BT Development Mentor Program Archives » JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-03-01 6:41 AM
in reply to: #3282504

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Grand Blanc, MI
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED
February's totals:
Bike: 12h 53m - 216.8 Mi
Run: 11h 53m - 79.6 Mi
Swim: 3h 20m 26s - 10900 Yd
Strength: 2h 20m

For comparison, you had a much better month than me Jim! Great work, keep it up.

2011-03-01 8:14 AM
in reply to: #3376514

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED
February's totals:
Bike:15h 01m  - 274 Mi
Run:14h 12m 35s  - 108 Mi

I may need to swim a little more too. 

Feb was an OK month for me, but still a little lacking in consistency.  Hoping to improve upon that, but already have a 6-day family vacation to deal with later next week.  I'll just do the best I can.  Which is all any of us can do. 
2011-03-01 3:12 PM
in reply to: #3282504

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED

I'm not even going to post my numbers out of possible embarrassment for being all over the place.

Now that my wife (and training partner) has finished her marathon and has rested properly, we expect to focus a bit more on tri-specific training. I'm managing to get in some very short runs pain free, which is good news. Recovery from injuries is taking longer than expected, but I'd like to think I'm being as patient and careful as can be.

Have a great month everyone! 

2011-03-01 5:39 PM
in reply to: #3377907

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED
Pschaff: I hope your father is doing OK.

Jimmyb: I find it much easier to run faster in a race than in training, but I'm not sure how much is mental and how much is physical. I do nearly all my running at an easy pace although occasionally I will do a tempo run, or if it feels right  I will run harder on the hills. The Mcmillan calculator that johnny mentioned is great.

dragoman: Great news that you were able to run some short runs pain free!

Everyone's February looks good. Here's mine:

February's totals:
Bike:5h 03m 49s  - 89.31 Mi
Run:17h 44m 22s  - 107.55 Mi
Swim:2h 31m 48s  - 7400 Yd

Very happy with my running, but biking and swimming are not good at all. February is always a tough month for me biking and swimming, and this is actually better for me than the last few years. I am looking forward to a better March!
2011-03-02 10:37 PM
in reply to: #3282504

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED
Can't swim for 7 days!  I'm OK but my Paroxysmal Afib has been acting up and my Electrophysiologist has me on a portable heart rate monitor and I need to wear it for 7 days.  I can do just about anything with it except submerse it in water.  Depending on the outcome I will need medical therapy versus an ablation.  It's really not that big a deal as it does not interfere too much with my life except when it acts up.  He feels it may in part be due to the catecholaminergic surge associated with endurance exercise.  I may ultimately be faced with needing the ablation to continue endurance sports, or give it up.  Well, the choice for me is already made to have the ablation if necessary.  I cannot see myself giving up endurance activities.  It's a way of life for me.  We will see, either way it is not a problem that can't be managed and my heart is otherwise strong and healthy.  Wonder how many triathletes have had this problem?

Started out the day with a good bike ride, ended the day with a nice run.  IM Texas coming up fast and so far I'm feeling pretty good about my gains.  I know I need to swim more but I also know that I can at least pull off a 80-90 min IM swim with not too much effort, so focusing on biking and running may actually be more beneficial for me.  I do plan on having more focus on my swimming once this heart rate monitor is off.

Thus far I really appreciate all the feedback from this mentor group.  I hope everyone is doing well!  Soon I will be able to write about biking OUTSIDE!!!!!  This is the first winter in a while where I have not ridden outside.  It's not the cold that is stopping me, rather its the ice on the shoulders and all the construction going on that limits where I can ride.  I do not trust any driver on the road, and will just stay safe on the trainer until more riding paths open up after the ice melts.  Good night!  Jim
2011-03-02 10:38 PM
in reply to: #3375127

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED
BTW, Thanks.  The McMillan's Calculator seems right on for me!

Edited by jimmyb 2011-03-02 10:40 PM

2011-03-03 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3282504

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED
Sick children and work are getting in the way my workouts this week.  I had been doing pretty good up to this point.  Hopefully I can get back on track next week.
2011-03-03 10:42 AM
in reply to: #3380321

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED
jimmyb - 2011-03-02 11:37 PM Can't swim for 7 days!  I'm OK but my Paroxysmal Afib has been acting up and my Electrophysiologist has me on a portable heart rate monitor and I need to wear it for 7 days.  I can do just about anything with it except submerse it in water.  Depending on the outcome I will need medical therapy versus an ablation.  It's really not that big a deal as it does not interfere too much with my life except when it acts up.  He feels it may in part be due to the catecholaminergic surge associated with endurance exercise.  I may ultimately be faced with needing the ablation to continue endurance sports, or give it up.  Well, the choice for me is already made to have the ablation if necessary.  I cannot see myself giving up endurance activities.  It's a way of life for me.  We will see, either way it is not a problem that can't be managed and my heart is otherwise strong and healthy.  Wonder how many triathletes have had this problem?

Seems like a sizeable minority.  Not sure if it's a result of the endurance exercise or it just tends to exacerbate the symptoms in those already predisposed to it.  I know there was a former BTer who had issues with it.  I don't recall if he went with the ablation, but remember the meds he was put on ended up affecting his ability to train.  My guess is if you posted about it in the main forums, you would find some others who have been through it.  I know there were discussions on slowtwitch in the past.

Started out the day with a good bike ride, ended the day with a nice run.  IM Texas coming up fast and so far I'm feeling pretty good about my gains.  I know I need to swim more but I also know that I can at least pull off a 80-90 min IM swim with not too much effort, so focusing on biking and running may actually be more beneficial for me.  I do plan on having more focus on my swimming once this heart rate monitor is off.

Thus far I really appreciate all the feedback from this mentor group.  I hope everyone is doing well!  Soon I will be able to write about biking OUTSIDE!!!!!  This is the first winter in a while where I have not ridden outside.  It's not the cold that is stopping me, rather its the ice on the shoulders and all the construction going on that limits where I can ride.  I do not trust any driver on the road, and will just stay safe on the trainer until more riding paths open up after the ice melts.  Good night!  Jim

I too am looking forward to riding outside again soon.  Possible that I get a chance this Saturday, but more likely I'll run (outside, at least) then and go back on the trainer on Sunday.  I don't hate the trainer the way many do, but I certainly prefer to be outdoors! 
2011-03-03 10:54 AM
in reply to: #3282504

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED

So first and foremost I'll be the first one to state the obvious....

jimmyb...we LOVE when you use big words. 

Ok..humor aside..good luck with the outcome.  I had premature ventricular contractions show up on my electrocardiogram when I did my VO2 max test on a full metabolic sled so I went and got an echocardiogram done, had an ambulatory electrocardiography device, etc. and at the end of the day it wasn't such a big deal that a medical procedure was deemed necessary.

Secondly, I must admit...I am totally falling in love with running at 4:30am well before sun up.  Don't know why I haven't been doing it all along.

2011-03-03 5:26 PM
in reply to: #3381041

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED

Jimmy, best of luck with your medical issue. What are the symptoms like when you have the afib?

Steve, I don't run very often before sunrise, but I really like it when I do also, especially if there is some precipitation.

I also hope to get outside on my bike soon. Even though I have ridden very little this Winter, it is still more than I have ever ridden on the trainer. I am getting more used to it, and I find that I prefer listening to music instead of watching television.

Has anyone here ever used any kind of compression recovery garments? Last Sunday I ran 12 miles, and then drove to help my son move back from college. Over 4 hours each way, so close to 9 hours in the car. I wore some 2XU compression socks and my legs felt pretty good the next day, maybe even better than they usually would the day after a long run. Don't know if it was the socks or not, but I was very happy.


2011-03-03 5:56 PM
in reply to: #3282504

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED

compression?  yes, i swear by it.  i wear calf sleeves after every run.  if during the week, i wear calf sleeves to the ofc.

remember, there is a difference now between calf sleeves made for activity and calf sleeves made for recovery.

2011-03-03 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3282504

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED

Gotta love those big words although when it comes to tri's I have to admit my knowledge is probably far from where it should be. 


Afib feels like my heart is wiggling very fast in my chest, almost like its an alien.  Sometimes I feel as if it is jumping so hard that it is going to tear free of my aorta and I will simply exsanguinate.  (Can you tell I love horror movies?).  I'm so grateful there are specialists that can help me with this problem.


Good bike ride for me tonight.  Trainer ride. 


I have compression stockings too and love them, just hope I never wind up in the ER wearing them!!

Edited by jimmyb 2011-03-03 9:38 PM
2011-03-04 10:18 AM
in reply to: #3381704

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED

There is not much good EVIDENCE that compression gear helps recovery substantially (sudies have been mixed).  But there are many people that FEEL that it helps them.  Since how we feel is the best measure most of us have for recovery (resting HR is another one), that matters.  So if you were happy, keep using them! 

2011-03-04 2:55 PM
in reply to: #3282504

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED

Spring is getting close, group.  Races are getting close! 

Time to redouble efforts and establish the best degree of training consistency you are able under whatever circumstances you have to deal with.  Remember, this is all for fun so don't let a missed workout or workouts get you down.  But don't let 'excuses' keep piling up either.  Now is when you make your race!

Have a great weekend!

2011-03-06 11:31 PM
in reply to: #3282504

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED

Met my training goals for the week.  Next week I'm off and am looking forward to getting in some long bike sessions.  Only 3 more days till heart rate monitor comes off so then I will be able to swim again.  This past week became a bike/run focus. 

I'm thinking about participating in the Janus Charity Challenge in my next IM (May 21).  I've done this many times before and it is great way to give back to others.  This also serves as additional incentive for me to get up and train on those mornings where the bed seems just too tempting. 

Would love suggestions on improving my running endurance.  I have run stand alone marathons without stopping, but my next goal is to run an IM marathon without having to walk.  This is going to be a challenge, but I do believe I can do it.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  Jim

2011-03-07 7:50 AM
in reply to: #3282504

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED

Jim:  JCC is great.  Good for you for being involved for many years.  Casey works tirelessly and has really grown this effort for Janus by leaps and bounds.  She's great people.

About the run leg of the Ironman.  What I'm about to say is not new news but sometimes it's good to hear again.  To effectuate a strong run you can't overcook the bike.  If someone is having trouble putting together a strong marathon then they may want to think about shifting their focus of the Ironman bike to one of setting themselves up for a good run vs. making up time or making the most of their strong sport, etc. etc.   I'm sure we've all heard the Ironman athlete that says "Man, my marathon was brutal...but I had an awesome bike leg"

Based on your experience with Ironman, I would guess that you'll have to focus less on increasing run frequency during your IM build as well as less on running multiple 20+ milers since you're endurance base is wide and deep.  Another way to attack this issue is to do multiple (8-10) 100-120mi rides over a series of 2-3 months.  This will help you on race day when you get off your bike, you feel nice and refreshed and ready to rock the marathon.

The year I got my Ironman PR my longest training run was 17mi and I did that once.  I did a cycling though.  Then on race day, I simply followed my plan to set myself up for a strong run.  It worked like a charm and never walked the entire leg.

Contrary to what many people believe, the run leg is really where all the time is gained at Ironman.  Remember, that for every 2.5 miles you walk during the marathon you're giving up about 1mph avg from your bike time.  This is the exact reason I never recommend weak runners or those having difficulty putting together a strong marathon not try and make up time on the bike.  They'll just throw it all away when they start walking the marathon. 

If you're walking 200m every water stop (not hard since most water stops are like 100m by themselves)...that's already 1 mile total during the race.  So really, if you walk 1.5 miles (not including water stops) you're down 1mph from your bike split.  That's HUGE.

Best way to run an entire marathon and run it strong is don't overcook the bike and train a LOT at the "not overcooking" pace.

2011-03-07 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3382543

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED
JohnnyKay - 2011-03-04 10:18 AM

There is not much good EVIDENCE that compression gear helps recovery substantially (sudies have been mixed).  But there are many people that FEEL that it helps them.  Since how we feel is the best measure most of us have for recovery (resting HR is another one), that matters.  So if you were happy, keep using them! 

Yes, this is a very important aspect I did not mention.

2011-03-07 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3282504

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED
Had an exercise stress echo test today.  Went pretty good.  Went to stage 8 (24 min total at an increasing grade) of what they call a Bruce protocol.  Resting heart rate is 55, Max heart rate 173 and I felt I was working pretty hard by that time.  Still waiting for the final interpretation from the cardiologist.  My "guestimated" max heart rate per my previous testing was 175, so I was pretty close.  I know stress tests aren't perfect, but it does give me some reassurance.  I feel better that my training zones are pretty accurate. 
2011-03-08 9:09 AM
in reply to: #3386807

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED

Hope everything keeps going well with the ticker.

As far as the IM run, Steve has excellent advice above.  The best way to have a 'successful' IM run is to get to T2 as fresh as possible.  This means pacing your swim and (especially) bike well.  You can actually "get by" somewhat undertrained on the run.  But undertrained on the swim or bike (or, more accurately, over-pacing) generally means you won't be able to "access" any run fitness you do have on race day.

2011-03-08 1:54 PM
in reply to: #3282504

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Grand Blanc, MI
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED
Hi All,
been MIA for a week, down w/ the flu last Wed - Sun. Complete -kicker, so here's your free PSA: don't catch the flu!!
Dragged my butt onto the dreadmill yesterday and flopped in the pool today. Guestimating this sickness caused me 2 weeks of good workouts, damn!
Jim, take care of that ticker, read all your fancy word stuff, didn't understand a lick (my dad and bro are docs at Genesys Hospital in Grand Blanc), but looks like you're good to go!

Stay healthly and good training to all!
2011-03-08 1:59 PM
in reply to: #3388711

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED

Nole Runner - 2011-03-08 2:54 PM Hi All, been MIA for a week, down w/ the flu last Wed - Sun. Complete -kicker, so here's your free PSA: don't catch the flu!! Dragged my butt onto the dreadmill yesterday and flopped in the pool today. Guestimating this sickness caused me 2 weeks of good workouts, damn! Jim, take care of that ticker, read all your fancy word stuff, didn't understand a lick (my dad and bro are docs at Genesys Hospital in Grand Blanc), but looks like you're good to go! Stay healthly and good training to all!

The flu sucks!  I rarely get sick, but a couple years ago got walloped by the flu.  I remember feeling better after a few days and deciding to finally get outside and get some fresh air on an unusally warm winter day.  Walked to the cul-de-saceat the end of my street--downhill, about 1/4mi or so.  I was worried that I might not be able to get back home! 

Hope you are feeling better now.  Take it easy as you re-start training and expect to not feel 100% for a bit longer during workouts.

2011-03-08 2:03 PM
in reply to: #3282504

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Grand Blanc, MI
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED
Thanks for the support. This is one reason I chose the 30 week plan, for unexpected setbacks like this. Just hope I don't have too many more!
2011-03-08 3:05 PM
in reply to: #3282504

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED

Back to training a little more regular now.  

Two questions for the group:

1.  Training plan. Looking for some guidance on a Oly training plan.  I have 16 weeks to Oly on June 26th.  The 2x plan seems limited.  I can bike and run much further than initial targets yet hard to complete the initial swim targets.  The 2x plan also doesn't incorportate BRICs later in the plan.  Any recommendations.

2. Membership?  Do I need to upgrade?  why?  benefits?  


2011-03-08 3:20 PM
in reply to: #3388842

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED
Pschaff - 2011-03-08 4:05 PM

Back to training a little more regular now.  

Two questions for the group:

1.  Training plan. Looking for some guidance on a Oly training plan.  I have 16 weeks to Oly on June 26th.  The 2x plan seems limited.  I can bike and run much further than initial targets yet hard to complete the initial swim targets.  The 2x plan also doesn't incorportate BRICs later in the plan.  Any recommendations.

2. Membership?  Do I need to upgrade?  why?  benefits?  



With membership, you get access to additional plans with detailed workouts, etc.  You don't need to upgrade, but there are benefits.  At the Gold level, you actually get access to coaches who wrote some of the plans and they can probably guide you on how to adapt them to your personal constraints.

Ideally, you choose a plan that starts from a fitness level comparable to where you currently are and whose schedule fits into the rest of your life's obligations.  Of course, that means that very few 'canned' plans work perfectly for everyone.  So you do your best to wedge yourself into one or try to make modifications to the plan while upholding its 'spirit'--the danger in modifying plans is that you mess up the intended cycle of stress/recovery that the author tried to create and is really the foundatin of any training plan. 

Alternatively, you create your own and try to keep the general principles of progressive overload (gradually adding intensity and/or volume to build endurance) and recovery (enough to absorb the benefits of that overload).  It sounds more complicated than it is, but most people are probably better off trying to use a plan already written to start with.  As they get better at understanding how their body responds to work & rest, modifying or writing their own becomes easier.

2011-03-08 10:44 PM
in reply to: #3282504

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's HIM & IM focused Group - CLOSED

John, good to see you are back! 

I am a silver member of BT.  I'm not using their training plan but I believe it is an awesome website and I love their philosophy of catering to all levels of triathletes.  I have been surfing this site for many years, and have never felt intimidated or been afraid to ask questions.  I feel like I belong.  This is why I am a paying member.  My 17 year old son has been doing website design for companies for years, free of charge and I cannot even begin to guess how many hours he puts in to creating these sites for others.

Today I had a good bike/run session.  Only one more day till I can start going back to the pool. 

I definitely have the Triathlon Bug!  I hope this is contagious to all!!

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