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2007-10-25 6:45 PM

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
Happy Friday everyone! Another week has passed and its time to weigh'd we do this week? Are we getting closer to our New Year goal? Have we made progress on our secondary goal? Is it time for a new secondary goal?

Question of the Week: Do you have a reward planned for meeting your New Year goal?

Hope you all had a fantastic week! I'll get a chart up on Monday sometime.


2007-10-26 7:00 AM
in reply to: #1024910

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
Last week - 146.8
This week - 148

Not a real big surprise since I've had a terrible week eating-wise. Today is my birthday and it's all about food with my family. Not really worrying about today. As long as it stops today and doesn't carry over into the rest of the weekend.

Thanks for the inspires this week. I think I'm having trouble believing that I can get under 140. And I've sabotaged myself because of that. I must get it in my head that 138 is a good goal for me.

As far as a reward, I need to get a full wetsuit for tri season next year. I figured that would be my reward by getting a smaller size or at least looking like an athlete instead of a cased-sausage inside it. I'm not sure if this is a good plan, cuz I've got to get one no matter what.

I'd like to set a new secondary goal. Drink eight 8oz. glasses of water everyday. Hope everyone else had a great week and has a great weekend.

2007-10-26 7:32 AM
in reply to: #1024910

Waterloo Ontario
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
268...Not a surprise either. My ankle really buggard up my training regime. Also, diet and water was inconsistent. Sure hope my ankle recovers soon so I can get back into biking

2007-10-26 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1024910

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
Morning, team!

My scale finally dipped below 160 (ever so slightly...I only have an analog scale in Atlanta, so I'm going to call it 159.5 - can't wait to get back to Richmond and my fancy-schmancy-down-to-the-0.2-pound scale)!

My secondary goal (core/strengthx3) is not working out so great...but it's getting better. I actually started strength-training again this week. I'm going to keep it as my goal.

My reward...gosh, I'm still thinking about it - I'm thinking maybe private swimming lessons.

2007-10-26 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1024910

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in

I am having a difficult time typing this, because I am doing the dance of joy as a type:

Starting: 202.6 lbs / 114 cm Hips
Current: 195.4 lbs / 110 cm Hips
Delta-Week: 3.8 lbs / 02 cm Hips
Delta-Total: 7.2 lbs / 04 cm Hips

I have been listening to my body, and eating when hungry, which has resulted in a couple hundred calories more per day than my target.  The target helped me to lose weight a few weeks back, but I believe that my metabolism has been pumped up enough to require a few more calories.  I will be making an appointment to have my RMR measured, again, since my lean body mass has definitely increased, and fat mass has definitely increased since I last had it measured.

2007-10-26 8:31 AM
in reply to: #1024910

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in

Happy Friday everyone! 

I'm finally back to 180 today.  This week was a weird one - I didn't get too many workouts in, I had hip and shoulder issues, and today my foot hurts.  Cripes.  Plus I was eating I eat when I'm not paying attention.  Candy corn anyone?  Yesterday I finally started tracking again and did so much better, and surprise surprise, felt much better.  I've been struggling with some challenging work situations and the ol' too much to do and not enough time to do it issues, and everything just kind of fell apart.  I felt like I was getting back on-track with everything yesterday - let's see how today progresses.  When I can get my eating under control it seems like I'm more in control in all areas of my life.

So, I don't have a reward planned for reaching my goal, but I expect that easier or faster runs will be my reward.  Of course, for that to happen I actually have to GET OUT THERE AND RUN! 

Great job, everyone!

2007-10-26 9:22 AM
in reply to: #1024910

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Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
Chudley is down to 229 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah!!! Broke thru to the 220's!!!! I'm so happy!!

Secondary goal is still a work in progress...the gut is down a ton, but I am not a romance novel cover model just yet!

My reward for the new year is to live a longer and healthier lifestyle...and Chinese food on new years eve! Can you tell I'm pumped...look at all the ! marks!!!

Actually my reward will be not finishing DFL in my age group.

Keep up the good work everyone, have a great week.
2007-10-26 10:38 AM
in reply to: #1024910

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in

Aloha lads and lassies

well I am feling poorly today! but weighed yesterday at...................................................


WOW... only a pound but last week was weighed on sunday so this week is for 4 days really. But I am well pleased with my smug self. Now on to the 195 goal for this challange.

Secondry goal was a washout for various lessons so for this week I want to get to 10 hours biking, 10 hrs walking and 90 mins swim.

Hope all are doing well and log in people even if you didn't lose and we can make a special effort to support you along so you know you aint all alone.

2007-10-26 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1024910

New user
Portland, OR
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
197. Not happy, and its my own fault. Good thing I have to weigh in and admit it, though.

Secondary goal also not met. I think I will change it to making sure I get workouts in 5 days a week, since that seems to be the problem with the weight loss, too.

Unsure about a reward, will have to think about that one.

Kristen, you are a superstar! Congrats this week, and thanks for all your hard work on this! Congrats to everyone who lost weight this week!!

2007-10-26 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1024910

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Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in

Start weight 164.8

10/19 weigh-in: 158.0

10/26 weigh-in: 157.6

change: 0.4lbs

Secondary goal: yes, will be caught up with nutritional logging by the end of today for the week.  Want to change my secondary goal.

New secondary goal: decrease in body fat% average in weekly training log. Met that goal this week

 Question of the Week: Do you have a reward planned for meeting your New Year goal?  When I meet my goal for the New Year challenge I will pat myself on the back and say good job and enjoy looking at myself more in the mirror.  If I can maintain my goal weight for 1 year (sub 150 about 15% bf)  I'll buy a pair of Flashpoints or get a power meter.  Getting to the goal is one thing not going letting yourself regress is a much bigger accomplishment. 

2007-10-26 11:58 AM
in reply to: #1024910

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in

Challenge Start weight: 248

Last Week: 246

This week: 247

+1 for week/ -1 for challenge

No real surprise...poor nutritional choices, but 3 days were vendor/supplier luncheons and still not at point where I can order healthy off of a FREE menu.  If I'm not down at least 4lbs next week I am sending everyone in this thread $1....maybe..

Secondary goal will never be met as long as the Devil continues to produce Diet Pepsi Max!  Have a Great weekend all!

2007-10-26 3:07 PM
in reply to: #1024910

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in

Good afternoon all,

I forgot to weigh in last week but I am at "Stuck" I am still at 164 lbs.

 I am being good but have added quite a bit of wieght training and a new exercise class to my scheduel so that may be part of the reason I am stuck. I think my body is confused. I'll get it on track and just keep trying. I do't have a plan or reward for when I get to my goal but I'm sure I'll think of one.

Everyone have a great weekend!


2007-10-26 3:33 PM
in reply to: #1024910

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
Start: 165
Last Week: 158
This Week: 157

I skipped my Tuesday workout when my kid-swap plan didn't work out. There's a treadmill at the community center that I should use next time. I think I just wanted the excuse to be lazy...

My reward for weightloss is going to be a post-Christmas sales shopping trip. My pants are starting to feel a little too large!!
2007-10-26 4:37 PM
in reply to: #1024910

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
Exactly the same as I was last week. Maybe if I would've stuck to my goal and stayed away from the Halloween candy last night, I would've seen a tiny loss. Oh well! At least October is almost over and I didn't gain any weight. Usually I would've already gained 5lbs.

2007-10-26 8:12 PM
in reply to: #1026134

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Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
maura9900 - 2007-10-26 4:37 PM

Exactly the same as I was last week. Maybe if I would've stuck to my goal and stayed away from the Halloween candy last night, I would've seen a tiny loss. Oh well! At least October is almost over and I didn't gain any weight. Usually I would've already gained 5lbs.

Is it Halloween already? Hang in there, good perspective on staying level for the month!!
2007-10-26 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1024910

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in

ok, just going to get this over with - i'm up 3.2 lbs :-(

I know why - know what i needed to do, and what i didn't (or did) do

on the up side - met my secondary goals

my reward - hmmm, well, I have this really hot black skirt and leather jacket that used to fit that I am totally picturing myself wearing at new years

2007-10-27 7:36 AM
in reply to: #1024910

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NICE, France
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
132.2 so up again i am giving it one more week to change or i am quitting this challenge. I took two piecs of advice this week I
a) cheated .. last weekend i ate paella + glass of rosé at tri dinner but stayed within calories
sunday had a hamburger + beer while watching rugby and stayed within calories

b) i reduced my calories overall last week... my average was 1750 per day with an avearge i think of 700- 800 cals burnt per day (of course i ate more on long workout days... apart from the two cheats i was clean all week...

I am at a real loss

this week i plan on taking the other bit of advice ie upping my calories and as i said if this doesn't work i am dropping out of the challenge...

I achieved my secondary goal and have no plans for a reward at this point

Edited by Jedi 2007-10-27 7:37 AM
2007-10-27 8:52 AM
in reply to: #1024910

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Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in

This week; 127.5

Last week 127.5

Week before: 127.5

Hmmm, there's a pattern here...  This does tend to be a sticky weight for me, so I'm not terribly surprised.  The lack of workouts on my blog may be a clue!  I'm off service now, and almost done with my traveling, so it should get easier.  I didn't meet my secondary goal either- I get myself into traps when I don't eat well during the day, then mindlessly nibble in the kitchen while I'm figuring out dinner.

I think it's time for a secondary goal:  Work out at least twice this week (start modestly )

Reward:  hmm, hadn't thought of that yet... New jeans maybe?


2007-10-27 9:18 AM
in reply to: #1024910

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Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
Another great week, everyone.....

Start: 259
Last Week: 248
Current Week: 244 (-4 for the week) woohoo...

I also met my secondary goals.... part of last week and this week...I started feeling a little drained... the scale actually went up just a hair. That is when I decided to up the calories a little...and what do you The weight came down..and even better, I felt great!

As far as a reward for hitting my goal, for this challenge...Well, the best reward is going to be the fact that I will be a little healthier... and closer to my overall goal weight. I want to be as light and healthy as possible going into IM Louisville.... But...other than that..yes, I do have something planned. When I drop a couple of lbs past my goal weight in this challenge... my father and I are going hang gliding. It is something that I always wanted to do...and I miss being in the air. @ 300+ lbs, it tends to limit your skydiving and hang gliding

  • ..Now... I am heading out the door to take my daughter fishing for the first time! It is going to be a great day....

  • Kenny

    Edited by Ten9T6 2007-10-27 9:30 AM
    2007-10-27 9:32 AM
    in reply to: #1025493

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    Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
    paul walker - 2007-10-26 10:38 AM

    Aloha lads and lassies

    well I am feling poorly today! but weighed yesterday at...................................................


    WOW... only a pound but last week was weighed on sunday so this week is for 4 days really. But I am well pleased with my smug self. Now on to the 195 goal for this challange.

    Secondry goal was a washout for various lessons so for this week I want to get to 10 hours biking, 10 hrs walking and 90 mins swim.

    Hope all are doing well and log in people even if you didn't lose and we can make a special effort to support you along so you know you aint all alone.

    Outstanding!!.!.! I can't wait until I see those numbers on a scale, again.. lol

    Keep up the great work!


    Edited by Ten9T6 2007-10-27 9:33 AM
    2007-10-27 10:53 AM
    in reply to: #1026502

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    Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
    Hey Jedi.....

    Not sure if you can realistically expect results from trying anything for just one week. When I experiment I try it for an entire month...if it doesn't work after a month, I move on. I read somewhere that you will see at least a week or two lag time from what you do to what you see at the scale. I have lost 67 lbs with this trial and error mindset over the past I know that giving "it" time...what ever "it" may be certainly works! Hang in there.

    Edited by chudley 2007-10-27 10:55 AM

    2007-10-27 11:18 AM
    in reply to: #1026597

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    NICE, France
    Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
    chudley - 2007-10-27 10:53 AM

    Hey Jedi.....

    Not sure if you can realistically expect results from trying anything for just one week. When I experiment I try it for an entire month...if it doesn't work after a month, I move on. I read somewhere that you will see at least a week or two lag time from what you do to what you see at the scale. I have lost 67 lbs with this trial and error mindset over the past I know that giving "it" time...what ever "it" may be certainly works! Hang in there.

    Hi Chudley, I think i find it kind of challenging that i am not simply remaining static but actually gaining... from trial and error these past two years i know what works also for me: much less cardio (with mix of LISS and HIIT) and lots more weights plus much lower carb, this works for me on around 1600 cals, however i don't seem to be able to find what works when i increase all the endurance stuff, am expending many more calories and eating somewhat higher carbs..

    By the way WELL DONE for breaking through into the 220s

    Edited by Jedi 2007-10-27 11:19 AM
    2007-10-27 11:32 AM
    in reply to: #1024910

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    Estero, FL
    Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
    LAst week 299

    This week 244.2

    Loss 4.8 lbs

    I had another good week as far as eating and trianing goes. These alrge gains will slow and i have to be prepared for that to happen.
    I am closer to my secondary goal, as my 42s fit well right now, and I feel my clothes fitting better than they did.

    I have no reward scheduled for this particular challenge, as my goal is to reach 200lbs - then i will have a reward - a two week ski vacation.

    Good job to all.
    2007-10-27 11:44 AM
    in reply to: #1024910

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    Silverthorne, CO
    Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
    Last week: 303
    this week: 302 Down 1 lbs
    Secondary Goal: yes (track eating habits 5 out of 7 days)

    I would have liked to see more of a loss this week, but I am happy and feelin great. I have not thought about a reward for my self at the end, but I think I will treat myself to some telemark ski lesons. I have been out on my tele gear a few days at the end last season and one day this season. I think a few pointers would go along way.

    2007-10-27 12:38 PM
    in reply to: #1026626

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    Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
    Big O - 2007-10-27 11:32 AM

    LAst week 299

    This week 244.2

    Loss 4.8 lbs

    I had another good week as far as eating and trianing goes. These alrge gains will slow and i have to be prepared for that to happen.
    I am closer to my secondary goal, as my 42s fit well right now, and I feel my clothes fitting better than they did.

    I have no reward scheduled for this particular challenge, as my goal is to reach 200lbs - then i will have a reward - a two week ski vacation.

    Good job to all.

    wow.. 54 lbs loss in a week! Do you feel ok? lol....I did that 2 weeks ago.

    Great job on the 4.8 loss..... Keep it up..

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