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2007-12-07 12:25 PM

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Melon Presser
Subject: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

The name: Hi there! I’m TriAya (my name is Yanti).

The life story: I grew up in Indonesia, where I swam with the national team and my high school team. When I moved to the States, I coached and competed in martial arts, but became sedentary after an injury. Fast forward … a student suckered me into doing a charity marathon, I got hooked, and before long I learned how to ride a bike and picked swimming back up! Now I’m also a Spinning® instructor. I’m single and live in Venice, California, where it’s great to have the ocean and bike and running trails at my doorstep.

The 2007 story: This last racing season (my first full tri season) included three sprints, an Olympic, a 5K, and a marathon. 

Coming features: 2008 will be the year of halfs, starting with Surf City Half Marathon as a tune-up for California 70.3 half-Ironman in March. I will do some shorter-distance tris until Vineman 70.3 in July, where I will try to time-qualify for the USAT Halfmax Nationals (October) as an Athena.

Training: I do a BT half-iron training plan and my own planning to periodize my training year (fancy word for training different ways during different times of year for maximum benefit). I’m a big fan of each workout having a purpose and well-planned weeks, since it really helps to maximize limited training time, and prevents burnout and injury. For marathons, I follow Jeff Galloway’s low-mileage, run-walk method. 

Weight Loss: I’ve lost over 100 lbs. since becoming active again (40 lbs. this last tri season). I am still an Athena (generally, a female athlete over 140 lbs.) and am about 10 lbs. away from my goal weight, which I hope to attain and maintain this season. 

What’s in it for you: The tri community and BT in particular have been so welcoming—you should have the benefit of that in a manageable, focused setting like this mentor group! The only dumb question is the one not asked, and in me you’ll also have a cheerleader who’ll create a fun, supportive group. I’m on BT every day and have gotten to know most of the other active folks here, so you’ll also have good resources for the questions and discussions I’m not sure about.

Edited by TriAya 2007-12-09 3:56 PM

2007-12-07 3:35 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- Open! :)
Pick Me! Pick Me!

I'm Terri and I'm a tri-virgin. In fact, I've only participated in 1 5K and that was barely 2 weeks ago. 2008 is going to be the year of Me and part of that includes becoming a triathlete while losing excess poundage that's making me unhealthy.

I'm married to a triathlete so I know the ins and outs of training in principal, and since I've been to triathlons I know how much freaking fun they are, and am just finishing my first week of the Michael Pate's Total Sprint training program offered as a bronze member.

Edited by MrsUSMC 2007-12-07 3:41 PM
2007-12-07 8:02 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- Open! :)
How can we join a group with the mentors I am very interested

I have been running for the last 4 years. The last 2 doing half marathons at season end. I did a sprint triathlon over 5 years ago and had the most fun I have ever had in any sporting event. But considered the running my week point and picked that up and then kind of let the Tri thoughts slip away. I am currently taking swimming lessons to improve my swim and believe me it needs improvement. I just picked up my bike last week and finally got to ride it today for the first time. This was actually the first time I have ever ridden a road bike my tri was on a mountain bike.

I am trying to figure out a training schedule as I am living with my girlfriend and there is a total of 5 kids ages 13 to 11 months. So trainings is mainly in the mornings before work and maybe the odd night. I do get out on weekends for a couple of hours also.

I am not sure if we get picked or what but I am interested as it will be good to have someone to be accountable to and go to for advice.
2007-12-07 11:41 PM
in reply to: #1088776

Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- Open! :)


 I would LOVE to join your group.  I'm going to need some mentoring this year. 

 Background on me (Laura):

I grew up in Athens, Georgia and now live in Rock Hill, SC where I am a professor.  Working in academia gives me a pretty flexible schedule, so I've decided to get back into shape and do some triathlons in 2008.  I was a competitive soccer player for many years and have always been in decent shape.  Then there were kids....and grad school. I have two boys, 3 and 1, and a supportive husband.  He's all for my training.

I am in week 4 of the 16 week sprint triathlon training program.  I'm already seeing some improvement which makes me feel fabulous.  My goal is to do 4 sprints this year (starting with Parris Island, SC in March), and MAYBE an olympic at the end of the season.

2007-12-08 12:05 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- Open! :)

Yanti, I have a question for you. You already know me and we have great times talking which is something I enjoy as you are aware of. I still consider myself new even though I have completed a 5k, 1/2 Marathon, and a sprint triathlon in the last 30 days. As you can see in my log I have several races planned over the next 5 months leading to an OLY in April. I have committed to the 20 week OLY program here on BT and I am finishing my first week. With all that said is this something you recommend that I join or not? You know I respect your opinion so let me know. Thanks


2007-12-08 1:01 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- Open! :)
so is it too early to join your group. i am a tri virgin, but i am putting in the training time on the bike and run. the swim starts soon i guarentee it. what my goals are for 2008-

-get down to 210-215 lbs. current weight 230(down 35)
-increase long run to 10 mi
-do a century
-la triathlon(oly) in sept 08
-HIM in 2009

i start work early so a lot of my training is during lunch(gym at work). the agreement with the wife is that workouts are done by 9am on the weekends-long runs/rides when it is dark and cold. i am ready to go. thanks.

2007-12-08 1:52 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- Open! :)

Hi, everyone, and welcome! The goals and enthusiasm of this group are great. Super congrats on taking up triathlon and making a commitment to FUN and health! Feel free to post more info about yourself, questions, how training is going, anything. This'll be a pretty free-flowing place.

I can see everyone who's posted so far uses the log feature of BT--excellent! (Don't you just love watching those bars grow?) Keep it up, and I'd suggest adding the fellow group members as friends (if you're joining after this post and you don't know how to do either, just ask)--that way it's easier to leave inspires/comments for each other.

Terri, awesome to have you on board and thank you for jumping in.

Shaun, you can actually join any of the mentor groups on the board--you pick us, we don't pick you--but since you've clearly already found the best one, you may as well stay .

Hector, I PM'ed you--in short, we want you, we need you, you need us, so you should want us.

Laura, let me guess--Winthrop? I took summer classes there when I was an undergrad at Davidson. What do you teach?

Will--never too early to join; in fact, this group's filling up fast!

It sounds like a common issue among us is life/work/training balance--it is a trial and error process and sometimes it's not going to be ideal. The beauty is that it's just fine to miss a workout or two on occasion, and you can train for triathlons on suprisingly little time.

If you're not already doing so, I'd strongly suggest picking a training plan--with limited time, it's always better to train smart (which does NOT mean going hard every workout. Much the opposite). You can modify it to work with your schedule and goals, and we're all here to help.

2007-12-08 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1088776

Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- Open! :)

Yep...Winthrop.  That's really cool that you took classes there.  I love it so far (I'm in my first year).  I am an economic professor.  I specialize in education funding and environmental protection issues.

 Look forward to chatting with everyone and improving together. 

2007-12-08 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- Open! :)
Yanti you are right I have found the best one so I will stay right here!!

I have not really used the training logs but will for sure now.
2007-12-08 10:23 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- Open! :)

Hi...I was in a May mentor group....enjoyed it....and I think I'd enjoy your group this time around.  I am also Athena and in my second season, doing the 20 week Oly plan (week 2 now) so there's a lot of similarities with others here!  Once you give the go ahead, I will fill you in on more details.  Feel free to read my training log if you want....I've been logging since May.  I hope my old group doesn't feel bad that I am moving on, but I think I would like to increase my BT family and this is a good way to do it!

Thanks, Leslie

2007-12-08 12:02 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- Open! :)


I would love to be a part of this group!  I have been keeping my eye on this forum, hoping a new group would start or open up!  How fortuitous that it is with Yanti!

My name is Beth, I live in Omaha, NE.  I just completed my second season of triiing - that being said, I still feel very new to the whole thing.

I am completely new to biking and running, in fact, I bought my first bike since HS after I signed up for my first Sprint - LOL - I've never been a runner,  swimming is definitely my strength and my love - I swam competitively through HS and rediscovered my joy for it a couple of years ago.

I have completed 3 sprints and 1 Oly.  I've partcipated in 4 sprints, but my final event last year was a team effort and I did the swim only - due to injury.

I am a 46 and the proud mother of 3 wonderful kids!

My most immediate goal - besides getting my foot to heal once and for all, is to participate in the HyVee Triathlon on June 22.  I did the event last year, but really struggled with the run, due to PF.  My goal is to complete and compete in this event and to be able to run the entire distance!

I would love to do a 1/2 IM in 2009.  We will have to see if the foot and knees will allow that distance of running - at a minimum, my goal is to do an Aquabike division of a 1/2 IM.

Weight loss *sigh* always a struggle for me!  I had reached my goal weight 2 years ago after losing close to 30 lbs - over the past year and 1/2 I have let 18 of that creep back on - I have made some forward progress, but need to make more!

Lastcall2003 represents a turning point in my life - 2003 is the year I woke up and realized that I needed to do something about being 30 lbs over weight, having become completely inactive, and well, not liking who I was very much.  It is a reminder to me to never let myself go back to being that person!

My life goals are to raise happy, healthy, well balanced kids who care about others and love life! 

Personally, I want to achieve life balance, be active and healthy and to like myself - secondarily, i want to be an inspiration to young people, women especially - I'd love for them to look at me and say "Damn!  I hope I look that good when I'm your age!" - so far so good on that front

I'm not sure how the mentor programs work, but I'm looking forward to finding out!

Edited by lastcall2003 2007-12-08 12:06 PM

2007-12-08 3:29 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- CLOSED ('til further notice)

Beth, dear! So glad you found us, and right under the gun, too.

Leslie, welcome to the pack! Please do post your particulars--it's great to have you on board.

I closed this group because we now have 8 members, and that's still close, supportive, and manageable. If someone doesn't post or log consistently (for whatever reason) or isn't able to be involved, no worries--we won't boot you! You're always welcome! But we may let another soul or two in then.

MrsUSMC -- Terri

lastcall 2003 -- Beth

Medusa Ann -- Leslie

wplummer -- Will

HCS5QA -- Hector

ldatug -- Laura

ShawnC13 -- Shawn

TriAya -- Yanti

2007-12-08 5:03 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- CLOSED ('til further notice)
Sweet I made the cut
2007-12-08 5:22 PM
in reply to: #1090229

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- CLOSED ('til further notice)


I am so excited to be a part of this group!


2007-12-08 5:39 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- CLOSED ('til further notice)
Yup this is going to be fun and we seem to have some great people in this group. Now get out there and train! Sorry my military motivator side came out for a second , I'm the mentoree not the mentoror.  LOL
2007-12-08 5:57 PM
in reply to: #1090286

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- CLOSED ('til further notice)

HCS5QA - 2007-12-08 5:39 PM Yup this is going to be fun and we seem to have some great people in this group. Now get out there and train! Sorry my military motivator side came out for a second , I'm the mentoree not the mentoror.  LOL

ALL of us are the manatees ... wait, mentorees as well as mentors.

2007-12-08 6:10 PM
in reply to: #1090298

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- CLOSED ('til further notice)
TriAya - 2007-12-08 5:57 PM

HCS5QA - 2007-12-08 5:39 PM Yup this is going to be fun and we seem to have some great people in this group. Now get out there and train! Sorry my military motivator side came out for a second , I'm the mentoree not the mentoror.  LOL

ALL of us are the manatees ... wait, mentorees as well as mentors.

LOL - thank goodness you cleared that up!  I wasn't sure about becoming a manatee - I mean they're cute and all, but...................

2007-12-08 7:11 PM
in reply to: #1088776

Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- CLOSED ('til further notice)

I am so excited to be in this group with everyone!  I think this is really going to help me get motivated.  I just signed up for my first 5K on New Year's Day (I guess no New Year's Eve partying for me).  I'm REALLY going to try to run the whole thing.  That is my goal. 

I just bought my first "real" pair of running shoes today.  They are Brooks and I am in love.    I ran so much more smoothly tonight.  I normally wear a size 7, but she said I needed a 8.5 running shoe.  I guess that was part of my problem....I was running in a size 7 NB and it was killing my toes.

 Ran 2 miles w/o stopping tonight for the very first time.  Not a big deal to most, but running is by far my weakness, so it's a HUGE deal to me. 


Edited by ldatug 2007-12-08 7:16 PM
2007-12-09 12:58 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- CLOSED ('til further notice)
Congrats on the Running Laura. That is awesome.

Here is a bit more about me

I did a sprint 02 didn't train for it at all didn't know I could swim the distance (400m) until a week before the event and I had to do it backstroke. The most fun I have ever had in any sporting event and I am very competitive. Was really stoked about doing more but then work and laziness got a hold of me and it was forgotten.

June 97 ACL surgery on right knee. July of 03 I tore the patella tendon off in my left knee and was in a brace locked straight after the surgery for 5 weeks. The brace went from hip to ankle it really sucked laying on the couch and no matter how hard I tried I could not get my leg to lift at all. A special thanks to my cat who saw I was immobile so he decided to bring in field mice for food for me only they weren't dead yet so I am hoping around on crutches trying to catch this thing. Back to my story so I was in the brace a total of 3 months. I had never run before I walked my 5 k in the sprint. My Ex girlfriend says she was in a run clinic and I am thinking she isn't an athlete if she can do it so can and ask my surgeon what he thinks. Says it is a good idea so January 04 I join a run clinic and have been running since. 5k's 10' half marathons I am not fast but I get them done I run a 10 min with 1 min walk but want to do away with that. So now I am looking for a new challenge to do some tri's this year. I am taking swim lessons to help my swim as it needs lots of help.

This is what I have planned this year tentatively for races

January 1 Resolution run 5k
Feb 24 Hatley Castle 8k
March 9 Bazan Bay 5k (first ever race has a special place in my heart)
April 13 Sooke river 10 k
April Sooke Spring Sprint Tri Date not confirmed yet looks like the 20th
April 27 Times Colonist 10k
May 18 Oak Bay Half marathon
May Triathlon of Compassion Date not specified
June 1 Panorama Classic Sprint tri
July 1 Canada Day 10k
August Self transendence Triathlon Oly
October Royal Victoria Half Marathon

I am looking at a couple other tri's just depending on what the kids are doing in the summer if they go to their dad's then hopefully 2 destination tri's

So is it possible or am I nuts for thinking I can do this?

This might make it sound like I am in great shape but no I would really like to lose 20-30 pounds and that would probably still put me as overweight in most height weight ratio, I am hoping that there are going to be lots of good ideas for nutrition and meal planning on here also.

Edited by ShawnC13 2007-12-09 1:01 AM
2007-12-09 4:48 AM
in reply to: #1090661

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- CLOSED ('til further notice)

Laura, congrats on the straight run! That's beautiful. Feels great to have new, fitting shoes, huh? I just ordered a new pair myself.

RUNNING SHOE TIPS: 1. write the date you got them in Sharpie on the side, and log miles religiously. That way, you know for sure when you're getting to several hundred miles on them. 2. Better yet, if you like the shoes, get a second pair while that model is still available. 3. When you've put a couple hundred miles on the first pair, plan a run now and then when you can be home (or at your car) with just a little bit left to go (say, cool-down). Swap the pairs and do the final part of the run in the second pair. You'll break them in easier, AND you will feel without a doubt when the old ones just aren't giving you the same support the new ones are--then it's time to chuck 'em.

Shawn, thanks for filling in your extra background (LOL at the chasing mice part. Was that the real beginning of your tri training?) Your race schedule is extensive. When will you have time to train? Your spirit and energy are incredible, but without building a strong base (endurance training) and then specifically doing high-intensity training as race prep, all that racing is likely to end in injury. And even if you did have the base and intensity, there just isn't enough recovery time between races. Racing puts a huge amount of stress on the body--it would be like running a lot of cement trucks over a half-built bridge. I would encourage you to pick races, well-spaced apart, that you really can't live without doing, then pick one or two of those as "A" races, and be willing to do the rest as amplified training. That way you'll also be able to follow a training plan that actually builds you up and prepares you for those races.

I'm really glad you outlined your goals ... and we'd be happy to help you refine them. You also brought an important point to my mind, which I'll put in a separate post ...

Edited by TriAya 2007-12-09 4:49 AM
2007-12-09 9:45 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- CLOSED ('til further notice)
Yes it is a big list of races. But I do not race so to say. I am slow at running a 6 minute K so a 10 k takes me an hour. My half was 2:20 so really they are just runs to me. I see what you mean about a lot close together. All of my run races I just treat as training there are maybe 2 races that I like to see how I can do the others are just go out and have a good time. that would be the same for the tri's this year anyway once I get through the swim it is timeto have fun and enjoy it.

2007-12-09 9:51 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- CLOSED ('til further notice)
By the way it is freezing or just above here right now and I am headed out for a run iI hope everyone else is also!!!
2007-12-09 10:15 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- CLOSED ('til further notice)

Hi everybody!  What fun to be a part of a new and interesting group of people!!  I see so many similarities with everyone here.... so here's my story:

Once upon a time.... when I was growing up, my dad was a triathlete in the very early days of triathlon.  I grew up being his support crew at races and eventually was a volunteer and race director at many races.  I never did one, though.  I was an athlete, playing varsity in basketball, volleyball, and track for four years, and also bike racing, windsurfing, skiing etc away from school.  I went to college and rowed for the University of Washington for one season.  Then I  had a knee injury at the same time that my dad broke his neck ski racing, so I had to quit the crew team and help take care of my dad while I was finishing college.  What followed was many years of a pattern of depression, eating disorder, alcohol and drug use, pure laziness, workaholism, helping others and ignoring weight climbed and my motivation went to zero. Occasionally I'd start a healthy lifestyle plan, but always fell off the wagon worse than before.  Sometimes I'd start exercising again which usually involved biking, which I always liked but then life intervened and I didn't fight back. 

So, fast I am almost 39 years old, a married mom of two boys (2 and 5).  I have lost around 50 pounds in the last year and am actually lighter than I was in high school.  My sister inspired me (nagged/dared) me to sign up for the Danskin Tri last year and that spurred me on in this adventure and soon I was addicted.  I completed four sprint tris last year, a few 5ks, a 5 mile and 10k trail run, and hopefully next weekend I am running a 12k if the weather isn't too awful.  I live in the Seattle area and am not a fan of winter weather, but I do my best.  I joined a gym a couple of months ago and I go there a lot to swim, take spinning classes and occasionally use a treadmill.  I tend to enjoy outdoor running no matter what the weather, but am forced indoors for bike and swim.  In the summer I have access to open water swimming every day at my in-laws' house down the street.  My weakness in this sport is swimming, although recently I have noticed some gains in both speed and endurance, so I am hopeful that winter will allow me to continue to improve.  My challenge with everything is finding the time, as the kids are demanding of me!  I am sure all of you parents understand that!!!  Last year I pretty much had them with me while I trained, either in a jogging stroller or in a bike trailer.  I even attempted to rig up a way to swim towing a kid but that never worked very well!

I am working on my season's plans, so I don't have that yet.  I am going to do at least one Oly and hopefully more, as I have a goal to make a 10k run an easy thing to do!  I'd like to do more sprint tris, especially ones close to home since there are some really fun ones.  I am considering doing the Seattle-to-Portland bike ride and also trying to decide if I'd do it in one or two days.  My athlete past comes in handy, as I have been able to finish in the top 30% of all competitors in most tris I have done, and I've placed as an Athena in a couple.  I will continue to compete as an Athena, as I don't foresee ever falling below the cutoff line due to my body composition!  Fine by me, as long as I am in shape.  I am in week 2 of the 20-week run focused Oly training plan on BT.  I am finding the biggest challenge so far is getting the bike time in. Next fall I also want to try out for the Roller Derby, so I will be taking some skating lessons this year.  I have the attitude, just need the skills!! 

Thanks for taking this on, Yanti.  I am very excited to have this new group to become close to this year--it's so great being able to see everyone's successes!!


2007-12-09 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1088776

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- CLOSED ('til further notice)
Please let me know if you open the group.

2007-12-09 11:03 AM
in reply to: #1090880

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group -- CLOSED ('til further notice)

It looks like this is really going to be a great group!  How did we all get so lucky? 

Great advice on the running shoes Yanti, I love that idea - I do log my miles religiously, but I can never remember exactly when I bought my shoes. What a simple and easy way to keep track!

Also a really great idea on how to easily break new shoes in!

From personal experience I can't stress enough the point you made about making sure that the shoes get replaced on a timely basis - if not, you will really start feeling it and will be much more prone to injury.

Here's a nice summary of when to replace running shoes (I was trying to remember so I looked it up )

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