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2008-06-02 9:52 AM
in reply to: #1437264

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Ball, great effort in what looks like a very nice race.  Good stuff.  Not to worry, the running will come.

2008-06-02 9:58 AM
in reply to: #1436072

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed


Dude, you totally hammered this race on the bike.  You mentioned that you thought you could maintain 20 mph and still run and you did.  Big congrats to you.  On a side note, I have lost a water bottle or two on my bike and I have put my foot in my shoe only to find a gel as well.  Funny stuff after the race has ended.  Hey, to know that you had a great race and that you might have left a little time on the table...good stuff.

2008-06-02 6:34 PM
in reply to: #1438086

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Congrats to you three who had races this weekend.....sounds like a common theme most of us have is lack of affection for the run.  I have to admit it is the least favorite of the five things we do (that's right I rank it below T1 and T2) so I am determined to focus more on training for it this next month.

Everybody keep up the good work.

2008-06-02 9:54 PM
in reply to: #1439976

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
You rock - I am not worthy to be on a thread with you dude!

I was supposed to get a swim in tonight, but hubbie got stuck at work the last minute. It's a lesson for me, if I have an evening workout, I won't wait - I'll get something in during the day. No reason I can't do two workouts a day.
2008-06-04 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Things have been awfully quiet this week.  What is everyone up to?  Those that raced this past weekend, how are you feeling and what is next on the horizon.  Those that are looking to race in the upcoming weeks, how are you feeling about thing?  June for me will be a very challenging month if things come together as planned.  I have a race at the end of the month and IMUSA in 7 weeks.  June really needs to set the stage.  This week my plan is to get significant time back in the saddle with one long ride.  I also hope to get some good frequency in the water and on foot.  Just looking to ramp things up again after mostly recovering last week.
2008-06-04 11:11 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

I had a bad week last week but am now back in training. On Saturday I am riding in a group ride for 33 miles which should get me plenty of time on the bike.

How many OWS did you get in before your 1st tri?


2008-06-04 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Since Sunday's race was good for me and really more of a hard workout.  Right back in the water on Monday and following my new plan with my coach building towards 7/12 and 11/9 races as "A" races.   Nothing this weekend, then travelling for a week (which is always hard, but got in a great hotel that actually has two stationary swim pools in Buenos Aires!!!), then back a week and another shorter tri...  Hope all are having great weeks! 

 - Robb

2008-06-04 11:19 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Hilo, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Hello everyone!  Sorry, been a little busy w/ recovery and family time.  It sounds like everyone getting busy w/ summer and race season.  I wish everyone luck on their season and time w/ the family. 

After my race I spent a couple extra days at the resort w/ my family.  Did a lot of recreational swimming and water sliding stuff w/ my sons and wife. 

I started feeling a little down, wondering if I could have won my local ag if I had actually pushed in the swim and run (I was third w/ first being only 8 minutes ahead).  Then I remember that this is a lifestyle and not about just one race.  Plus I have all of you guys to keep me motivated. 

Has anyone experienced chaffing at the back of the neck because of the swim cap.  The race was only my second time using one and the burning was quite a suprise.

Well, I still have to plan the rest of my year for racing.  I actually still have an outside shot at Kona.  There are 30 days where someone can drop from the race and it could be offered to me as next in my ag.  We'll see...

Have a great week of training!

2008-06-05 8:37 AM
in reply to: #1446379

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
kinaiahi - 2008-06-04 11:19 PM

Has anyone experienced chaffing at the back of the neck because of the swim cap.  The race was only my second time using one and the burning was quite a suprise.

I have never experienced the chaffing at the back of the neck, but I read on another forum that is could be from the swim cap being pulled on too far down. I am not really sure if this helps.
2008-06-05 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1444511

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

jana0317 - 2008-06-04 11:11 AM Gat, I had a bad week last week but am now back in training. On Saturday I am riding in a group ride for 33 miles which should get me plenty of time on the bike. How many OWS did you get in before your 1st tri? Jana

Okay, but don't laugh at my comments.  Actually, you can laugh...I still do.  So I wanted to do my first tri and I had no idea what I was getting in to.  I could run a little bit, slowly, I had a mountain bike and got on it every now and then, and I swam a bunch as a kid.  This tri stuff should be nothing.  Just need to work a little in the pool and it will all come together.  I jump in the pool for the first time.  I swim down and back once, and then I proceed to grab the side for dear life.  I thought my chest was going to explode.  Wow, I don't remember this swimming stuff being so tough.  I did not give up though and eventually I was able to go back and forth a bit.  I thought I would survive the swim come game day.  I say survive, because I had never swam 1/2 mile before, not to mention bike and run afterwards. 

So, to answer your question...NONE.  I swam a bit in the pool, and was grossly underprepared for the swim.  I am, however, very comfortable in open water.  I would not recommend this approach to others though.  I should have swam more and I should have swam in OW before the race.  Live and learn.

Good to hear that you are back at it and looking forward to a nice ride.  I too am going to spin the pedals for the next few days. 

2008-06-05 11:10 AM
in reply to: #1446379

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed


A couple of things.  It is always nice to spend some time with the family after a race.  You put so much time into training for a race, that I always feel like there has to be a little giving back.  I think the idea of feeling a little down after a race is two fold.  One, you are wondering "what it".  Get over that now.  Everyone plays monday morning quarterback.  It is only natural to wonder.  Stop with the shoulda, coulda, woulda.  You had a great race.  Be proud!!  Just knowing that you can kick it up a notch the next time should feel pretty good.  It was your first one.  Better to be a little conservative and enjoy it than to push too hard and to blow up.  It happens.  The other piece here is what I have heard referred to as PIB (post ironman blues), but I think it applies to any race whereby you spend considerable time and energy getting ready for and then it is over.  You feel like you have no focus or no plan and thus you feel down.  Easy to fix in some regards, put another race on the calendar.  Finally, I have heard others have had problems with chaffing and swim caps, also with wetsuits.  No matter how you look at it, it is rubber running on skin.


2008-06-06 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1370022

New user
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.. been  a bit busy.  Congrats to all those who ran races!!

 I've been a bit hampered the past few weeks. I had a cold about 2/3 weeks ago and kept training thru it.. I think I may have overdone it because i've been having some chest pain past few weeks. Nothing sharp just some tightness. So I've tried to cut it back a bit but its hard because i want to go ou thter and train.

 On the OWS note, If your swimming the distance in the pool how much different is it when you get out in the water? 

2008-06-06 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1449547

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
duffers - 2008-06-06 9:47 AM

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.. been  a bit busy.  Congrats to all those who ran races!!

 I've been a bit hampered the past few weeks. I had a cold about 2/3 weeks ago and kept training thru it.. I think I may have overdone it because i've been having some chest pain past few weeks. Nothing sharp just some tightness. So I've tried to cut it back a bit but its hard because i want to go ou thter and train.

 On the OWS note, If your swimming the distance in the pool how much different is it when you get out in the water? 

Well, it could be substantially different.  I am a pretty straight swimmer in the pool, because I have the line to follow.  In an OWS, you would be amazed at how many people go of course.  So you have to keep sighting, which means you are disrupting your stroke.  A pool is relatively safe.  Some people fear the water.  A pool you can stop and touch the bottom or rest on the sides.  Not so much out in the open water.  Some people get scared when they see things in the water.  The only waves at the pool are generally the ones that I create.  In the open water, you can be swimming through some pretty tough water.  You are likely going to want to draft in the open water.  You will not likely practice that in the pool.  Out in the open water, there can be an incredible glare from the sun that you will not experience in the pool.  Therefore, you might use different goggles.  Then there is the fact that you are swimming with others so there are a lot of moving parts.  It is not all that uncommon to get hit or kicked.  So I would say that it can be quite different. 

2008-06-06 3:48 PM
in reply to: #1370022

New user
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Guess my question is more on the training.  I'm comfortable with the outdoors factors. I just want to make sure that I will be able to make the swim..  do you need to be able to swim longer inside to do the swim outside? is it roughly equal?
2008-06-07 6:43 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Hello all..

 I'm back to being an all out triathlete. See...I just need a race to get me going again. I had a sprint tri today...a little one....500 yd, 10 mile bike 2.5 run. I got 2nd overall women. The race wasn't chip timed (wow..big commitment when you have 200 + people participating. I was pretty happy with my race. The swim felt AWESOME! 500 yrds in 9:15 or so. 10 mile bike -- not sure on time...I'm thinking around 32. I was hoping for 30. The run was my worst (go figure I ran track in college). I did the run right around 19 minutes.

So overall I felt pretty good...I thought maybe I might pull out a win, but some young chick got me. My hubby thinks her time is wrong, but oh well. I will get official results later in the week with transitions later in the week. Since it was all manual they need time to do it.

This tri had a short course a lot of kids did it. I want my 8 year old to do it next year.

Have a good Sunday!

2008-06-08 5:12 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Hilo, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Sounds like you had a great race CT.  My oldest, 8 years old boy, was talking about doing traithlons as well.  It nice to see the kids wanting to stay active as well.  I hope all who raced this weekend had fun! 

I jumped into a 5K this am, first run since the HIM and it felt good.  The fast guys were too fast to chase, but no one passed me either.  I think I'll start focusing on run speed for a while.  I want to go sub 20 minutes one day.  I probably have to make that a multi year project!

2008-06-08 10:05 PM
in reply to: #1452628

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Sub 20 Kinaiahi - I want to go below 23...I think I can do it this weekend. I told myself today.

My kids both ran their first track meet tonight.  A local running club has races 1x a month in the summer. They both did son ran a 200...he now understands pacing himself.

 Anyone else race this weekend??????

2008-06-09 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
I didn't race this weekend but I did a community ride of 33 miles. This was my second time on the road. Turns out I averaged 12 mph. However I fought the wind all the way. I actually finished in the upper 10-15 in the 33 mile group. The other groups were 10 miles, 43 miles and 70 miles. I actually beat some 43 milers. (They started at 7:00am we started at 7:30am). When I got off the bike my legs were like jello. I decided to rest on Sunday. My body wasn't tired but I felt very weak and fatiqued. My husband said he was happy when he saw me because I had a smile on my face as I rode in.

I am now comfortable mounting the bike but I need some tips/advice on dismounting. I don't have clipless petals. I just have a problem with getting off the bike. I probably just need to practice. If anyone has any advice I would love to hear it!

2008-06-09 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1450705

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

duffers - 2008-06-06 3:48 PM Guess my question is more on the training.  I'm comfortable with the outdoors factors. I just want to make sure that I will be able to make the swim..  do you need to be able to swim longer inside to do the swim outside? is it roughly equal?

Roughly equal.  The distance may seem easier as you are not hitting a wall every 25 yards and having to start and stop again.  Therefore, you can get settled in and just keep going.  Also, the benefit of a wetsuit, if you are wearing one, is wonderful.  You will make the swim!!!  


2008-06-09 10:39 AM
in reply to: #1453656

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

jana0317 - 2008-06-09 9:23 AM I didn't race this weekend but I did a community ride of 33 miles. This was my second time on the road. Turns out I averaged 12 mph. However I fought the wind all the way. I actually finished in the upper 10-15 in the 33 mile group. The other groups were 10 miles, 43 miles and 70 miles. I actually beat some 43 milers. (They started at 7:00am we started at 7:30am). When I got off the bike my legs were like jello. I decided to rest on Sunday. My body wasn't tired but I felt very weak and fatiqued. My husband said he was happy when he saw me because I had a smile on my face as I rode in. I am now comfortable mounting the bike but I need some tips/advice on dismounting. I don't have clipless petals. I just have a problem with getting off the bike. I probably just need to practice. If anyone has any advice I would love to hear it!

Jana, yup, just  and practice.  In the end, all that matters is that you did the ride and you finished with a smile.  The rest will come.  Good job!! 


2008-06-10 12:45 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Hilo, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Well, back to work tomorrow after an all too short vacation.  If I can get a couple days off towards the end of June, I'll go and do the Kona Marathon.  I won the clydesdale division last year (the trick to winning is to be the only one signed up in your division )  but I won't be defending this year or, hopefully ever again.  Then I'll probably do the Kilauea Volcano Marathon in July, rated as one of the toughest measured marathons by Runners World magazine.  I did it last year and I actually had to climb on all fours in some spots!

I hope training is going well for all of you!

2008-06-10 2:02 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Hi all - it was so nice to come back and get everyones pep talks on my calendar.

Should have emailed that I was going to Fl. to stay with mom while she had some medical procedures done. Nothing to bad, but she's alone and not very good about handling things. She tries to compensate for being such a mom, but she is still not easy to like. I'd leave the hospital room sooo down.
She lives in one of those retirement communities, so I was able to get a treadmill run in and a stationary bike ride. Also ran up and down three flights for a while.

Your times are great! You can feel good about them (unless they reflect no progress from last season).

Some good news for me. As I was recording my two workouts for last week, I realized that my weeks were off. Sticking with the weeks I was on would have left me three weeks BEFORE my oly race! So correcting that erases my missed week and my poor last week.

Gives me some motivation. Think I should go for a sprint mid July to test things out.
2008-06-10 11:08 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Hilo, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Nice to have you back MM.  Well I got word my vacation was denied so I have to find someone to work the medic for me so I can do a marathon this month.  That'll be tough w/ the shortage of paramedics.  I can only try and see what happens.  I'm itching to do another race.
2008-06-11 9:08 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Hey guys! Just checking in. Last night I swam a 200 for the first time then did it again. The whole swim I didn't feel like I was accomplishing much but I was going the same speed. I even had shorter recoveries after my intervals. My BT plan just has me swimming based on time. Should I continue to increase my intervals or just stay at the same interval with less rest time?

2008-06-12 3:38 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Good afternoon everyone!  I managed to swim today.  The pool I swim in is in our dive shop just behind where I work, which is in our travel agency.  So it is geared toward diving instead of swimming, but really accessible.  I had to do 30 laps to get in 900 yards.  That's a whole-dang-buncha turnin' around!  Just thought I'd share  Have a great day!
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