General Discussion Triathlon Talk » October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in Rss Feed  
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2007-10-11 4:55 PM

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Happy Friday all! Here's the thread for the October 12 weigh in for NY by NY.

There was awesome participation for the first week weigh in - and I've seen some great inspires...keep it up! We're in this together!!!

Weigh in & let us know how the week went. Did you meet your 2nd goal? Have you been out there inspiring?

Also, question of the week: Share one of your favorite healthy eating/weight loss tips, tricks, or recipes.

I'll post up a new chart on Monday...Have a great weekend!


2007-10-11 5:05 PM
in reply to: #1003572

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Thanks for doing this! I know it's a lot to keep up with
2007-10-11 5:40 PM
in reply to: #1003572

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Just want to add my thanks, too. The chart looks awesome, Kristen!
2007-10-12 5:55 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

Aloha all

weight still droping well inspite of all. 206 this week.

2nd goal non existant this wekk! Ah well never mind.  Been preoccupied with Dad and getting him and Mum back to normal. Still lots to be positive about. Exercise more or less nil this week though.

Happy with how I am reacting to stresses though. Eating still not lapsed into former old habits and new fueling plan almost natural now. I am away camping with family for 9 days so the first real test. I am ot taking the bike this time... though was tempted! BUT! Physio said last night I could start power walking sooooo..... I will be taking her at her word and this weeks goal is to do 14 sessions over the next 9 days. (as long as nothing aggrivates) Also she advised to wear compression clothes after walking. Must take a pick! It is not pretty... LOL. Good frightener for haloween.

Swimming has taken a real hit so... I am taking action and booked in to do a TI weekend course. I know it won't make me a swimmer overnight but it will straighten out my style for the drills I am doing and I think it will give more confindence in my abilities and help me to turn the corner and start to emerge as a.... swimmer. WOW.

Next week I'll be late in weighing in, Sat night probably. And inspires will be low I'm afraid as I am away. Normal service resumed on my return.

Best tip I have is for those it is appropriate to, make the mind swith from eating food to refueling your body.

If you got a Fararri you wouldn't put lard in it for fuel, would you?*?*? So imagine yourself as a Fararri, okay for some of us a bit old, rusty and carring some rubbish inside.

Weigh in & let us know how the week went. Did you meet your 2nd goal? Have you been out there inspiring?

Also, question of the week: Share one of your favorite healthy eating/weight loss tips, tricks, or recipes.

2007-10-12 5:56 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Awww, you guys are toooo sweet.

Starting weight: 162

Last week: 161

This week: 161

Change: 0

2nd goal: only made 1 of 3 core/strength sessions this week - disappointed, but I'm kind of taking this week as a recovery week and plan to get back in gear starting Monday.

Favorite healthy tip: SPINACH! I don't like the taste of cooked spinach at all, but I keep reading how good it is for me, so I sneak it into my diet. Spinach salads are OK, but we also use it instead of lettuce on our burgers, tacos, and sandwiches. I have shredded up spinach and put it in spaghetti sauce and jambalaya. I have food processed spinach with some crab meat and cheese to make a great (albeit green) crab quiche. If you hide it, you can't taste it.

I'm happy to be back at 161...I spent most of this week hovering between 164 & 165, which was disconcerting. Yesterday came down a little & today a little more, so I'm thrilled with a 0.

How did you all do?


Edited by enders_shadow 2007-10-12 5:58 AM
2007-10-12 6:45 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Chudley is at 233 this week.

I was up to 235!!! on Monday after the thanksgiving long weekend. I didn't overeat I just under exercised and feel that my water intake was not what it usually is! (dehydration possibly)

As for my secondary goal of having the abs of steel...didn't work out that great. Motivation is a funny thing sometimes, you either have it or you don't! Must work harder on that.

I like PW's analogy of the Ferrari! I have been thinking the same...but I PW do not see myself as a Ferrari!!!

The one really BIG thing for me is to read the label on foods before I consume them. Once you read the nutritional information and ingredients...think if you REALLY need to put that past your lips. Also I have a renewed love affair with fruit.

Good luck everyone!

2007-10-12 6:57 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

Good Morning, all!

And, yep, I echo the sentiments of thanking Kristen for doing such a great job on the thread - it helps with accountability - a lot!

New You in the New Year Challenge
Starting: 202.6 lbs / 114 cm Hips
Current: 199.2 lbs / 112 cm Hips
Delta-Total: 3.4 lbs / 02 cm Hips
Delta-Week: 1.8 lbs / 01 cm Hips

This week I FINALLY have dipped into the "100s"... no longer can I say, yeah, if I was a guy I would be a Clydesdale."  I will always be an Athena (68" but I'm cool with that.

I will be traveling for business (with a quick visit to family tied-in this weekend) for the next seven days.  It sounds as if the hotel has a fantastic workout facility, so there should not be any excuses!

Let' see, this week's question:
I guess my tip is that I pack a lunch bag every day with breakfast, lunch, and at least three meals of small snacks.  This makes it easier to pass the vending machines, and the "customer visit leftover dessert table" at work. 
And, "Brown Rice, it's not just for lunch/dinner any more": I am a huge fan of brown rice and hard-boiled egg whites for breakfast.  It is hot (when nuked), filling, and a nice chewy experience.  Throwing a little shredded parmesan cheese on top (former Cheddarhead) makes it taste almost sinful.
I make up a batch of brown rice in my rice cooker on Sunday afternoon, and it lasts for the week.  Easy, low cost, tasty, whole grain... you know the rest.

Everyone's numbers are looking great this week, keep up the good work!
 - Sharon

2007-10-12 7:09 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Looks like everyone has had a great week so far. And Kristen, maintaining is a good week!

Last week - 146
This week - 145.2

Even though it's only .8, I am very happy because I ate lots and lots of really bad things when we went out of town last weekend. I am excited to be posting a loss.

Goal 2 - I slipped a bit on Wednesday and started binging because we were having a late dinner. I caught myself, drank a big glass of water and chewed gum until dinner was ready. So, not a total loss. Still have to really watch it between 4-6.

Tip - Track what you eat. If you bite it, write it. It is amazing how much all those little nibbles add up. I think this also helped stop me in mid- binge as I was entering the third item in the computer to my list of snacks. Even though it is hard, especially when you've over eaten, own up to it and write it down. You can look back and see where you've gone astray and try to get back on track!

2007-10-12 7:27 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

Starting weight: 248
Last week: 250
This week: 249
Change: -1

I'm -1 for the week, however still +1 for the challenge.

I tried to dump soda, but started getting massive headaches and as soon as I took a sip of soda..headache went away.  I switched to Diet Pepsi Max...but it's still put me down for another NO on secondary.

As for tips, I read somewhere if you have to start justifying it, or negotiate with yourself, then you probably shouldn't be eating it.

Have a Good Weekend All!


2007-10-12 7:56 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

Good morning,

Last week wt: 165.4lbs   This week: 164 lbs so I am down 1.4 lbs.

as for my goal...I am keeping the same one and have been good food wise 6 days..I did slip over the weekend a little but not too much.

My best tip: water, drink it alot. I need to drink more myself and I know how hard ti is sometimes ti get it in but it really help everything work better.

You guys are great and really keep me on track. Congrats to everone on getting it done and for trying so hard.  Have a great weekend.


2007-10-12 8:28 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

Start:  164.8

Week 1: 160.8

Week 2 : 160.2  18.2% bf

Secondary goal: yes and expanded to logging of foods on log in addition to calories

Much closer to the upper limit of what I should be eating calorie wise due to tailgating at a football game, wine harvest festival, and a pizza buffet yesterday. 


Best tip I have is to drink water.  Lots of it.  I try to drink at least 100oz a day in addition to what I drink while I work out.   Secondly, protein especially casien (milk or powder) as it digests slower than whey protein and leaves you filling full longer.  Lastly, bigger breakfasts and smaller dinners.


2007-10-12 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1003572


Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Weight today: 143!
It's only a pound loss, but after Mexican food last night and not doing a lick of exercising all week (sickness and midterms...excuses, excuses, I know...), I'm not too disappointed. Hopefully I can get back on a good exercise schedule this coming week.

Good job everyone!
2007-10-12 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Ankeny, Iowa
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

Starting Weight - 145.4

Last Week - 144.4

This week - 144.4

Down 1, 5.4 to go

I have been stuck at this weight since the 10/2. When I first got here I thought it was due to being dehydrated so I have been upping the water, upping the exercising (9 out of the last 10 days) and I am noticing my body changing (things getting smaller) so hopefully I am toning and that is why I am stuck - gosh I hope so. Will see what happens next week.

My second goal - failed miserably - can I change it to abs 3x a week since I think that will be more motivation for me than all over strength right now - if I do both great but one would be better.

My tip - have good food in the house and if necessary cut up. We had bought grapes at the store on Sunday but I never touched them until I cleaned them up and had them in a bowl yesterday. I think it is easier to clean everything when you get it (if possible) since you are more likely to grab it if it is ready instead of grabbing it, cleaning it and then eating it.

Congrats to everyone. Keep it up.

2007-10-12 11:09 AM
in reply to: #1003572

Waterloo Ontario
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Hey gang,

Weigh in was 265.8.

I am estatic since it was our Canadian Thanksgiving last weekend with two family gatherings and lots to eat.

On the two days when I knew my eating habits would not be in control, I ate really light during the day and made up for it at the dinners. This strategy seemed to work ok. I would say that my drinking lots of water is helping and I am sticking to that fairly well. As a secondary goal of eating clean, I am 80 of the way to meeting that goal.

Thank-you to all who have posted "inspire me's" that really helps.

2007-10-12 11:15 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

I am down a half pound, 178.5.  I have been hovering around this same freakin' number since July and it is annoying!  I have been exercising very consisently and eating pretty well.....argh.  Just gotta keep plugging away, I guess!  Eventually my body will decide it doesn't need it.

My weight loss tips are also to drink a ton of water, write down what you eat, and if I catch myself heading to the pantry to raid the kid's snacks, eat an apple instead!  This week I am going to try to cut out diet soda and see if that makes a difference, as I hear it really holds the weight on.  I still haven't had my BF% measured, so I will make that call today.  Final weight loss tip is to keep all kids' meals out of my mouth.  I am not the garbage disposal!!!!! 

Have a great weekend!  It's my anniversary tomorrow and I am sure I will fall off the wagon a bit, but will be right back on!


2007-10-12 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1003572

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Santa Barbara
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

Starting Wt: 231

Last Week: 229

This Week: 231

I got off track early and never really recovered. Not sure why I allow this "sabotage" to happen, but there it is. High hopes for this week, though. My brother-in-law and best biking buddy is coming in to visit this weekend and we'll have a long, fast ride tomorrow in the cold.

Secondary Goal: Worked out 3 times this week - not the 5 I'm shooting for.

Weight loss tip? Wish I had one! Ok, really it's deciding what I'm going to eat for the whole week on Sunday morning, then going to the grocery store and buying only what I need for the menu, and then, follow it. It's very important to only go to the grocery one time a week.

Good luck everybody!


2007-10-12 1:21 PM
in reply to: #1003572

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Rainy WA
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Hi folks!

Starting weight: 172

Last week: 174

This week: 169.5

Change from starting weight: down 2.5 lbs.

Secondary goal: no, didn't do my strength training.

It was nice to see a loss. Maybe there was some water weight last week. Food is going well except after dinner. The spirit is willing, but bad habits die hard. It's frustrating.

Good luck to everyone!
2007-10-12 1:23 PM
in reply to: #1003572

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Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
I had a lot going on this morning. I will weigh, in the morning and post the numbers.

2007-10-12 1:43 PM
in reply to: #1004964

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

I'm in at 159 :-)

Down from last week :-)

Made some progress on my second goal - got in a good strength and core workout

Meal tip:

I like to combine the following

  • brown rice (cooked of course - lol)
  • black beans
  • diced grilled chicken
  • salsa

I mix a batch of it up and put it in the fridge to take for lunches, it's great after a workout.  Really fills you up, it's super easy to make and it's good for you.

A bonus is that my kids don't like it - LOLOL



2007-10-12 3:31 PM
in reply to: #1003572

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Estero, FL
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
May i join in the fun?

I need to be accountable somewhere.

I am 307 and my goal for 12/28 is 285

My secondary goal is to get from a 44 to a 40 waist again.

2007-10-12 3:37 PM
in reply to: #1003572

Golden, CO
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

Still at 221 for the week - started at 222.

I have had a terrible last 6 weeks.  I am eating garbage all of the time - not drinking enough water and my exercise has dropped considerably.   I don't believe that I am stressing about having daughter in December but maybe I am - I know my weekends are now consumed with getting the house ready and going to garage sales looking for baby stuff.  I think that I will put myself on a strict schedule for exercise and eating and see how that works - I might as well get used to it...I heard rumor that free time is limited once a baby shows up.

I guess the tip that worked for me in the past and which I will start again is to plan my meals ahead of time - especially packing lunch for the day.  Also - sugar free Jello with low fat cool whip is great for a low calorie snack at night.

Edited by jdbadger 2007-10-12 3:44 PM

2007-10-12 3:48 PM
in reply to: #1005375

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
jdbadger - 2007-10-12 1:37 PM

 I think that I will put myself on a strict schedule for exercise and eating and see how that works - I might as well get used to it...I heard rumor that free time is limited once a baby shows up.

It's not a rumor about the free time, read my blog for more on that one! You just need to set priorities yet remain flexible within certain parameters, and let yourself off the hook once in a while without any negative self-talk (easy to say, hard to do).  Major congrats on the little one on the way!  You will be so amazed at the parenting experience, so don't forget to enjoy that first and foremost (and support mama a LOT!!!!!).  Keep up the good work!!

2007-10-12 4:03 PM
in reply to: #1003572

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in

Hey, great work everyone! 

I think I started at 181, but weighed in this morning at 180.   I didn't do much of anything different this week, so I'll have to work a little harder next week to keep losing.

My secondary goal of 3x/week ab workouts didn't happen this week, but I'm going to keep it for next week.

Stir fry is one of my favorite recipes for weight loss.  The big bag of frozen veggies from Costco, a few shrimp and a mix of 1/4 cup chicken broth, 1T soy sauce, sugar, cornstarch can't remember the last ingredient...great help I am.  Just pick a stir fry recipe out of book and mess with it until you like it.  Good way to get a plate full of veggies.  If you put it over brown rice it's even better.

Which reminds me, I tried an Uncle Ben's microwave pouch of brown rice - 90 seconds to a hot bowl of brown rice.  Probably not as good for me as 'real' rice, but it works and it's quick.

2007-10-12 4:17 PM
in reply to: #1005460

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
c_cic - 2007-10-12 2:03 PM

Which reminds me, I tried an Uncle Ben's microwave pouch of brown rice - 90 seconds to a hot bowl of brown rice. Probably not as good for me as 'real' rice, but it works and it's quick.

This is a staple in my house since both Husband and I both are trying to stay healthy. We eat a lot of grilled chicken too. I love George Foreman! LOL
2007-10-12 7:08 PM
in reply to: #1003572

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: October 12 - NEW YOU by NEW YEARS weigh in
Last week: 132
This week: 128!!

I know it's not exactly healthy to lose that much weight in one week... but I really think it's just from not eating any junk food. I have been holding steady at 132-134 forever, and cutting out the junk made it so much easier to lose. I did accidentally slip Saturday and ate a piece of cake... but I completely forgot about the challenge and my goal. If I would've thought about it, I wouldn't have had the cake. I didn't eat any junk food the rest of the week. Everything I ate was healthy, and I even at over my range a few days this week. So in my eyes, I met my goal!

So I guess my diet tip this week is to cut out the crap food. If I don't eat crap, I don't crave it, and I don't binge on it. No matter how much I try to stay within a portion size, or track my calories, as soon as I eat something sugary or fried, I start craving it big time and I can't back off. It was so much easier to just stay away from it altogether.

Oh... and green tea! It's a great appetite suppressant

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