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2007-10-27 2:46 PM
in reply to: #1024910

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in

I am at 179 which is UP about a half pound.  I feel like I have gained about ten pounds, though.  All of a sudden feeling flabby and having poor body image issues (well, those have never really gone away)... I ate like crap all week--justifiying treats, and I have not yet let any Halloween candy through the door so I am hopeful I can avoid that until the last minute.  I usually hand out stuff I hate, like Snickers and Butterfingers, because I won't eat those ever.  Gotta keep my hands off the kids' food. That's going to be my challenge of the week.  NO EATING KID FOOD!!!  This includes sandwich remains, snack remains, extra this or that, sips of choc milk boxes, handfuls of cereal, etc etc..... NO KID FOOD, LESLIE!  And especially NO Halloween candy.  Sugar is such a slippery slope for me.

I finally did what I said I was going to do at the beginning of the challenge--I had my BF% measured at the gym this morning.  I am horrified that it came out to be 30%!  They have to have made a mistake.  I know that caliper testing isn't the most scientific, and next weekend there is hydrostatic weighing so I might do that.  Still, it is yukky to hear that after I have lost 50+ pounds and have dropped 6 or 7 clothing sizes, I am still at 30%.  Anyway, it's better than 50% and gives me a benchmark.  So, I did pilates, to see if I can tone that dratted midsection that taunts me.  I am going to restate my weekly goal again.  NO KID FOOD NO KID FOOD NO KID FOOD. Ok, there.

Good job this week.  The hard part is being honest with ourselves and our challenge-mates.  Keep up the hard work!!!  INSPIRE!

2007-10-27 4:24 PM
in reply to: #1026775

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
Medusa_Ann - 2007-10-27 3:46 PM

NO EATING KID FOOD!!!  This includes sandwich remains, snack remains, extra this or that, sips of choc milk boxes, handfuls of cereal, etc etc..... NO KID FOOD, LESLIE! 

This is the worst isn't it? My husband and I are both very frugal folks, and we had a heck of a time "training" ourselves to throw away food. When my eldest daughter was a toddler, she wouldn't eat french fries (good for her!) but there weren't a whole lot of other side choices, so instead of letting "good food" go to waste, hubby and I would clean her plate. Yuck!

Thankfully, that's one of the first habits we broke when we started our weightloss odyssey...(and also thank goodness for more choices on kids menus).

Other than getting over the initial distaste in throwing food away, another tip that helps me is that when I lay out their food (especially snacks), I also immediately put out a ziploc baggie. They eat what they will and the rest goes in the baggy. I don't even think about it. This has saved me from finishing numerous packs of goldfish! (And they can finish it the next snack time.)

Don't be discouraged!!! You can do it!
2007-10-27 4:27 PM
in reply to: #1026336

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
lastcall2003 - 2007-10-26 9:42 PM

my reward - hmmm, well, I have this really hot black skirt and leather jacket that used to fit that I am totally picturing myself wearing at new years

Whoo whoo - that would be a good, on the other hand - New Years is usually a family night (don't want to pay the huge amount to go out PLUS the huge amount to have a decent sitter for so long) I'll be wearing flannel pants and a sweatshirt, most likely.

2007-10-27 4:30 PM
in reply to: #1025635

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
1st Timer in NY - 2007-10-26 12:58 PM

If I'm not down at least 4lbs next week I am sending everyone in this thread $1....maybe..

I'm sure you'll meet your goal, but just in case you don't, you can send my $1 to ....

Secondary goal will never be met as long as the Devil continues to produce Diet Pepsi Max!  Have a Great weekend all!

Another Diet Pepsi addict here...personally, its something I've decided that I'm not giving up. But if you're trying to wean yourself, wouldn't going from Max to regular Diet be a good start? (Doesn't Max have like double the caffeine? I've tried it a few times, but I'm happy enough getting my jolt from the regular diet...many, many cans of it. )

2007-10-27 8:50 PM
in reply to: #1026616

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Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
Jedi - 2007-10-27 11:18 AM

chudley - 2007-10-27 10:53 AM

Hey Jedi.....

Not sure if you can realistically expect results from trying anything for just one week. When I experiment I try it for an entire month...if it doesn't work after a month, I move on. I read somewhere that you will see at least a week or two lag time from what you do to what you see at the scale. I have lost 67 lbs with this trial and error mindset over the past I know that giving "it" time...what ever "it" may be certainly works! Hang in there.

Hi Chudley, I think i find it kind of challenging that i am not simply remaining static but actually gaining... from trial and error these past two years i know what works also for me: much less cardio (with mix of LISS and HIIT) and lots more weights plus much lower carb, this works for me on around 1600 cals, however i don't seem to be able to find what works when i increase all the endurance stuff, am expending many more calories and eating somewhat higher carbs..

By the way WELL DONE for breaking through into the 220s

Thanks for the kind words! You do certainly have a peculiar predicament! I'm sure you will find a solution. In the mean time remember we are always here to support you!
2007-10-27 9:26 PM
in reply to: #1025493

No excuses!
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
paul walker - 2007-10-26 11:38 AM

Aloha lads and lassies

well I am feling poorly today! but weighed yesterday at...................................................


WOW... only a pound but last week was weighed on sunday so this week is for 4 days really. But I am well pleased with my smug self. Now on to the 195 goal for this challange.

Secondry goal was a washout for various lessons so for this week I want to get to 10 hours biking, 10 hrs walking and 90 mins swim.

Hope all are doing well and log in people even if you didn't lose and we can make a special effort to support you along so you know you aint all alone.


Dude, frickin amazing. Way to go, keep it going!!

2007-10-27 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1025345

No excuses!
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in

chudley - 2007-10-26 10:22 AM Chudley is down to 229 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!! Broke thru to the 220's!!!! I'm so happy!! Secondary goal is still a work in progress...the gut is down a ton, but I am not a romance novel cover model just yet! My reward for the new year is to live a longer and healthier lifestyle...and Chinese food on new years eve! Can you tell I'm pumped...look at all the ! marks!!! Actually my reward will be not finishing DFL in my age group. Keep up the good work everyone, have a great week.


Great job Chudley, you are on  a roll!!

2007-10-27 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1025635

No excuses!
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
1st Timer in NY - 2007-10-26 12:58 PM

Challenge Start weight: 248

Last Week: 246

This week: 247

+1 for week/ -1 for challenge

No real surprise...poor nutritional choices, but 3 days were vendor/supplier luncheons and still not at point where I can order healthy off of a FREE menu.  If I'm not down at least 4lbs next week I am sending everyone in this thread $1....maybe..

Secondary goal will never be met as long as the Devil continues to produce Diet Pepsi Max!  Have a Great weekend all!


We are all holding you to those 4 pounds. Keep up the good work. Think water over pop (soda for you southerners)Wink

2007-10-27 9:31 PM
in reply to: #1024910

No excuses!
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in

205 for me this week. It has been a bad week for eating. Lots of crap going on with work and laziness and stress have got me into some bad habits. Will have a great weigh in next week

As far as meeting my goal by New Years, I guess first I have to get there then we can worry about what we will do for myself

2007-10-28 5:56 PM
in reply to: #1024910


Huntington beach,ca
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
Last week-259.8

this week -260.0


At the risk of being arrogant, I am proud of myself in one regard. Living in So Cal, obviously last week we had the Gale winds and Really bad air quality due to the wild fires. This really was prime territory for a whole myriad of excuses not to workout. It did hamper my bike riding to work, but I made up for it with my runs. My wife, Freinds and others would have not batted an eye at me taking a week off considering the circumstances. But I knew better and I decided that living my life by excuses and getting by no longer works for me and the bottom line is even though I am progressing I still feel like I am on the razors edge when it comes to my whole "Plan". A week or two of missed workouts due to "Circumstances" along with relaxing my eating and I could be totally lost again. I don't know if I can go back again so the only option is FORWARD!!!!! LOL

Secondary goal...was met!!! stuck to my every other day minimum on my workouts which I have maintained for the last 10 days, so I am encouraged by that.

This weeks secondary.......Have only two rest days in a week......

Edited by BIGBOY777 2007-10-28 6:08 PM
2007-10-28 9:52 PM
in reply to: #1024910

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
WI today: 249.6

Still haven't started swimming, but that will happen this coming Thursday.

Yep, I have a reward coming

Edited by MrsUSMC 2007-10-28 9:52 PM

2007-10-29 7:19 AM
in reply to: #1024910

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in

Sorry I'm so late...

Starting weight 225 (10/15/07)

Last Week's Weight 222.8 (10/19/07)

Today's Weight 222.0

Loss = 0.8

Goal weight 205 (1/1/08)

Well, a loss is a loss.  I'll take it.  I want a new bike but I won't even begin looking until I'm under 200 so I guess that will be my reward

2007-10-29 9:17 AM
in reply to: #1024910

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South Carolina
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
Hi! I'd like to join this "challenge" group. I've lost 22 lbs. since last January. I only need to lose 5-10 more, but those are the hard ones! I need to have people to hold me accountable. I'm a first year triathlete, with a big second year planned (maybe full IM?). Was on WW Core Program, but have switched to using BT nutrition/training logs. I'm pretty much still using the WW core food idea, along with watching calories. I know what's healthy for me to eat now.

Oh, by the way, this week's number: 142 lbs. I guess you're weighing in on Fridays?
2007-10-29 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1024910

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Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in

Start: 172
Last Week: 168
This Week: 167.5 (I'll take it)

Secondary Goal: done!

My reward will be new clothes - street and tri-wear! 

2007-10-29 4:56 PM
in reply to: #1024910

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
Here are the results from Week 4...good work everyone!

A couple of particular shoutouts:

Congrats to Paul Walker for leaving Clydesdale territory, Chudley for dipping into the 220's, and YogaNerd for getting a weight/measurement that inspired happy dancing.

Congrats to BigBoy777 for working out during the CA wildfires, and Ten9T6, oweiss, Blizzard_rw, marina, Maura9900, and LastCall2003 for making their secondary goals.

Big love to barqhead, jedi, chrisrunzs26, lastcall2003, and gorjess who didn't quite have the weeks they wanted and might need a little extra inspiration this week.




NameStartGoalloss goalother goalWeek 4 (Oct 26)Total lost for challengeChange from last weekSecondary goal met?
Big_O30728522.0040" waist294.212.84.8Getting there
Yoganerd202.6182.620.00waist+thighs (114cm)
Chudley23219933.00abs22932Working on it
MrsUSMC254.8238.616.20swimming/5K run249.65.21.6?
Paul_Walker21319518.0010h bike/10h walk/90m swim199141No
Klilevjen16515510.0090% planned wos15781 
Blizzard_rw31529916.00track foodx5302131Yes
PanicTour22520520.00log foods22230.8Almost
marina17214725.00track food167.54.50.5Yes
Medusa_Ann18017010.00No kid food17910.5?
oweiss164.8149.914.90decrease bodyfat%
Momandmd1291236.00workout x 2127.51.50?
Maura99001321266.00no junk food  129.42.60Yes
Chrisrunzs2616515510.00eat wellx616410?
BigBoy77726523530.00No 2x rests2605-0.2Yes
jedi129.81254.80swim lessons132.2-2.4-0.7Yes
1stTimer_in_NY24822820.00no soda2471-1No
Barqhead1461388.0064oz water/day148-2-1.2No
Shermbelle20519015.00clean eatx62050-1.6No
JimSinclair270.624723.60eat good snacks2682.6-3.6No
Sparkle17315518.00Waist down to 35"    
Jdbadger22220715.00BF down to 27%    
Unckate714712720.0090% planned wos    
TamiMoreno70233.5217.516.00food diary    
BunnyB264.624519.60stick to training plan    
stone_age_rage207.619512.60BF below 20%    
Sal15014010.00no lollies    
Irongirl3918015525.00BF down to 21%    

Edited by enders_shadow 2007-10-29 5:01 PM
2007-10-29 5:04 PM
in reply to: #1024910

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
PS ...

To make the spreadsheet more reader-friendly, I'm going to bump off the people that haven't weighed in for 2 weeks. (Not bumping off like the Sopranos! Like erasing like the Sopranos...well, y'know what I mean!)

HOWEVER - I'm a shiny, happy person and I will add anyone back to the spreadsheet whenever they weigh in...they will just be removed for the purposes of posting here.



2007-10-29 6:30 PM
in reply to: #1024910

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
I know I haven't weighed in for a couple of weeks, but could you please leave me on the spreadsheet? I've had a pretty stressful couple of weeks taking training classes for a professional certification exam I'll be taking on Friday. I'm planning to hit a Weight Watchers meeting on Saturday and can report in after that. It won't be pretty though because I tend to be a stress eater.
2007-10-29 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1028973

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
BunnyB - 2007-10-29 7:30 PM

I know I haven't weighed in for a couple of weeks, but could you please leave me on the spreadsheet? I've had a pretty stressful couple of weeks taking training classes for a professional certification exam I'll be taking on Friday. I'm planning to hit a Weight Watchers meeting on Saturday and can report in after that. It won't be pretty though because I tend to be a stress eater.

You betcha! Take care of yourself & good luck on your exam. We'll be happy to have you back on board!

2007-10-29 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1024910

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in
2007-11-01 10:32 AM
in reply to: #1024910

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 26 - New You by New Years weigh in


Come visit us in our new location!

Edited by enders_shadow 2007-11-01 10:38 AM
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