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2014-04-14 10:59 AM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Congrates to both of you for some strong racing this weekend!!

Sunday Was filled with 5 hours of yard work, I kept telling myself - ok just 1 more hour then we go for a ride...well I got into the beer in hour 3 - and it was over for biking - but pushed through with the yard work, yay progress!

On a training note - Last week was my best milage of the year. All goals met - except getting to the pool...i'll try again this week - promise
Bike10h 45m 104.98 Mi
Run 4h 22m 24s 18.16 Mi
R-Ball1h 30m

I can tell I'll need to take it alittle easier this week as I built milage for 3 weeks - today my legs feel like jello - and I took it easy this morning too.

No clue for dinner tonight - what is everyone eating for dinners?

Hope you all have a super training day.

Did alittle research on being clipped I dug out my shoes and clips, have the tool ready togo to change out peddles on road bike


2014-04-14 9:36 PM
in reply to: Paper Boy

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN

You rode 105 miles last week! That is awesome. My best so far is only 96. I need to try and break that 100 barrier.

Slight delay on the blog, GTS hasn't published the AG breakdown yet, so I am waiting on them so I can include that data in my write-up. Will probably be Wednesday now.

Spaghetti for dinner. Love my Italian food !!!
2014-04-15 8:33 AM
in reply to: #4981192

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Congrats on your placeing Chris!

And - yeah that bike is sweet!
2014-04-15 10:12 AM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Well i did nothing this morning...soooo tired....need sleep...going to lay down in my office for a quick power nap for before lunch starts....

I think the yard work caught up with me cause my body hurts in all the wrong places.

2 inches of snow this morning - really!!!

Hope everyone has a super training day - mine will be tommorrow:>)
2014-04-15 11:52 AM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
I finally got my race report up on my blog. Sorry for the delay but GTS was a little slow posting the Age Group results.

Check it out if you have a free moment. (It has pictures )

2014-04-15 7:36 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Grand Junction, Colorado
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Originally posted by Dominion

I finally got my race report up on my blog. Sorry for the delay but GTS was a little slow posting the Age Group results.

Check it out if you have a free moment. (It has pictures )


Way to smash the pedals!!!! Thanx 4 posting the results like that. Bring On May

2014-04-16 10:19 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Originally posted by Dominion

I finally got my race report up on my blog. Sorry for the delay but GTS was a little slow posting the Age Group results.

Check it out if you have a free moment. (It has pictures )


I love pictures
2014-04-17 1:43 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Thank you for posting your blog, Chris! I really enjoyed reading it!

I suddenly realized tonight that I have a duathlon in a week and a half, and I'm not ready for it. I've been concentrating on biking and swimming, and not doing much walking/jogging.
2014-04-18 8:38 AM
in reply to: burner2

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Originally posted by burner2

Thank you for posting your blog, Chris! I really enjoyed reading it!

I suddenly realized tonight that I have a duathlon in a week and a half, and I'm not ready for it. I've been concentrating on biking and swimming, and not doing much walking/jogging.

Glad you enjoyed it!
Good luck in your duathlon coming up. Don't worry about the walking/jogging part..that comes pretty natural.
You'll do fine!
2014-04-18 5:36 PM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Do you all have room for a new member? I am Sandi, 45 yo, and just signed up for my first triathlon in July (torn between the sprint and a try-a-tri, but I think I'm going with the latter--difference is only a slightly shorter swim). I'm also pretty active and having a hard time figuring out how to fit a "training plan" into both my lifestyle and activity it seems like a good group for me to follow?

Currently I run 4 miles, three days a week--have been doing this for a year. While I haven't done much swim training recently, I have up until 9 months ago and can swim half a mile pretty easily in a pool (I don't anticipate having to work up to that, I should be able to start there). Biking is new--in fact, I just bought a bike. I've been riding it to & from work (5 miles each way) a few days a week for the past two weeks.

My plan was to just sort of break myself into biking for the next 2-3 weeks while continuing my usual run schedule. After that I was going to start my swimming program back up again and alternate activity days with one to two overlap days per week. Does this sound realistic? I think I can easily be past race distances in each area by race day, and I'll be training at high elevations several weeks before the triathlon (which I'm hoping will make the event a bit easier).

My goal for this first tri is really just to finish it without injuring myself...mostly just having an activity goal to set and meet to keep myself active and to continue pushing myself.
2014-04-18 7:49 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Welcome, Sandishr! From my viewpoint (my very first triathlon is at the end of May), it sounds like you will be well prepared and have a good plan.

I just finished my first "event," an unofficial run or dye event, advertised as "5K," but actually only a mile and a half. I'm very happy to say that I was able to keep up with the toddlers this year and did it in 26 minutes. My last 5K, which was a real 5K, the toddlers beat me. But, this year, my legs worked well, and although I was a little sore at the end, I was still going strong and able to dodge the dye-ers. I have six weeks to improve my speed as next weekend's duathlon is unofficial and not timed. (It's a 15 mile bike fun ride with a secure transition area and a 5K tacked on for triathlon-ers who want to practice running bricks.)

I am rethinking my bike situation and have an appointment tomorrow to look at a vintage 10-speed. The woman who is selling it said her husband used it as a triathlon bike for seven years (I didn't tell her what I wanted it for). I don't know how long ago that was, but although I love my mountain bike and have a special connection to it since I inherited it from my son when he died, I have not been able to do better than 10 mph average on any ride. I am a pretty strong biker normally, so I'm wondering if a street bike might help my situation. Fortunately, the bike is only $20, so if it doesn't work out, it will be no great loss, and I might be able to do a quick and dirty renovation and donate it to some needy school kid this summer. If it does work out, it will be worth investing money in quality new tires, tubes, brakes, chain, etc. to get it in top-running condition.

My first triathlon is in six weeks. Iiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2014-04-19 8:00 AM
in reply to: burner2

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Hi all,

Wow I have had a super busy couple of work weeks along with a duathlon in the middle so as usual I have gotten behind on the training updates but here it goes.

Chris- Just read your race report. Your blog is great fun to read. I really enjoy the details and story in your writing. I especially like the part where you were duelling with your rival. From doing lots of the same races I get rivals, in the nicest possible sense, and it is fun to compete against them. It is a great feeling when they are stronger than you at some races and then you are able to finally beat them. I think the most impressive part of your race is that you went in with a very planned strategy. I think this is a great lesson for triathletes is that the first couple of tris is about the experience but having a plan is important. Great points also about the swim. The adage is that you can't win a triathlon in the swim but you can lose it. Sounds like you had your effort dialled in. Great job on the bike. 21.3 mph is fast!! I hate to say it but I think that the bike and wheel set can make a pretty big difference. I would not be surprised if you can have an avg speed of 2mph higher on a good bike. 2nd place is great but more importantly a time of 1:06 is really fast. Sub 1:00 sprint??

Jennifer- Looks like you are getting a good frequency of workouts. Since you noted in your training log that you are on the road I assume that you are travelling. It is really interesting looking at your average times. They are all on a downward trend. Even though many of your work outs are short (20 - 30 minutes) the fact that you do something nearly every day is paying off. Hopefully you will get a chance to get in some longer workouts now that spring has arrived.

Neil- I looked at your race log and it looked like you had a good race. All three of your disciplines seem to be pretty much in synch with each other. It seems like the race really pushed you in a good way. Your swim and bike average looks higher than you normal effort during training. Racing does really help kick everything up a notch. It looks like you had a solid run which means that your training is working if you can perform well in the run after the intensity. Looks like you have had a pretty light week, which is good because recovery is important. As race season starts it is interesting how workouts change. Depending on the date of the next races you have I would scale down the time in your workouts but make them more intense. You have built the base now it is time to get faster.

Bill- You are the epitome of consistency. The paper route is great to give you a daily dose of running and biking. 5 hours of yard work one weekend. That is a lot. Sounds like you are battling some fatigue and injury issues (knee.) It was interesting to read the clips versus non-clip pedals that you started. I agree for MTB it is a nicer feel to not have your legs fixed especially if you need to bail from the bike. I think though on a road bike you will really like being clipped in for speed. Any races planned?

Cassandra- You have a great training log. I really like that you put a comment to each workout. Like I commented on Chris's feedback the bike can make a big difference. Even a $20 road bike will probably move you faster than a MTB. The skinny wheels with out trail tread on them make the biggest difference. It is great that you have these mini events to compete in. I really like the duathlon one because it gives you a brick workout. Seems like you are getting really good workouts. I like the bike ride with the hill that is "too steep." Good job on powering through it. You are smart to really concentrate on your swimming form. I know that the results might not be there yet but good technique makes all the difference in the swim. I think that you are right on target for your race in May. Keep up the good work.

Travis- Everyone is doing yard work. From the comments in your training posts I see that you are paying attention to your form. So important. I have learned that lesson from swimming and now try to have better technique in my biking and running. It is great that you are getting out on the trails for some running. So much better for your knees and is always more pleasant to on trails then on streets. Looks like Shadow Dog is getting into form as well. I see that you have signed up for the Desert Xterra in September. I was lucky enough to mountain bike in Fruita while on a road trip many years ago. What a cool place. I bet that race will be amazing. Any swimming plans?

Sandi- Hello and welcome to the group. I think that you have an excellent plan. I understand that you want to make sure you can do all of the distances before your race. I was exactly the same way. It is mentally reassuring and that is the most important piece for our first race. Try and fit in a few bricks. Bricks are doing two of the disciplines together in a workout. After a swim go for a bike or go for a run after you bike. It is really important that your body can feel this change before the race. If you go into the race without this it is a surprising shock to your body when you have to do it.

Myself- This last week I was recovering from a hard race (I'll make a separate post about it.) Just did some light biking and running. Need to start swimming some more.

With race season starting and or starting soon seems like a lot of us are off to a good start. I am impressed by the amount of training that I see in the logs and it is great to see so many people active and enjoying it.



2014-04-19 8:23 AM
in reply to: pfomalont

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Hi all,

Here is my race story from the last weekend. I flew to the Netherlands for the European Duathlon Championships. It is a 15km run - 60 km bike - 7.5 km run.

I had been working with the Swiss Triathlon Organisation to race for the Swiss national team. I thought everything was all set but when I got there the Swiss either hadn't filed the paper work correctly or I was not approved by the ETU (European Triathlon Union.) Luckily they still let me race in the non-EU category. The funnest part was at the race briefing they had a mini opening ceremony. Part of it was a procession of flags. I was the only racer of the 342 from the USA and one of 3 non-Europeans. They didn't have a flag so they used the Czech flag since it is red white and blue. I thought it was great and was happy that they included me.

The duathlon is a lower profile sport than the triathlon so there didn't seem to be really any beginners there. Plus it was the European Championships. The competition was great. The first run was challenging. As I always do I was caught up in the moment and went out to a very fast start. It was 6 2.5 km laps which was a bit mind numbing but also there is a lot of comfort in laps since you know what to expect.

It took me 1:01 to do the 15 km which is a 4:12 km/min pace (6:46 min miles.) I felt good about the run and got to the transition. The great things about duathlons is that the transition is so easy. Just take off shoes, put on shoes and helmet and off you go. The bike course was incredibly flat but as everyone who rides in Holland knows the wind is brutal. While I didn't think it was too bad it definitely was blowing. It was three 20 km laps. I did those in 1:52:11 which is 31.7 km /hr (19.7 mph). I felt really good and after the IM distance 60 km felt short. The 2 hours just zoomed by.

The second run is always the mind killer. It was three laps on the same course and each one felt like it took an eternity. The first run really shattered my legs for running and while the bike was good my legs where not happy to be running again. I slogged around the three laps trying to make my legs go fast but I was stuck at a 4:50 min/km pace (7:47 min/mile.) My total time was 3:33:41

Overall I was really happy with my performance. I thought the race went exactly as planned and I hit my goals pretty much. I wanted an hour first run, a two hour bike and a half hour second run. Really this race is a training race for the US National Championship in Cary NC 17 May. Next week I am off to Denmark for another duathlon. This one is 10km run- 120km bike - 20 km run. These races are really getting me ready for the US one.

I was blown away by the competition. I felt like I had a respectable race but I was 151 out of 238 men and in my age group 27 out of 37. So many really strong racers it was inspiring. But I also know that it is my pre-season still and really I am just getting into great racing shape (usually happens by late August.)


2014-04-19 11:42 AM
in reply to: pfomalont

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Hi Paul, I am definitely planning on doing some Brick training. Probably not for another six or so weeks...I clearly need to get more comfortable with the bike and start up swimming again (and given my level of fatigue yesterday I'm not wanting to ramp things up any more than I have). But my plan had been to especially focus at least once or twice a week on the bike to run transition--probably starting in June. I also expect that I'll be willing to give up my "I Must Run 4 Miles Each Time" mindset once I'm actively training/burning calories/maintaining fitness doing the other activities at higher levels and be willing to trade out a 4 mile run for a 10 mile bike/2 mile run, etc.

On the bike--I JUST bought a new hybrid bike. Obviously this is nowhere near a triathlon style bike, but is definitely way better than my old mountain bike--and the other activities I do really require me to have a hybrid. Would it be worth my while to think about renting a road bike for the triathlon? If I get incredibly into the sport then I'd look at buying a good road or tri bike, but it seems silly to do that now. I'm NOT much of a biker (yet) and am averaging 10 mph, but am also really trying not to push it yet and am focusing on just getting comfortable on the bike.
2014-04-19 6:41 PM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Picked up that street bike this morning. It turns out it is a 1981 Raleigh Touring 14 - a 14-speed Raleigh built for racing/light touring. It has seen heavy triathlon use in its life and then spent the past two years buried under a ton of dust and dirt in a barn. It is almost entirely original, except for seat and tires, and as I started cleaning it, the original beauty started to shine through. It is an amazing bike and perfect for me! It shifts beautifully, even before I cleaned all the dirt and gunk out of the components. I'm really excited about riding it. It does need a new paint job, so this fall, I'll probably strip it down to the frame and take it in to be professionally sand blasted and repainted. There's still a ton of cleaning left, and it needs new tires, tubes, chain, seat, cables, etc., but I've rebuilt bikes before, so this should be no problem. I might even have it done in time to ride in the duathlon next weekend! But if not, my trusty mountain bike will do fine since it's not timed.

Did a great brick this morning. Cut three minutes off my time on a 10.6 mile ride, and cut more minutes off a 5K walk/run. No big stress, not too tired, no knee pain, or anything. It was great!
2014-04-20 12:26 PM
in reply to: pfomalont

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Thanks for reading, Paul!
And yes, "the rival" part is all in the spirit of good competition and respect. Reaching this person's level is a benchmark I set for myself and after a few setbacks, I was able to get there and break through. Now to keep striving to climb higher.

Your race sounds tough! The level of competition must have been amazing! I hope to work my way up to where I can compete in top level races like that one day. That second duathlon run must have been tough on the legs. Good job hanging in there and pushing hard to the end.

2014-04-20 5:28 PM
in reply to: #4981888

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Wow looks like everyone has got some great training and races going!
For me today - I ran my old c25K training route w my GPS on!
Turns out it is only 2.25 miles!
No wonder I wasn't ready or prepped for my first 5ks I thought it was 3 miles!
But the good news is I averaged 9:15 a mile over the 2.25 - faster than my fastest so far!
2014-04-21 7:33 AM
in reply to: pfomalont

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Americus, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
As always, thanks for the feedback, Paul! Yes, I was travelling for work a lot recently. I'm buckling down on some longer workouts, starting this evening!
I'm feeling pretty good about where my training is right now. I think part of that is fueled by the fact that my first race is actually a modified sprint. It is only a quarter mile swim, 9 mile bike and 2 mile run. 70% of the people who participate in this event are first timers. So I'm feeling pretty confident in where I am at this point.
I LOVE reading all the race reports! Thank you all so much for posting them!! Chris, I'm planning to go to the Turtle Crawl on Jekyll just to watch; I want to see first hand how transition areas work before I have to figure it out on race day. Post on here when you get your race number and I'll be sure to watch for you and cheer you on!
Have a GREAT week everyone and ROCK ON!!

2014-04-21 10:23 AM
in reply to: marriedthepoolguy

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Another weekend filled with many stories to share...Marshall - my home town has a 5.5 mile mtb loop - the most technical in the area..You go to the State Park - and yes challenging ride, but each challenge is .5 miles away from each Marshall each area is just a few 100 yards away...local underground builder - has been working this trail in the old city dump for like 5 years. Concrete drop in, a broken highway, roots, rock gardens, you name's there... THE DUMP KICKED MY A$$ on saturday, crashed twice, blood, dirt, thorns, all came home with me - oh don't forget a smile from ear to ear!
MAN I'M SO LUCKY TO HAVE THE DUMP! can't wait togo back and do better.

More yard work (open house)- Son will graduate 1st week in June - I'm 80% done after this weekend - now I just need to keep things alive and growing...
(The hard part)

Easter - happy easter everyone - more yard work up north for my partents...thank goodnees the 2 kids came - We knocked it out! (Thanks Kids)

Race plans
2 Mtb races in May - for sure I'll make 1 if not both...just a hard month with b-days, Mothers day, Wife days...FOR SURE 1 MTB RACE!
Seahorse Challenge Triathlon - Olympic Course (Triathlon) 5/25/2014 Climax, Michigan
Shermanator Triathlon (Triathlon) 8/2/2014 Augusta, Michigan
Ludington Lighthouse Triathlon - Olympic Course (Triathlon) 8/24/2014 Ludington, Michigan
South Haven Beach Triathlon - Olympic Course (Triathlon) 9/20/2014 South Haven, Michigan

Then in November -
25th Bell’s Beer Iceman Cometh Challenge - 30 mile mtb race way up north...has snowed many times..I've tried for 4 years to get in to this race. 2014 it is mine!

Good rest week for me - ready to start buiilding again!
Next Sunday wife and I fly to Vegas...1st timers - we are so excited! -

Hope everyone has a super training day
2014-04-21 10:31 AM
in reply to: pfomalont

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Originally posted by pfomalont

Hi all,

Here is my race story from the last weekend. I flew to the Netherlands for the European Duathlon Championships. It is a 15km run - 60 km bike - 7.5 km run.

I had been working with the Swiss Triathlon Organisation to race for the Swiss national team. I thought everything was all set but when I got there the Swiss either hadn't filed the paper work correctly or I was not approved by the ETU (European Triathlon Union.) Luckily they still let me race in the non-EU category. The funnest part was at the race briefing they had a mini opening ceremony. Part of it was a procession of flags. I was the only racer of the 342 from the USA and one of 3 non-Europeans. They didn't have a flag so they used the Czech flag since it is red white and blue. I thought it was great and was happy that they included me.

The duathlon is a lower profile sport than the triathlon so there didn't seem to be really any beginners there. Plus it was the European Championships. The competition was great. The first run was challenging. As I always do I was caught up in the moment and went out to a very fast start. It was 6 2.5 km laps which was a bit mind numbing but also there is a lot of comfort in laps since you know what to expect.

It took me 1:01 to do the 15 km which is a 4:12 km/min pace (6:46 min miles.) I felt good about the run and got to the transition. The great things about duathlons is that the transition is so easy. Just take off shoes, put on shoes and helmet and off you go. The bike course was incredibly flat but as everyone who rides in Holland knows the wind is brutal. While I didn't think it was too bad it definitely was blowing. It was three 20 km laps. I did those in 1:52:11 which is 31.7 km /hr (19.7 mph). I felt really good and after the IM distance 60 km felt short. The 2 hours just zoomed by.

The second run is always the mind killer. It was three laps on the same course and each one felt like it took an eternity. The first run really shattered my legs for running and while the bike was good my legs where not happy to be running again. I slogged around the three laps trying to make my legs go fast but I was stuck at a 4:50 min/km pace (7:47 min/mile.) My total time was 3:33:41

Overall I was really happy with my performance. I thought the race went exactly as planned and I hit my goals pretty much. I wanted an hour first run, a two hour bike and a half hour second run. Really this race is a training race for the US National Championship in Cary NC 17 May. Next week I am off to Denmark for another duathlon. This one is 10km run- 120km bike - 20 km run. These races are really getting me ready for the US one.

I was blown away by the competition. I felt like I had a respectable race but I was 151 out of 238 men and in my age group 27 out of 37. So many really strong racers it was inspiring. But I also know that it is my pre-season still and really I am just getting into great racing shape (usually happens by late August.)



Well if i may say - Your killing it!
Also I really like how you put the min/km followed by min/ I can fully understand just how fast you are..Well done Sir.
2014-04-21 3:31 PM
in reply to: Paper Boy

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Thanks everyone for all of the compliments. Up next is the local race series. I live in the Chablais valley so now starts the Tour du Chablais. It is 6 running races every Wednesday for the next 6 weeks. There are all 7 - 10 km long and some are flat and some are moutain. Like the bike race they keep track of the overall leader, who gets to wear a yellow jersey. Attached is my most proud race picture from this event two years ago. The woman in the blue shirt is Nicola Spirig. She was the London 2012 games gold medal winner in the triathlon. She is my racing hero! I was with her for most of the race but in the last 2 km she turned it on and absoltuely dusted me. She lives part of the year in the same village as me so I see her quite a bit. I'm the one in the orange shorts.


Llesdiablerets2012_2843.jpg (48KB - 12 downloads)

2014-04-22 8:03 AM
in reply to: burner2

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
This bike from 1981 - sounds like a Jem! I love it when someone took care of thier equipment long ago - good for you!
2014-04-22 10:48 AM
in reply to: pfomalont

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Grand Junction, Colorado
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Gr8 Photo!!! Cant say I have ever ran w/an Olympic medalist before. So Cool
2014-04-22 5:52 PM
in reply to: pfomalont

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Grand Junction, Colorado
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Originally posted by pfomalont

Hi all,

Wow I have had a super busy couple of work weeks along with a duathlon in the middle so as usual I have gotten behind on the training updates but here it goes.

Chris- Just read your race report. Your blog is great fun to read. I really enjoy the details and story in your writing. I especially like the part where you were duelling with your rival. From doing lots of the same races I get rivals, in the nicest possible sense, and it is fun to compete against them. It is a great feeling when they are stronger than you at some races and then you are able to finally beat them. I think the most impressive part of your race is that you went in with a very planned strategy. I think this is a great lesson for triathletes is that the first couple of tris is about the experience but having a plan is important. Great points also about the swim. The adage is that you can't win a triathlon in the swim but you can lose it. Sounds like you had your effort dialled in. Great job on the bike. 21.3 mph is fast!! I hate to say it but I think that the bike and wheel set can make a pretty big difference. I would not be surprised if you can have an avg speed of 2mph higher on a good bike. 2nd place is great but more importantly a time of 1:06 is really fast. Sub 1:00 sprint??

Jennifer- Looks like you are getting a good frequency of workouts. Since you noted in your training log that you are on the road I assume that you are travelling. It is really interesting looking at your average times. They are all on a downward trend. Even though many of your work outs are short (20 - 30 minutes) the fact that you do something nearly every day is paying off. Hopefully you will get a chance to get in some longer workouts now that spring has arrived.

Neil- I looked at your race log and it looked like you had a good race. All three of your disciplines seem to be pretty much in synch with each other. It seems like the race really pushed you in a good way. Your swim and bike average looks higher than you normal effort during training. Racing does really help kick everything up a notch. It looks like you had a solid run which means that your training is working if you can perform well in the run after the intensity. Looks like you have had a pretty light week, which is good because recovery is important. As race season starts it is interesting how workouts change. Depending on the date of the next races you have I would scale down the time in your workouts but make them more intense. You have built the base now it is time to get faster.

Bill- You are the epitome of consistency. The paper route is great to give you a daily dose of running and biking. 5 hours of yard work one weekend. That is a lot. Sounds like you are battling some fatigue and injury issues (knee.) It was interesting to read the clips versus non-clip pedals that you started. I agree for MTB it is a nicer feel to not have your legs fixed especially if you need to bail from the bike. I think though on a road bike you will really like being clipped in for speed. Any races planned?

Cassandra- You have a great training log. I really like that you put a comment to each workout. Like I commented on Chris's feedback the bike can make a big difference. Even a $20 road bike will probably move you faster than a MTB. The skinny wheels with out trail tread on them make the biggest difference. It is great that you have these mini events to compete in. I really like the duathlon one because it gives you a brick workout. Seems like you are getting really good workouts. I like the bike ride with the hill that is "too steep." Good job on powering through it. You are smart to really concentrate on your swimming form. I know that the results might not be there yet but good technique makes all the difference in the swim. I think that you are right on target for your race in May. Keep up the good work.

Travis- Everyone is doing yard work. From the comments in your training posts I see that you are paying attention to your form. So important. I have learned that lesson from swimming and now try to have better technique in my biking and running. It is great that you are getting out on the trails for some running. So much better for your knees and is always more pleasant to on trails then on streets. Looks like Shadow Dog is getting into form as well. I see that you have signed up for the Desert Xterra in September. I was lucky enough to mountain bike in Fruita while on a road trip many years ago. What a cool place. I bet that race will be amazing. Any swimming plans?

Sandi- Hello and welcome to the group. I think that you have an excellent plan. I understand that you want to make sure you can do all of the distances before your race. I was exactly the same way. It is mentally reassuring and that is the most important piece for our first race. Try and fit in a few bricks. Bricks are doing two of the disciplines together in a workout. After a swim go for a bike or go for a run after you bike. It is really important that your body can feel this change before the race. If you go into the race without this it is a surprising shock to your body when you have to do it.

Myself- This last week I was recovering from a hard race (I'll make a separate post about it.) Just did some light biking and running. Need to start swimming some more.

With race season starting and or starting soon seems like a lot of us are off to a good start. I am impressed by the amount of training that I see in the logs and it is great to see so many people active and enjoying it.



Hear ya on the yard work front. We have this program here in GJ,CO where the city picks up waste, green waste, trash, etc which they call Spring Clean Up. I have been happily removing grass, clay, & roots & throwing them into the street. Then , rolling fabric & covering that area with rock. My photos are too big for BT for some reason. But what a rewarding process!!! Plus, cutting down on meowing & freeing up weekends for more training time. Win Win. Yes, watching my form & notice how easy it is for me to become slumped over while running. At those points of the run, I like to walk until I feel like running again. Also, my shoulders keep creeping up. Breathe Travis!!!! Oh, & our trails are blooming with high desert color. Awesome!!! Sometime when you have a free second I would totally dig hearing more about your Fruita experience. Swimming is on my radar & will be putting in the laps soon. Signed up for the Xterra mainly as a volunteer rather than a competitor. I am volunteering for the Ironman here in May through the company HITs Triathlon. Its my way of giving back.

Sandi, welcome to the group & Paper Boy, you are my hero!!!
Thanx for the feed back Paul & Gr8 job on your events!!!

2014-04-23 12:14 PM
in reply to: The Padre

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Americus, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Hi, everyone! I was wondering if any of you have experience or preferences on training with swim paddles? I'm considering them to help build my lat muscles, and I hear they can help with technique as well.

Thoughts? Opinions?
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