General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge Rss Feed  
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2008-10-27 12:11 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

9/29 -  264
10/6 -  260
10/13- 259
10/20 - 259

10/27 - 258

-1! despite all the cookies i ate this week! i'll take it.

keep up the good work everyone, and watch out for that halloween candy!

2008-10-27 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1674988

Washington County, PA
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

9/22       237.0 lbs                                                   
9/29       234.5 lbs                                 
10/6       234.0 lbs                                                   
10/13     230.5 lbs                                                   
10/20     231.0 lbs

10/27     229.0 lbs

Weight Lost Last Week    2.0 lbs

Fortunately, I don't like Halloween candy.  But candy hearts! - Thats another story!  I'll confront that challenge in February! 

2008-10-27 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

I'm away from home for another week.  Weighed myself at the gym - 139, that's down 5 lbs from last week.  I have been eating healthier and less than when at home but we'll see when I go home next week and get on my own scale.

So 139 this week.. down 5 lbs.

2008-10-27 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Lots of great progress from everyone!

Now watch out for that leftover Halloween candy. Keep it for the kiddos or give it away.
2008-10-27 4:37 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Modesto, CA
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

I just joined yesterday and my weight was 175 so I assume it's still 175 today unless some nice little thieving weight loss elf stole a couple of pounds last night.  I wouldn't count on that. 

My exercise level has changed dramatically though.  For the past couple of months I've been a couch potato, the proverbial blob that takes up space while watching COPS and Animal Planet. 

Yesterday I did 15 min swim, 15 min bike and 15 min run (all in a row using the gym equipment) and after dinner I did 10 miles on my old, decrepid bike that got a flat at mile 5 (go figure).  Lucky I had a spare tube and a pump with me.

Today I rode 10 miles into town (one way) to the bike shop to buy a new tube just to find out that they're closed on Mondays (go figure again).

How much ya wanna bet that tomorrow my tire'll get bit by a rabid Chiuahua and I won't have a spare with me because the bike shop was closed today and I'll have to walk the ten miles home?(Hey, I know this is triathlon but this potato just got up off the couch yesterday.  Walking 10 after riding 10 does NOT appeal to me right now).

Anyway, I was reading some of you guy's progress and I'm stoked for you.  Keep up the good work and remember - - keep away from the rabid Chiuahuas.

Rottiedog   Laughing 





2008-10-27 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
  • 11 Oct:  weight 165  BF 34%
  • 13 Oct:  weight 162 BF 33%
  • 20 Oct: Same

Today/27 Oct:  weight 160 BF 33%

I'll take it!  I can't wait until I see the 150s again ~ I just keep telling myself to beware of the candy which is my downfall.  Right now it's stashed away but come Halloween I know my hubby will want to keep some here.  NOOOOOO, take it to work, I say!!!

Edited by Happychick 2008-10-27 6:07 PM

2008-10-27 7:39 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Hamilton, Victoria
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

The Yo-Yo continues to go up and down! Up 6lbs last week, down 5lbs this week. I guess when you are this heavy the variation is not a huge percentage of the total, but it does make the weigh-ins a real guessing game!


Last week: 291

This week: 286

Difference: -5lbs

2008-10-27 7:42 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Ocober 27 - 152 lbs and 35% body fat

 I don't think I actually lost 3 pounds in the last two days.  I had some tea yesterday afternoon and a glass of wine with dinner, so I am guessing I'm seeing the results of dehydration here.  We'll see.

 I have been using the nutrition log on BT and it it really great!  Very easy to use and a great reality check.  Hopefully, that will help!

I'm really impressed by the results that many of you have already seen.  This is a motivated group, for sure!  I am inspired.

2008-10-27 11:05 PM
in reply to: #1769171

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Since I just signed in on Friday (Sat?) I'm the same today. 175.
2008-10-28 6:18 AM
in reply to: #1769674

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
9/22 - 126.0 lbs - 21.0 % bf
9/29 - 125.4 - 21.8 %
10/6 - 124.6 - 21.8 %
10/13 - 122.4 - 20.7 %
10/20 - 121.8 - 20.3 %
10/27 - 121.2 - 20.3 %

Keep going everybody! Congratulations on all the losses!

Edited by TryTryTry 2008-10-28 6:18 AM
2008-10-28 8:07 AM
in reply to: #1768938

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Happychick - 2008-10-27 7:06 PM

  • 11 Oct:  weight 165  BF 34%
  • 13 Oct:  weight 162 BF 33%
  • 20 Oct: Same

Today/27 Oct:  weight 160 BF 33%

I'll take it!  I can't wait until I see the 150s again ~ I just keep telling myself to beware of the candy which is my downfall.  Right now it's stashed away but come Halloween I know my hubby will want to keep some here.  NOOOOOO, take it to work, I say!!!

We've been debating whether to even get candy -- where our house is, we don't think we'd get a lot , or any, Trick or Treaters. But this is our first year here, so we're not sure.

I certainly wouldn't mind one bit if we didn't!

2008-10-28 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Among Canadian Lakes and Trees
Subject: new week, good thing
 a new week can begin on a tuesday, can it not?!  Well, so far so good... had oatmeal with pears from a friends tree for breaky and it was yummy!  heading out for a walk/jog  with my stroller - I've just begun a learn to run program...
2008-10-28 9:39 AM
in reply to: #1769951

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Among Canadian Lakes and Trees
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

I have friends who hand out mini play-d'oh, fruit-to-go, "slime", etc. and and a dentist friend who hands out mini toothpaste! 

Offthegrid - 2008-10-28 9:07 AM
Happychick - 2008-10-27 7:06 PM
  • 11 Oct: weight 165 BF 34%
  • 13 Oct: weight 162 BF 33%
  • 20 Oct: Same

Today/27 Oct: weight 160 BF 33%

I'll take it! I can't wait until I see the 150s again ~ I just keep telling myself to beware of the candy which is my downfall. Right now it's stashed away but come Halloween I know my hubby will want to keep some here. NOOOOOO, take it to work, I say!!!

We've been debating whether to even get candy -- where our house is, we don't think we'd get a lot , or any, Trick or Treaters. But this is our first year here, so we're not sure. I certainly wouldn't mind one bit if we didn't!

2008-10-28 10:48 AM
in reply to: #1754169


Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Starting weight - 152

Oct 20 - 153.6

I totally forgot to post here yesterday!  Hopefully last week was just some kind of fluke

Oct 27 - 150.2

Hoping to get below the elusive 150 mark this week. Great job everyone!  Keep sticking with it!


2008-10-28 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1770177

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Offthegrid - 2008-10-28 9:07 AM
Happychick - 2008-10-27 7:06 PM
  • 11 Oct: weight 165 BF 34%
  • 13 Oct: weight 162 BF 33%
  • 20 Oct: Same

Today/27 Oct: weight 160 BF 33%

I'll take it! I can't wait until I see the 150s again ~ I just keep telling myself to beware of the candy which is my downfall. Right now it's stashed away but come Halloween I know my hubby will want to keep some here. NOOOOOO, take it to work, I say!!!

We've been debating whether to even get candy -- where our house is, we don't think we'd get a lot , or any, Trick or Treaters. But this is our first year here, so we're not sure. I certainly wouldn't mind one bit if we didn't!

mammaJaS - 2008-10-28 4:39 AM

I have friends who hand out mini play-d'oh, fruit-to-go, "slime", etc. and and a dentist friend who hands out mini toothpaste!

I hear ya both  ~ we even talked about getting something other than candy but when it comes right down to it (and this is OUR opinion) we decided kids want candy!  We live here on post so we know we will be getting tons of kids so we bought tons of candy!  Like I said though, with the exception of a few pieces that I'll allow myself, it's all going to work with hubby!!

Edited by Happychick 2008-10-28 3:10 PM
2008-10-28 7:06 PM
in reply to: #1770168

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Subject: RE: new week, good thing
To mammaJaS,

 Congrats on starting your learn to run program!  I always thought I hated running and never really gave it a chance until I started a fitness program two years ago.  Then I realized that I was just trying to run too fast and killing myself before I even got warmed up.  I learned to really love it and now, I get REALLY grumpy if I can't run.  I did a half-marathon last spring, and now I am planning triathlons for next season.  It has opened up a whole new world for me!  I hope you will find similar rewards.

Keep up the good work, everyone, and stay strong on Friday!

Edited by carteroak 2008-10-28 7:10 PM

2008-10-28 10:05 PM
in reply to: #1674988


Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

last week : 173

this week: 171



2008-10-29 11:52 AM
in reply to: #1738131

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Simi Valley
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Apologies on skipping out...just been hovering weight wise

Start weight:  305

Last Week (10/13): 303.5 

Current: 304

Goal Weight:  285

2 lbs a week for next 10 weeks.  

2008-10-29 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Sorry I forgot Mondays weigh in. I'm not doing too great on the weight loss lately. I'm at 127 today which is up .2 since the beginning of the challenge. I'm using today as a restart day. It's time to get focused, and stop making excuses for myself to overeat.  With 9 weigh ins left til the first of the year I need to lose about 1.5 pounds a week to make my goal. This is totally do-able, so time to get to it


2008-10-29 3:13 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Sorry - forgot to post my weigh in as well:

Monday: 151lbs, down 3lbs from the previous week. 

I think I will begin to see a bit of a slow down now as I have finished pumping for the baby, and as my body is getting used to the workout routine. I need to find some extra time for biking; I am spending a fair amount of time on cardio and running. 

2008-10-29 5:04 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Tempe, Arizona (hot hot hot)
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Can I jump in on this?

I Just did a Quarterman. I realy want to lose weight over the winter and come back next season ready for some raceing.

10-28-08 I am 310Lbs

I keep huvering around 304-310 and I can not seem to break through 300

2008-10-29 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1771780

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Among Canadian Lakes and Trees
Subject: RE: new week, good thing
carteroak - 2008-10-28 8:06 PM To mammaJaS,

Congrats on starting your learn to run program! I always thought I hated running and never really gave it a chance until I started a fitness program two years ago. Then I realized that I was just trying to run too fast and killing myself before I even got warmed up. I learned to really love it and now, I get REALLY grumpy if I can't run. I did a half-marathon last spring, and now I am planning triathlons for next season. It has opened up a whole new world for me! I hope you will find similar rewards.

Keep up the good work, everyone, and stay strong on Friday!

carteroak, thank you, what an awesome encouragement. I would LOVE to say that I love running.  I can only imagine that right now.  I have to force myself to go, I feel like my body is resisting in a major way, but I really like your thought about slowing down (if it's possible Wink)... and congrats on the half-marathon, that is so amazing.   Will you do another, or focus on triathlon?  My goal is to do a mini tri next summer.


Have a great week all! 



2008-10-30 7:29 AM
in reply to: #1674988

Washington County, PA
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

I wonder how many excess calories I burn per week trying to stay warm in my car with a broken heater.  No - I don't live in my car, but it feels like it sometimes.  I'm one of those mega-commuters who spends 3 hours a day on the road.  Surely spending 15 hours a week trying to stay warm burns off extra calories.  As I lose excess fat (insulation), I imagine my body will have to burn even more calories to stay warm.

2008-10-30 11:52 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Extreme Veteran
Mercer Island, WA
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Arg...I finished my first week of re-focusing on working out and trying to eat less and eat better...

only to gain a pound!

I am now 145! UGH!

My goal is to lose 10 pounds before Christmas. Eventually I want to get down 20 pipe dream is to get back to where I was in my early twenties when I worked out twice a day and could run for hours...and weighed 115....
2008-10-31 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Hello, sorry to jump in.  Can this challenge still be joined, or do I need to wait for a new one to start? 
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