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2011-01-11 7:22 AM
in reply to: #3288144

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
Crazymama - 2011-01-09 1:04 PM You know I am a beginner when my 3 goals are:

1. To just cross the finish line at my first tri
2. Remain injury free
3. Not hurt any of my 3 children or my husband in the process of training.

So I have really enjoyed the 2 weeks since this adventure of a tri started. The runs have been harder than I thought though. My knees and feet are just plain sore. No pain but the soreness is keeping me from running more than 2 miles. I run/walk most of the time. I got fitted for some shoes so I wouldn't think that would be the it typical for feet/knees to be sore even after an easy jog? I am wondering if it's just because of this new activity I am doing on my body, so I am backing it off and building up slowly.

I know my dad has awful knees and figured I inherited this fabulous trait, but now it is really getting in the way.

And for the record, I love the bachelor talk...I know it's like all guys on this board but seriously, the Bachelor is hot and needs to keep his shirt off more...just sayin'

Those are excellent goals and pretty much mirror mine from my first 2 triathlons.  And the don't drown thing was pretty high up there also, since my first one was an ocean swim.  BTW, it went fine and was a great experience and a lot of fun.

The running will probably make you sore.  Just make sure there aren't any acute pains, and make sure to stretch after you run (I'm one to give advice on this, see post above). 

If your just getting back into running, you may look at a couch to 5k or 10k program.  Even though you may be able to run 2-3 miles, you may need to ramp up slower to get your legs back under you.  Just a thought.

2011-01-11 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3282849

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
BamaDC - 2011-01-06 4:00 PM Some of you posted them already, but what are your top 3 racing goals this year?

1. Run a sub 2:00 half marathon (run a half marathon)
2. Complete the 70.3- in a time I'd be proud of... not sure what that is, exactly
3. Run a sub 24 min 5k

My primary goal is to get my back healthy again to the point where I can start running without hurting myself.

Anyone have tips for continuing to train for a 70.3 if you have to cut out one sport completely for a period of time?  I am biking and swimming a lot, and also doing a lot of Yoga and strength training.  I'm worried that my running will really suffer once I can get back to it.
2011-01-11 9:02 AM
in reply to: #3291858

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the colony texas
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
I've actually thought about goals and I think the best one for me would be constistancy.   Just making sure I get in a quality workout everyday.  As long as I do that the rest happen
Of course. Eating right and staying under 2400 calories a day would be the 2nd one
2011-01-11 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3256548

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
ok, so my knees continue to just be numb/sore. I can walk and function totally fine and there is no pain, just a numbness. I swam yesterday and that felt great. I found a beginner swimming program on this site and thought I would take the month of January & February to just focus on swimming. I have a feeling I did too much too quick--yes, I wasn't physically tired, but my body wasn't used to the bike or running (even though I didn't run much) so I am thinking my body is telling me to take it slow.

So I feel like I am starting all over--which is fine, I don't want to hurt. Do you think it's ok if I just focus the next month or two just on swimming? No running or bike.  And then move on to biking or running come March? The tri is in July.
2011-01-11 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3292845

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
Crazymama - 2011-01-11 2:33 PM ok, so my knees continue to just be numb/sore. I can walk and function totally fine and there is no pain, just a numbness. I swam yesterday and that felt great. I found a beginner swimming program on this site and thought I would take the month of January & February to just focus on swimming. I have a feeling I did too much too quick--yes, I wasn't physically tired, but my body wasn't used to the bike or running (even though I didn't run much) so I am thinking my body is telling me to take it slow.

So I feel like I am starting all over--which is fine, I don't want to hurt. Do you think it's ok if I just focus the next month or two just on swimming? No running or bike.  And then move on to biking or running come March? The tri is in July.
Silly question, but are you running outside?  The only time I've ever had numb knees is after running outside on a cold day. 

By the way- Tri Indy is a very fun race.  I won't be able to race this year because I work that weekend, but I highly recommend it!
2011-01-11 1:54 PM
in reply to: #3292858

New user

Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
"Running" if you can call it that, was done inside on a treadmill. I will have to look up when the Indy Tri is--sounds like a fun event! At this rate though, I can't even fathom actually doing the one I want to do (Cincy Tri). I am getting down in the dumps about my knees.

I hope just cutting back to swimming helps them heal!

2011-01-11 4:33 PM
in reply to: #3291352

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
sand101 - 2011-01-10 8:35 PM A quick update.  No running today due to the ice.  So I searched around the house.  After a month of looking I found my bike!  Turns out it was sitting on my trainer in the basement - who knew.  Repeated Jorge's W2D1.  Managed 4 1' repeats at 310watts and then hit 375 on the last one.  That's 30w better than what I did before I laid off the bike for a month. 

WTF?  Not complaining, but I'm gonna ask Jorge about that one.
Did you zero your PM?
2011-01-11 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3293294

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
BamaDC - 2011-01-11 4:33 PM
sand101 - 2011-01-10 8:35 PM A quick update.  No running today due to the ice.  So I searched around the house.  After a month of looking I found my bike!  Turns out it was sitting on my trainer in the basement - who knew.  Repeated Jorge's W2D1.  Managed 4 1' repeats at 310watts and then hit 375 on the last one.  That's 30w better than what I did before I laid off the bike for a month. 

WTF?  Not complaining, but I'm gonna ask Jorge about that one.
Did you zero your PM?

I didn't, but it has been in the basement - should have been little to no temperature drift there.  And it is set to auto zero, so I doubt that is it.  Good thought, though.  I'll repeat that workout next time and see if I can repeat the effort.
2011-01-11 5:20 PM
in reply to: #3292908

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
Crazymama - 2011-01-11 1:54 PM "Running" if you can call it that, was done inside on a treadmill. I will have to look up when the Indy Tri is--sounds like a fun event! At this rate though, I can't even fathom actually doing the one I want to do (Cincy Tri). I am getting down in the dumps about my knees.

I hope just cutting back to swimming helps them heal!

Can you try outside?  The treadmill does cause you to react a bit differently.  The road may be a better way for you to go.  Can't hurt to try.
2011-01-12 7:50 AM
in reply to: #3293363

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
sand101 - 2011-01-11 4:57 PM
BamaDC - 2011-01-11 4:33 PM
sand101 - 2011-01-10 8:35 PM A quick update.  No running today due to the ice.  So I searched around the house.  After a month of looking I found my bike!  Turns out it was sitting on my trainer in the basement - who knew.  Repeated Jorge's W2D1.  Managed 4 1' repeats at 310watts and then hit 375 on the last one.  That's 30w better than what I did before I laid off the bike for a month. 

WTF?  Not complaining, but I'm gonna ask Jorge about that one.
Did you zero your PM?

I didn't, but it has been in the basement - should have been little to no temperature drift there.  And it is set to auto zero, so I doubt that is it.  Good thought, though.  I'll repeat that workout next time and see if I can repeat the effort.

Do you know how much money you could make with that coaching plan!?
2011-01-12 8:05 AM
in reply to: #3256548

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED


you gave me a good idea, and I found my bike this morning.  Still where I left it in the basement about a month ago.  IT still worked and amazingly, my legs still worked.

No, unfortunatly, I don't think my performance improved, so I may have to pay for your advice.

Anyway, I tried to download my data to Golden Cheatah, but couldn't figure out how to get it from the Joule to the program.  Any ideas?  The setup to transfer the data didn't seem straight forward.

2011-01-12 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3294109

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the colony texas
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
BamaDC - 2011-01-12 7:50 AM
sand101 - 2011-01-11 4:57 PM
BamaDC - 2011-01-11 4:33 PM
sand101 - 2011-01-10 8:35 PM A quick update.  No running today due to the ice.  So I searched around the house.  After a month of looking I found my bike!  Turns out it was sitting on my trainer in the basement - who knew.  Repeated Jorge's W2D1.  Managed 4 1' repeats at 310watts and then hit 375 on the last one.  That's 30w better than what I did before I laid off the bike for a month. 

WTF?  Not complaining, but I'm gonna ask Jorge about that one.
Did you zero your PM?

I didn't, but it has been in the basement - should have been little to no temperature drift there.  And it is set to auto zero, so I doubt that is it.  Good thought, though.  I'll repeat that workout next time and see if I can repeat the effort.

Do you know how much money you could make with that coaching plan!?

lots and lots of cash..
But you have to really sell it..  Big informcial with loud yelling, hot women all going Wow!!  toss in a beer sponsership ...
it would be a lincense to print money
2011-01-12 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3294323

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
Gaarryy - 2011-01-12 9:06 AM
BamaDC - 2011-01-12 7:50 AM
sand101 - 2011-01-11 4:57 PM
BamaDC - 2011-01-11 4:33 PM
sand101 - 2011-01-10 8:35 PM A quick update.  No running today due to the ice.  So I searched around the house.  After a month of looking I found my bike!  Turns out it was sitting on my trainer in the basement - who knew.  Repeated Jorge's W2D1.  Managed 4 1' repeats at 310watts and then hit 375 on the last one.  That's 30w better than what I did before I laid off the bike for a month. 

WTF?  Not complaining, but I'm gonna ask Jorge about that one.
Did you zero your PM?

I didn't, but it has been in the basement - should have been little to no temperature drift there.  And it is set to auto zero, so I doubt that is it.  Good thought, though.  I'll repeat that workout next time and see if I can repeat the effort.

Do you know how much money you could make with that coaching plan!?

lots and lots of cash..
But you have to really sell it..  Big informcial with loud yelling, hot women all going Wow!!  toss in a beer sponsership ...
it would be a lincense to print money

Did someone say hot women?!  That's it - I'm gonna develop a plan to knock Coach Troy off of his high horse and take over the market.
2011-01-12 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3282849

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
BamaDC - 2011-01-06 3:00 PM Some of you posted them already, but what are your top 3 racing goals this year?

So, I'm just back from the Disney 1/2 marathon - got snowed "out" of Atlanta for an extra 2 days - not a bad place to be!  Had a great time!  Anyhow, here are my goals for 2011
1) Run a sub 2 hour HM (this was my goal for Saturday, missed it by 3 minutes! Ugh!)
2) Train consistently in order to comfortably finish my first HIM
3) Better my time for the Olympic Distance

I went out too fast at the Disney 1/2 this weekend - ran with my husband and knew from the start it was too fast, but I wanted to try!  He left me at mile 11, and he finished 1:58 - I lost all my steam and had to walk a bit at mile 12.  Finished the last mile strong, though, and think I'll be able to do better at my next race in March. 
I'm excited to get out and really train for my HIM. 
By the way - I think riding during the bachelor sounds like a great plan! :-)
2011-01-12 4:23 PM
in reply to: #3295238

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
jennitris - 2011-01-12 1:46 PM
I went out too fast at the Disney 1/2 this weekend - ran with my husband and knew from the start it was too fast, but I wanted to try!  He left me at mile 11, and he finished 1:58 - I lost all my steam and had to walk a bit at mile 12.  Finished the last mile strong, though, and think I'll be able to do better at my next race in March. 
I'm excited to get out and really train for my HIM. 
By the way - I think riding during the bachelor sounds like a great plan! :-)

Congrats!! You held 11 miles at a pace beyond your normal, took a breather, and then finished strong, yea, that's awesome!

Which # half was that for you? The more you do, the more you're better able to judge your performace (I've done 1 so I'm not that great at those distances).

Either way, congrats!
2011-01-12 4:28 PM
in reply to: #3256548

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
Following in Jenni's footsteps, I'm going to brag a bit too

I knocked almost 9minutes off my 10mi time on Saturday's Red Nose Run 10mi. Granted it wasn't as cold as last year, so I wasn't completely frozen, but it was still plenty cool to have a great race.

I went pretty steady and bombed every downhill I could for the free speed and I think that beat me at the end. I dropped :20sec on the final hill at mile 9 (coming up Hollywood from the village to US31), but managed to redeem myself on the final stretch and finish well.

I was hoping for the photo from the race crew, but I outkicked a guy coming down into SOHO and wound up passing him with 100' to go or so, but it didn't help me move up too high in the rankings.

Last year: 17/22 AG. This year: 10/31 AG. That's 2 top 10 finishes in the last year!

2011-01-12 4:46 PM
in reply to: #3295664

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
LostSheep - 2011-01-12 4:28 PM Following in Jenni's footsteps, I'm going to brag a bit too

I knocked almost 9minutes off my 10mi time on Saturday's Red Nose Run 10mi. Granted it wasn't as cold as last year, so I wasn't completely frozen, but it was still plenty cool to have a great race.

I went pretty steady and bombed every downhill I could for the free speed and I think that beat me at the end. I dropped :20sec on the final hill at mile 9 (coming up Hollywood from the village to US31), but managed to redeem myself on the final stretch and finish well.

I was hoping for the photo from the race crew, but I outkicked a guy coming down into SOHO and wound up passing him with 100' to go or so, but it didn't help me move up too high in the rankings.

Last year: 17/22 AG. This year: 10/31 AG. That's 2 top 10 finishes in the last year!

That's awesome.  Congrats.
2011-01-12 5:08 PM
in reply to: #3295238

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
jennitris - 2011-01-12 1:46 PM
1) Run a sub 2 hour HM (this was my goal for Saturday, missed it by 3 minutes! Ugh!)

Just run consistently and this will easily be accomplished.  Either way that is a great run.

LostSheep - 2011-01-12 4:28 PM Following in Jenni's footsteps, I'm going to brag a bit too

I knocked almost 9minutes off my 10mi time on Saturday's Red Nose Run 10mi. Granted it wasn't as cold as last year, so I wasn't completely frozen, but it was still plenty cool to have a great race.

Last year: 17/22 AG. This year: 10/31 AG. That's 2 top 10 finishes in the last year!

Woulda been pretty darn tough to make it colder than last year.  Tomorrow morning may be close, though!

BTW, massive improvement in placement - bottom quarter to top third?  Damn, man, that rules.

Edited by sand101 2011-01-12 5:14 PM
2011-01-12 6:39 PM
in reply to: #3295664

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
LostSheep - 2011-01-12 4:28 PM Following in Jenni's footsteps, I'm going to brag a bit too

I knocked almost 9minutes off my 10mi time on Saturday's Red Nose Run 10mi. Granted it wasn't as cold as last year, so I wasn't completely frozen, but it was still plenty cool to have a great race.

I went pretty steady and bombed every downhill I could for the free speed and I think that beat me at the end. I dropped :20sec on the final hill at mile 9 (coming up Hollywood from the village to US31), but managed to redeem myself on the final stretch and finish well.

I was hoping for the photo from the race crew, but I outkicked a guy coming down into SOHO and wound up passing him with 100' to go or so, but it didn't help me move up too high in the rankings.

Last year: 17/22 AG. This year: 10/31 AG. That's 2 top 10 finishes in the last year!

Great Job!
2011-01-12 7:34 PM
in reply to: #3295650

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
Which # half was that for you? The more you do, the more you're better able to judge your performace (I've done 1 so I'm not that great at those distances).


This was my 8th 1/2 marathon.  Best time before Saturday was 2:10, so I'm really happy with my time.  Thanks!
2011-01-12 10:03 PM
in reply to: #3295970

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
jennitris - 2011-01-12 7:34 PM Which # half was that for you? The more you do, the more you're better able to judge your performace (I've done 1 so I'm not that great at those distances).


This was my 8th 1/2 marathon.  Best time before Saturday was 2:10, so I'm really happy with my time.  Thanks!

So two races this weekend - one with a 7 minute improvement and one with a 9 minute improvement.  Not a bad start to the year for the group!

2011-01-13 5:18 AM
in reply to: #3295664

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
LostSheep - 2011-01-12 4:28 PMFollowing in Jenni's footsteps, I'm going to brag a bit too

I knocked almost 9minutes off my 10mi time on Saturday's Red Nose Run 10mi. Granted it wasn't as cold as last year, so I wasn't completely frozen, but it was still plenty cool to have a great race.

I went pretty steady and bombed every downhill I could for the free speed and I think that beat me at the end. I dropped :20sec on the final hill at mile 9 (coming up Hollywood from the village to US31), but managed to redeem myself on the final stretch and finish well.

I was hoping for the photo from the race crew, but I outkicked a guy coming down into SOHO and wound up passing him with 100' to go or so, but it didn't help me move up too high in the rankings.

Last year: 17/22 AG. This year: 10/31 AG. That's 2 top 10 finishes in the last year!
Nice work!
2011-01-13 6:43 AM
in reply to: #3295664

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
LostSheep - 2011-01-12 5:28 PM Following in Jenni's footsteps, I'm going to brag a bit too

I knocked almost 9minutes off my 10mi time on Saturday's Red Nose Run 10mi. Granted it wasn't as cold as last year, so I wasn't completely frozen, but it was still plenty cool to have a great race.

I went pretty steady and bombed every downhill I could for the free speed and I think that beat me at the end. I dropped :20sec on the final hill at mile 9 (coming up Hollywood from the village to US31), but managed to redeem myself on the final stretch and finish well.

I was hoping for the photo from the race crew, but I outkicked a guy coming down into SOHO and wound up passing him with 100' to go or so, but it didn't help me move up too high in the rankings.

Last year: 17/22 AG. This year: 10/31 AG. That's 2 top 10 finishes in the last year!

Congrats, that's awesome.  You too Jenni!
2011-01-13 6:44 AM
in reply to: #3296234

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
sand101 - 2011-01-12 11:03 PM
jennitris - 2011-01-12 7:34 PM Which # half was that for you? The more you do, the more you're better able to judge your performace (I've done 1 so I'm not that great at those distances).


This was my 8th 1/2 marathon.  Best time before Saturday was 2:10, so I'm really happy with my time.  Thanks!

So two races this weekend - one with a 7 minute improvement and one with a 9 minute improvement.  Not a bad start to the year for the group!

You guys are making me look bad.  I don't have anything schedule until March!
2011-01-13 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3295664

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
I knocked almost 9minutes off my 10mi time on Saturday's Red Nose Run 10mi. Granted it wasn't as cold as last year, so I wasn't completely frozen, but it was still plenty cool to have a great race.
Awesome, great job!
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