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2011-01-06 12:23 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hi My name is Scott and I have been on this site for a couple of years. This summer coming up will be my 4th year doing triathlons and I absolutely love it. During that time i have tried several different types of races and different distances. I ran my first marathon, several half marathons, a half iron and several sprint and olympic distance triathlons. I think the part I like most about this sport is that it can be as complex or as simple as you want it to be. You can hire a coach and go all out or you can just try to squeeze in workouts between family and work and do your best. I fall more into the latter category. I currently work as a corrections officer at the county jail.

I have a great wife and four kids. They are 3,5,8 and 10 years old. We live on about 50 acres and raise a lot of farm animals. With all of this I understand juggling workouts around a busy life and I hope some of that experience will help you out too. As far as the mentor group goes I try to format the group with one question per week. The question usually generates discussion that keeps going or brings up other questions.

I do have a couple of requests from you as the mentee. The first and most important is that you be active with the group. I don't have all the answers and we all have something to contribute so please speak up and get involved. The second thing is to be honest. We all have off days and weeks and it is easier to encourage each other if we are honest. Lastly I would like to share some of my personal goals so that you can see where I am at as a triathlete.

My first goal is to above all else, enjoy the sport. Triathlons are a lot of fun and I want to keep that perspective. Getting faster comes with time and experience. Having fun happens now. My other main goal is weight control and a little loss. I would like to lose 20 lbs and get in better shape. When I started triathlons I weighed about 250.I am down to 210 and would like to get down to 190.

So if you make the jump and decide to join this group I would love to hear about you. Who are you, where are you from, Whats your family like, what are your goals and anything else that might help the group get to know you. Scott

2011-04-09 10:08 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

Hi Scott,

My name is Stephanie and I just started tri training in January. I'm 48, currently single, with 3 cats and a dog (so I do have a family).

Last year I went on a big fitness kick, lost 45 lbs and did a lot of strength and cardio training.  By the end of the year I was looking for something to do with that fitness.  Somehow the word triathlon got into my brain, and all hope of sanity fled.    I was an experienced but slow swimmer, had ridden a bike only recreationally and not much of that, and couldn't run a step.  How hard could it be?  And it sounded really cool.  I was lost to the dark side.

I have learned that I need like-minded people to help me push toward my goals when it gets hard.  For the fitness training it was a personal trainer.  For the triathlon training, it's BT.  What an awesome community this is!  I have learned so much and been very inspired since discovering it.  I'm hopeful that a small, focused group will help me with my training and hopefully allow me to help others with theirs - even if it's just by empathizing with them!

I started training without a plan, but lately have been following a tweaked version of the BT 3x balanced sprint plan.  I do about 8 hours training per week including 2 hours strength training.  My first sprint is 5/15 at a YMCA - indoor 450 swim, 12.5 mi bike, 5K.  On 6/12 I have an OWS small lake sprint - 750 m/12.5/5K.  7/31 is my big one (although for me they're all big), a Lake Michigan 750/12.5/5K.  My goal is to be MOP, although I am well aware that goal may change to just finishing once I'm in the race. 

My nutrition and training logs are up to date.

Thank you for sharing your experience as a mentor!  Really, without the support of people like you in BT, I don't know that I'd have continued training this far - it's h-a-a-r-d!


2011-04-10 10:09 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open
Hi Stephanie,
Welcome to the group! Tri training is hard but I also enjoy it because of the diversity. I don't think I could handle just being a runner, swimmer or biker without the varuety of triathlon.

So as your first question, what do you hope to get from this group? You have already touched on it a bit but I would really like to know how I can help you in your endeavor.

Have a great day,
2011-04-10 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Mission Viejo,
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

Hi Scott!

My name is Steve and I am in Mission Viejo, So CA.  Looking forward to some advice and guidance as I prepare for my first triathlon, the OC International literally, right in my back yard here in MV.  Have been training since the last week of December, and with about 6 weeks to race day, am looking forward to it. I will post more on myself, goals, background etc later today, am actually late for a bike ride and need to get going.

OK, bike ride went well today.  Background:  I am 50 years old, married for 19 years with a wonderful 17 y/o son.  I was a former amateur (very) natural body builder in my early 30's and have continued on and off in the gym for many years. I am 5" 11", 166-170 with roughly 9% body fat.  I am currently a varsity baseball coach at a local high school, have been coaching for about 16 years.  After being a dreaded smoker for too many years to say, I have been smoke free for almost 2 years and will enjoy an occasional beer or glass of wine, not very often.  I decided out of the blue to train for the OC after watching Kona on TV last year.  I have been riding MTB, did not have a road bike until 2 months ago, what a blast riding is.  Was training on my MTB on the road and still do occasionally, a 40 lb bike is a heck of a work out, especially here in MV where not much is flat.  The swim was what really had me worried as I am not a swimmer at all.  But, after getting together with one of our freshman players mom who was a collegiate swimmer, I am doing what I think is great and have finally begun to enjoy swimming after only 4 weeks in the pool.  Had a tough time with 100 yards, now intervals total 2300 for this week with more to come.  I am feeling that the swim should not be to big a problem come race time.  I have found over the last 3-4 weeks that training has caught up with my body some and am now scheduling several rest days during the week.  One total rest and one active recovery day have helped when hard training days come around.  My original goal was just to finish, I think now I would like to add a finish under 3 hours, but am not pushing too hard on that end.  Looking over some times from last year in my AG, these guys are good!  I look forward to being a part of the group, I do train solo (except for the swim) and the feedback and opinions and ideas are much appreciated.

Edited by Coach Gil 2011-04-10 9:24 PM
2011-04-10 2:16 PM
in reply to: #3438453

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

holt1997 - 2011-04-10 10:09 AM Hi Stephanie, Welcome to the group! Tri training is hard but I also enjoy it because of the diversity. I don't think I could handle just being a runner, swimmer or biker without the varuety of triathlon. So as your first question, what do you hope to get from this group? You have already touched on it a bit but I would really like to know how I can help you in your endeavor. Have a great day, Scott

Scott, I'm new enough that questions just occur to me randomly .  I've never really trained for something specific before.

My biggest limiter is general tri fitness.  I don't necessarily know when I should back off and when I should harden up and push through.  For example, last week I posted in the general forum that I might have to back off my 3x plan in favor of a 2x because of accumulating fatigue.  I got a very tactful HTFU in response, and sure enough was able to complete my last build week before a recovery week just fine.  So it's helpful to have someone who can put perspective on things and tell me a) clean up my nutrition, b) suck it up, or c) listen to your body.  There may not be one "right" way to train, but there are sure a lot of stupid ways that I'd rather avoid.

I don't know about basic things like bike maintenance and may have questions around that.  It's the first time I've (gasp) taken care of a bike instead of just getting on and pedaling.  I just have a hybrid, but it's a wonderful thing and deserves to be treated well.  Besides, assuming I stick with tri, I'll want a better bike before long and will need the knowledge.

And mostly, I need the motivation from other people going through the same thing and those (you) who have been there.  Hearing about people's successes like accomplishing something for the first time is inspiring.  Hearing their problems often resonates.  Being accountable for keeping going is a great function a group can provide.

2011-04-10 4:27 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

Hey Scott,

  Looking to get into the summer groups.  I am 39, married/one kid and live in Wisconsin and have been training (mostly indoors) for about 2 months now.  My first tri is (hopefully) June 19th and can't wait!!  I have done a TON of reading but am constantly seeking more interactive learning.  I think I would really enjoy the question/leading concept so thinking this group dynamic would work well for me.

 So if it's cool with you, I'm in??


Marnie :-)


2011-04-10 6:04 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

Hi all, I'm Erin. I am 27yo and live in Tampa, FL. This is actually my 2nd year in triathlons and feel like I need some support with my workouts and help juggle my work/personal life. I have completed 2 sprints, 1 olympic and one half marathon since 1/1/2010. My last race was the Disney half marathon in January and since that time I've had a major lapse in concentration/dedication/motivation (whatever - ation word you want to call it) and have tried to get back on the bike (so to speak), but have been plagued with knee/foot/shin injuries. Currently I have a stress fracture in my left shin and haven't been able to run for 2 weeks. I have 2-3 more weeks to go before my check-up to see if I'm better. So needless to say, I have no races I've actually signed up for, just ones I've hoped to complete, but am hesitant until I feel healthier and more confident. 

My goals: lose the 10-15 lbs I gained back after last year's season (I don't ever want to yo-yo like this again!), complete 2-3 olympic races and 2-3 sprints. Also, improve my bike/run overall times in each distance. 

2011-04-10 7:13 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open


I'm Corinna.  37 years old.  Mom of 2 boys.  Married almost 15 years. I live in Minnesota. There are some cats and a dog around here too.

I started running with Couch to 5K in 2006 at 50+ pounds heavier. I lost 50+ pounds in 2009 and am muddling along with maintaining the loss.  I used the WW plan, and since they've changed to PointsPlus, I've been struggling more with food and am tracking on another website now.

As of February, I completed my 10th half marathon. I ended up with some knee tendonitis from HM#9 and decided I needed some rest, recovery and cross training, so I headed for group cycle class and turned my thoughts to training for a triathlon.  My tendonitis seems to have resolved now, and I'm working toward a triathlon this summer.

My only previous triathlon experience is with the YMCA "Lazyman" triathlon.  Which means you cover the Ironman distances and disciplines but you can take 6 weeks to do it.  It was fun, but a non-event and non-competitive. 

I'm definitely on the slow side, especially in swimming, so any tips or resources for inproving in that area would be most appreciated.  I am also in the market for a bike - I have the kind that I can ride around the neighborhood in upright comfort with the kids, and while it has multiple gears, it doesn't have that much...pep.  So I'm not sure if I should look at Tri-bikes for real or if I should look primarily at road bikes or if a hybrid bike of some sort could do the job.

Thanks for volunteering to mentor, Scott!  As complex as triathlons are, it is so nice to have someone offer to walk us newcomers through the process of getting started!

Edited by corinnak 2011-04-11 1:00 PM
2011-04-10 8:34 PM
in reply to: #3282419


Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open


My name is Maureen. I would like to join this group if you'll have me! I have a busy lifestyle similar to yours so I think you'll be able to have some practical tips for me or at least an understanding of what I'll be going through to get in shape for a Tri!

I have six kids and work part-time at my own pet sitting business. Sometimes it feels more like full time work juggling the kids and the pets. I also raise guide dogs for an organization out of NY. I'm always busy! Oh and I'll be 45 in two weeks.

I've been trying to lose weight for the past 9 months and have only gotten down about 15 lbs although I'm much stronger. I have done my first 5K and have been weight training since last July. I want to add in the biking and swimming. I just borrowed a bike and have to sign up for swim lessons this week if possible.

I'm most concerned with figuring out how to post on the training log on here. I'm a computer dunce.

My goals are to participate in a Tri at the end of August if possible. It's being held in RI and is an all woman sprint event. I thought it would be a good first experience. I'm from CT.

Oh and my real struggle will be convincing myself I can do this with all the other things going on in my life. I have put myself last for so long and I'm sick of being a couch potato.  I believe I can do this but most people really think I'm crazy for even thinking about it.

Edited by used2Bfat 2011-04-10 8:39 PM
2011-04-10 9:32 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

Hi, my name is Bryan and I would love to join your group.  Last year was my first year of any tri training and I "successfully" participated and finished a modified Olympic distance event in August (Goderich Ontario 1k/42.5k/10k)  My time was not great, but I overcame losing my large front chainring approx 10k into the ride so that added a great deal to the overall result.  I "recovered" for far to long over the winter and so am now fighting the scales and trying to build enough training into my hectic schedule.  I am married (12 years) and have a BEAUTIFUL daughter who is turning 10 this year and completed her first IronKid event last summer as well.  Our family is trying to make fitness "our" lifestyle. 


For this year I would like to complete a few Sprint distance races, maybe an OLY in the later months and would like to run a 1/2 marathon at the end of the season (sept/oct) just to tick that off my list so I know that I will someday be ready to run the HIM and hopefully IM in 4 years...

Anyway that's me,  Looking for some extra support and hopefully someone in the group can help solve the "NUTRITION" mystery for's the one thing that drives me crazy....

2011-04-10 10:37 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

Hi everyone,

I'd like to join the group if it's still open and there are spaces. I guess my situation is a little different from yours in that being over the other side of the world i'm actually in a different season to you guys, so my posts although still based around triathlon training, will be somewhat different being out-of-season etc... if you are okay with that then that's great. So on the assumption that 's not going to be an issue here's a little about me -

I'm 40 years old, a father of two (12 and 8) & a 3 year old Spring Spaniel and have been married for 15 years. I've been living in Wellington, NZ for 6 years but am originally from London, UK. I work in IT doing Oracle DBA work and i'm a member of the NZ Army Reserves. 

Health wise i'm pretty healthy. I'm 70kg and although i was pretty unfit for the earlier part of my life i was always around that weight. Like most people, I do get colds etc but they rarely knock me out and consider myself fairly resistant to illness. I have a RHR of 42 but have been told i have Bradycardia so that would partially explain the low HR.

My triathlon experience has been limited to 2 triathlons (in the past year) - a sprint distance and a half ironman (yea, a little different there for sure! Laughing). I joined a mentor group last year when training for my HIM and felt it worked well and certainly got a lot of support from it.

Exercise wise, over the last 5 or 6 years i've done multiple 160km bike rides (best time 5:45), just one Sprint tri, a HIM (6:39) and just last week completed my 3rd marathon (3:51). The only future events i currently have signed up for at this stage are a HIM in December and a IM in March.

I decided to perhaps mix it up a bit in the off season this year and have decided to do 3 months of weights before starting the BT HIM plan in August. So my goals for this year are to build a little strength and then start into the HIM and IM training from August onwards with the ultimate goal being my first IM in March.


2011-04-10 11:14 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open
I'm interested in joining the group if you have space.  I'm 37 years old and have just started training for my first triathlon.  I played football in college and have always had a competetive spirit.  I remained fairly active for the first few years out of college and stayed fit.  Then I got married about 9 years ago and 2 little girls later my fitness had taken a turn for the worse.  I was 240 about mid november.  I'm down to 190 now and have begun training.  My first triathlon is May 21st and then my second is May 22nd.  The second is the first of a 5 race series throughout the summer.  Then my goal is to finish up with an oly on Sept 18th.  I stay very busy.  I own an accounting practice and a restaurant.  So I have about 1 week left before I begin to see the light of day again.  I've started training but plan to step it up a little when I'm done with the bulk of tax season next week.  I'm using the 3x bike/run focus program from here on the site.  I'm going to start weight training again next week.  My times are still pretty slow but i feel like I'll be able to see some drastic improvement here in the next few weeks.  My training logs are up to date and I'm going to start on my nutrion logs soon.  Any advice that you could pass along would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.   
2011-04-11 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Slidell, LA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

Hi, my name is Jaime, I'd like to join the group as well. I'm 28 married with 3 children ages 9, 3 & 1. In January I decided to set a goal for myself and run a 5K so I started the C25K program & just ran my first 5K April 3rd, finished in 35 mins. Really need to work on my time, but I'm glad I set a goal & actually completed it. So now I'm ready to do something new, set another goal for myself. I'd like to do my first sprint tri July 16. I just started the 16 week sprint-2x balanced program and I'm really excited about it. I'm not able to get in the pool yet because it's not open but hope to in the next coming weeks. I don't think it will be a problem though, I grew up in Cocoa Beach, FL & have been swimming my whole life (not competitive) but hopefully it helps when I really start with the swim. My husband & I used to do some trail riding a few years back so I dont't think that will be an issue either. I really want to improve my running & I know it will come in time & cross training will help. I've had asthma my whole life so being able to complete the 5K was a real accomplishment for me & I think it even helped it.

I don't have any issues with my weight, I'm mainly just doing this to stay in shape & set goals for myself. By joining this group I really hope I can gain knowledge of the sport & help motivate others in any way I can. Really looking forward to this next chapter in my life!

2011-04-11 10:20 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

Hello All,

My name is jeff.  I'm a single, 48 yr old, dad of 3.  I work in the Federal Govt. for the Dept. of Veterans Affairs.  Been active all my life; started out as a somewhat successful HS runner, got the cycling bug while stationed in Europe and decided to learn swimming so I could suck at all three in the same day (lol).

Been doing tris for a few years now, coming up on my 10th race this season.  Like Scott, I like to have fun.  I have neither the financial ability or the burning desire to buy alot of high-tech gear, coaches or training tools.   I don't own race wheels, aero helmets or power tap wheels.  I don't 'flip turn' at the pool and I rarely do drills.  I know if I want to get better, then I have to train harder/smarter and eat right.  If/When I accomplish those goals, and I still want to be faster, then I'll go buy some of that 'Aero-stuff' everyone keeps talking about..  ??I like to think of myself as someone, on race day, whose having a great time while still being somewhat competitive in my AG.  I work PT in a LBS (local bike shop), so I can contribute assistance to any mechanical issues? and i used to coach HS cross-country, so I know a little bit about the running process. 

What I need is encouragement, the occasional kick in the butt, and the motivation to keep pushing myself.  Hope ya have room for me; So far sounds like a nice group. 

2011-04-11 2:47 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

Hey Scott (and everyone else), I’d like to join if there’s still room.  Here’s a little bit about me…

Name:  Janet

Family: 47 years old, married (21 years as of yesterdayLaughing); 2 kids – one DS in college, one DD in HS; 5 cats (that’s what happens when you let your daughter volunteer with the Humane SocietyWink).

Background:  been a runner for about 4-1/2 yrs, doing mostly 5k’s and 10k’s with 1 or 2 HM each year.  Started doing triathlons 2 years ago and have completed 3 sprints.  I was hoping to move up to Olympic distance last year but a bike accident forced me to pull out of that race. 

Goals for this year:  I have 2 sprints on my schedule – one in June, one in August.  I’ll also do an assortment of 5k’s, 10k’s and probably a HM in September.  I try to schedule about 1 race a month just to keep my motivation up – too many more than that starts to get expensive!

Training:  I’m following a modified version of a 2x sprint program from BT although I’m thinking about switching some things up a little.  I really need to get in a 3rd day of biking, just not sure where I’ll fit it in.  My swimming and biking both need work, but I’m more uncomfortable on my bike than I am in the pool.

What I hope to get from the group:  Mostly, a kick in the butt when I need it.  I’m not really good at self-motivating (much better at talking myself out of things than into them), but also just some accountability and companionship/support.  My DH isn’t unsupportive, but he also doesn’t kick me out of bed in the morning when I should be going to the gym for a swim or out for a run. 

Looking forward to getting to know everyone and hopefully we can all help each other along!

2011-04-11 3:46 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

OK, so first question/request for the groupSmile.  I've been having some trouble lately with motivation and getting some of my workouts in. But I think I figured out where part of my troubles are coming from.  I think like a runner, not like a triathlete - probably due to the fact that it's what I'm most comfortable at.  When I schedule my workouts (I try to do them monthly), I always start with the run - 2 easy runs, 1 speedwork or tempo run and 1 long run every week and then try to make my bike and swim workouts fit around those - and I don't put as much thought into those workouts as I should.  It's usually more of "what do I feel like doing today" which mostly translates into easy workouts.  I've been following a modified BT plan but it's a minutes-only plan.  I've been trying to think a little more about my bike workouts and putting more effort into them (making them harder), but I'm still doing all of them inside on a stationary bike.  I know I need to get outside now that the weather is better, I'm just having trouble doing it.  I'd really like to start focusing more on my bike fitness since I feel like that's where I need the most work.  I'm just going to have to change my mindset a little.  If I want to continue to do triathlons, I need to start thinking more like a triathlete.  So if you guys see me slacking on my bike or swim workouts, I'd appreciate it if you'd give me a little "nudge"Laughing.  Also, any advice/criticisms/suggestions would be appreciated!


2011-04-11 3:47 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

If there is room I'd love to be in. 

Stay at home father of 2 girls 7 and 9 and stepson 15.  Longtime runner with a wife that regularly runs 1/2 marathons.  I have completed 6 marathons and 3 sprint tri's.  My favorite racing activity is Adventure Racing - travelling on foot, bike, canoe, or ropes, figureing out the route to go with a map and compass.  I have done around 25 or so of those ranging from a 3 hour race with my 9 year old to a few 24 hour races.

Current training - today starts the 20 week countdown to IM Louisville - August 28th.  I have been training for it "with" 2 friends that are registered as well for the past 18 weeks. (one prefers to train alone, the other hasn't started yet and he is the one that got us into this mess in the first place!)

I love running.  Swimming is fine.  I have been doing all the workouts with relative ease.  Biking is another story - I really don't like it.  Although the lure of finishing Ironman is enough to make me endure the hour trainer rides and much longer outdoor rides.

Looking to get involved with a group that will be active in keeping others up to date on what they are doing, motivate each other, and entertain with stories or questions. 

2011-04-11 5:01 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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New user

Northern VA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

I'd love to join too if there is room.

I'm married, with four kids, 11, 10, 8, and 6, and am active duty Navy on shore duty in DC.  Now that they are old enough and I have a bit of a regular schedule I wanted to try a triahtlon.  I rowed in college, and did some running (including a marathon) before we had our first, and have just started training again recently.

I fulfilled a long-term wish and bought a bike last year, and trained and did a century ride (losing about 15 lbs in the process), which I loved.  I want to fulfill another dream and complete a HIM this fall.

I started training in earnest in February, and the swimming has been going better than I expected.  The hard part is doing the training while still doing everything else.  Thanks for the opportunity to join and contribute to the group.


2011-04-11 6:54 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

hi there, i would like to join this group and i signed up for this program a week ago. i have my first sprint tri June 25 and a second tentatively 9/17.  i work very full time, have a hubby, 3 horses and tend to want to get a LOT done every day! i have found my way through some injuries and am currently solid.  when i moved back from a 2.5 year assignment in Paris found myself quite puffed up so been losing that weight plus some more and am down 40 pounds over the past 18 months. phew. 

I enjoy running (doing 5x1 intervals for 3.1 mi), tolerate swimming (30 min is max from boredom perspective) used to love to bike - outside but have developed a bit of car fear and *hate* spin but can get myself into class once a week.

How hard core are you on sticking to getting in *all* the workouts on (i'm doing the sprint beginner plan but starting to think i may need to back down to balanced lifestyle to manage this without undue guilt)?  i did 90 min on Sunday and need to do same again tomorrow to keep up with the week's schedule given rest of life commits. thoughts?

2011-04-12 1:37 PM
in reply to: #3441039

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open
fitbabs - 2011-04-11 6:54 PM

hi there, i would like to join this group and i signed up for this program a week ago. i have my first sprint tri June 25 and a second tentatively 9/17.  i work very full time, have a hubby, 3 horses and tend to want to get a LOT done every day! i have found my way through some injuries and am currently solid.  when i moved back from a 2.5 year assignment in Paris found myself quite puffed up so been losing that weight plus some more and am down 40 pounds over the past 18 months. phew. 

I enjoy running (doing 5x1 intervals for 3.1 mi), tolerate swimming (30 min is max from boredom perspective) used to love to bike - outside but have developed a bit of car fear and *hate* spin but can get myself into class once a week.

How hard core are you on sticking to getting in *all* the workouts on (i'm doing the sprint beginner plan but starting to think i may need to back down to balanced lifestyle to manage this without undue guilt)?  i did 90 min on Sunday and need to do same again tomorrow to keep up with the week's schedule given rest of life commits. thoughts?

 In my case, I *try* to get all workouts in during the week but have learned over time that it doesn't always happen.  When my son decides to come home for the weekend or my daughter has a meet (she runs cross country and track), or even if I just need to spend some time with my husband, those things are more important to me than getting in a particular workout.  I'll either skip it, modify it (maybe a shorter ride/run), or maybe just rework my schedule if it's early enough in the week.  I sometimes feel a little guilty about missing a workout, but the way I see it, I'm just doing this for fun - no where near good enough to win anythingSmile.  So sometimes I come first, sometimes the family comes first - really depends on the situation and the day. 

2011-04-12 11:06 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

WoW!  This has the makings of a really nice group.  Nice mixture of 'experienced' folks and those that are fairly new. 

Let the chit-chat begin.......

2011-04-13 10:27 AM
in reply to: #3440718

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open
soccermom15 - 2011-04-11 3:46 PM

I've been trying to think a little more about my bike workouts and putting more effort into them (making them harder), but I'm still doing all of them inside on a stationary bike.  ...  Also, any advice/criticisms/suggestions would be appreciated!


I got a book called Triathlon Magazine's Week-by-Week Training Guide.  It has plans for each distance, along with drills for every workout.  Now I haven't been applying it, but it's been entertaining reading.    It has taught me some drills and given me an idea what to include in a workout.

Just my newbie opinion, but 4 running workouts a week doesn't leave much room for the other disciplines - can you try for a more balanced plan?



2011-04-13 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3282419

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

Hi Scott,

I'd like to join if there is still room.  I've been lurking aroudn for a while as I fell off the wagon with my training.  I started last year, and did a pool sprint and really enjoyed.  Over summer I still continued to train, read a lot and had everything in place to take on a lake sprint at the end of the season.  I got injured because I was riding a bike that did not fit properly and started to back down.

I then decided to go back to school and get my MBA in the fall and it all fell apart. I was not used to the new schedule and my tri training was the victim.  I gained a lot of weight and have just started back.  It is painful.

I am looking for a mentor group that can keep me accountable.  This helped enormously last year.  I am trying to get back at it, focusing on losing some weight before using a formal training plan.

I'd like to do a couple of sprints this year and 2 half marathons.  Three years ago, I was running and managed to get 3 in that year, still slow, but was excited to have completed that.  My target is to break 2:00.

My biggest challenge is turning into an early bird so training does not affect my studies.  I have found a master's swim class at 5:30 but still keep turning the snooze off twice a week hahaha, so send me a note to keep me on track!



2011-04-13 2:36 PM
in reply to: #3282419

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

Hi Scott,

    If there is space left I'd love to join this group!  This will be first season getting into triathlon.  I just completed my first Duathlon a few days ago.  Everything went very well, but of course I could have used a lot more time training.

I have my first Triathlon in a little over 5 weeks.  It's a mix between a supersprint and a sprint distance I believe.  I'm not concerned with being able to finish it, but I do know that I need to be consistent with my training.  Further out, in mid July, I have my first sprint tri scheduled.  It involves an open water swim, which will be something new to me.

Anyways a little about me... I'm a 28 yo single guy, I live in a city so for time on the bike I use my indoor trainer, or on the weekend I throw my bike on my car rack and drive somewhere.  I don't see any problems with me accomplishing the goals that i'm setting and i'm more than excited about getting to it!!



2011-04-14 9:02 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

Ok, I'm in!  My name is Kim but go by tricupcake because a good friend of mine calls me cupcake so this just seemed like the natural progression

I'm 38 and a recovering couch potato.  Back in 2007, my world fell apart when I realized my marriage was over.  I went through a period where I was drinking too much and even took up smoking.  It was an extremely dark time for me.  A friend of mine told me I should do a triathlon.  Once she explained to me what it was, I told her she was crazy.  But of course, I kept thinking about it and finally decided to bite the bullet.  I started training in February of 2008 and did my first, and so far only, tri in June.  It was the proudest day of my life.  Then I just stopped.  I guess I got the post-race blues.  

Fast forward almost 2 years.  My life couldn't be more different.  I met a wonderful man in January, 2010 and on March 26, 2010 we were married.  We are that couple that just 'knew' that we were meant to be together.  We celbrated our first year anniversary and even though it's been hard, I couldn't be happier!  In 2010, I gave up drinking and smoking and by the end of 2010, I had decided that 2011 was going to be the year to take control of my life once and for all.

I have no kids but my husband has 3 daughters ranging in age from 19-25 and two grandbabies ages 4 and 7 months.  We also have 2 dogs, a cat and a bird .

Right now I am training for a sprint tri in June and a half marathon in July.  The half mary is to benefit the Crohn's and Colitis foundation so I've got the added stress of raising $4000 for that.  I am training (or at least trying to) 5 days a week for my races.  Also included in those 5 days a week is visiting a personal trainer.  I can see now that when I decided to do this I should have been declared clinically insane  I will be looking for something later in the season to keep me motivated so I don't get the post-race blues like I did a few years ago.

Weight has always been a struggle for me.  I was a super skinny kid until around third grade and then I just ballooned up.  I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS so I think that might have had a little something to do with it since I was always a very active, yet heavy kid.  At the beginning of the year, I was at 248.  I am currently at 230 which I'm super happy about.  I found a new diet that I have been following very successfully for the last week and a half.

One thing that is slowing me down this year is injuries.  Last year, I had a torn meniscus in October and it was finally healed by December.  This year, as a reward for me getting back into the gym, I have developed Plantar Faciitis.  I have been going to a podiatrist and physical therapy since January and have made good progress.  However, there is still a place on the bottom of my heel that, up until Sunday, was giving me significant pain.  The last time I was at the podiatrist, he started talking about cortisone shots which would have put me completely out of commission for at least a week.  We compromised on me wearing a walking boot for the next month except for when I'm training.  When I go back, he will re-evaluate me.  I'm praying for a complete recovery because at this point, I can't afford a week away from training.  I'm wondering now if I made the right decision.

I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and learning from you and sharing what little wisdom I have.
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