General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2009-04-17 11:40 PM
in reply to: #2093173

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Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
headed to bed here in a min, hope to see you all out there in the morning!
Good luck!

2009-04-18 2:49 PM
in reply to: #1879718

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Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
1st post after the race, I win! It was great to finally meet many of you, Kate, Lora, Kieth, and see several of you again. I had a great time.
I can't wait to see  the results and crunch the numbers. By my estimate I think I PRed this course by more than 8 minutes!
2009-04-18 3:02 PM
in reply to: #1879718

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland Area
Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
Great job David.  Can wait to hear from the rest of you.  Hope to see many of you at Deer Creek in June!

Edited by abrezo 2009-04-18 3:03 PM
2009-04-18 4:23 PM
in reply to: #2094035

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
Woo hoo on that possible PR, David!!!!  And, Kate, congrats on finishing your first tri!!!  Awesome, awesome, awesome!

It was completely awesome to meet all of you guys!  It's so great to finally put faces and voices with names!!!

It was so great having you guys cheer me on at the beginning and end of my run.  That was just completely cool.  Thank you so much.

As if my day couldn't get any better, I just turned on the TV (after taking a shower, walking the dogs and taking a nap) and The Lord of the Rings movies are on TNT!!  What a great day!  I'm in Heaven!

Looking forward to everyone's race reports!

Edited by lkagop 2009-04-18 4:31 PM
2009-04-18 4:53 PM
in reply to: #1879718

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Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
I thought I did well.   I started the swim toward the end of the group, which wasn't ideal because I had to pass a number of people doing breast stroke, and I believe I passed someone doing a back stroke...   There were a number of bottlenecks on the lanes, and that had to had slowed me down.

The Bike, my Garmin says I averaged a little over 19mph, which is a bit disappointing but not all that bad, I was just hoping to gain a bit more back on the bike!

The run went well.  I am not sure timing wise, so I'll have to wait till the results are posted, but I estimate an avg of about 7:15/mile.... which I think will put me on the Top 5 in my age group (36 - 40)

I really enjoyed the event, though unfortunately I did not get to meet any of you guys....

Hey, anyone know when the results will be posted?

2009-04-18 6:13 PM
in reply to: #2094259

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
Glad you had a great race and sorry we missed you.

The announcer said the results would be posted this week, but hinted that they might be online some time today.  Here's hoping it's the latter.  They are not posted as I write this.

2009-04-18 6:37 PM
in reply to: #1879718

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
I made it :-) finished  my first tri!  My goals were to finish under 2hr, hopefully closer to 1:45.  The temp results on the Speedyfoot truck had me at 1:48.

I started out too early in the swim and got passed like crazy.  Biking my goal was to not fall over with my feet stuck to the pedals and to RIDE up most of the hills. I made that.  I panicked at the first hill and expecting that I'd run out of gears and fall over, I just gave up early and walked up it.  The rest of the hills I rode, yay!  My run was at my single speed - slow, but I made my goal there, no walking.

Funniest time was in T1 - a friend gave me a tip about rolling up my shirt before putting it on so that I could just roll it down over my wet body.  Great idea, except that I rolled it the wrong way, under.  I put it on and the roll was glued to my armpits and shoulderblades.  Epic battle followed.

Using everybody's advice, my husband got the kids there right at T2.  They had a good time cheering me out and in.  And eating my postrace snacks...

I only got to meet up with Lora before the race.  Sorry I missed the rest of you.

I don't know how I could have done this without all the advice and pointers from this group.  I'm so thankful to have this place to ask all my pesky questions.
2009-04-18 6:57 PM
in reply to: #1879718

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland Area
Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
Quick question:

As I am getting ready for my first tri, how many, if any, of those of you who raced today had their shoes on the bike and just hopped on at t1 or just strapped up first on got on the bike at exit?   Just trying to get some strategy in place before deer creek.

2009-04-18 7:12 PM
in reply to: #2094430

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
abrezo - 2009-04-18 7:57 PM Quick question:

As I am getting ready for my first tri, how many, if any, of those of you who raced today had their shoes on the bike and just hopped on at t1 or just strapped up first on got on the bike at exit?   Just trying to get some strategy in place before deer creek.


Snort of laughter - it may be years before I get into my shoes on the bike.  I'm still pretty bike phobic and can't even do a running start.  I have to be stationary, get one foot on the clip and psych up before I can make myself clip into the bike.  I was so focused on my own panic during my first tri that I can't even tell you what the guys with the awesome tribikes were doing...sorry...
2009-04-18 7:18 PM
in reply to: #1879718

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland Area
Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
Don't worry, the first time i got out on my new bike with the clipless pedals i fell flat on my side the first two times i stopped, one to get water and one to talk to a friend.  On the latter, i got ot of my right pedal but put all the weight on my left side, then bam , .. back on the ground again.  i felt like such an a$$.Foot in mouth
2009-04-18 7:19 PM
in reply to: #2094405

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
lovesreading - 2009-04-18 7:37 PM I made it :-) finished  my first tri!  My goals were to finish under 2hr, hopefully closer to 1:45.  The temp results on the Speedyfoot truck had me at 1:48.

I started out too early in the swim and got passed like crazy.  Biking my goal was to not fall over with my feet stuck to the pedals and to RIDE up most of the hills. I made that.  I panicked at the first hill and expecting that I'd run out of gears and fall over, I just gave up early and walked up it.  The rest of the hills I rode, yay!  My run was at my single speed - slow, but I made my goal there, no walking.

Funniest time was in T1 - a friend gave me a tip about rolling up my shirt before putting it on so that I could just roll it down over my wet body.  Great idea, except that I rolled it the wrong way, under.  I put it on and the roll was glued to my armpits and shoulderblades.  Epic battle followed.

Using everybody's advice, my husband got the kids there right at T2.  They had a good time cheering me out and in.  And eating my postrace snacks...

I only got to meet up with Lora before the race.  Sorry I missed the rest of you.

I don't know how I could have done this without all the advice and pointers from this group.  I'm so thankful to have this place to ask all my pesky questions.

Woo hoo, Cheryl!!  Big congrats to you.  Since I didn't see you any time other than before the race, I was wondering how you did.  Great job on finishing and coming in under your goal!

2009-04-18 7:47 PM
in reply to: #1879718

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
Yeah, clippless pedals....First I started with dual purpose and couldn't clip in cause whatever side I wanted was always on the bottom.  Now I have Speedplays and I can clip in fast but I'm having trouble swinging my right heel out far enough to get out.  I keep tipping over sideways.  At least that hasn't hurt as much as I was afraid it would.  Good, since that's apparently my new hobby.  I walked up the first evil hill today because I knew I'd run out of gears and need to unclip, knew I couldn't get my right foot out fast.  I didn't want to fall over like usual on that 1st hill so I just trudged up.  Made all the other hills though for the first time :-)

Is there an adjustment to Speedplays to make it so you don't have to rotate your heel as much to get out?
2009-04-18 8:20 PM
in reply to: #2094430

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Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
abrezo - 2009-04-18 7:57 PM Quick question:

As I am getting ready for my first tri, how many, if any, of those of you who raced today had their shoes on the bike and just hopped on at t1 or just strapped up first on got on the bike at exit?   Just trying to get some strategy in place before deer creek.


Since it's your first tri do yourself and favor and put your shoes on in T1. Don't try to put them on while riding, it's really not worth the time.
FWIW, today was my 13th triathlon. I have left my shoes on the bike and put them on while riding exactly 0 times. I alway sit and put shoes and socks on then run out of transition and mount up.
2009-04-18 8:21 PM
in reply to: #1879718

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Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
Lovesreading, a hearty congrats to you on your first! You finished upright, and hopefully with a smile on your face. Great job. Did the kids and your husband enjoy it?
2009-04-18 8:31 PM
in reply to: #2094565

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland Area
Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
Thanks for the insight David!!  I know I just starting but its so easy to get caught up in all that is good with triathlon.  Congrats on your PR.  Just can't wait to get on a course!  come on June
2009-04-18 8:39 PM
in reply to: #1879718

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Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
You're welcome.
Do practice running with your bike while in your bike shoes and mounting up quickly.
Don't get caught up in all the little secrets that will save you just a few seconds. No one qualified for Kona their first race.

2009-04-18 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1879718

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland Area
Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
yea,  but that would be totally awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-04-18 9:25 PM
in reply to: #1879718

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Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
-it was awesome riding down and back with david (i stiffed him on gas money Smile 
-i saw newbz and met a few others before the swim
-i was able to swim without feeling pain -i spent the week taking motrin every 4 years for 5 days and excedrin pm at night, massaging and resting it.  
-i was able to pass 5 people exiting the water while they waited for the steps as i popped out next to them  -i also passed a few in the swim and several on the way to t1
-i got through t1 without incident
-i manage to make it up the hills fairly well on the bike and i didn't mame myself dismounting for the first time using clipless pedals and i managed to pass about the same number of people as people who passed
-i was able to pass a dozen or more on the run
-after finishing i was able to enjoy watch people finish and talk to BTers
-got to talk with kate about her race in town

 That's the positive - I'll leave the negative for later
2009-04-18 9:57 PM
in reply to: #1879718

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Delaware, OH
Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
Whew! What a GREAT DAY!  It was good to meet up with the other BTers!  Talking with everyone really calmed the nerves.

Here's my flickr link- the photos are under Tri:>

2009-04-18 9:59 PM
in reply to: #2094569

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
David tri's - 2009-04-18 9:21 PM Lovesreading, a hearty congrats to you on your first! You finished upright, and hopefully with a smile on your face. Great job. Did the kids and your husband enjoy it?

I think so.  I know the kids did, especially the orange in the snack bag.  Niranjan wasn't too thrilled with getting on the road so early, but he said it went easily with the kids so excited.

None of them recognized me until I waved at them coming out of T2!  They hadn't seen me in my full tri gear and cap before.  Turns out the most important thing I did was describe my race clothes.

It was a HUGE charge to see them there.  That  and all the "Go, Cincy!" encouragement from passing Cincy Express teammates were what really made me smile.
2009-04-18 10:01 PM
in reply to: #1879718

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
Great photo, Kate!  So who is everybody in the photo, left to right?

2009-04-18 10:08 PM
in reply to: #2094692

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Delaware, OH
Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
lovesreading - 2009-04-18 11:01 PM Great photo, Kate!  So who is everybody in the photo, left to right?

Left to Right: Brue, Newbz, Keith-OG, lkagop, k_watzek, David Tri's and Bananatoes

I wish we had our BT gear so we could of all hooked up- maybe at the next tri!
2009-04-18 10:13 PM
in reply to: #1879718

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
Hey, that turned out to be a great photo!  Cool.  Thanks for sharing!
2009-04-18 10:18 PM
in reply to: #1879718

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
Am I the only one keeping HFP's site open, hitting refresh every so often in hopes of seeing the results?
2009-04-19 6:00 AM
in reply to: #2094714

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Subject: RE: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon : Official Thread
lkagop - 2009-04-18 11:18 PM Am I the only one keeping HFP's site open, hitting refresh every so often in hopes of seeing the results?

I was out of bed at 6:30 this morning hoping for results. None yet.

I love the new avatar Kate. Very cool.
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