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2011-05-24 2:41 PM
in reply to: #3282419

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

hey everyone,

I had been MIA for a couple of weeks, somewhat slacking.  Great to read all of you are meeting your goals.  Good job on your races!

I had a week of finals for my MBA, so could not do much.  I did get some good grade though.  Training has not been what I hoped, although I will focus on a couple fo good things.  I finally made it to my master's class and it is going great.  twice a week, I miraculously wake up and get there for 5:45.  I think my Mom doesn't believe me, and my wife just believes me cause she hears me sneak away in the morning.  I have always been terrible at getting up early.

Second, the coach at the master's class is also a Triathlon and Cycling coach and he helped me fit my bike.  even though this bike is properly sized for me (unlike the other one), after working with him, I can tell they did not do a good job.  We made some adjustment so that my efficiency is better.  I am now looking for some rides this weekend so that I can test it out.

I also signed up for my first race this year (2nd ever) for end of June.  This will be a pool swim so I am psyched.  have a great week and enjoy the holiday!Cool


2011-05-24 10:32 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Okay, two things

1.  Scott-my count was 80 (160) tonight for that interval drill you are going to share

2.  I think I am buying my first wetsuit tomorrow.  I have tried it on twice but have not swam in it (which I know is huge but I have to make a decision by tomorrow and won't be able to swim before then).  I feel very confident that it is the correct fit and it is an X-Terra so according to the sizing chart it should be correct.  It is sleeveless which I think is possibly a good thing (I am so dang claustorphobic!!).  I have one HUGE problem though and I know someone can help me out.  THE NECK IS SO AWFUL!!  Now I realize that all suits are going to have an issue because they are meant to be snug as to keep out the water, etc.  but seriously!!  I am aware that body glide should be used to help avoid the suit getting caught up, etc.  But I already have an issue with things on my neck and this is 100x worse!  So please help me figure out how to handle this....I don't want to give up on this whole triathlon thing but it always feel like it is one more thing that makes me feel like I am way too stressed about!

3.  On a good note!!  My run tonight was amazing, who knew I could ever run almost 3 miles!!  I actually am at that point where my fitness is strong enough that I need to start pushing again, awesome feeling.  And I got out on the bike yesterday, am really comfortable with my route and ready to tackle a huge hill next ride!  So good things are coming, just stuck on the swim!

Please help a sister out!!

2011-05-25 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

I've read that it's easier to get the wetsuit on if you dunk it in water and then let it dry (like the day before).  I don't know if it would help expand the neck area as well.  Is the neck on your suit adjustable?  Can you zip it up to the neck but not all the way up the neck?

Another wetsuit question: the guy at the store told me never to use Pam, but a lot of people seem to.  Is it destructive to the material?

2011-05-25 11:33 AM
in reply to: #3517189

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
peteacher - 2011-05-24 10:32 PM

Okay, two things

1.  Scott-my count was 80 (160) tonight for that interval drill you are going to share

2.  I think I am buying my first wetsuit tomorrow.  I have tried it on twice but have not swam in it (which I know is huge but I have to make a decision by tomorrow and won't be able to swim before then).  I feel very confident that it is the correct fit and it is an X-Terra so according to the sizing chart it should be correct.  It is sleeveless which I think is possibly a good thing (I am so dang claustorphobic!!).  I have one HUGE problem though and I know someone can help me out.  THE NECK IS SO AWFUL!!  Now I realize that all suits are going to have an issue because they are meant to be snug as to keep out the water, etc.  but seriously!!  I am aware that body glide should be used to help avoid the suit getting caught up, etc.  But I already have an issue with things on my neck and this is 100x worse!  So please help me figure out how to handle this....I don't want to give up on this whole triathlon thing but it always feel like it is one more thing that makes me feel like I am way too stressed about!

3.  On a good note!!  My run tonight was amazing, who knew I could ever run almost 3 miles!!  I actually am at that point where my fitness is strong enough that I need to start pushing again, awesome feeling.  And I got out on the bike yesterday, am really comfortable with my route and ready to tackle a huge hill next ride!  So good things are coming, just stuck on the swim!

Please help a sister out!!

I have limited experience with wetsuits but had the same issue as you with the neck.  I hate having things around my neck (I don't even wear a lot of necklaces) and felt like it was choking me.  I did find though that once I got in the water and the suit "adjusted" itself a little bit, that the neck loosened up some.  For me also it helped to let a little water in - made it feel not quite so stuck to my skin.  After the first 5-10 minutes of swimming, I didn't notice it as much. 

Congrats on the good run!

2011-05-25 5:52 PM
in reply to: #3517943

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sdejan - 2011-05-25 11:33 AM

I've read that it's easier to get the wetsuit on if you dunk it in water and then let it dry (like the day before).  I don't know if it would help expand the neck area as well.  Is the neck on your suit adjustable?  Can you zip it up to the neck but not all the way up the neck?

Another wetsuit question: the guy at the store told me never to use Pam, but a lot of people seem to.  Is it destructive to the material?

Hi, Yes Pam and other non specific lubricants can be destructive to the neoprene or other materials in the wetsuit.  Nothing immediate, but over time will break down the material.

2011-05-26 8:14 AM
in reply to: #3516132

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

sdejan - 2011-05-24 1:05 PM Darn right it's a big accomplishment!  You should toot your horn!



Edited by agrant3 2011-05-26 8:15 AM

2011-05-28 12:11 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hi Everyone, I have not been active on this board since joining, partly because I have been slacking/busy (funny how one is an explaination for the other) but I have recently found some more commitment now that the summer months are upon us and I am faced with a shorter timeline to hit the races I want to run this summer.  I have also decided to complete my first 1/2 marathon in September, so that will give me LOTS to focus on over the summer too.  I have started using the training log and  nutrition log to track myself.  I know it has been mentioned on here before, but weightloss is what is KILLING me....I have about 12-15 lbs that I want to lose before the summer is out and maybe it is my spotty training, maybe my indiscretions over weekends etc, but I am maintaining my weight right now with my I'll ask the MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION.....does the answer to change that from maintain to lose lie in increased exercise or better nutritional management??? I know someone is going to say both, which intuitively I know is also true, but there has to be some sort of a tipping point out there...I would love to hear what others have done to turn that corner and jumpstart their weight loss.  Ultimately I would love to drop 2lbs/ week for the next 6 and be at my ideal weight for my event in July...

Thanks everyone


2011-05-29 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Bryan, I lost a lot of weight last year with better nutrition and exercise.  I wasn't into tri yet, but I worked with a personal trainer on strength twice a week and did cardio 3 times.  The trainer said that weight loss is about 70% nutrition.  As a 5'7, then-47yo woman, he had me on 1650 calories per day.  It is important to know your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the number of calories it takes your body to simply exist - just to keep the lights on, so to speak.  You don't want to go below that because your body will go into starvation mode.  Mine at the time was about 1300, so he basically had me at BMR + 300 or so.

The exercise boosts your metabolism and builds muscle, which in turn boosts it more.

This is a good site to find your BMR and also your daily caloric needs based on your level of activity (the latter is a total SWAG IMHO).

Hope that helps!


Edited by sdejan 2011-05-29 8:18 PM
2011-05-29 8:44 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hey everyone!  Hope you're having a great holiday weekend!  We're finally getting more normal weather although it got very hot very fast.  Good thing we got our A/C fixed last week, lol!  

My calf has been feeling pretty good so I went out for a "run" this morning.  It was actually more of a walk with some short runs mixed in.  The calf felt tight during the runs segments but seems to be OK overall.  I'll do another week or so of mostly walking/short runs before I try to go back to all running.  

Scott - I did my pace count during one of my short runs - count was 80.

2011-05-30 4:51 PM
in reply to: #3515747

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2011-05-24 7:38 AM

I actually felt better on the second race with the exception of the run.  With the exception of my left foot being sore, I've felt no ill effects from racing 2 days in a row.  As you can tell from my swim and run times, my endurance is still low but I'm working on that.  The second race was slightly longer (extra 50 yds on the swim and 0.37 mile longer on bike) but I was able to cut almost 2 minutes off the first race time.  I get need to get out and put in the miles and swim time to get my endurance up.  My original goal was to try in do day 1 in 1:30 and day 2 in 1:45.  Turned up a little short on day 1, 1:34:39 and 1:32:52 on day 2.  I have 4 more races in the Charleston series throughout the summer.  There is one about every 3 weeks.  My goal is to train hard and get it down to around 1:20 by the last race of the series on Aug 14.  I left 2 or 3 minutes out there in transition alone. 

Although I am pretty proud of myself for just being able to finish.  Coming from 6 months ago where I was 50 lbs heavier, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, just to name a few, to being able to complete 2 triathlons in one weekend is a huge accomplishment for myself.  Not trying to toot my on horn but just trying to encourage everyone that you can do it.  I've learned tons from BT.  Thanks everyone here for all the encouragement and advice.


You should be very proud of what you have accomplished. Thanks for helping motivate the rest of us.
2011-05-30 4:54 PM
in reply to: #3516460

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Chezz - 2011-05-24 12:41 PM

hey everyone,

I had been MIA for a couple of weeks, somewhat slacking.  Great to read all of you are meeting your goals.  Good job on your races!

I had a week of finals for my MBA, so could not do much.  I did get some good grade though.  Training has not been what I hoped, although I will focus on a couple fo good things.  I finally made it to my master's class and it is going great.  twice a week, I miraculously wake up and get there for 5:45.  I think my Mom doesn't believe me, and my wife just believes me cause she hears me sneak away in the morning.  I have always been terrible at getting up early.

Second, the coach at the master's class is also a Triathlon and Cycling coach and he helped me fit my bike.  even though this bike is properly sized for me (unlike the other one), after working with him, I can tell they did not do a good job.  We made some adjustment so that my efficiency is better.  I am now looking for some rides this weekend so that I can test it out.

I also signed up for my first race this year (2nd ever) for end of June.  This will be a pool swim so I am psyched.  have a great week and enjoy the holiday!Cool


Glad you got these probs fixed with your bike. It is always easier to get out when things are comfortable and work well. Sounds like your swim coach is a perfect fit.

2011-05-30 4:56 PM
in reply to: #3517189

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
peteacher - 2011-05-24 8:32 PM

Okay, two things

1.  Scott-my count was 80 (160) tonight for that interval drill you are going to share

2.  I think I am buying my first wetsuit tomorrow.  I have tried it on twice but have not swam in it (which I know is huge but I have to make a decision by tomorrow and won't be able to swim before then).  I feel very confident that it is the correct fit and it is an X-Terra so according to the sizing chart it should be correct.  It is sleeveless which I think is possibly a good thing (I am so dang claustorphobic!!).  I have one HUGE problem though and I know someone can help me out.  THE NECK IS SO AWFUL!!  Now I realize that all suits are going to have an issue because they are meant to be snug as to keep out the water, etc.  but seriously!!  I am aware that body glide should be used to help avoid the suit getting caught up, etc.  But I already have an issue with things on my neck and this is 100x worse!  So please help me figure out how to handle this....I don't want to give up on this whole triathlon thing but it always feel like it is one more thing that makes me feel like I am way too stressed about!

3.  On a good note!!  My run tonight was amazing, who knew I could ever run almost 3 miles!!  I actually am at that point where my fitness is strong enough that I need to start pushing again, awesome feeling.  And I got out on the bike yesterday, am really comfortable with my route and ready to tackle a huge hill next ride!  So good things are coming, just stuck on the swim!

Please help a sister out!!

Don't feel like you have to settle for a wetsuit that doesn't fit. If it fits well it should not be irritating. I use body glide on my arms and legs so it is easy on and off but I don't use it on my neck because it fits well and doesn't rub. I think that if your suit bugs you you should keep looking. Mine is an ORCA and I love it.
2011-05-30 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3522963

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
bmeere - 2011-05-28 10:11 AM

Hi Everyone, I have not been active on this board since joining, partly because I have been slacking/busy (funny how one is an explaination for the other) but I have recently found some more commitment now that the summer months are upon us and I am faced with a shorter timeline to hit the races I want to run this summer.  I have also decided to complete my first 1/2 marathon in September, so that will give me LOTS to focus on over the summer too.  I have started using the training log and  nutrition log to track myself.  I know it has been mentioned on here before, but weightloss is what is KILLING me....I have about 12-15 lbs that I want to lose before the summer is out and maybe it is my spotty training, maybe my indiscretions over weekends etc, but I am maintaining my weight right now with my I'll ask the MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION.....does the answer to change that from maintain to lose lie in increased exercise or better nutritional management??? I know someone is going to say both, which intuitively I know is also true, but there has to be some sort of a tipping point out there...I would love to hear what others have done to turn that corner and jumpstart their weight loss.  Ultimately I would love to drop 2lbs/ week for the next 6 and be at my ideal weight for my event in July...

Thanks everyone


Hi Bryan,
Here is the hard truth. 80% of weight loss is diet. working out helps of course because of the effect on metabolism but overall diet is a huge factor in weight loss. If I want jump start my weight loss I set small goals and I don't cut things out because then I feel like i am withholding from myself. Instead what I do is add to my diet. I keep bananas on the kitchen table and apples in a bowl. I create a plan for my meals for the day. I often overeat or eat bad stuff when I don't have a plan for how I am going to eat. I love broccoli with cheese. It may not be that healthy but its better than the new milky way caramel bars that I love so dearly. Hope that helps.If you want more ideas just let me know.

2011-05-30 5:04 PM
in reply to: #3524002

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2011-05-29 6:44 PM

Hey everyone!  Hope you're having a great holiday weekend!  We're finally getting more normal weather although it got very hot very fast.  Good thing we got our A/C fixed last week, lol!  

My calf has been feeling pretty good so I went out for a "run" this morning.  It was actually more of a walk with some short runs mixed in.  The calf felt tight during the runs segments but seems to be OK overall.  I'll do another week or so of mostly walking/short runs before I try to go back to all running.  

Scott - I did my pace count during one of my short runs - count was 80.

Does it help your calf if you do some pre and post stretching exercises?

2011-05-30 5:12 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
So here is something I learned about running and pacing that I hope might help you the way it has helped me. Someone famous and rich did a survey and found that champion runners have a foot fall pace of around 90-94 per minute per foot. What they also found is that the speed or terrain didn't matter. The person ran slow at 90-94 and a sprint at 90-94.Hills were the same, 90-94. So I am not encouraging you all to speed up your cadence to the 90-94 range but I would keep this in the back of your head and see if you can pick up your pace a bit.

When I first found this out my foot fall was about 70 per foot per minute. I picked it up to about 80-84 which is my current pace. This helped me drop 20 minutes off my half marathon time. I also found hills became easier. It is a lot like driving a manual transmission. When you go up a hill the engine speed stays the same, you just grab a lower gear (shorten strides) What I have found is that once I adapted to this way of running, my pace was more consistent mile to mile and I didn't get as tired as quickly.

I hope this helps you. Let me know if it doesn't make sense or you have give it a shot.

2011-05-31 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Am I doing this right????

So I calculated my BMR to be 1800 (actually 1799+change)

That means to just keep on the right side of the grass I need to consume : 1800x7=12,600 calories per week

To lose 2lbs per week, I would need to create a 7000 calorie defecit meaning I would have to net at (12,600-7000 = 5600) calories per week.

Presuming I consume even just the 1800 calories per day, I would then have to offset this by burning 1000 Calories per day based on a 7 day program or 1166 Calories per day if I am to stick to a 6 day program

Now I presume that I need a little extra fuel in the tank to do all of this work, so lets say I increase it to 2000 cal per day, I would then need to burn 1400 Calories per day to get back to the same net of 5600 calories...

Am I doing this right?  What kind of program is going to be required to burn 1400 or so calories PER DAY???   I googled a calorie burning calculator and running a 10k race seems to burn approx 1000 Calories....This nutrition stuff boggles my mind....

2011-05-31 2:33 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

It's simpler than that (thank goodness, huh?).    According to the site, if you are moderately active you multiply your BMR by 1.55.  Very active, 1.725.  That gives you the number of calories you need each day to maintain your current weight.  Then subtract 500 from that to get the number of calories you need each day to lose a pound a week.

So if your BMR is 1800 and you exercise 6-7 days a week ("very active"), you need 3100 calories a day to maintain your current weight.  Reduce to 2100 and you should lose 2 pounds a week.  Everyone's body is different, and you'll need to tweak the numbers to achieve the results you want.  But it gives you a decent starting point anyway.

If you're logging your nutrition on BT, it will calculate your calories, along with percentages of carbs, protein and fat.  There's no "ideal" ratio, but I try to keep mine around 50/25/25.  Also, don't eat late at night - you don't want to eat within several hours of your bedtime.

Disclaimers: I am not a doctor or nutritionist, your mileage may vary, yada yada.  These are just what worked for me.

ETA - the BMR tells you the calories you need NOT to maintain your current weight, but only to do basic life things at rest like breathe, keep the blood moving, digest, etc.  That's why you don't want to go below that number.

Edited by sdejan 2011-05-31 2:38 PM
2011-06-01 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3525315

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
bmeere - 2011-05-31 7:15 AM

Am I doing this right????

So I calculated my BMR to be 1800 (actually 1799+change)

That means to just keep on the right side of the grass I need to consume : 1800x7=12,600 calories per week

To lose 2lbs per week, I would need to create a 7000 calorie defecit meaning I would have to net at (12,600-7000 = 5600) calories per week.

Presuming I consume even just the 1800 calories per day, I would then have to offset this by burning 1000 Calories per day based on a 7 day program or 1166 Calories per day if I am to stick to a 6 day program

Now I presume that I need a little extra fuel in the tank to do all of this work, so lets say I increase it to 2000 cal per day, I would then need to burn 1400 Calories per day to get back to the same net of 5600 calories...

Am I doing this right?  What kind of program is going to be required to burn 1400 or so calories PER DAY???   I googled a calorie burning calculator and running a 10k race seems to burn approx 1000 Calories....This nutrition stuff boggles my mind....

Just a little thought for you. ARe you sure that while you are training and racing that you want to give your body a big calorie deficit? The other thing to consider is that because you are working out there is a big conversion going on in your body. Muscle is more dense than fat and actually weighs more. So if you go strictly by the scale you might be missing part of the picture. If it were me, I would go for 1/2 to 1 pound per week and also use a weight tape once every two weeks. You will see some change on the scale but also on the tape. Just a thought. It is not fun to race with a calorie deficit.

For what its worth.

2011-06-01 1:39 PM
in reply to: #3524677

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
holt1997 - 2011-05-30 5:04 PM
soccermom15 - 2011-05-29 6:44 PM

Hey everyone!  Hope you're having a great holiday weekend!  We're finally getting more normal weather although it got very hot very fast.  Good thing we got our A/C fixed last week, lol!  

My calf has been feeling pretty good so I went out for a "run" this morning.  It was actually more of a walk with some short runs mixed in.  The calf felt tight during the runs segments but seems to be OK overall.  I'll do another week or so of mostly walking/short runs before I try to go back to all running.  

Scott - I did my pace count during one of my short runs - count was 80.

Does it help your calf if you do some pre and post stretching exercises? Scott

It helps to stretch and massage it afterwards but not much help before.  I did a run yesterday morning before work and was able to extend the run segments a little.  Kinda feels like I'm starting over again with my running, but I know it'll get better once I'm able to get back into the harder workouts.  I just need to be patient and take it slow!


2011-06-01 2:24 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

So I just got back from driving the bike route for my tri coming up in a couple of weeks.  Not sure what I’ve gotten myself into here.  It’s a flat course once you get out into the farmland, but there’s a decent sized hill at the beginning of the route (good news is that it’s a downhill on the way backSmile).  I’m not sure that the map I have is accurate even though I downloaded it off the website.  There’s a 2.5 mile stretch of the route that’s closed due to construction (literally no road to ride on), another section that’s flooded, and another part that’s also under construction but the road is open – just not a really good place for riding a bike.  I suppose the water over the road could go down and some of the construction could be done before the race, but I hope they have alternatives ready just in case.  I was thinking about going out to ride parts of the course this weekend but now I’m not sure.   

2011-06-01 10:33 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

So right off the bat, thanks for the info about pacing Scott!!  I didn't count today but definitely paced my run differently with that in mind (will count next run).  Ironically, I was at a point where I knew I needed a new challenge so the timing was perfect.

Big news for me on National Running Day, I knocked out a 5K today for the first time in my life!!  I have my first race on Saturday and absolutely can't wait!!

Downside for the week?  I also drove what I thought was going to be my first tri and about peed my pants!!  Needless to say, 2-45 degree hills were among many many hills on the bike portion....way way way out of my league!!  BUT, I am looking into another race on July 9th and feel confident it will be more manageable.  I know it sounds like I am copping out but I know what I am capable and what equipment and training I have avail and it is not adequate for that race.  If the July 9th race is a go then it will still fall BEFORE the big 4-0!!  Cross your toes!!

I love race reports so keep 'em coming if you got 'em!!

2011-06-02 9:04 AM
in reply to: #3528421

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
peteacher - 2011-06-01 10:33 PM

So right off the bat, thanks for the info about pacing Scott!!  I didn't count today but definitely paced my run differently with that in mind (will count next run).  Ironically, I was at a point where I knew I needed a new challenge so the timing was perfect.

Big news for me on National Running Day, I knocked out a 5K today for the first time in my life!!  I have my first race on Saturday and absolutely can't wait!!

Downside for the week?  I also drove what I thought was going to be my first tri and about peed my pants!!  Needless to say, 2-45 degree hills were among many many hills on the bike portion....way way way out of my league!!  BUT, I am looking into another race on July 9th and feel confident it will be more manageable.  I know it sounds like I am copping out but I know what I am capable and what equipment and training I have avail and it is not adequate for that race.  If the July 9th race is a go then it will still fall BEFORE the big 4-0!!  Cross your toes!!

I love race reports so keep 'em coming if you got 'em!!

Congrats on the 5k!  And good luck this weekend!

I don't think you're copping out about the tri.  Doing a race that you're not ready for (either because of training or due to the toughness of the course) can be discouraging especially if you end up not finishing.  I say good for you for knowing what you're capable of right now and going with that.  That's not to say that I don't think people should push themselves, but especially for your first one, do one that you know you can do and will enjoy.  It'll make you want to push yourself a little harder for the next oneSmile.

2011-06-02 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3528850

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2011-06-02 9:04 AM
peteacher - 2011-06-01 10:33 PM

So right off the bat, thanks for the info about pacing Scott!!  I didn't count today but definitely paced my run differently with that in mind (will count next run).  Ironically, I was at a point where I knew I needed a new challenge so the timing was perfect.

Big news for me on National Running Day, I knocked out a 5K today for the first time in my life!!  I have my first race on Saturday and absolutely can't wait!!

Downside for the week?  I also drove what I thought was going to be my first tri and about peed my pants!!  Needless to say, 2-45 degree hills were among many many hills on the bike portion....way way way out of my league!!  BUT, I am looking into another race on July 9th and feel confident it will be more manageable.  I know it sounds like I am copping out but I know what I am capable and what equipment and training I have avail and it is not adequate for that race.  If the July 9th race is a go then it will still fall BEFORE the big 4-0!!  Cross your toes!!

I love race reports so keep 'em coming if you got 'em!!

Congrats on the 5k!  And good luck this weekend!

I don't think you're copping out about the tri.  Doing a race that you're not ready for (either because of training or due to the toughness of the course) can be discouraging especially if you end up not finishing.  I say good for you for knowing what you're capable of right now and going with that.  That's not to say that I don't think people should push themselves, but especially for your first one, do one that you know you can do and will enjoy.  It'll make you want to push yourself a little harder for the next oneSmile.

Isn't it amazing when you cross a line you could never cross before, like 5K?  It's such a great feeling!  Heck, I posted it to Facebook the first time I did 5K!

No, you're definitely not copping out.  IMHO it's that fine line between courage and stupidity.  Laughing  I live in the flatlands of Chicago and haven't had to deal with hills, but I'm still wondering how hard it is going to be to complete my tri on 6/12.  If they threw hills in there, I don't think I could finish.

2011-06-02 9:33 AM
in reply to: #3528850

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

I agree!  Good on ya for realizing where you are in your training.  Now jsut makes sure you take a look at your program and make sure you'll be ready for that July 9th Tri!

Good job on the 5K as well!  I'm sure that felt great!  I signed up for my first Half-Marathon yesterday to celebrate National Running Day ... but my brick workout was pretty short so I didn't get in a very long run to celebrate the day! hah.

Edited by agrant3 2011-06-02 9:34 AM
2011-06-02 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

I'm pretty sure most of us here in this group are just out to finish our races.  You don't have to get on the podium.  Just finishing will give you such a feeling of accomplishment regardless of your time.  I don't remember the exact numbers but I think I read on here where less than 1% of the US population have finished a triathlon.  Just stick with your training and remember that you are doing this for yourself.  You did your 5K and that is great but not everybody does triathlons.  You can get it done.  Don't worry about your time or let the course get in your head to much.  Just get out there and go slow and steady.  You'll be more than glad that you did.  All that being said,  I live in the lower part of SC and our only hills are bridges going over other roads for the most part.  Stick with it, you'll get it done.

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