swims (manual), and never on runs.

I *think* I'm naturally a heel striker, though I've tried to switch that with little reward .

For awhile early on I was making decent progress doing very slow runs, but I then started to have medial shin splints (same thing I've had since I was a kid) and had to back off for a couple of weeks. At the end of my break I went and got fitted at a running shoe store and ended up with some asics landreth 3's, I also bought a copy of chi running and started trying to adopt it. For the next couple of weeks after that I had moderate but not terrible shin pains on low volume low speed runs. Frustrated with the pain, I tried to do intervals running faster (something I've had success with before on grass), that was this past Wed and I definitely overdid it since I still wasn't recovered enough to run today.

Generally if I jog slow my shins are almost certain to get splints. Things I've tried to address: surface, shoes, stretching, warm ups

After my trouble today I looked around runner's world and found people with similar problems that had morton's toe (which I definitely have), do you have any opinions on that? I bought some shoe inserts from the grocery store and am trying to raise my first metatarsal by putting a few layers of moleskin beneath the far it seems promising but it'll be a few days at least before I can try it out running.
2007-05-27 9:49 PM
in reply to: #812958

Subject: ...
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2007-05-28 9:50 AM
in reply to: #812958


Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN
Hey Shane,

My name is Lloyd and i am a true newbie to the sport of Tri. I have always been active but more from a weightlifting format and bodybuilding. I came to tri sports after last year venturing into mountain biking and getting hooked. I then watched IM Hawaii and saw the amazing story of John Blaze and was moved by the support of the tri-community and its support for its fellow athletes. I toyed with the idea then of trying a sprint level event.
So i ventured to view a few events locally here in Virginia Beach and once again noticed the amazing support among the competitors.
Transitioning to endurance sports is a change for me since from my reading by my size i would be considered a clydsdale at 6 ft and 210 lbs with a respectable bodyfat ratio of 13%. My limiters so far is running due to flexability and maintaing H.R in 65 to 70 % zone and not going anerobic. Swimming is some what of an issue due to lower body fat% and flexability and muscle endurance. So its obvious i need some help
I am planning the Sandman in September on the 16th. Its a sprint event 1000 meter swim, 16 mile bike and 5k run. my age group is 40 to 44. i am scheduled to use the sprint 2x balanced program for 16 weeks. I would like to join your group if possible and would appreciate any help you can offer on helping me to gain my official status as a triathelte. i have also planned 3 events in 2008 so this is just the beginning.
2007-05-28 10:29 AM
in reply to: #818850

Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN

Good to see you using the HRM on the bike but it could be useful for you to start using it on your runs. Have you tested your LT on the bike? I never use my HRM for the swim, but rather swim based on pace which I have found is much easier than trying to deal with the HRM in the pool.

How long have you been back running? Have you had success with run/walk intervals? Does your form change significantly when you run slower? Can you maintain the same cadence on slower runs? For someone getting into running I would strongly caution against going too hard - although it may seem to work for a while, it is likely you will end up injured with a high level of intensity.

I've not had any of my runners deal with Morton's Toe causing injuries (I'm sure at least some of them have had that - including myself) but if you've been fit for your shoes and are trying to run with good form at low intensity, it may be worthwhile to see someone about it - at least they may be able to tell you it's not causing the problem.


Edited by gsmacleod 2007-05-28 10:39 AM

2007-05-28 10:33 AM
in reply to: #818980

Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN
Hey Tyler,

Welcome - sounds like you are pretty much set for the training aspect. As far as swimming, have you ever had swim lessons? If not, it may be worth your while to find some individual coaching to get you started in the right direction. If you do have some basic swim skills, I would suggest you look into a masters swim group - often you can recieve some coaching there as well as structured workouts. In my first year back in the pool, masters was where I was able to go from 2:00+/100 to around 1:40/100.

2007-05-28 10:38 AM
in reply to: #819201

Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN

John Blaze is an amazing man who unfortunately lost his battle with ALS yesterday Incredible to think it was less than two years ago he completed IMH.

The support of others is one of the things that keeps people around the tri community - especially for anyone who grew up in team sports that outlook is completely different. I know I was in awe my first couple of races at how supportive and encouraging everyone was throughout the event.

How have you determined your HR zones? Looking at the %'s, I assume it is probably based upon an age formula and if so, we can refine things a little bit further from there.

Welcome aboard and good luck with your training

2007-05-28 11:58 AM
in reply to: #819230

Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN
There's a HRM built into the stationary bike I'm using, I'm considering a HRM purchase but I'm cash strapped atm so it's on hold for now. I have no choice but to do run/walk intervals, though I usually let my cardio or pain dictate their maybe I'm not being conservative enough. My form absolutely changes when I run slower, I try to keep my cadence up but it usually leads to me shuffling my feet.

I know my technique is probably not great, maybe I can make a video of it. The more I research it, though, the more I keep coming back to my pronation being the source of my problem. There's no question that I pronate, but I'm in a neutral shoe. From what I understand people with high arches normally suppinate, but because of my morton's toe I do the opposite. Maybe I'm just in the wrong kind of shoes, or maybe I'm just in a tough spot because I have high arches and pronate. I'm trying custom build inserts to see if I can get the best of both worlds.
2007-05-28 9:39 PM
in reply to: #819231

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2007-05-29 7:20 AM
in reply to: #819310

Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN
Ah - I see. Definitely understand the strapped for cash - I ended up getting my HRM for Christmas one year

As for the run walk, are you walking when you have to? If so, try using a set interval - if you can run for four minutes comfortably, try four run with one walk and repeat throughout. Make sure you are still picking up your feet when running slowly so you are not just shuffling your feet. Besides shorter stride length, not much should change with slow vs fast running.

You can always try the running store again - sometimes they get there fit recommendation wrong. Also, if you check with any local teams (x-country or track) you may be able to find a coach who can give you some advice on your technique pretty quickly. Best of luck with the custom inserts - hope they help


Salain - 2007-05-28 1:58 PM

There's a HRM built into the stationary bike I'm using, I'm considering a HRM purchase but I'm cash strapped atm so it's on hold for now. I have no choice but to do run/walk intervals, though I usually let my cardio or pain dictate their maybe I'm not being conservative enough. My form absolutely changes when I run slower, I try to keep my cadence up but it usually leads to me shuffling my feet.

I know my technique is probably not great, maybe I can make a video of it. The more I research it, though, the more I keep coming back to my pronation being the source of my problem. There's no question that I pronate, but I'm in a neutral shoe. From what I understand people with high arches normally suppinate, but because of my morton's toe I do the opposite. Maybe I'm just in the wrong kind of shoes, or maybe I'm just in a tough spot because I have high arches and pronate. I'm trying custom build inserts to see if I can get the best of both worlds.

2007-05-29 7:22 AM
in reply to: #819727

Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN

That's too bad about masters but good news about your friend. Hopefully it will help make your time in the pool more enjoyable


tylerhatcher - 2007-05-28 11:39 PM

My options around my home town are extremely limited when it comes to a Masters lesson. I am however going to ask a friend that swam college to give me some pointers. I so far have some good advice that I will try to implement in my swim in the days to come.
2007-05-29 9:01 AM
in reply to: #819239


Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN

Thank you for accepting me into the fold. It can be a bit overwelming in the beginning with all the avaialable data and plans to decide on what, when and how often to train. I really appreciate the opportunity to learn from an experienced athlete especially a IM !!!
I was not aware of John Blaze's passing. He certainly inspired a lot of people with his courage and spirit.
About my H.R Training zones. yes, it is based upon an age formula. 141 bpm is my aerobic max level. I will also update my training logs and blog my sessions for review and add you as a viewer to my data. Once again thanks for your help

2007-05-29 10:46 AM
in reply to: #818772

Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN
gsmacleod - 2007-05-27 4:25 PM

If you keep your logs up to date it will be easier to monitor your progress and see if there are things that could be improved. Also, logs are fun to look back on in future years as you can see your progress over a year or more.

What are the dates for your races for this season? Are you training with a HRM or simply by feel? What is your running volume and current long run?

Skateboarding - hmm that takes me back I was never very good but boy was I able to sprain my ankles doing it


I'll work on keeping my logs up to date - there are so many little bits of info that you can put in there so I'll just do what I can. I mean, I don't think I'm going to measure my thigh every day...

I'm not training with a HRM, I just am doing what I feel. I try to keep "conversation pace" I figure if I can talk and run/ride/whatever that should be good. I've been thinking about it, but I don't even know how to use a HRM to my advantage.

My running volume...not sure what that means, but I run about a 10 minute mile right now. Sometimes it's 9:30, and on track workouts I usually do about a 9:10, but I can't get that to translate to straight running. My current long run is 5 miles. I'm going to try to get into 10K form by the end of summer because I want to up it to oly distance. I sprint well, but that doesn't translate into distance, either.

I don't enjoy running, I can't get my head into the place I can when I'm swimming/biking where I can just enjoy what I'm doing. When I run, anything painful is in such clear focus that I can't get my head off of it the way I can when I'm biking or swimming. Does that make sense? Swimming and biking are relaxing, regardles of what hills I'm climbing/how choppy the water is, but running just hurts.

My first race is this sunday, Its this one:

I'm in the Novice wave, thankfully. I'll let you know how I do.

This week I'm going to try to taper so I swam yesterday, I'm riding 20 miles tonight, and then wednesday I'm going to probably do a short ride (15 miles, maybe I'll drive out there and ride the course), and then after that, nada. Not even skateboarding. I don't want to run because I've been having shin problems. So I'll just save the pain for the race when I can just do work and power through it and then rest for a day or two and then figure out what's wrong.
2007-05-29 12:52 PM
in reply to: #820082

Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN

The amount of information can definitely be daunting - that's one of the reasons I've stuck around BT and other forums since I've started in the sport. Lots of good info and a huge body of knowledge to tap into. BTW, not an IM yet, someday but not yet

For your HR zones - do you feel that you could handle a 30 minute hard (pretty much all out for 30') test on the bike and run? If so, let me know and we can talk about a field test that will help pin down your actual numbers as opposed to a rough guess from the age formula.


triguy62 - 2007-05-29 11:01 AM


Thank you for accepting me into the fold. It can be a bit overwelming in the beginning with all the avaialable data and plans to decide on what, when and how often to train. I really appreciate the opportunity to learn from an experienced athlete especially a IM !!!
I was not aware of John Blaze's passing. He certainly inspired a lot of people with his courage and spirit.
About my H.R Training zones. yes, it is based upon an age formula. 141 bpm is my aerobic max level. I will also update my training logs and blog my sessions for review and add you as a viewer to my data. Once again thanks for your help

2007-05-29 12:57 PM
in reply to: #820348

Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN
Coversational paces are a great place to start. If you are interested in learning how to use a HRM, I can definitely give you some advice there but they are definitely not required.

Running volume is simply time spent running each week - sorry, I should have specified what I meant. If you are hurting while you run, there may be a good chance you are running too hard - unless you are specifically trying to run for speed, which for beginners should primarily be races, then go slow (this is one area where a HRM can help as it will force you to slow down if you watch the numbers). Also, in terms of ramping up the volume, slowing down will help you go both longer and faster in the end.

Best of luck with the race - do you have a plan for the race?

As for this week, I would take things easy for the most part but have a few pickups to "race pace" - as a beginner this might not mean much so just go easy but crank it up to a pace you think you will need on race day. Try 4x30 seconds pickups with 2 to 4 minute recovery. Also, on your bike, make sure you run through all your gears on one ride to make sure everything is good to go.


analog_girly - 2007-05-29 12:46 PM

I'll work on keeping my logs up to date - there are so many little bits of info that you can put in there so I'll just do what I can. I mean, I don't think I'm going to measure my thigh every day...

I'm not training with a HRM, I just am doing what I feel. I try to keep "conversation pace" I figure if I can talk and run/ride/whatever that should be good. I've been thinking about it, but I don't even know how to use a HRM to my advantage.

My running volume...not sure what that means, but I run about a 10 minute mile right now. Sometimes it's 9:30, and on track workouts I usually do about a 9:10, but I can't get that to translate to straight running. My current long run is 5 miles. I'm going to try to get into 10K form by the end of summer because I want to up it to oly distance. I sprint well, but that doesn't translate into distance, either.

I don't enjoy running, I can't get my head into the place I can when I'm swimming/biking where I can just enjoy what I'm doing. When I run, anything painful is in such clear focus that I can't get my head off of it the way I can when I'm biking or swimming. Does that make sense? Swimming and biking are relaxing, regardles of what hills I'm climbing/how choppy the water is, but running just hurts.

My first race is this sunday, Its this one:

I'm in the Novice wave, thankfully. I'll let you know how I do.

This week I'm going to try to taper so I swam yesterday, I'm riding 20 miles tonight, and then wednesday I'm going to probably do a short ride (15 miles, maybe I'll drive out there and ride the course), and then after that, nada. Not even skateboarding. I don't want to run because I've been having shin problems. So I'll just save the pain for the race when I can just do work and power through it and then rest for a day or two and then figure out what's wrong.

2007-05-29 7:44 PM
in reply to: #820653


Subject: RE: Testing

I feel confident the bike threshold test would not be a problem. I am rather accustomed to that level from mountain biking. I can perform the test on my bike or my cycleops 220p trainer.
The run is a little more complicated. I can run on a treadmill and perform the test. I am not sure my knees can handle the run if on the street, but I am certainly willing to attempt both.
I guess the goal is to pace for 30 minutes at near lactate threshold? I have read a few articles on the test and also from The Traithelete's Training Bible. I'm just not sure how to correctly pace myself. The time is not a problem for me. I am just a little fuzzy on the procedure


2007-05-29 10:17 PM
in reply to: #812958

Extreme Veteran
Coquitlam, BC, Canada
Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN

Hey Shane et al,

 I thought I'd join in, if it's alright.  I like this group because Shane's Canadian!

Story: I've always enjoyed food too much and through my youth I was only semi-active (some soccer and cycling and other general activity).  I was never obese, but never fit either.   Through my undergrad, I started to get fatter and then after working for a few years and then going to law school, I got really fat.  Halfway through second year of law school, I hit a "personal best" of about 260 lbs (I'm only 6').  I decided to hit the gym (I'd been paying for the membership for two years anyhow) and eating right and over the next 6 months I lost about 50 lbs.  I then hurt my shoulder at the gym late last June ('06) and needed something to focus on to keep me active.  I decided to do a "Try-a-Tri" (300m/15km/3km) in August and have been hooked every since, even though I *hated* how bad I was at swimming. 

Family Status: Committed

Training: Working on getting into the Sprint to Olympic Bridge

Last year's races: Just that Try-a-Tri

This year: 3 sprints, 1 olympic, 1 XTC, plus goal of winning the same Try-a-Tri

Goals: HIM next summer 

Looking forward to this! 

2007-05-30 8:13 AM
in reply to: #821395

Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Testing
triguy62 - 2007-05-29 9:44 PM


I feel confident the bike threshold test would not be a problem. I am rather accustomed to that level from mountain biking. I can perform the test on my bike or my cycleops 220p trainer.
The run is a little more complicated. I can run on a treadmill and perform the test. I am not sure my knees can handle the run if on the street, but I am certainly willing to attempt both.
I guess the goal is to pace for 30 minutes at near lactate threshold? I have read a few articles on the test and also from The Traithelete's Training Bible. I'm just not sure how to correctly pace myself. The time is not a problem for me. I am just a little fuzzy on the procedure


If you are able to do the test on the bike then on the road would be best. Ideally it will be completed on a nice flat course free of traffic signals. Warmup for at least 15 minutes (30 would be better) with some 30 second pickups to your anticipated pace. After the warmup, start the TT (you are trying to the hardest pace you can sustain for the full 30 minutes so you don't want to go too hard early). After ten minutes, push the lap button so you can get your average HR for the last 20 minutes of the test. We will use this as your bike LTHR and set zones from here.

If you aren't sure about the run, then we can simply add 5-10 bpm for now.

When scheduling the test, try to do it after a rest or easy day during a recovery week.

2007-05-30 8:23 AM
in reply to: #821551

Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Shane's/gsmacleod's Group - OPEN
Mike, welcome to the group!

Goals look good - let me know how I can help


Deputy - 2007-05-30 12:17 AM

Hey Shane et al,

 I thought I'd join in, if it's alright.  I like this group because Shane's Canadian!

Story: I've always enjoyed food too much and through my youth I was only semi-active (some soccer and cycling and other general activity).  I was never obese, but never fit either.   Through my undergrad, I started to get fatter and then after working for a few years and then going to law school, I got really fat.  Halfway through second year of law school, I hit a "personal best" of about 260 lbs (I'm only 6').  I decided to hit the gym (I'd been paying for the membership for two years anyhow) and eating right and over the next 6 months I lost about 50 lbs.  I then hurt my shoulder at the gym late last June ('06) and needed something to focus on to keep me active.  I decided to do a "Try-a-Tri" (300m/15km/3km) in August and have been hooked every since, even though I *hated* how bad I was at swimming. 

Family Status: Committed

Training: Working on getting into the Sprint to Olympic Bridge

Last year's races: Just that Try-a-Tri

This year: 3 sprints, 1 olympic, 1 XTC, plus goal of winning the same Try-a-Tri

Goals: HIM next summer 

Looking forward to this! 

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