BT Development Mentor Program Archives » KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2014-03-17 10:22 PM
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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Thanks for all the motivation and support, as always! I've started getting my feet wet on weight machines by using them at odd hours at the gym (like 12 AM on a Saturday night). I felt comfortable enough to walk around with a piece of paper with the names of all the machines I wanted to use and looked at every single one, then spent forever trying to figure out how to adjust the machines without feeling like anyone was impatiently waiting for me. Once I get the hang of them, then I'll start slowly using them at more regular hours when the gym is more populated.

Today, I swam half a mile with 30 second breaks every 50 meters. I'm very proud! I also officially signed up for the supersprint triathlon in Chicago on August 23. It cost me $70 (which is a LOT for me); I definitely would not be able to afford a sprint this year, but maybe next year. :-) I'm so excited because this is really happening now!

Edited by Carolyn24 2014-03-17 10:23 PM

2014-03-18 4:11 PM
in reply to: Carolyn24

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Hi everyone! Things have been really busy around here, but it beats the alternative. Did much better getting runs in last week and hit the pool again finally last night. With any luck I may actually get in my two swim sessions for the first time in awhile this week. Nothing going on today since I had to be into work early and it's the last night before my boyfriend leaves for a few days, but once he's gone I'll have no excuse to not get in some quality workouts so it should be a productive week!

John - Sounds like you've been busy too. Congratulations on the duathlon PR! Did they fix the timing? Sorry you had to have that happen. I had a race where that happened before too and it's frustrating. Thanks for the TRX recommendation too. I haven't had time to look into it in detail, but they seem to be well reviewed on Amazon so I'm definitely going to consider it!

Jan - Island bike sprints sound fun, I'm jealous!

Omne - Sorry you weren't able to crack two hours this time, but you came close. Ideally you'll be able to crush that next time you try!

Carolyn - Awesome progress in the pool! Nice you signed up for your first race too. Are sprints really expensive where you live though? Being a lot more than $70 seems steep. Not sure if you have a car though, so if not, I suppose that would limit your options a lot.

Hope everyone's week is off to a great start!
2014-03-18 8:31 PM
in reply to: #4915803

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Carolyn-- if money is tight, you may have many challenges ahead of you. Triathlon is a pretty expensive sport
2014-03-18 10:23 PM
in reply to: #4967582

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Lakeside, California
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Hey Jan, I would definitely be interested in tackling a swim at the bay with you but I need to get my wetsuit first. Maybe we can get each other through this part of the race. I know once I make it out of the water I will be fine so that's my only real concern. I'm thinking about a week from the event I should be ready to try a swim out there. Let me know what you think.

Sarah, thanks! The time had to be measured with back up video from the finish line at the Du. It's ok I was able to work out the bike leg because I used my runtastic app for each run and I had a pretty accurate time for both of those. I estimated my transition times so they are probably off but good enough because I covered the entire distance 9 minutes faster than this same course in November. So I'm pretty happy with that effort. I'm going to step up my swimming to get more comfortable as my Tri is now only about 6 weeks away! Getting excited, and nervous, but definitely looking forward to it!
2014-03-19 9:43 AM
in reply to: Hepcat09

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Someone tell me that swimming gets easier, please! This morning's swim session ended up being:

- 150 yards, all freestyle
- a bunch of random 50 yarders, some easy, some where I felt I was going to die
- 100 yards, the end of which I thought I did die
- a few more random 50 yards
- total: 750 yards, 30 minutes

My sprint is less than two months away now, and I need to be able to cover the 400m (~450 yards) without stopping, standing up, clearing my goggles, catching my breath, talking to the dude in the lane next to me, thinking about breakfast, getting the courage to go for another lap, etc.
2014-03-19 11:16 AM
in reply to: Hepcat09

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Hi John - sounds good - I got a wetsuit last week to try....... now all I have to do is get into the water Let me know when you've got a wetsuit and we can plan a meet up at mission bay. I'm feeling a little more confident about the swim now that i'm getting to the pool reguarly however I'm still thinking that during the event I'll end up breaststroke instead of crawl!!

Six weeks to go and I'm feeling a little more confident about it all ! More sprints on the bike, running and swiming :0)

2014-03-19 2:03 PM
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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Omne38103 - "My sprint is less than two months away now, and I need to be able to cover the 400m (~450 yards) without stopping, standing up, clearing my goggles, catching my breath, talking to the dude in the lane next to me, thinking about breakfast, getting the courage to go for another lap, etc"

Ha.ha.ha.ha......sounds familar to me

Edited by Millienz 2014-03-19 2:04 PM
2014-03-19 2:09 PM
in reply to: Millienz

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Hi everyone. I've been off the grid for awhile. My best friend died last week from her long battle with brain cancer. She was my college rowing teammate, my go-to girl when I needed someone to listen, my maid of honor when I got married and the silliest woman on earth. The entire week was full of emotional stress so I took most of it off from exercise so I didn't get hurt. I know I did the right thing, but I somehow have to find my motivation to get back to it. It turned out that I visited her the day before she died. She was unresponsive, couldn't talk or even open her eyes. I told her it was okay to let go and that we all loved her. She died the next day and that has had a profound impact on me. I am lucky to have had the time with her and I believe she listened to me and I was able to let her go. She was always a fighter and I will be training for the rest of this year leading up to my first 70.3 in her memory. Let's all just take a minute out of our day to realize how lucky we are to be here and to be able to do these things. I know we get frustrated (me included), and it's certainly not easy, but Michele's death has made me realize life is precious.

So to get motivated again, I registered for my first sprint tri on May 17, 8 weeks away! That should make me get to the pool!
2014-03-21 4:06 PM
in reply to: GailForce

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Gail - I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I think it's great that you're planning on devoting your first 70.3 to her memory; I'm sure she's appreciate it. You're right too, this type of event definitely puts things into perspective, doesn't it? Good luck with your training, I'm sure she'll be cheering you on!

Not too much going on here. My boyfriend has been in Vegas watching basketball since Wednesday so I've been taking advantage of the extra free time and getting in a decent amount of workouts. I actually had a great session in the pool last night. I'm still much slower than the average triathlete, but it's nice to see personal progress. I was hoping to get in all my workouts this week, but would need to run tonight to do so and it's looking like I'll have to stay late at work so I don't think that will happen. Even without tonight's run, I should have my highest volume week of the year, so once again, it's nice to see progress!

Omne - Swimming will definitely get easier! I can't promise you'll get really fast, but you should at least become more comfortable. Hopefully, that will be the case by your race, but worst case, you can stop or switch to breast or backstroke if needed. You'll get through it!

Have a great weekend, everyone!
2014-03-22 6:14 PM
in reply to: KiterChick

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED

Sarah! I was looking at your training log, and noticed a post about a bike HR test assigned from your coach? I'm curious to hear how you like being coached and how your coach handles your busy life and sometimes missed training.

I had an awesome week 2 weeks ago, then I got moved to 1st shift for the week. Which meant waking up at 5, working my usual 9-10hr day and feeling completely exhausted afterwards. It's out of my pattern to workout after work. I do an occasional run after work on 2nd shift, but I was really thrown outta whack this week. I felt tired all week, and then I had some weird stomach issues going on. With my half ironman 3 weeks away, it was really really frustrating and disappointing to fail at staying on track.

I have the next 1.5-2 weeks to finish fine-tuning and then a taper week and off to Puerto Rico!! Ahhhhhh!!!! I am trying not to worry and panic and panic and panic...... but it's really hard. I want to finish and I know I've struggled through this journey. My parents are making the trip, my boyfriend has been (mostly) supportive all through this. I just want to enjoy the race and be successful. I know come race day all the trials and tribulations won't matter. I will be in sunny, warm PR, happy and smiling out on the course. I guess I shouldn't be too concerned... 8.5hrs is a long time right? but 70.3 miles is a loooong way.... hahah.

2014-03-23 2:37 AM
in reply to: missyw2you

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Gail- I'm so sorry to hear of your friend's death. I can't imagine what you must be going through right now. I did take a minute to sit back and reflect on what an incredible thing it is to be alive, healthy, and well. I wish you lots of luck in your upcoming race and my heart goes out to you as you go through the healing process.

Omne- I wish I had some advice, but I feel you! My progress with the swim is similar and I have similar worries about not being able to stop to adjust goggles, stand up, etc.

Melissa- I'm finding that the triathlon really is an expensive sport! I hope to figure out if this is "the" sport for me through my training the next several months and, if it is, I can start budgeting more appropriately (i.e. not doing novelty 5K races throughout the year). In terms of your sleep schedule--yikes! Remind me what your profession is again? I work in the mental health field and I work odd hours, too (either overnight 9 PM-9 AM or 2 PM-11 PM). It really is rough on the body! Sending lots of positive vibes to you for Puerto Rico. You've got this!

2014-03-24 12:31 PM
in reply to: missyw2you

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Melissa - Good luck for PR - enjoy the event!

Carolyn - It is a expensive sport but I'm not sure that any sport isnt ... you will find a way if it's truely something you want to do. Are you able to borrow gear until you are sure or your sitatuion changes ??

Gail - sorry to hear of your loss.

I've had a great weekend of training - Friday I ran 8 miles - my furthest yet - wasn't pretty and wasn't fast but I did it. Saturday I swam at the local pool and practised all the drills and coaching that I had from the TRI club sessions - I really feel my stroke improving and everything coming together - I'd still prefer to breaststoke but really happy with my progress. I managed 1.2km. Sunday was cycling with tired legs but did sprints and climbed Mt Soledad, so feel a really productive weekend

this week is the Tri club first beginners open water swim.... if I can get into the wetsuit !
2014-03-24 4:01 PM
in reply to: Millienz

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Hi everyone! Busy weekend for me with a long trainer ride on Saturday followed by a long run yesterday. Good to be getting back into some higher volume workouts though. This week is a recovery week, but then I expect my coach to really start to ramp things up next month in preparation for my upcoming events in June!

Melissa - You were asking about how I like being coached. I've actually had two coaches, the one I had when I trained for my IM in 2012 and the one I have now who I've been with since September 2013. Not surprisingly, this has taught me that different coaches are...well, different. I don't feel the first coach was a good fit due to a number of reasons, but I still stuck with him until just before the IM. I wish I hadn't done that, so my first piece of advice is that if you find a coach and have any issues, drop them and find a new one until you find one you like.

That being said, I'm happy with my current coach. He gives me four weeks worth of workouts at a time, although he's also available via phone or email if I have any questions. Even though he also lives in MA, I have yet to meet him in person, but plenty of people are just coached online. Generally, prior to getting the next schedule, I let him know what my upcoming races are, as well as any life events that he needs to be aware of to work around. If you found a good coach, he or she should be happy to work around your schedule. As far as missed workouts, he's very nice about them. He just tells me I should do my best to get them in, but if not, that life happens.

As for your 70.3, you've got this! Looking at your logs, I'd give you rounded off guesstimate times of 1 hr swim, 4 hrs bike and 3 hrs run plus maybe 5-10 minutes in transitions. This is definitely under 8.5 hrs. It's also based on your training times too, and you shouldn't underestimate race day adrenaline so you may be significantly faster. That being said, be sure to keep your perceived effort in check though since you certainly don't want to burn out early. I'm sure you'll do great!

Jan - Congrats on hitting 8M, that's exciting! It sounds like you've been busy in general. As for getting into your wetsuit, the good news is that it takes a lot longer to get on than to get off!

Hope everyone's week is off to a great start!
2014-03-29 5:07 PM
in reply to: KiterChick

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New user
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED

our page has been quiet!

2 weeks til race day! And of course, my knee has started bothering me this week. I have bad knees in general but the pain has increased over this last week. My scheduled 60 mile bike ride today turned into only 20 when I just felt it wasn't a good idea to continue pushing this close to the race. I am going to see my old physical therapist this week for some stretching and dry needling. I had this needling done on me last year when I was having troubles with my hip and I really think it helped. It's like acupuncture without the spiritual side.

Thanks for the coaching perspective Sarah. When I started training for my half in the fall, I was working with a coach (who is also a friend of mine) but it just wasn't working. I felt guilty and a disappointment when I didn't meet her expectations or get all my workouts in. Still friends, but no longer being coached by her. If I ever decide to do a full ironman, I will probably try again. As far as times, you pretty much hit the nail on the head for what I am estimating for myself. All I want is to finish in the 8.5. Even if it takes me every second of my allotted time.

A favorite quote of mine -- "you know what they call someone who takes 16:59:59 to finish an ironman? AN IRONMAN!"

The time it takes me to finish 2 weeks from now will not reflect the journey I have gone through to get there, nor will it change the magnitude of the feat I am going to accomplish. Really looking forward to race day, and vacation in general. I am on day 13 of a 19 day working streak. Blah. Not having a day off really is tiring.

Have a good weekend everyone!

2014-03-31 1:00 PM
in reply to: missyw2you

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
It has been slow around here, but it's still early in the season for a lot of people, so I'm not too surprised. Not too much went on for me last week, although I had a rather unpleasant experience in the pool. I was bit more than halfway through my workout, when I was told I had to exit the water because a kid had gotten sick in the pool. Ewwww! I stood around for a minute waiting to see if I could get back in to finish, but then realized that I wasn't going to want to stick my face in water someone had just recently been sick in regardless so I just cut it short. Not pleasant!

Melissa - Sorry to hear about your hip. I hope it's feeling better! It also sounds like you're dealing with a rough stretch of work. Just remember, your vacation is on the horizon and it will be awesome!

Hope everyone's week is off to a great start. Not sure if it will be warming up enough, but I'm considering bike commuting into work on Wednesday. Maybe if I pretend it's spring it will finally actually roll around. I can dream, right?
2014-04-01 4:10 PM
in reply to: KiterChick

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
I'm here.......still training away....... 4 weeks to tri and 5 to 1/2 marathon..... swim progessing well although i suspect that in open water I'll be breaststroking as easier and quicker for me

Sarah - i'd suggest you should move to San Diego but it's been raining here (shock and horror!) ... your water incident reminds me of the non-swim in Mission bay for 72 hours after rain here - health warning not to go into water due to high faeces count Hence last weeks and this weeks beginner open water swim is cancelled !

2014-04-02 9:06 AM
in reply to: Millienz

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Ugh! The pool at my Y is shut down until April 12th for installation of some equipment. I woke up at 5:30AM and walked over there only to find this out. Two weeks off from swimming is WAY too much at this point. My options are to use the YMCA pool closer to work (a 30 minute drive from where I live) and shower/get ready there, or go during lunch. Anyone swim during lunch and then head back to work? Do your coworkers comment on the lovely chlorine smell?
2014-04-04 12:21 PM
in reply to: #4915803

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Lakeside, California
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Well it's funny how life happens as we muddle our way through it. My race schedule has had to be slightly modified this season but it's ok because I'm not losing any entry fees. I won't be making my Tri debut in May as originally planned but that's just life sometimes. Too many forces have been working against me that are completely out of my control so I have had to rethink and regroup but I'm not out of the game! Right now I'm looking at later in the year at the San Diego Triathlon Classic. What's kinda cool about that is it takes place at Liberty Station in Point Loma. The start and finish are on the old Naval Training Center and the reason that's significant for me is, that is where I first arrived in San Diego in January of 1984. So I think it's only fitting that this next milestone is achieved there as well. It will be pretty special and even more motivating to make that my first Tri. It's September 6th so I have more than enough time to get ready. I will do the sprint this year and set my sites on the Olympic distance next year.

On a great note, I received a nice surprise in the mail yesterday that get me out of the slump I have been in the last few weeks. As I mentioned earlier in March I had a Duathlon where I was particularly happy with my performance, being that it was about 8 minutes better than my last time on that course but I also know my age group is tough to find yourself on the podium. Well because they had timing issues they did not award any medals to the age groupers post race. They said they would be mailing the awards when they knew what they were. I never expected to receive any awards but low and behold in the mail yesterday I received a medal for 3rd place in the 50-54 age bracket and I was sure it was a mistake but when I looked back at the site they had posted results by age group and sure enough I was 3rd! Now there were only 4 in my age group but it doesn't matter, I still got the medal and I wasn't last! HAHA! Really made my day! Anyway, happy training everyone! I look forward to reading all the successes as the season get revved up!
2014-04-04 3:57 PM
in reply to: Hepcat09

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Hi everyone! I'm definitely having a TGIF type of day. I still need to hit the gym after work, but after that, I'm going to head home and just lay on my couch all night. It's going to be great! Tomorrow, I'm hopefully going to get in my first outside ride of the year. It's supposed to rain in the morning, but then clear up after that, so hopefully it will go well.

Jan - Ugh, a high feces count sounds terrible! Hope you can get in your beginner OWS soon!

Omne - Sounds like you're dealing with logistical issues for getting in your swims as well. I sometimes swim while I'm at work, since my pool is crazy crowded in the morning and after work, but I tend to shower afterward so I don't smell like chlorine. I sometimes just rinse off if I go after work, so I definitely smell like chlorine then, but then it's just me who has to smell it or at most, my very understanding boyfriend!

John - Sorry you've been in a slump lately. Hopefully things are on the upswing now! That sounds cool that your first race will now be in such a symbolic place for you. Perhaps things were just meant to turn out that way. Meanwhile, congratulations on the AG award, that's awesome!!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
2014-04-04 7:56 PM
in reply to: KiterChick


Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
HI Everyone,

I guess I'm not doing very well at posting on here regularly! I have officially signed up for my first tri of the season, and now I'm only about 3 weeks out from my first Tri of the season and about 7 weeks out from my half. I've not been doing very well for the last month, it started with a cold, but then I just kept missing workouts. I did get at least some workouts in though. I have gotten most of my workouts in so far this week and looking forward to a long (outdoor) bike ride this weekend.

Gail - I'm so sorry for your loss.

Omne - I do sometimes swim at lunch, and nobody really comments, but I shower and have to dry my hair before I go back to work. For me usually swimming at lunch takes too long. Or like today, that was the plan, but then I got busy and by the time I realized what time it was there was no time to swim... so no swim today.

Hepcat - Congratulations on your 3rd place finish!

Does anybody have a wetsuit? I won a free Xttera wetsuit and need to figure out if I should go for the sleeveless or full sleeve. I'm not sure which will be better. Also, I'm going to use it soon since since I'm not sure I'll get much practice before my next tri and I'm a little concerned it will be hard to get off. Any advice on buying a wetsuit? Would 1 swim a few days before the race be enough to get comfortable wearing a wetsuit?
2014-04-06 9:02 PM
in reply to: missyw2you


Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Originally posted by missyw2you
A favorite quote of mine -- "you know what they call someone who takes 16:59:59 to finish an ironman? AN IRONMAN!"

The time it takes me to finish 2 weeks from now will not reflect the journey I have gone through to get there, nor will it change the magnitude of the feat I am going to accomplish."

Thank you for this!!!! I am only training for a sprint distance triathlon, but I think this quote and what you said really speaks to all of us. We are all on a journey whether it is to complete a super sprint distance all the way up to an ironman distance. If training was easy, everyone would do it, we are all making a conscious decision to get off the couch and challenge ourselves and for that we will all be able to call ourselves triathletes when we have accomplished our goals. So thank you for posting!

Personally I lost about a week and a half with a foot injury that crazily enough affected both feet at the same time. Two of the bones in my feet were out of alignment and were locked so putting any pressure on my feet was pretty painful (even walking), but a visit to a physiotherapist got everything back in alignment and I am happy to say that for the past two weeks I have been really good about getting to the gym and completing my scheduled workouts (except I fell short on my biking this week by 30min, because I didn't have enough time before the gym closed to finish). I have one week left in my swimming lessons and I am contemplating signing up for the next session as well. I am definitely more confident in the water, and know that I could finish the 750m either with the backstroke or breaststroke which gives me a big confidence boost that I am not going to drown. However, I still have a ways to go with the front crawl and so I'm going to continue to work at it and hopefully get better before my race July 6th, but I will know I can always fall back on the strokes I am more comfortable with if needed.

2014-04-07 11:45 AM
in reply to: Lcarslake

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Hi everyone! It was a busy weekend for me. Friday night I hit the gym. I'd been feeling pretty tired all day, so it was rough, but I got through it. Saturday, I got completely sucked in by projects around my place. Sunday, I got in a morning run before meeting some friends for brunch, then picking up my boyfriend at the airport. Unfortunately, by the time this was all done, I realized I wasn't going to be able to fit in my ride outside that I'd planned. I hated the idea of completely skipping my long ride for the week, so I hopped on my trainer this morning...for 2.5 hours! That's definitely a record on the trainer for me. Actually wasn't terrible for the first couple hours, but the final part got rough, especially since I forgot to bring in any nutrition and just had water.

Kristina - Hope you were able to get in your outdoor ride, Sunday was beautiful! As for your wetsuit question, I have one of each and they come in handy for different situations. I find the sleeveless one less constricting, so I prefer to use it in races where it's warmer. The full sleeve one does come in handy though if it's colder, like for the Season Opener and I also used it when I did my IM. If you have to choose, the full sleeved one may be better since it can really be used in all situations. As for getting it off, that's generally not too difficult; it's the getting it on that takes forever. It's difficult to say whether one practice session would be enough prior to your race though. Remind me what your first race will be. I'm mainly curious about where it is as far as water temps, and what the distance will be.

Lacey - Sorry about your foot injuries, but glad to hear that you're feeling better now! It sounds like your swimming is really coming along as well. Hopefully, your freestyle stroke will continue to improve, but yes, you can definitely rely on what you're comfortable with for your first race.

Hope everyone's week is off to a great start!
2014-04-08 10:16 AM
in reply to: KiterChick

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Still no pool to swim in, but my bike finally came in! I've done two trainer rides on it (20 minutes and 40 minutes). I'm waiting for my helmet to come in before I start riding outside. I haven't ridden a bike outdoors in, oh, maybe 15 years? 20 years? This should be fun. You're not a triathlete until you fall over, right?

Anyone using just cage pedals? My first tri is a short sprint and I don't even want to bother switching shoes. Plus, I just dropped a lot of money on a bike, I'm not about to keep spending more right away
2014-04-08 2:57 PM
in reply to: #4976681

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New user
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Omne, I would have to say you are right about the falling. I fell twice during my first triathlon and when I finally got a tri bike and clips, I fell several times getting used to that whole thing.

Cages will be fine for a sprint. I just had plain flat pedals, no cages or clips. You save time in transition not having to switch sneakers if your running sneaks fit your cages. ;P

I leave for PR tomorrow! Anyone who might be interested in following on Sunday --, click the link for the Puerto Rico race, I'm bib #112 (last name workoff). I'll be thinking of you all and how inspiring you are all as I race.
2014-04-09 3:28 PM
in reply to: missyw2you

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Omne - I just found out my pool is going to be closed for almost two weeks starting on Monday too! Luckily, I'll be on vacation for the second week, so it will only be an inconvenience for one, but it's still frustrating...

New bike day is always exciting! I only started riding in late 2010. Prior to that, I'd only been on a bike for fun in high school or earlier, so also a 15 year gap or so. Initially, I borrowed a friend's road bike and as soon as I started, I remember saying, "Where do I put my hands?!?!" I'm sure I looked ridiculous. Hopefully, you shouldn't fall for now. Most falls that people mention are due to learning to use clipless pedals, which you don't have at the moment. I suppose people, including me, have the occasional crash too, but I'd definitely recommend avoiding those if you can!

I only used cage pedals for a brief time before switching to clipless, but they'll definitely be fine for a sprint, especially if you don't want to deal with changing shoes. There's generally a wide variety of bike types at sprints and there are a lot of people who have cage pedals too.

Melissa - It's exciting that your race is so close! I hope you have a great trip down there and of course a great race! I'll try to follow you live, but I'm not sure I'll be able to since it's a good friend's bachelorette/bridal shower weekend for me, so I'm going to be very busy. Hopefully, you'll regale us all with a detailed race report when you get back. Good luck, you've got this!
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author : IndoIronYanti
comments : 4
MAPS is Meditation, Acclimatization, Practice, and Strategy, which are key for giving you the confidence and skills to execute the open-water swim in a triathlon well.
date : September 15, 2011
comments : 0
Don't be scared for the swim! Gain more confidence for your open water swims with these tips
date : June 14, 2010
author : Oakley
comments : 0
In this Oakley Armchair Session, British triathlete Tim Don talks about a few tips to prepare you for your open water swim.
date : June 11, 2008
author : Team BT
comments : 2
Are you about to race your first triathlon? Here are two great tips on swimming your first open water triathlon race.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Ontherun
comments : 0
For most age-group triathletes, getting the most out of there time for quality workouts can be daunting. Think outside the triangle to get a little more.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 0
Tri clubs offer all of us, from beginner to advanced athlete, a venue in which we can realign our perspective of what “fast” and “far” are, pushing us to new and greater heights of performance.
date : June 14, 2005
author : marmadaddy
comments : 17
Once you caught your breath, it occurred to you that finishing even a short triathlon might be harder than you thought. After a few "laps" you thought, "I can't believe I'm so out of shape."
date : September 5, 2004
author : Team BT
comments : 0
The start of the race I had the jitters. I was watching the other age groups start as they seeded the swim with over 1000 participants.