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2010-04-19 10:57 AM
in reply to: #2800878

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Dag gone man.  Sounds like a tough one.

I'm just a beginner, but our training team coach really stresses the need fpr more salt when you are cramping.  I've been cramping at the pool in my legs and feet and I increased the salt intake and it seems to help me.  Did you drink sports drink during the ride or water.  We are told to stop drinking water during the races over an hour and do sports drink only.

I use stuff called Accelearade that has 190 mg Sodium and 65 mg Pot. per 12 oz serving along with carbs other goodies.  I drink about 24 oz per hour on the bike.   I'll send  you the specific recommendations when I find the file.  By the way, our coach is the guy that set the record that day when he won.  He also uses salt tablets S Caps or something like that but I just do the drink so far.  

Did you drink any of the Heed stuff they give out at that race?  I have a pretty tough stomach but they ran out of water last fall at that same race (called giant acorn) and I drank the Heed and that got to me bad.

2010-04-19 10:58 AM
in reply to: #2770190

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Good morning, group!  Happy Monday Smile

So I had a pretty relaxing weekend.  I had my final long run of my marathon training program on Saturday. . . It'll be weird not having anywhere to be on Saturday mornings anymore!  (At least, not until racing season kicks in, and then my summer marathon training will start in June).  I just have a few short runs left this week, then I'm leaving for Louisville on Friday for my race on Saturday!  I keep checking the weather because it looks like it'll be 80 degrees with Thunderstorms on Saturday, so I'm hoping that forecast will change. . .
2010-04-19 11:03 AM
in reply to: #2770190

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Sounds like it was a tough weekend for racing, except for Neal who got a sweet PR!

The century ride I did yesterday was tough.  We were told the ride was pretty flat.  NOT!  And I've done America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride around Lake Tahoe twice, so I know what hilly is.  This ride had lots of long rollers and fairly steep ones at that.  Some climbs up were at 6-8 mph and sometimes I was coasting downhill at 28-30.  We did get lucky and not have any rain, but we had wind, the hills, and lots of chip seal.  If you don't know what chip seal is, be glad.  The pavement looks smooth, but it's not.  You are constantly vibrating.  It tends to lower my speed 1-2 mph easily. 

I rode with one of my riding buddies who was also on his tri bike, so hardly any drafting (I will admit to cheating once or twice).  Stopped at mile 17 and 40 for a potty break.  It never fails with me that I have to go around mile 20.  I probably could have skipped the stop at 40, but I also wanted to put some cream on if you know what I mean and ditch the jacket I started with.  By mile 80 I was feeling it.  Stopped to stretch and make another bottle of Infinit.  Got going again, but the last 20 miles were brutal.  Shoulders/neck hurt, hurt from sitting on the saddle so long and was just ready to be off the bike.  But, faced more wind and more rollers heading in to the finish.  Crossed a nasty railroad crossing about 93 and my buddy got a flat.  I was actually a little relieved as it gave me a chance to rest again.  As soon as I got off the bike at the finish, I changed clothes in the car and got some food in me. 

This ride was good for me mentally.  I know I have a lot of biking to do before IMFL, but I know the Infinit works for me on the bike, I know I need to practice replacing the bottle in the rear hydration cage, and it got me thinking about whether I want to keep the same clothes on during the whole IM or change in T2 before the run (at least the shorts).

I have a HIM this weekend.  Luckily I really do think this one is on a flat course, so I'm looking forward to that.  It will be another chance to practice nutrition and pacing and see where I am at.
2010-04-19 11:08 AM
in reply to: #2801263

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Jacklcm - 2010-04-19 10:57 AM

Dag gone man.  Sounds like a tough one.

I'm just a beginner, but our training team coach really stresses the need fpr more salt when you are cramping.  I've been cramping at the pool in my legs and feet and I increased the salt intake and it seems to help me.  Did you drink sports drink during the ride or water.  We are told to stop drinking water during the races over an hour and do sports drink only.

I use stuff called Accelearade that has 190 mg Sodium and 65 mg Pot. per 12 oz serving along with carbs other goodies.  I drink about 24 oz per hour on the bike.   I'll send  you the specific recommendations when I find the file.  By the way, our coach is the guy that set the record that day when he won.  He also uses salt tablets S Caps or something like that but I just do the drink so far.  

Did you drink any of the Heed stuff they give out at that race?  I have a pretty tough stomach but they ran out of water last fall at that same race (called giant acorn) and I drank the Heed and that got to me bad.

I have used Heed for a couple years.  No problem with it except that I mixed it a bit light the other day since I ran out.  My husband bought me another jumbo bottle of heed at the race the other day but I may liik into either Infinit or Accelerade.  Problem with Infinit is I really don't know how much of what I want/ need in the custom blend stuff.
2010-04-19 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2770190

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
I am thinking about incorporating more yoga and pilates for the core and you use any particular videos or just self pace through particular moves that work well for you?  I have found the wii yoga to get on my nerves so I rarely do it.  I have some dvd's put out by Giaim that are okay but not fantastic.  Looking to see what else is out there of any value.
2010-04-19 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2801331

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
QueenZipp - 2010-04-19 11:11 AM Missy,
I am thinking about incorporating more yoga and pilates for the core and you use any particular videos or just self pace through particular moves that work well for you?  I have found the wii yoga to get on my nerves so I rarely do it.  I have some dvd's put out by Giaim that are okay but not fantastic.  Looking to see what else is out there of any value.

Hey Judi, sorry I've been behind responding to your inspires!  I really appreciate them, but I always fall behind posting especially over the weekend!

Most of the yoga I do is just at my gym. . . I'm lucky enough to have some really good yoga instructors at my gym, so I definitely take advantage (the yoga classes and the pool are the only reasons I still have my gym membership!  And I don't even swim that much!

I have a friend that really likes this video though.  I usually don't recommend things I've never tried for myself, but she's an avid runner/marathoner (she's running the Boston Marathon right now!!) so I trust her judgment  

2010-04-19 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2801314

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
QueenZipp - 2010-04-19 11:08 AM
Jacklcm - 2010-04-19 10:57 AM

Dag gone man.  Sounds like a tough one.

I'm just a beginner, but our training team coach really stresses the need fpr more salt when you are cramping.  I've been cramping at the pool in my legs and feet and I increased the salt intake and it seems to help me.  Did you drink sports drink during the ride or water.  We are told to stop drinking water during the races over an hour and do sports drink only.

I use stuff called Accelearade that has 190 mg Sodium and 65 mg Pot. per 12 oz serving along with carbs other goodies.  I drink about 24 oz per hour on the bike.   I'll send  you the specific recommendations when I find the file.  By the way, our coach is the guy that set the record that day when he won.  He also uses salt tablets S Caps or something like that but I just do the drink so far.  

Did you drink any of the Heed stuff they give out at that race?  I have a pretty tough stomach but they ran out of water last fall at that same race (called giant acorn) and I drank the Heed and that got to me bad.

I have used Heed for a couple years.  No problem with it except that I mixed it a bit light the other day since I ran out.  My husband bought me another jumbo bottle of heed at the race the other day but I may liik into either Infinit or Accelerade.  Problem with Infinit is I really don't know how much of what I want/ need in the custom blend stuff.

If you want to look at the custom blends of Infinit, I would suggest calling them.  They asked me a bunch of questions to determine what I might need/want in mine.  I've used mine for 3 long rides now, including my century yesterday, and it seems to work pretty well.  My only problem is they say you are supposed to drink a bottle an hour.  I can't get that much down, even setting my watch to beep at me every 10 minutes to drink.  In the 6:45 century yesterday I only drank 4 bottles.  But, I was never hungry and felt like I could have run off the bike energy wise.   I'll see how it works in a tri this weekend.
2010-04-19 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2801294

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South Suburb of Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
bar92 - 2010-04-19 11:03 AM Sounds like it was a tough weekend for racing, except for Neal who got a sweet PR!

The century ride I did yesterday was tough.  We were told the ride was pretty flat.  NOT!  And I've done America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride around Lake Tahoe twice, so I know what hilly is.  This ride had lots of long rollers and fairly steep ones at that.  Some climbs up were at 6-8 mph and sometimes I was coasting downhill at 28-30.  We did get lucky and not have any rain, but we had wind, the hills, and lots of chip seal.  If you don't know what chip seal is, be glad.  The pavement looks smooth, but it's not.  You are constantly vibrating.  It tends to lower my speed 1-2 mph easily. 

I rode with one of my riding buddies who was also on his tri bike, so hardly any drafting (I will admit to cheating once or twice).  Stopped at mile 17 and 40 for a potty break.  It never fails with me that I have to go around mile 20.  I probably could have skipped the stop at 40, but I also wanted to put some cream on if you know what I mean and ditch the jacket I started with.  By mile 80 I was feeling it.  Stopped to stretch and make another bottle of Infinit.  Got going again, but the last 20 miles were brutal.  Shoulders/neck hurt, hurt from sitting on the saddle so long and was just ready to be off the bike.  But, faced more wind and more rollers heading in to the finish.  Crossed a nasty railroad crossing about 93 and my buddy got a flat.  I was actually a little relieved as it gave me a chance to rest again.  As soon as I got off the bike at the finish, I changed clothes in the car and got some food in me. 

This ride was good for me mentally.  I know I have a lot of biking to do before IMFL, but I know the Infinit works for me on the bike, I know I need to practice replacing the bottle in the rear hydration cage, and it got me thinking about whether I want to keep the same clothes on during the whole IM or change in T2 before the run (at least the shorts).

I have a HIM this weekend.  Luckily I really do think this one is on a flat course, so I'm looking forward to that.  It will be another chance to practice nutrition and pacing and see where I am at.

Even with a none flat course, you seemed to have done quite well for the century. Congrats on the finish!!
2010-04-19 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2800069

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South Suburb of Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
fungi32 - 2010-04-18 7:36 PM Just back from Lake Anna I really had my worst race ever. The swim was extremely choppy but got through it pretty well my buddy went off 8 minutes before me and got out the same time so I felt good about the swim, in Transition every time I went to put my bike shoes on I got a terrible cramp in my hamstring finally got on the bike and downhill from there about half way through the bike I started felling sick at my stomach so I backed off a little and thought I was going to be alright but really got sick at my stomach at about the 5k mark of the run and had to run in the woods and toss my cookies. I actually thought I was going to recover after that but about mile 4 I starting getting sick again so I tried walking at the water stations and then it was just over I spent the last 2 miles running about 100 yards and then walking to get my stomach settled down, ran the last bit through the woods and then just went and laid in transition, really at a loss right now sorta sucked

Wow, tough luck. Have you considered at all what you ate the night before for the stomach problems? My thoughts for the cramping, since it was so early in the race, might be having to do with how much you were kicking. If you were properly hydrated before the race, maybe during training you don't kick as much as you do during a race. I know when do kick sets, I tend to cramp up there only because of how much kicking is done and not because of hydration.
2010-04-19 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2798677

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South Suburb of Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
QueenZipp - 2010-04-17 6:07 PM I hope Kip had a better day out there than me.  The swim sucked.  I could not get a rhythm with the chop and backstroked most of it.  Bike was the highlight of my day--even with headwoind all the way! Nonstop rollers too.  Run sucked.....leg cramps, needed a bathroom break and NONE on the course...feet went numb and I wound up going barefoot for the last 2 1/2 miles.

Rough race, sorry to hear. Hopefully you put this behind you and learn from any mistakes. I would try to keep focusing on your future races and not let this race bring you down.

Thanks for all the inspires too. I didn't get a chance to check any of them because I was out of town till Sunday night. Normally I try to forget about technology when I go out of town for vacation or a race.

Edited by scotty930 2010-04-19 11:53 AM
2010-04-19 11:56 AM
in reply to: #2798907

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South Suburb of Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
disturbed275 - 2010-04-17 8:49 PM I had a great 10k this morning.  Ideal running weather.  High 40s and sun with just a little bit of wind.

I finished 2nd overall with a time 37:27.  I am pretty sure that they shorted the course by about a 1/4 mile, but I'm still happy as heck with that time.  Big PR either way.

Congrats on the great race finish!! Nothing better than having ideal conditions and going out and racing your best!

2010-04-19 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2799463

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South Suburb of Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
dixrp - 2010-04-18 11:42 AM QZ, good job on getting through hard race. Look at it this way a bad race is better than a good day sitting on your a$$! Great job Distrubed for the PR! It could be call PR for short 10K course. Kip, Briania, Scotty how did your races turn out?

My race went great. Conditions were a little chilly. Low 40's,very little wind and sunny. Pool swim was amazing. I should seeded my self slightly faster to make sure I dealt with less congestion. The bike was freezing cold. I didn't bother putting on any long sleeves and was completely numb by the first mile. This allowed me to ride pretty hard with out feeling anything. The only down point was T2 my hands were to numb to allow me to put on my shoes and take off my helmet, so it cost me some time. I PR the 5k run with my first ever under 20 min 5k. I was exuberant. I finished 3 in my AG and 40 overall with a time of 59:37.
2010-04-19 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2801498

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
scotty930 - 2010-04-19 12:02 PM
dixrp - 2010-04-18 11:42 AM QZ, good job on getting through hard race. Look at it this way a bad race is better than a good day sitting on your a$$! Great job Distrubed for the PR! It could be call PR for short 10K course. Kip, Briania, Scotty how did your races turn out?

My race went great. Conditions were a little chilly. Low 40's,very little wind and sunny. Pool swim was amazing. I should seeded my self slightly faster to make sure I dealt with less congestion. The bike was freezing cold. I didn't bother putting on any long sleeves and was completely numb by the first mile. This allowed me to ride pretty hard with out feeling anything. The only down point was T2 my hands were to numb to allow me to put on my shoes and take off my helmet, so it cost me some time. I PR the 5k run with my first ever under 20 min 5k. I was exuberant. I finished 3 in my AG and 40 overall with a time of 59:37.

Congrats on a great race!  I hate being cold on the bike, but I guess if you're numb it doesn't matter.  Ha ha!
2010-04-19 8:45 PM
in reply to: #2801294

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
bar92 - 2010-04-19 11:03 AM Sounds like it was a tough weekend for racing, except for Neal who got a sweet PR!

The century ride I did yesterday was tough.  We were told the ride was pretty flat.  NOT!  And I've done America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride around Lake Tahoe twice, so I know what hilly is.  This ride had lots of long rollers and fairly steep ones at that.  Some climbs up were at 6-8 mph and sometimes I was coasting downhill at 28-30.  We did get lucky and not have any rain, but we had wind, the hills, and lots of chip seal.  If you don't know what chip seal is, be glad.  The pavement looks smooth, but it's not.  You are constantly vibrating.  It tends to lower my speed 1-2 mph easily. 

I rode with one of my riding buddies who was also on his tri bike, so hardly any drafting (I will admit to cheating once or twice).  Stopped at mile 17 and 40 for a potty break.  It never fails with me that I have to go around mile 20.  I probably could have skipped the stop at 40, but I also wanted to put some cream on if you know what I mean and ditch the jacket I started with.  By mile 80 I was feeling it.  Stopped to stretch and make another bottle of Infinit.  Got going again, but the last 20 miles were brutal.  Shoulders/neck hurt, hurt from sitting on the saddle so long and was just ready to be off the bike.  But, faced more wind and more rollers heading in to the finish.  Crossed a nasty railroad crossing about 93 and my buddy got a flat.  I was actually a little relieved as it gave me a chance to rest again.  As soon as I got off the bike at the finish, I changed clothes in the car and got some food in me. 

This ride was good for me mentally.  I know I have a lot of biking to do before IMFL, but I know the Infinit works for me on the bike, I know I need to practice replacing the bottle in the rear hydration cage, and it got me thinking about whether I want to keep the same clothes on during the whole IM or change in T2 before the run (at least the shorts).

I have a HIM this weekend.  Luckily I really do think this one is on a flat course, so I'm looking forward to that.  It will be another chance to practice nutrition and pacing and see where I am at.

Nice job on the century!  Getting that in at this point in the season has to give you some confidence for IMFL
2010-04-19 8:47 PM
in reply to: #2801498

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
scotty930 - 2010-04-19 12:02 PM
dixrp - 2010-04-18 11:42 AM QZ, good job on getting through hard race. Look at it this way a bad race is better than a good day sitting on your a$$! Great job Distrubed for the PR! It could be call PR for short 10K course. Kip, Briania, Scotty how did your races turn out?

My race went great. Conditions were a little chilly. Low 40's,very little wind and sunny. Pool swim was amazing. I should seeded my self slightly faster to make sure I dealt with less congestion. The bike was freezing cold. I didn't bother putting on any long sleeves and was completely numb by the first mile. This allowed me to ride pretty hard with out feeling anything. The only down point was T2 my hands were to numb to allow me to put on my shoes and take off my helmet, so it cost me some time. I PR the 5k run with my first ever under 20 min 5k. I was exuberant. I finished 3 in my AG and 40 overall with a time of 59:37.

Congrats on the hardware! That's quite the 5k on numb legs.  I did a race last year where my feet had gone completely numb from the cold.  It was almost surreal running after that.  I knew my feet were hitting the pavement, but I couldn't feel anything!
2010-04-20 11:59 AM
in reply to: #2770190

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Briana - Nice job on the century!!  I've yet to do one, but I'm hoping to build up my bike base this spring and get one done maybe by the end of the summer!

Scott - Congrats on your race!  That's pretty sweet you PR'ed your 5k during a tri!

Today I have a run planned after work.  Just a quick 3-miler. 

2010-04-20 2:31 PM
in reply to: #2770190

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Sounds like you guys are all doing great. Well done!!!!

The weather is warming up here (Toronto) and so I wish I could get out on my bike. Did a nice walk Sunday. Pain is not as constant but I know I have to hold off on the training for a bit longer. Now that I'm over my cold I'm going to get into the pool. Give that a go. At least I will get a cardio workout.

2010-04-20 3:18 PM
in reply to: #2805047

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South Suburb of Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
alexenafi - 2010-04-20 2:31 PM Sounds like you guys are all doing great. Well done!!!!

The weather is warming up here (Toronto) and so I wish I could get out on my bike. Did a nice walk Sunday. Pain is not as constant but I know I have to hold off on the training for a bit longer. Now that I'm over my cold I'm going to get into the pool. Give that a go. At least I will get a cardio workout.

Its gotta take a lot  a will power to keep yourself from doing that bike ride. I don't know if I would have that will power if it ever came to some kind of injury. I am glad your staying positive! Hopefully you keep making progress with your recovery.

Edited by scotty930 2010-04-20 3:18 PM
2010-04-20 5:54 PM
in reply to: #2805198

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
scotty930 - 2010-04-20 3:18 PM
alexenafi - 2010-04-20 2:31 PM Sounds like you guys are all doing great. Well done!!!!

The weather is warming up here (Toronto) and so I wish I could get out on my bike. Did a nice walk Sunday. Pain is not as constant but I know I have to hold off on the training for a bit longer. Now that I'm over my cold I'm going to get into the pool. Give that a go. At least I will get a cardio workout.

Its gotta take a lot  a will power to keep yourself from doing that bike ride. I don't know if I would have that will power if it ever came to some kind of injury. I am glad your staying positive! Hopefully you keep making progress with your recovery.

Yeah, I'm with you there, Scotty.  I have a hard time not training......
2010-04-20 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2770190

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
OK newbie runner here again . . . does anyone else hate running on the roads???  Wanted to run some miles today but not have to drive to a trail to run on so I ran by my house through an industrial park.  I realized more now than the first time I ran it, that those roads are curved from the middle to the curb.  So if you are running on the sides you are always running on one side of both shoes!!!  I ran against the traffic on the way back more towards the middle.

Shins hurt a little tonight . . gonna go grab a cool pack.

Happy training everyone.
2010-04-20 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2805698

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
carrie639 - 2010-04-20 7:29 PM OK newbie runner here again . . . does anyone else hate running on the roads???  Wanted to run some miles today but not have to drive to a trail to run on so I ran by my house through an industrial park.  I realized more now than the first time I ran it, that those roads are curved from the middle to the curb.  So if you are running on the sides you are always running on one side of both shoes!!!  I ran against the traffic on the way back more towards the middle.

Shins hurt a little tonight . . gonna go grab a cool pack.

Happy training everyone.

Yeah, that is the part about running on roads that's hard to compensate for.  But, your races won't be on a treadmill.....trail running is great and you definitely work the legs with it.  So is barefoot running on a beach.  I LOVE doing that one, you feel every muscle in your legs the next day!!

2010-04-20 8:35 PM
in reply to: #2770190

Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Got out on the bike this morning and averaged about 18 miles per hour for 30ish miles, sunday  average 17.8 for around 42 miles,different courses, but hills and wind were similar.Frankly, I'm frustrated that I wasn't able to increasemy speed over a shorter distance. Does  this type of stat hold true for anyone else? 

Also can anyone suggest a good resource for review of nutrition available on the bike.  I've seen the heed discussion above, but I'm completely confused so, I usually just mix up some Gatorade and  roll.  I've tried GU in the past and did not care for it.  SO i need a resource that details the options, but also a general rule for nutrition on the bike, in the past some BT users have suggested 250-300 calories an hour, but I have no idea where that number came from
2010-04-20 10:27 PM
in reply to: #2805545

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
QueenZipp - 2010-04-20 5:54 PM
scotty930 - 2010-04-20 3:18 PM
alexenafi - 2010-04-20 2:31 PM Sounds like you guys are all doing great. Well done!!!!

The weather is warming up here (Toronto) and so I wish I could get out on my bike. Did a nice walk Sunday. Pain is not as constant but I know I have to hold off on the training for a bit longer. Now that I'm over my cold I'm going to get into the pool. Give that a go. At least I will get a cardio workout.

Its gotta take a lot  a will power to keep yourself from doing that bike ride. I don't know if I would have that will power if it ever came to some kind of injury. I am glad your staying positive! Hopefully you keep making progress with your recovery.

Yeah, I'm with you there, Scotty.  I have a hard time not training......

x3.  This tapering is killing me!  At least I only have 3 days left.
2010-04-20 10:35 PM
in reply to: #2805698

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
carrie639 - 2010-04-20 7:29 PM OK newbie runner here again . . . does anyone else hate running on the roads???  Wanted to run some miles today but not have to drive to a trail to run on so I ran by my house through an industrial park.  I realized more now than the first time I ran it, that those roads are curved from the middle to the curb.  So if you are running on the sides you are always running on one side of both shoes!!!  I ran against the traffic on the way back more towards the middle.

Shins hurt a little tonight . . gonna go grab a cool pack.

Happy training everyone.

I don't run on roads, but I do run on a multi-use bike/run/rollerblade/whatever path, and it is slightly bowed so that the middle of the path is higher than the sides.  I used to get IT band issues only on one leg, probably from that. . . But I dunno, it stopped happening.  I'm not sure if I'm compensating by leaning the other direction when I run, to correct the imbalance?  I know I started focusing on my running form more (someone had suggested I read up on Chi Running or Pose Running).  Not sure if that's what helped?
2010-04-20 11:00 PM
in reply to: #2805862

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Subject: RE: Disturbed275's Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Kman2011 - 2010-04-20 8:35 PM Got out on the bike this morning and averaged about 18 miles per hour for 30ish miles, sunday  average 17.8 for around 42 miles,different courses, but hills and wind were similar.Frankly, I'm frustrated that I wasn't able to increasemy speed over a shorter distance. Does  this type of stat hold true for anyone else? 

Also can anyone suggest a good resource for review of nutrition available on the bike.  I've seen the heed discussion above, but I'm completely confused so, I usually just mix up some Gatorade and  roll.  I've tried GU in the past and did not care for it.  SO i need a resource that details the options, but also a general rule for nutrition on the bike, in the past some BT users have suggested 250-300 calories an hour, but I have no idea where that number came from

The bike is my worst event, but I really want to work on getting better at it this year!  So I'd be interested in what others have to say about your questions as well.

As for me, I'm pretty sure I also have just one bike speed.  Do you monitor anything else besides speed when you ride?  For example, heart rate, power, etc?  I noticed that my heart rate doesn't get that high on the bike, which I know means I just don't work very hard when I ride.  For the run, I'm pretty good at knowing what pace I need to run to get to various heart rate zones for certain distances/workouts; for the bike, I just haven't been paying attention!  So I'm thinking if I concentrate on getting my heart rate into a higher zone, then I should be going faster.  I know a lot of my tri club friends swear by Power training, but I don't really know much about it.

In terms of bike nutrition, I think the number of calories you drink per hour depends on your size, how many calories you burn, and a bunch of other factors.  I've never tried Infinit, but the founder had come to speak at one of my tri club meetings last year and he had a lot of good information that I found pretty useful.  Here's a link to some of their information. . . The last document tells how they calculate how many calories you need on the bike:>
Since last year was my first year of tri & I was focusing on Olys, I didn't pay too much attention to nutrition.  I want to start experimenting with it this year so that I don't bonk for my HIM!
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